You and I{Sequel to The Retur...

By TheHarryPotter

151K 4.8K 2.3K

After Lucius Malfoy kidnaps Ginny, Harry goes looking for her. His friends, who happen to be Ginny's family... More

You and I {Sequel to The Return to Hogwarts}
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Not a Chapter
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note: Cover Change
Chapter 25(I think) Part One
Chapter 25(Part Two)
A/N: Future Updates
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 27

3.3K 127 72
By TheHarryPotter

Disclaimer: Harry Potter, and anything asscociated with him, belong to J.K. Rowling 

Song: I Won't Give Up~ Jason Mraz



I kept going over the same clues, unable to find out what they meant. My eyes got heavy, but I tried to keep them open. Next thing I knew, my head hit the parchment.


When my eyes shot open, and I saw the glow, I knew what was happening. 

"Harry," I said, smiling. He walked around from behind and smiled back at me. 

"Hey Gin."

"Where have you been these last few weeks?"

"Dumbledore made me stay. Sometimes the man drives me crazy." Harry chuckled.

"Oh. I thought you gave up on waiting for me," I whispered, slightly ashamed of myself. 


"Is there something specific you wanted to talk about?"

"No," He said, and we talked for hours until Harry said something that answered my prayers. 

"That memorial that they used to bury the bodies from the war is holding a gathering or something in a few months, they've been talking about it for a while."

"The memorial..." I said.

"Excuse me?" 

"The memorial. Thats where the clues are. But why are these all so recent?"


"Back in my first year, after I defeated Quirrel, Dumbledore said that Flamel had some things to take care of before he died. The stone could be one of them.

Thanks, Harry. I need to go. I Love you." I didn't even give him a chance to say it back.


I woke up and ran downstairs, grabbing Ron and Hermione's hands and disapparating without so much as a word to the others. We appeared amidst the graves and I let go of their hands. 

"The clues, they're here," I said. "Harry told me. Look everywhere."  We got down our knees and searched, and it was Ron who found them this time.

"Over here, on the back of... Lupin's grave." Hermione and I rushed over and saw the writing engraved in the back of the stone.

"With people you love,  

Where magic happens,

Where danger is discrete,

Where the stone is hidden,

Is much like others,

Where was the stone,

That had different effects,

But helped just as much?"

"How are we supposed to remember all of this?"

"Magic," Hermione said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"There's a copying spell." Hermione waved her wand and smiled. "There. Let's go. This place makes me sad."

When we got back to Privet Drive, we gathered everybody in the sitting room. Hermione waved her wand, and the clues appeared in the air.

"'With people you love,  

Where magic happens,

Where danger is discrete,

Where the stone is hidden,

Is much like others,

Where was the stone,

That had different effects,

But helped just as much?'"

Everybody sat and stared at the words, trying to comprehend what they meant. 

"I know what they mean," Draco whispered.

"What?" Astoria asked.

"I know what the clues mean. Where they lead to."

"Where?" Jace asked.


"How do you know?" Sebastian asked.

" 'Where was the stone, That had different effects, But helped just as much?' That's obviously the Sorcercer's Stone, which was at Hogwarts."

"How did you know about that?" Ron asked.

"I overheard you, Grang- Hermione, and Potter talking about it one time."

"But where in Hogwarts would it be?" I asked.

"The Room Of Requirements, that's where you and Harry hid the Half-Blood Prince's book," Hermione said. "You said that there was a lot of things in there, so it would be easy to lose the Stone in there."

"Yeah, but how will we find it amongst all of that?"

"Ginny, there's 18 of us. It may take a while, but we'll find it."

"Let's go then," I said.

"We can't apparate to Hogwarts, though," Seamus said.

"I'll floo in, have McGonagall lower the apparition barriers, and then send my patronus back."


I apparated to the Burrow and floo'ed to Professor McGonagall's office.

"Miss Weasley, you're alive."

"Good to see you, Professor," I said. The older Professor smiled, and hugged me.

"I saw Potter only twice while you were gone, and he looked so depressed, it pulled my heartstrings. Where is he?"

"He's...uhm...he's dead."

"Oh, that's very unfortunate." She tried to keep a straight face, but I saw a tear leaking out of her eye. "What can I do for you?" she asked quietly.

"Actually, we found a way to bring Harry back, it's hidden in Hogwarts. I need the apparition barriers lowered so that the rest of my group can Apparate in."

"Sure, but how are you going to break him back?"

"The Hidden Stone."

Her jaw dropped. "You decided to look for it, have you?"

"Yes, and I believe it's hidden in Hogwarts."

"Very well." She lowered the barriers, and I sent my patronus back. We talked softly until there was a knock at the door.

"Ginny," Hermione said, "We're here."

"Great. Well, I'll tell you when I find the Stone, Professor."

Hermione and I walked down to the Great Hall, where the rest of the group was standing, looking very hungry. "Ron, Draco, Seamus, go get some food for us from the kitchens."

They disappeared, and came back with food in their hands. We sat at the Gryffindor table, where there were a few students who had come down for breakfast late. The guys of our group made jokes to lighten the mood, and had most of the students laughing as well.

"We need to start looking," I said. As our Group walked out, I took a look around. I'd never realized how much I missd Hogwarts, being on the house quidditch team, lazing around in the common room in front of the fire. I felt deeply saddened that I'd never gotten to graduate.

We arrived at the blank wall, and I walked in front it three times, thinking of the room that the book was in.

We walked in, and, without anywords, started looking in.

Hours passed, and we hadn't found it. "It's not here," I said, about to break down in tears, but then I saw something refelcting light towards me. It was in the wall. I walked over to the wall, and reached my finges into a hole. My fingers touched something hard, and I pulled out the object. I looked down at it, and saw Harry's face staring back at me.

"Found it," I said. The rest of the group walked over and I passed the Stone around. As each person examined it, I saw sadness appear on their faces, and realized they were all seeing the people they loved and lost. I immediately felt bad, asking them to help me, when they'd all lost someone too. I grabbed the stone and moved to put it back, but Hermione realized what I was doing, and why I was doing it.

"Ginny, they all agreed to help, knowing that you were planning on bringing Harry back."


"She's right Gin, we all knew you were only bringing Harry back," Skyler said.

"Are you sure?" The group nodded. "Let's go."

We walked out and I thought of something.

"Are you coming?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah," I said, "I just have to tell McGonagall something." I rushed off to the headmistress' office, and told her the news.

"What's the password the Gryffindor common room?"

"Flabberghast. Why?"

"I need to check on something." I walked up to the portrait of the fat lady.

"Passw- Weasley? What are you doing here?"

"Just visting."

'Oh, well, Password?"

"Flabberghast." The portrait swung open, and I walked in, and up to my old dorm, where I'd hidden something very important in my bedframe. I was going to give it to Harry for Christmas two years before, but Romilda Vane put a love potion on Harry, so we weren't together for Christmas. It was the snitch that I'd caught in the Quidditch game on the day of our first kiss. McGonagall had given it to me, for winning the Cup that year.

I walked back down to the common room and sat on the couch. I saw Harry entering the common room, in his sixth year and my fifth, and me running up to him, throwing my arms around him, and him kissing me. I saw Harry and I sitting on this couch kissing fiercely, before Ron came to break us up. And I saw the last day we were together before Dumbledore died. He was so happy that day. I felt tears on my face, so I decided to leave before a student walked in and saw me crying. The group was waiting for me in the enterance hall.

"Ready?" Luna asked.

I nodded. "Harry's waiting." We apparated to the graveyard, and I entered the mausoleum. I opened Harry's casket, and placed the stone over his heart. Nothing happened. I picked it up and out it back down. Still nothing. I opened his shirt and put it back down. Nothing.

It hadn't worked. I fell to my knees, and sobbed. Luna came in and comforted me, and Hermione, who was there with me, picked the Stone up.

"No, leave it. It didn't work. I don't want to give somepne else false hope." Luna and I stood and walked out, Hermione following. Neville shot us a hopeful look, but Luna shook her head. We apparated back to Privet Drive, and I entered the house, trudging up the stairs without a word.

I pulled on a pair of sweatpants((Petra ;) )) and climbed into bed, sobbing, before falling into a sleep full of dreams of a green-eyed wizard.


Uhm yeah....

If it's your birthday, Happy Birthday(Idek)

Sorry it's been a while, school fucking sucks.

Ever read Eleanor And Park? I just finished it today, and I was a sobbing mess.

Next chapter is the one you've all been waiting for, and You'll see why I named this story You And I.

Next week, I promise,


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