Childhood // Minsung ✔

By Dazaye_

507K 24.8K 33.5K

Minho and Jisung are childhood best friends. They're inseparable. Until Jisung started acting strange, sudden... More

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• Sequel •

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10.8K 523 762
By Dazaye_

Felix had found his way over to where Changbin was standing - still by the entrance door of the cafeteria - and pulled him with him into a corner, away from Chan, who was now standing by his lonesome.

"Hey, lix," Changbin spoke with a smile. "Do you mind skipping the rest of the day? I need to talk to you," He added, looking at the orange-haired boy seemingly worried, but he did not notice this.

Felix was surprised Changbin asked him to skip school since he was the one always
saying studies are important, besides his mother.

He decided to sneak out of school, following Changbin to wherever he was going. He had something he needed to tell Changbin as well. Seeing Jisung being all brave made him want to let it all out as well. He didn't care anymore.

They had found their way into the woods, following a path which led them to a big rock near a small pond. Felix suddenly remembered this place again. This was their place. Both of them would sit on that rock together and throw tiny stones into the pond. They would talk and mess around. A place no one could ever see or find them.

He was left in awe, but shortly got interrupted by the elder boy grabbing his hand and leading him towards the rock. They sat down and looked at one another for what seemed like forever but was only a few seconds.

Felix let out a subtle cough and began to speak up. "I actually want to tell you something as well,"

Changbin didn't know the boy also had something to tell him so he let him go first. Because what he was about to tell the orange-haired boy might bring the mood down. Might. He nodded as a sign for Felix that he may talk first.

Come one Felix, Jisung was able to do this and so should you.

"I tried to forgive and forget everything over this past weekend... but I realised I won't be able to get over it until I tell you how I feel," He muttered, finally mustering up the courage that had been hidden deep inside of him. "I was in love with you, Changbin hyung. You made me fall in love with you - by being you - and then you just left me without saying anything. Not a word. I was so angry and sad and I still am - even if it doesn't seem that way." He spoke, remaining calm, yet his heart wasn't.

"Felix, I-" Changbin began cautiously.

"I'm not finished yet," The boy cut him off. "It's going to take a lot more effort - than the past few days - to make up for the past two years. And if you ever leave me again - meaning not coming back from college - I won't forgive you anymore. I'm not sure about my feelings for you right now, not that it would make a difference - I just needed to let that out. I just needed you to know that I've always loved you but you blew it." He took a quick breather because he had been rambling. "You don't have to say anything..." He suddenly felt more anxious than courageous, thus he didn't want Changbin saying anything about the matter in return. He sighed quite heavily and averted his eyes for a few seconds, then looking back into the elder's eyes once more. "Now... What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Uhm... I just wanted you to know that our parents have been arguing a lot lately - for a while now actually. They didn't want you to worry about it so they hadn't mentioned it to you, but, my dad - and I - will be moving out of the house." Changbin informed Felix, who looked quite taken aback. He had never - not once - heard their parents fight or argue. Was he really that gullible that he didn't notice any changes in their behaviour? Well, it's not as if he talks to them a lot, he was always in his room if not for dinner.

"H-how do you know this?" Felix questioned, sounding quite offended. Changbin is never home so why does he know about the matter but he - himself - doesn't?

"My dad asked me to help arrange the papers of the contract - of the house - since I partly study economics." The elder boy spoke, reminding Felix of the fact that he studied economics, or at least followed the course.

Felix was left dumbfounded. "Oh... right," Is all he could say. They both averted their eyes to the beautiful clear sky, and only a few minutes later, Felix had realised something... He had just spilt all of his feelings towards the boy sitting next to him, mostly because he thought it was a lost cause anyway... but if their parents are broken up, that means Changbin and him aren't stepbrothers anymore.

Oh, no.


Seungmin and Hyunjin were seated on the latter's bed in his room, both having a controller in hands and staring at the screen in front of them.

With his eyes still focused on the screen, Hyunjin began to speak. "Do you think Felix knows about us? He's been acting weird lately,"

"No idea, I haven't told him. He is my best friend, though... I feel like I'll just blurt it out someday," Seungmin muttered, turning his gaze away from the screen and losing in the process.

"He would totally hate us if he found out," Hyunjin said as he turned his head to look at Seungmin who was sitting right next to him.

Seungmin snorted as he let out a chuckle. "Don't be so dramatic," He smiled softly. "We're just gaming," He muttered as he held up his PS4 controller.

They were, in fact, playing video games without Felix. The latter is basically addicted to them and sometimes can't handle his own rage that develops when losing a game.

A smile crossed Hyunjin's face as a chuckle was heard. He grabbed the controller Seungmin was holding and threw it at the other end of his bed. He threw himself onto Seungmin, poking the boy all over. Knowing that he's very ticklish, he also began to tickle him.

He stopped torturing Seungmin - by tickling him - and both of them burst into laughter as they looked into each other's eyes. "That's not what I meant," Hyunjin chuckled, the laughter toning down bit by bit. "you know it wasn't,"

Seungmin was down, lying on his back as he faced Hyunjin, who was still sitting up slightly. The latter leaned forward - or down - as he covered Seungmin's lips with his own, kissing him gently. The latter responded immediately, obviously kissing him back.

As Hyunjin pulled away, parting their lips from one another, he looked at his boyfriend lovingly. "He's gonna kill both of us," Seungmin exhaled, still panting slightly because of the tickling he had received just a few minutes ago. "Maybe just me," He mumbled, loud enough for Hyunjin to hear. "I mean... He is my best friend, I should've told him about us a long time ago,"

Hyunjin rubbed his face and nestled his hands into his hair as he groaned, softly. "And I should've told Jisung, he tells me everything but I don't tell him anything. It makes me feel like I'm the worst friend ever,"

"You're not," Seungmin scowled, not wanting Hyunjin to think negatively about himself. "Plus, they're not dumb, I don't even think we need to tell them,"

Felix and Jisung were indeed not dumb but Hyunjin couldn't seem to shake the feeling he had. He had to tell Jisung, or his best friend would never trust him again. "Maybe not, but I will... tomorrow,"

"Fine, you baby," Seungmin teased playfully making him receive a sly glare from the other, which led to their second tickle fight of the day.

Both of them just ended up lying next to one another, staring at the ceiling as they were laughing softly.


Jisung just arrived home. He was late as he had stayed overtime, not exactly wanting to, but it was necessary. He was now finished with the paper version of his and Jungin's history assignment and sent it to the latter as he said he would make the PowerPoint presentation.

He sighed and took off his shoes, leaving them in the hallway. He entered the house and noticed a black suitcase placed by the entrance. His eyes widened as shock overcame him.

Luckily, Minho wasn't home, yet. He walked backwards, grabbed his shoes and swiftly ran out of the house. He took out his phone, wanting to send Minho a message.


Where are you?


He ran through every street that was in sight for minutes, but no sign of Minho anywhere. He just hoped the elder boy wouldn't go home.


I was about to go home

Where are you?

Our lil place

Please, stay there...
I'll be there in five

Sure ^.^


Five minutes passed and Jisung was now standing in front of a big fence. He walked around it until he found the opening they - Minho and Jisung - had created - many years ago, it was barely noticeable. He slipped underneath it as he got to the other side of it. While rubbing the dirt from his sleeves, he walked forward towards a ladder that led to the roof of a building. This was an abandoned place, no one dared to step foot anywhere near this building. Except for the two of them. He would have never expected Minho still remembering their spot. They used to come here all the time.

He looked around on top of the roof and saw a figure lying down on the floor. As he ran towards the person, he didn't notice any movement. He got closer - and closer - and noticed it was Minho. He let out a heave of relief as the latter was just looking up at the stars above them.

Minho smiled widely as soon as Jisung was seen in front of his eyes. "Hey, Sungie," He sat up and groaned a bit. The concrete wasn't exactly soft to lie on comfortably.

"Hi," The blond boy realised this was their first encounter after what had happened at the cafeteria of his school at noon. He felt shy for some reason. Even though he now knew Minho was bipolar, he was still as normal as he used to be. And Minho had always loved teasing the blond boy, that wouldn't stop anytime soon.

With his big brown eyes being fully open - looking like an adorable stray cat - he spoke up as he had been wondering. "So... What's up?"

Jisung sat down next to Minho, on the ground, and looked him into the eyes worryingly. "You might want to stay with Chan- or Changbin hyung tonight,"

Minho looked at the blond boy questionably, furrowing both of his eyebrows. "Why?"

"Your father," Jisung began. "He's back from his trip, early,"

Minho's eyes flew wide open. He was confused, his father shouldn't be back by Friday. How come he got back this early? It's not like he was afraid of his father, he was just disgusted by him. He despised him with every inch of his body and soul. Hatred was the only thing he felt towards him. Hatred and rage.

"No," He stated bluntly. It caught Jisung off guard, he didn't even understand on which part of the sentence Minho had retorted. Jisung frowned his eyebrows and hummed questionably. "I'm not afraid of him. I'm going home," Minho added, informing Jisung that there's nothing he should be worried about. He handled it last time as well.

Jisung's eyes followed Minho who was now in motion and standing up. The latter lent out his hand towards the younger one and pulled him up as he - Jisung - had gently taken ahold of it.

The blond boy just smiled so widely at the boy walking next to him, holding his hand. They had to release their hands from one another's as they had to go down the ladder and under the fence.

They were now walking towards their home. It was actually quite far, about twenty minutes - not that far, it depended on who was walking the distance. Yes, Jisung had gotten to their place in five minutes, because he had been running, plus, he was already further from home as he had been searching for Minho everywhere.

Jisung's hand was next to Minho's, just hanging next to his body, fidgeting here and there. He reached out his hand but pulled it back in as he didn't know how to do these kinds of things. It was all very new to him. Especially since they weren't even official yet.

He decided to muster up the courage to take Minho's hand into his own, and so he did exactly that. It made him feel nervous for some reason. He wondered: What if Minho pulled away? Yet, his nerves were soon calmed down as Minho had intertwined their fingers, holding Jisung's hand softly.

7 exams done, 6 to go... I'm exhausted
+ my smol ass brain is tireddd

An update w a sniff of Changlix and a dash of Seungjin XD uwu Hope y'all like this long ass chapter <33

Do y'all watch Produce X 101??
Am I the only one cringing everytime they mention "X" like bih why is that necessary uggjhhgj If you watch it; who are some of your picks?👀

To be continued ;)

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