PTX Friends Oneshots

By breeoc97

13.1K 680 76

Pentatonix's best friends are getting married and having families of their own! This book includes: Alex Kirk... More

welcome to ptx friends oneshots!
mark & mason; oh sh*t baby
beau; benson's gotcha day!
beau; cute dad at the library
mark & mason; ultrasound & grocery shopping!
beau; first date w/ gage
alex & jake; sick day
alex & jake; alex's new job
beau; picnic fun & sleepover!
mark & mason; beach date night
beau; gage meets the sloanes
beau; unexpected announcement
alex & jake; levi's 2nd and avery's 1st birthday
instagram captions #1
beau; telling the grandparents!
mark & mason; planning the twin's nursery!
beau; it's a .....!
alex & jake; gingerbread houses & christmas lights!
alex & jake; a new cat?
mark & mason; family day!
beau; baby shower for aria sky
beau; welcoming aria + bringing her home!
mark & mason; 2 peas in a pod ~ baby sprinkle
alex & jake; a night full of cuddles
mark & mason; the twins are here
snapchats #1
beau; cute instagram live
instagram captions #2
alex & jake; club date night
beau; a romantic beach proposal
alex & jake; romantic night interrupted
snapchats #2
mark & mason; happy birthday ina!
alex & jake; stressful day
beau; double date night!
mark & mason; milo fifth birthday!
alex & jake; a special sign from grandma
instagram captions #3
alex & jake; it's a .....
mark & mason; meeting baby pia
alex & jake; papa is in charge
beau; fourth of july fun!
alex & jake; picnic under the stars
mark & mason; getting ready for school!
alex & jake; meet the teacher!
beau; getting ready for preschool!
mark & mason; farryn turns four
instagram captions #4
alex & jake, labor scare!
snapchats #3
mark & mason; westley gets ear tubes
beau; a surprise for gage!
alex & jake; another new kitty?
mark & mason; mason's sick day
alex & jake; alex's birthday!
beau; weekend cuddles
instagram captions #5
mark & mason; cute wedding anniversary family dinner
alex & jake; cheesecake factory date night
beau; it's a .....
alex & jake; welcoming ruby
mark & mason; a new dog!
beau; the sloane-robinson wedding
mark & mason; brinley's 7th birthday
alex & jake; jess gets engaged!
mark & mason; oaklyn + oliver get glasses!
beau; celebrating benson & aria's birthdays!
instagram captions #6
snapchats #4
mark & mason; oliver + oaklyn turn 1!
alex & jake; first ever valentine's day together
beau; friends visiting!
mark & mason; family bowling night
alex & jake; scarlett's 7th birthday
beau; staying home
instagram captions #7
alex & jake; adopting a dog!
mark & mason; happy birthday, daddy!
beau; rescuing a baby kitten
mark & mason; 3 kittens in a box need a home
alex & jake; seriously, another baby?
beau; getting ready for baby nolan!
alex and jake; jake's birthday at home!
mark & mason; playdate with scomiche!
snapchats #5
mark & mason; an instagram suprise
beau; welcoming nolan
mark & mason; our twins names are...
instagram captions #8
beau; bringing nolan home!
alex & jake; saving a sickly stray cat
mark & mason; showing off r&r's nursery!
beau; another kitty friend?
alex & jake; we are having a .....
beau; an instagram live announcement
alex and jake; baby boy's name is.....
first day of school!
snapchats #6
mark and mason; farryn's special day with ina and daddy
beau; a special phone call
alex and jake; let's make cookies!
alex & jake; telling the kids about the surprise!
mark & mason; getting ready for remi and rian! just a regular day at home
alex & jake; friends visiting + halloween fun!
beau; isla and cora's adoption day!
instagram captions #9
snapchat #7
mark & mason; welcoming remi and rian
beau; adopting a dog!
alex & jake; welcoming kai and taytum
mark & mason; cuddly day at home
alex & jake; decorating for christmas
beau; debbie & michael visit!
instagram captions #10
alex & jake; jake's mom's birthday!
beau; benson turns five!
mark & mason; brinley's 8th birthday sleepover!
snapchats #8
beau; beau dyes his hair blonde!
alex & jake; relaxing day at home
mark & mason; oliver + oaklyn are two!
beau; grandparents 60th anniversary party!
alex & jake; celebrating a friend's birthday!
mark & mason; shopping date with daddy!
alex & jake; scarlett's 8th birthday surprise!
instagram captions #11
mark & mason; super milo turns 7!
beau; instagram stories: adopting two kittens!
snapchats #9
mark & mason; celebrating mark's birthday!
alex & jake; jess' wedding!
instagram captions #12
a happy memorial day!
beau; celebrating beau's dad!
alex & jake; voluenteering for the homeless!
last day of school!
mark & mason; playdate with the oakley's!
beau; a tie breaker!
mark & mason; family pool day fun!
jake & alex; bailey visits!
beau; it's a ......!
instagram captions #13
1st day of school!
mark & mason; a cat surprise!
beau; baby sprinkle for baby van
jake & alex; a new addition!
mark & mason; mason's siblings visit!
halloween costumes!
beau; welcoming van
thanksgiving party outfits
jake & alex; we are having a .....
christmas party outfits!
instagram captions #14
mark & mason; a small surprise
beau; family dinner at the beach!
jake & alex; welcoming flynn
easter outfits!
pre-kindergarten graduation!
mark & mason; welcoming briar
beau; another babe
4th of july outfits!
jake & alex; back to school!
beau; back to school!
mark & mason; back to school!
happy halloween!
happy thanksgiving from the kirks, the manio-catts + the sloane-robinsons!
beau; welcoming livia
merry christmas from the manio-catts, the sloane-robinsons + the kirks!
beau; instagram captions
jake & alex; instagram captions
mark & mason; instagram captions
jake & alex; happy easter!
mark & mason; happy easter!
beau; happy easter!
a fun kindergarten graduation!
a fun pre-k graduation!
mark & mason; welcoming hayze
beau; first day of school!
jake & alex; first day of school!
mark & mason; first day of school!
jake & alex; boo! it's a kirk halloween!
beau; ah ah ah! it's a sloane-robinson halloween!
mark & mason; a spooky manio-catt halloween!
beau; happy thanksgiving from the sloane-robinsons!
jake & alex; happy thanksgiving from the kirks!
mark & mason; happy thanksgiving from the manio-catts!
jake & alex; merry christmas!
beau; merry christmas!
mark & mason; merry christmas!
beau; instagram captions #2
mark & mason; instagram captions #2
jake & alex; instagram captions #2
happy easter from the sloane-robinsons, the manio-catts + the kirks!
jake & alex; scarlett's 11th birthday (taylor's version)
brinley + scarlett's fifth grade graduation!
isla + cora's kindergarten graduation!
mark & mason; snowy trip to idaho!
jake & alex; our last baby era

mark & mason; finally in a routine!

82 2 0
By breeoc97

*Mark and Mason have a relaxing day at home and try to get into a routine with the twins! Please send suggestions! Love • Bree 💚

It has been almost two weeks since Oaklyn Jane and Oliver Mark Manio-Catt were born!

Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all have been adjusting really well with having the twins in their family! They all love their baby brother and baby sister.

Mark is finally feeling better from his c-section and can do the steps without being in pain. He is still moving around slow but that is expected for a few more weeks until his body fully heals.

Mason is on paternity leave and will be until right before Memorial Day. Mason is very happy to be home with Mark and the kids and spend time with them.

Mason's little sister Lo is still in town and will be for one more week. Mason and Mark appreciate the extra help very much and the kids love having their auntie in town.

Lo has been helping Mason and Mark take care of the older kids while Mark and Mason focus on the twins. Oaklyn and Oliver finally have a routine and are growing big already!

Mason is currently headed to pick up Brinley and Milo from school and then he will head to the store to get a few things for dinner!

Oaklyn and Oliver are in their swings while Mark is folding clothes on the couch. Lo walks over to Mark with another clothes basket filled of clean clothes for Mark to fold.

"I have more clothes for you to fold!" Lo says playfully to Mark as she places the clothes basket next to him.

"Oh, fun!" Mark says to Lo with sass, making Lo laugh loudly.

"Thank you so much for helping, Lo! I still can't get the clothes out of dryer without it hurting my stomach." Mark says to his sister-in-law.

"No problem! That's my job! That's why I'm here, to help you out!" Lo says as she hugs Mark.

"C-sections are no joke! But it was absolutely so worth it to get the twins here safely and healthy." Mark says as he smiles at Oliver and Oaklyn, who are both sleeping in their swings.

"Can I see your c-section scar or is that weird thing to ask?" Lo asks Mark as she giggles loudly.

"No, it is not weird! Mason sees it all of the time." Mark says with a chuckle.

"Well, duh! He is your husband, so that is why he sees it all of the time!" Lo says as she laughs.

Mark slowly stands up from the couch and shows Lo his c-section scar.

"Wow! It looks great, Mark! I thought it would look really gross and really bloody for some reason." Lo says as she giggles loudly.

Mark also giggles loudly at Lo's comment.

"The first few days after the c-section it was really gross looking! Trust me, it was nasty! But Mase has been helping me put medicine on my scar so it heals and look better!" Mark says to Lo.

"Two babies came out of this little hole?" Lo asks in amazement.

"Actually three if you count Westley! I had a c-section with him too! And yeah, they don't cut a huge hole! Just big enough to get the baby out. You are silly!" Mark says as Lo giggles loudly.

"I literally thought they just ripped your stomach open with this humongous cut!" Lo says as she laughs loudly.

Oaklyn and Oliver begin to fuss in their swings because they are getting hungry. It is lunch time for the twins. 

"It is time for the twins to eat! They are like clock work!" Mark says as he slowly gets up and walks over to the kitchen to make their bottles.

"I'll help you feed one! Come here Oli! Come here, cutie pie. You look just like your Ina! Yes you do!" Lo says as Oliver stares at her.

Oaklyn cries loudly in her swing, wanting to be held like her brother.

"Aww, Oaklyn! It's okay! It's okay, princess! Ina is coming! Ina is coming!" Lo says, trying to calm down Oaklyn.

"She gets jealous of her brother! She does that all of the time if somebody gives Oliver attention and not her." Mark says with a chuckle as he walks back over to the living room with two bottles in his hands.

"Aww! Oaklyn is a princess and wants attention!" Lo says as she smiles at Oaklyn, calming her down some.

Mark hands a bottle to Lo so she can feed Oliver. He then picks up Oaklyn from her swing and begins to feed her.

"It's okay, Oaklyn. It's okay, baby girl." Mark says as he calms Oaklyn down.

"These babies are getting so big already! I can't believe how fast they are growing!" Lo says to Mark.

"I know! They are both back to their birth weights and love to eat. So they will chunky in no time." Mark says to Lo.

Oaklyn and Oliver happily take their bottles for Mark and Lo.

*Oaklyn and Oliver's outfits*

"Aww, Oaklyn and Oliver's outfits are so cute! I love that they are matching today!" Lo says with a cheeky smile.

"Thank you so much! Mase picked these outfits out when we first found out we were having a boy and a girl." Mark says with a cheeky grin to Lo.

"Aww! That's so cute!" Lo says with a big smile.

Lo and Mark finish feeding Oliver and Oaklyn their bottles and then they put them on their tummy time mats for tummy time!

Oaklyn loves tummy time while Oliver really hates it.

"Let's do some tummy time, Oaklyn and Oliver! Yay! Yay! Tummy time!" Mark says in a babyfied voice to Oliver and Oaklyn.

Oliver and Oaklyn look around the living room and look at each other happily making Mark and Lo awe.

"Oliver looks so annoyed right now while Oaklyn seems so happy." Lo says as she giggles loudly.

"Oaklyn absolutely LOVES tummy time while Oliver really doesn't like it." Mark says to Lo.

Lo takes a few pictures of Oaklyn and Oliver  together to post on her Instagram stories.

"Aww! Send me those pics!" Mark says with a cheeky grin and Lo nods.

Meanwhile, Farryn and Westley slowly walk down the steps together. They just took their afternoon nap but have woken up earlier then they usually do. Farryn didn't have preschool today so she has been playing with Westley the whole day.

"Wes, let's play a fun game!" Farryn says with a cheeky smile at Westley.

"Otay!" Westley says to his big sister as he holds Farryn's hand.

*Farryn and Westley's outfits*

"Ina!" Westley and Farryn say in unison as they walk over to Mark and Lo.

"Hey! Did you two sleep good? You two are up early from your nap today!" Mark says to both Farryn and Westley.

"Ya!" Westley says with a cheeky smile to

"Yes I did, Ina!" Farryn says to Mark as she hugs him.

Westley then climbs into Mark's lap making Mark smile ear to ear. Mark softly kisses Westley's cheek and rubs his back as Westley hugs him.

"Auntie Lo! Let's play a fun board game!" Farryn says with excitement to Lo.

"Aw, okay! That sounds fun! What do you wanna play, Farryn?" Lo asks as she fixes Farryn's nap time hair.

"Um, Candyland! I wuv that game a lot!" Farryn says happily to Lo.

"Okay! Let's play it at the dining room table! Let me go find it and set it up for us to play!" Lo says to Farryn as she gets up from the couch.

"Okay, Auntie Lo!" Farryn says with a big cheeky smile at Lo.

Farryn then sits down next to Oaklyn and Oliver and she rubs their heads.

"Hi, Oak and Oli!" Farryn says to Oliver and Oaklyn.

"Be gentle, Farryn. Good girl." Mark says as he takes pictures of Farryn with the twins.

Farryn loves the twins so much but she has gotten a jealous a few times since they have been home. But luckily, Mark and Mason have fixed this problem fast.

Westley also sits down next to Farryn and rubs Oaklyn and Oliver's heads.

Westley has adjusted very well to the twins! He loves to give them kisses and rub their heads. He hasn't gotten jealous like Farryn has.

"Hiiii!" Westley says to Oaklyn and Oliver.

"Good boy, Wes! Being so soft and sweet with Oaklyn and Oliver." Mark says as he takes pictures of Westley, Oaklyn and Oliver together.

Westley and Farryn smile as they kiss Oaklyn and Oliver's heads.

"Farryn! Let's play Candyland!" Lo says to Farryn from the dining room.

"Okay! I'm coming!" Farryn says as she happily runs over to Lo.

"Lo! Lo!" Westley says pointing to Lo.

"Yeah! Auntie Lo and Farryn are playing a board game. Do you have a stinky diaper, mister?" Mark asks Westley.

"No, Ina!" Westley says to Mark.

"Let me check!" Mark says as he picks up Westley and sniffs his butt.

"Eww, you have a stinky diaper!" Mark says as Westley giggles loudly.

"Westley, let me change your diaper and then you can play." Mark says as he grabs a diaper and wipes. 

"Otay!" Westley says as he giggles again.

Mark, Lo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn hang out while they wait for Mason, Brinley and Milo to come back home!

Meanwhile, Mason is in the car pool line waiting for Brinley and Milo to get out of school for the day. He loves being off of work for paternity leave and being able to pick the kids up from school and to help out.

Mason sees Brinley and Milo walking out of the elementary school, holding each other's hands.  Mason takes a quick picture of Brinley and Milo being very cute. Brinley and Milo then see Mason in his car and run over to him!

*Brinley and Milo outfits*

"Hi, Daddy!" Brinley says with a big smile as she climbs into the car.

"Hey, Daddy!" Milo says as he climbs into his booster seat.

"Hey! How was school today?" Mason asks Brinley and Milo as he smiles at them.

"Good!" Brinley and Milo say in unison to Mason.

"That's good! I'm glad you two had a great day at school! Buckle up! We need to go to the store to get a few things for dinner." Mason says to Brinley and Milo.

"Yay!" Brinley and Milo say in unison.

"Daddy, can we get a slurpee?" Milo asks Mason.

"Yeah! Can we get a slurpee? I love slurpees!" Brinley says happily.

"Sure! Let's get one before we head to the grocery store." Mason says to Brinley and Milo.

"YAY!" Brinley and Milo say in unison.

Mason, Brinley and Milo get slurpees and then go to the grocery store before heading home!

It has been a few hours later! All of the kids are in their pajamas and are getting for bed!

Mark is laying on the couch, laying his head on Mason's lap. Mason is playing with Mark's jet black hair with his fingers.

"Couple goals!" Lo says playfully to Mark and Mason.

"Aww, thanks sis. We are tired couple goals honestly." Mason says as he and Mark giggle.

"Seriously, I'm so tired." Mark says as he playfully closes his eyes.

"Me too! And I didn't even do much today!" Lo says to Mark and Mason.

"Welcome to parenthood, sis!" Mason says to Lo playfully.

Lo is laying on the floor with Farryn and Westley.

*Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn's pajamas*

Brinley is feeding Oaklyn her bottle while Milo is feeding Oliver his bottle. Mark and Mason take pictures of the special moment.

"You two are doing great feeding the twins! Good job!" Mark says to Brinley and Milo.

"Now we need to teach you two how to change diapers." Mason says to Brinley and Milo.

"EWWW!" Brinley and Milo say in unison to Mark and Mason. 

"You two will be parents some day! You need to learn how to do it sometime!" Mark says playfully to Brinley and Milo.

"You two made me learn and I'm not even a parent yet!" Lo says with sass to Mark and Mason.

"Well, you needed to learn if you were gonna watch your nieces and nephews!" Mason says playfully to Lo.

Lo tickles Farryn and Westley making them giggle loudly.

Mason and Mark burp the twins and place them in their pack 'n' play to sleep until the rest of the kids are put to bed.

"Let's play a game before bed!" Mark says to the kids.

"Yay!" Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley say in unison.

For the rest of the night, Mark, Mason, Lo and the kids spend time together! :)

Mark posts a picture of himself laying on the couch with Oaklyn and Oliver sleeping on his chest. He writes the caption as: "Ina life with my babies 👶🏻👶🏻 I love them so much and so blessed to have them in my life💚"

Mark posts a picture of Lo playing with Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley. They are sitting and playing a board game together. He writes the caption as: "We are going miss Lo when she goes back home next week. She has been so helpful with the older kids while Mason and I get the twins in a routine! 😇💖"

Mason posts a picture of Lo with Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley. Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley are all hugging Lo. He writes the caption as: "I am going to miss my little sister Lo when she goes back home! The kids have had a blast with their Auntie Lo 💖"

Mason posts a picture of himself holding Oaklyn and Oliver in his arms. He writes the caption as: "Blessed everyday to have these two, even though they weren't planned at all! They are miracles 👶🏻👶🏻"

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