Dare You To Move

By peterprkerr

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Friends with benefits is supposed to be just that. Friends with the benefits of fooling around and not having... More

Chapter 1 - SOS Text
Chapter 2 - Snowfall
Chapter 3 - Tongue Tied
Chapter 4 - Confused Hangovers
Chapter 5 - Polaroids
Chapter 6 - Lego House
Chapter 7 - Frozen Bearings
Chapter 8 - Just Friends
Chapter 9 - Selfish
Chapter 10 - 5 words
Chapter 11 - How's This For Honesty
Chapter 13 - It's Jenny
Chapter 14 - Oxygen
Chapter 15 - Lifeline
Chapter 16 - Heartbreak
Chapter 17 - Photograph

Chapter 12 - Wanted

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By peterprkerr

The next week and a half goes by as normal. It's as if Parker never had the conversation with Collyn and it's as if Collyn and Elli never went on a date. The three of them are back to how they've always been, together and nearly inseparable. The friendship always comes first.

Now, it's the day before Christmas Eve and Elli is standing in her room looking at herself in her full-length mirror. She's done her hair in an updo, bits of it braided and tied off in a bun in the back. Her dress a vibrant red and cuts just above her knees, flaring out. The neckline shows just enough cleavage for sex appeal but not enough to cross the line into unprofessional. Fire engine red lipstick coats her lips, the rest of her makeup on the natural side with a little extra highlighter on her cheeks.

A knock on her open door pulls her attention from the mirror. She spins to face where the sound came from to be met with Parker and his heart stops. He can't breathe with the site of her. She's absolutely stunning and it takes everything in Parker not to let his jaw fall slack. It's taking everything in him to clear his throat and give a casual compliment because, she's wow. He almost feels like Austin Ames watching Sam walk down the stairs from A Cinderella Story. Elli has him speechless.

"Do I look okay?" Elli's eyes widen, looking down and back to Parker.

"Y-yeah, yeah, you look..." Parker swallows thickly as he tried to refrain from running a hand from his freshly gelled hair. "You look, uh....breathtaking." Parker smiles and Elli beams like the sun.

"Thank you." She lets out a breath of relief before looking back to him.

His rental suit fits well, hugging his body in all the right places; shoulders, arms, thighs. Elli always tells him he looks best in color but the grey is doing something for him and he looks absolutely amazing.

The small vibrant red pocket square sticking out of his pocket sends small bursts of butterflies through her stomach. It's subtle and it doesn't matter because they're going together and it's a job. But, there's this small part of her that knows that small piece of fabric represents that they're going together. For the night, he's hers. They're each others. And the butterflies just don't stop.

Parker sucks in a shaky breath as he waits for Elli to say something. For the first time in a long time, he feels self-conscious about what he looks like in front of her. He might be in love with her but part of being in love with her is that he's so damn comfortable around her nothing really matters.

They have sex and they have hair matted to each other and to themselves. Sweat covers their bodies and they wake up together, morning breath and all. They see each other when they're on the bathroom from a night of drinking and hangovers. And they're there when the other is sick and hasn't showered in four days. Parker can't care less about his appearance around her because it doesn't matter but right now, right now with her in a red dress and him in this suit, he's worried about what he looks like and he wants her approval.

"You're...uh," Elli stutters, refraining from biting her bottom lip. "You look....amazing." Elli says with eyes honest and innocent.

Parker lets out another sigh of relief and his entire body just relaxes in the doorway. "Thank you, darlin'." Parker blushes, looking to the floor to try and shield the pink tone. "You 'bout ready?"

"Yeah, I just need to...put my...shoes.....on." Elli looks around, not seeing the silver three-inch heels she planned to where.

Parker clears his throat, Elli looking to him as he holds them up by the straps. "Kitchen, said you'd lose 'em--"

"If I put them anywhere else." Elli finishes Parker's sentence. "I'd be shoeless without you." Elli jokes, striding over to him and taking the shoes from him.

"Yep, be callin' Collyn from the ER 'bout having toes frostbit." Parker chuckles as he follows Elli out to the kitchen.

"Can you imagine frostbitten toes? That'd be horrible." Elli laughs as she takes a seat at the table.

"Yeah, so make sure you've your other shoes with socks, please. I don't wanna have to give you my shoes and I end up with frostbite." Parker teases as he grabs his shoes and takes the seat beside her.

"Already in your car." Elli winks at him before going back to her shoe. "Put my bag with pants and a hoodie and shoes in there already."

"Prepared." Parker says, tone mocking which gains him a glare from Elli before she sticks her tongue out at him.

"Only for work." Elli smirks before working on her second shoe.

Parker finishes tying his own and there's been a question eating at the back of his mind all day. It's her job, sure, but everyone always asks. They always assume they're together and they ask how long Parker and Elli have been dating. Always. And if this were someone either of them knew, they'd laugh it off and say they're still just friends but came together since that's what friends do and then they'd go off and complain that everyone thinks they're together. But, they don't know this couple. They won't know anyone there so, are they friends tonight or are they more?

"Uh, hey." Parker pulls Elli's attention as she rests her foot on the floor, both heels on. "If someone asks, what do I say?" Parker keeps it short and nonchalant, casual like he normally would because this is normal.

"Oh," Elli furrows her brows, the thought never crossing her mind. "Whatever you want." Elli gives him a sincere smile as she stands up.

That puts Parker in an uncomfortable situation. It'd be so much easier just to play it off like they're together on the off-chance that someone does ask. He knows Elli and he knows before they're let off, Elli will be a pile of mush. Weddings make her mushy and cuddly and the cute kind of clingy. It'd be so much easier to just say they're together that way when Elli gets like that and Parker embraces it and encourages it, it won't seem like they lied or that it's weird. But, Elli doesn't know Parker's in love with her and as her friend, it feels wrong to want to say they're together. Even though Parker would never trick her into a date or manipulate her or take advantage, it feels like if he says they should lie, he would be. He'd be doing it for himself and not her.

"We can say we're friends if you want." Parker shrugs, standing up and grabbing his coat from the back of the chair.

"Okay." Elli agrees with ease, shrugging her coat onto her shoulders. "Ready, then?"

"Yep." Parker nods with a close-mouthed smile as he grabs Elli's camera bags from the table.

Elli thanks him before the two of them exit the apartment and head out to Parker's car. Elli gives Parker another rundown of the camera he'll be using and likely what he'll be photographing after the ceremony, assuming this wedding is like every other one she's done. Parker nods along, paying attention to her words while his eyes pay attention to the road. There's not a chance Parker will mess this up for her so he's been taking note of everything Elli does with her camera. He's helped her before but not with a wedding like this. This is bigger and is paying way more than Elli's ever earned. So, Parker is determined to make sure he doesn't mess anything up.

They reach the Shedd aquarium and Parker parks where he's supposed to before the two make their way into the building. They're directed to where the bride is getting ready with his bridesmaids. Elli already knew this wedding was going to be something else but she didn't expect the energy to be different. It's a wedding. The bride is always stressed to hell beforehand and then a happy and apologizing mess during the reception, even when the bride wasn't mean. But, it's always stressful first and then it's filled with the feeling of magic after. But this? It's different.

Music is playing from a speaker and the women in the room are laughing, including the makeup artist and hair stylist. They're all getting ready but it just seems like they're having fun. Not an ounce of tension can be felt in the air and the second the bride sees Elli, Parker waiting outside the room, she greets her with a cheerful smile.

"The photographer's here!" She cheers, waving her hand for Elli to walk over. "It's Elli, right?"

Elli nods. "Yep. Emily?" Elli asks, just making sure she's got the name right.

"Yep!" She cheers and Elli has never seen anyone this happy on the day of the wedding. It's refreshing. "If you could start soon and I just want to make sure I have pictures of the entire party, my side, his side, our parents, the ring exchange, and the kiss. Everything else is up to you."

Elli nods, making a mental note of everything. It's the typical things everyone wants so she's not too worried. "I can get started now. I do have my friend here and he knows what he's doing so I can send him to the groom and he can work that side while I get you guys?" Elli offers with a kind smile.

"That'd be great!" Emily says with enthusiasm. "Thank you! And you can check your coat in at the end of the hall."

"Thank you." Elli nods and makes her way to the door to let Parker know.

Parker is leaning against a wall, camera bag on his shoulder while his gaze is set to his phone screen in his hand. His fingers swiping at the keys, a message back to Collyn but the sound of the door makes him nearly drop his phone and a giggle comes from Elli as she watches him fumble his phone.

"You okay?" She asks.

"I'm fine." Parker says, gripping his phone a little tighter than necessary.

"Good." Elli walks up to him and opens the bag, pulling out the camera and attaching the right lens. "Okay, you go to the groom and get pictures. You don't have to have them like....pose, just get pictures of them getting ready, ya know?"

Parker chuckles. "I know. I've done it before." He reassures her as Elli hands him the camera and he slides the strap over his head.

"I know." Elli sighs as she grabs her camera from the bag and slides it around her neck. "Just making sure."

"Aye," Parker rests his arms on her shoulders. "Won't let you down, promise."

"Thanks, Parker." Elli leans into him and presses a kiss to his cheek making them flare in red. Parker raises a brow, eyes narrowing as he gives her a side-smirk. "What?" Elli asks.

"Nothing." Parker chuckles. "Meet you when they're ready?"

"Yep." Elli confirms."Do you also wanna check our coats in?" Elli gives him a toothy smile and Parker rolls his eyes but a smile pulls at his lips as he sticks out his arm for her coat. "Thank youuu." Her smile widens as she takes her coat off and hands it over.

"You're welcome." Parker chuckles.

The two of them head their separate ways and photograph the wedding party in their rooms. It fills with ease and while this is the biggest job Elli has had, it's the most laid back. She doesn't feel any pressure. And she is so comfortable, it's amazing. Emily has been amazing and even told her that her and Parker can enjoy the wedding as if they were guests rather than workers. She wants the pictures taken but she explained that she always wants everyone to have a good time, it's a celebration.

The ceremony came and Parker and Elli met back up, Elli directing Parker where he could get his pictures while she got hers, directly asked by Emily. The groom was ready and waiting, face filled with nerves while his groomsmen looked insanely happy. But when the music started playing and Emily started walking in, her white, lace gown with an exquisite long train hugging her body, the groom immediately started tearing up and Elli got a picture. It's moments like those that really make her love photographing weddings. It's always the looks the couples give each other when seeing each other in the suits or dresses for the first time.

The bride and groom exchange rings and vows and Elli and Parker steal glances from each other the entire time. She doesn't see it. She doesn't see the way Parker looks at her when she puts the camera back to her eye. She doesn't see the look of absolute love and adornment he gives her.

Collyn's right, he looks at her like she's the reason he does everything. She puts stars in the sky and she doesn't see it but Parker can live with it because it's Elli. But, he does wish that he'd have the courage to ask her. To tell her and maybe the couple sharing their first kiss as husband and wife could be them one day.

She could be a white ball gown, just as she's talked about a thousand times and he'd be in a tux she picked out with Collyn and his brothers behind him. And he'd cry the second he sees her because he knows she'd be glowing like the moon over the lake and he'd be so close to making her his, to sharing their lives together with vows Parker has written on three pieces of paper to make sure he didn't lose them. He'd promise to love her through it all no matter what, thick and thin, all of that but also to be her friend first. Because they were friends first. And a bittersweet smile comes to Parker's face as Elli looks back to him, the bride and groom already on their way to the reception hall as everyone follows and it's not them getting married because they're friends.

Parker and Elli meet in the middle and follow the wedding party to the reception. It's held in a large room, tables surrounding a large fish tank in the center of the room. The ceremony was gorgeous given the fact they were married overlooking the lake but even the reception is beyond any normal standard. It's gorgeous and Elli just wants pictures of the place, so she makes a mental note to take a few extra.

The reception starts after Elli gets pictures of everyone Emily wanted. Once everyone is seated, a toast to the bride and groom kicks off dinner being served and finished before Elli or Parker knows it. They made casual conversation with a few of the bride and groom's friends that were sat at the table, of course being asked if they were together and stating they're friends, but soon enough, they were off to the open and connecting room for the dance floor, readying to watch their friends have their first dance as husband and wife. Elli and Parker kept up, grabbing the cameras and getting ready as well.

The dance starts and they dance to I Hope You Dance, a popular wedding song but one that always makes Elli want to be in their place. So much so that between taking pictures, she glances at Parker across the room, him getting pictures from a different angle, and she wonders what it'd be like if that were them.

Without question, she knows it wouldn't be I Hope You Dance but Photograph because it's special. It's theirs and she knows it would be the original, sung\ by Ed Sheeran, not Parker's cover that Elli falls in love with every single time Parker plays it. And she knows that Parker would be a blushing mess but he'd be smiling so wide his cheeks would ache and his eyes would sparkle under the lights above them, letting her see the hidden galaxies mixing in the deep browns. And it'd be them. Just them together on the dance floor and it'd feel like they were in their own world. But, it's not Elli and Parker because they're friends.

The dance finishes and then it's the father-daughter dance and a few other special dances for the wedding party. But, eventually, those all come to an end and everyone is back on the dance floor, the DJ playing music for everyone to enjoy and the room just echoes with mixed happy chatter and upbeat music.

Parker and Elli keep to different sides of the dance floor for awhile, both capturing pictures of everyone they can, all of whom are having a good time. The two meet back up at their table for a quick drink and for Elli to look over the pictures Parker has taken and they look amazing, just as Elli figured they would.

"How're they?" Parker asks.

"Good, they're really good, thank you." Elli gives him a thankful smile before handing the camera back.

"Happy to help." Parker says with ease. "This all we've left to do for the night?"

"Yep." Elli says. "Emily wants us here awhile longer just to make sure we get as much as possible but she said we can leave around eight. Bored?" Elli chuckles, lightly nudging Parker with her shoulder.

"Not at all." Parker chuckles. "Was just makin' sure I'm doing it right."

"You're doing amazing." Elli says. "So, we should continue to do so." Elli holds up her camera and nods towards the floor.

Parker moves the side and moves an arm out, gesturing for Elli to go first. She walks in front of him and they go their separate ways to photograph the reception. Time goes by and while Elli and Parker are mostly just glancing at each other from a distance, they're both having a good time. The music continues to be upbeat and it puts a good energy into the room. Everyone dances with each other, some a bit intoxicated but no one in a sour mood or too drunk to stand. It's a lot of fun but then, the current song changes.

The music starts to slow with the sound of a piano as a ballad starts playing from the speakers about the area. Elli identifies the song as Wanted by Hunter Hayes and it brings a soft smile to her face. Most people around the dance floor either come together with someone they came with or a friend they met along the way, others took their seats by the large fish tank. Elli and Parker were two of the people on the dance floor, both on separate ends and getting pictures of everyone. But, Elli can feel him looking at her and heat creeps to her face as she meets his gaze.

Parker walks over, camera around his neck and his hand holding it still. "Do you wanna dance?" Parker asks and he's got a cheeky grin that tints in shyness.

"We have a job, Parker." Elli reminds him and takes a picture of a couple off to the side.

"Mhm," Parker hums and pulls the camera from her face. "But, pretty sure the bride said we could also have fun and dance and eat and everything else, ya?"

Elli sighs and licks her lips. "She did, yeah." Elli says reluctantly, not wanting to seem unprofessional. "But, is that professional?"

"Be kind of rude if we ignored her offer?" Parker smiles wide and offers his hand to her.

"One song." Elli says with a stern tone before her hand connects with his.

"All I'm asking."

Parker leads the two of them off to the back center of the floor. He slides the camera strap under his arm as Elli does so the pieces of tech are out of the way and won't be hit. One hand of his comes to her waist and the other holds both of their hands out just as the two of them danced in their living room. Elli's hand goes to Parker's shoulder, the fabric of the suit jacket taut under her fingers.

"Are you glad you came?" Elli asks as the two of them sway in time to the music.

"'course, I am." Parker chuckles."Why wouldn't I be?"

Elli shrugs. "Weddings aren't your thing."

Parker shakes his head before lightly knocking it against hers. "Anything that's your thing is my thing by association." Parker looks to her side where the camera hangs. "Not a photographer but it's your thing and you're no drummer but it's my thing so you do it."

Elli laughs softly and nods. "Yeah, guess we do kind of share everything."

"Yeah," Parker hums and his eyes fall gentle, looking at Elli and there's this shine to them and it just makes Elli's heart skip.

Like mini galaxies.

"You've been in love before, right?" Elli asks, chewing on her lip and Parker's eyes widen.

"That's a loaded question." He chuckles but nods. "Yeah, why?"

"What was it like? I mean, was it really..." Elli pauses and looks around at the extravagance of the wedding.

Blues and greens with silver accents, fish tanks and expensive gowns and suits, stunning flowers with coral themed holders sit elegantly on the tables, and it's so under the sea but it's magical in a sense.

"Like this?" Elli asks with a nervous laugh. "Ya know, the whole butterflies and fireworks, closest thing to magic, thing?"

Parker's brows furrow as he looks Elli over knowing she believes in the whole fairytale ending. The question isn't like her and it's got him wondering what has her doubting. Maybe it's the wedding itself and the fact it's not her time yet. She's willing to wait, patient because she won't settle for someone who doesn't deserve her. But, Parker wonders if that's what has her questioning it. Maybe her head is where his is, picturing the two of them as a bride and groom, together through thick and thin.

"Yeah, yeah, the whole thing." Parker confirms and there's only honesty in his eyes as Elli looks to him.

"How many times?"

"You gonna tell me why you're asking?"

"Yeah, but....after." Elli's thumb brushes over the material of his suit, dodging his eyes.

"Once," Parker says simply but he pulls her closer to him and she rests her head on his shoulder, his breath warm against her skin as he talks. "And everything your romance films and books and everything you ever said about it, 's true. Like, I can't breathe when she'd walk in the room but then she'd smile it's like a catharsis. I dunno," Parker chuckles to himself. "It hurts but in a way you know it's worth it somehow. Maybe soulmates exist in some realm and everything we feel here is the aftermath of it, maybe. Maybe people really are destined to be together. It makes all those damn songs worth it, ya know? Like Lego House and Photograph, suddenly they make sense and I get it. It's hearing my favorite song on repeat and that feeling just...." Parker pauses as he realizes he's rambling. "It's terrifying but...yeah, it's what you think it'd be, Elli."

Elli picks her head up to look at Parker and she can't breathe. But it's not scary because he's there and nothing can be scary if Parker is there. Parker feels like the safest place on earth so even though his eyes are like Jupiter and she can't breathe looking at him, she feels content and safe and so happy. Warmth is in her chest and spreading through her bones and Wanted is playing and it makes sense. Everything makes sense, it always has. Always.

"Was it Jenny?" Elli asks innocently, genuine curiosity in her voice as she ignores her own heartbeat and Parker can feel himself holding his breath.

His head just screams. It's you. It's always been you.

"No," Parker chuckles, his arm hugging around her back a little tighter. "I thought it was, ya know, then but...no, I just really liked her."

"Who was it then?" Elli quirks a brow, tilting her head and knowing Parker hasn't had many serious girlfriends.


Parker shakes his head. "Some girl."

"Why won't you tell me?"

Parker sighs and sucks in a breath. "It hurts."

"Did you ever tell her?"

"Nah," Parker bites his lip as he looks at the only person he's ever been in love with. "I thought about it but....timing is always off." A dry chuckle leaves his throat.

"Do you think she knows?"

A smile comes to Parker's face as he shakes his head again. "Nope," He laughs quietly. "She's, uh, she's got a heart of gold and sees the best in everything and everybody and she's so damn smart that I kind of hope she knows but I know if she did, she would have said something or asked but she hasn't."

"Why don't you say something though?" Elli pushes for more answers. She thought they told each other everything but clearly, not everything.

"Elli," Parker sighs and squeezes her hand. "I can't and, I, um," He pauses, licking his lips. "I don't want to talk about it anymore, is that alright?"

Elli nods. "Yeah, that's okay."

"Why're you asking?"

"I just...I look here and I wanna be here one day and I dunno." Elli shrugs. "I know Shawn cheated and everything but..." Parker's heart aches as he listens, knowing what's coming. "I see people here and I wonder if the love was real and maybe I should have given him a second chance. Like, maybe he was supposed to be my person and he fucked up once and now I won't get this happy ending because maybe I was just too hard on him."

Parker lets go and moves his hands to her cheeks. "You listen to me, alright? He cheated on you.I know you don't remember a lot of that night because you were fucked up, but I do. I wanted to bash that prick's head in so fuckin' bad because of how it hurt you."

"Why didn't you?"

"You needed me. Prick will get what's coming to him and you needed me to help get you get trashed and let you cry so I stayed. And Elli, I have never seen you like that and that prick did that to you. You rambled on and on and on about how everything hurt and that you don't hurt the people you love. You don't destroy the person you love and he broke you. Your words not mine but, I was there and I believe it. And I remember you curled up on the couch for two days eating ice cream and crying to Jenny and me and Collyn and your sister. He's not your person and he never was. Ever. You don't deserve someone who's gonna cheat on you and hurt you. Fuck him and his apology because, Elli, he's not sorry he fucked some girl. He's sorry you walked in on it."

Elli's heart aches as she looks to Parker, brows furrowing as she nods because he's right. And truth be told, she didn't have that feeling with Shawn. Not like what Parker is describing and now what she felt for Parker when she told him those infamous three words. Parker is just confirming that Shawn isn't her person and he never was and never will be. Parker doesn't know it, but he's also confirming everything she's felt towards him.

"I know." Elli says quietly. "Thank you."

Parker wraps his hands around her waist as he nods. "It's the truth."

Elli nods again and explosions of warmth come through her stomach looking to Parker. "I know." Her eyes look over him and they don't know anyone here and Parker is simply incredible. "I know we agreed on the friends things here..." Elli trails off and Parker's grip tightens, heart skipping a beat as he waits for her to finish. "But would it be alright if I kissed you?" Elli laughs softly but Parker doesn't.

He looks at her, music the only thing between them and then he pulls Elli flush against his chest, lips on hers in seconds. Elli's back arches and her hands come up to his face, eyes closing as she melts into his touch and feels like home.

They hold their breaths for those few seconds with their lips connecting perfectly. Just hold their breaths and neither knows why. Neither even realizes they're holding their breath until they pull away and gasp, as if they've completely forgotten the simplest task. Sly smirks start to come to their lips, both of them thinking the same thing.

It was a kiss but it was deeper than normal and it's got both of their hearts thumping a mile a minute. But the song is over so they both brush it off and gain sly smirks.

"Song's over." Elli states.

"Only twenty minutes before we can leave." Parker checks his watch, quirking a brow.

"We'll finish this in twenty minutes then." Elli winks at him, pulling her camera back around and walking off.

Parker watches her, a giant smile across his face and his fingertips brush his lips. She's incredible.

The next twenty minutes go as they did before. Both of them photographing the reception and stealing glances from across the room. But, this time, the stolen glances were smirks and grins rather than sweet and gentle smiles. And the minutes seemed to pass at the slowest pace they have all night. But, Elli sucks it up and she keeps her patience, focusing on the work and then focusing on congratulating Emily and her new husband once more and thanking them for hiring her before finally being able to leave, arm in arm with Parker.

The crisp air hits Elli and Parker as they make their way to the car, both barely bothered by the contrast as their minds are set on other things. Elli leans into his side, their arms still connected and Parker kisses the top of her head. Elli's heels click against the black pavement in time with Parker's footsteps, the echo almost being masked by the city sounds. Parker's black car comes into view. He unlocks the car and opens the backset for Elli before he goes to the front and starts the car. He cranks the heat, knowing they'll have to deal with the cold air blowing for a few minutes but also knowing it won't matter much.

A shiver runs down Elli's spine as the air hits her through the vents. Parker chuckles as he moves back to her, her teeth chattering as she hugs herself.

"It's fucking freezing." Elli mutters.

"We can fix that." Parker wiggles his brows, making Elli roll her eyes but she doesn't protest, instead she strips her coat and Parker follows her lead.

Her hands come up to his jaw and pull his mouth to hers. Parker sighs against her lips, his hands going to her hips and pulling her on top of him, her legs going on either side of him. Elli grinds down on him, Parker's hands going to her bum, pulling her closer. Her hands intertwine in his gelled hair. Their kissing is sloppy and heated. Quick and needy. They're missing lips and catching the corner of the other's mouth. Teeth are knocking but not for a second to either of them come up for air.

Elli grinds on Parker in a steady rhythm, heat building in her core and through her body. The windows are just starting to steam and the cold air of the car is turning slightly warm. Parker's pants strain under him with every movement Elli makes. Her hands slide down his neck, goosebumps forming against Parker's skin with every second and amplify when her hands go to his shoulders, sliding under the fabric of his suit jacket, pushing it off.

Parker leans forward, Elli moving her hands to his jaw to hold his mouth to hers as he strips the jacket from his body, tossing to the front seat. Parker's hands immediately go to the back of Elli's dress, pulling the zipper down, the strapless material falling slightly, exposing just enough of her breasts.

Elli works on unbuttoning the white shirt Parker's wearing while Parker kneads her breasts, feeling her rapid heart through the flesh. Elli traces her palms over Parker's chest, his heart beating just as fast as hers and all it does is make her want him more.

"Glove compartment?" Elli asks, between kisses, barely breathing.

Parker pulls back, trying to catch his breath. "Yeah, yeah should be there."

Elli twists around, barely noticing the fully fogged up windows as she leans into the front to the glove compartment. With her standing and leaning forward, Parker has a perfect view under her dress. A devilish smirk crosses his lips as he slides his hand up her thigh and to her core, chills of pleasure running over her body. Parker slips her black lace thong to the side and cups her heat, thumb just pressing between her lips.

The sound of her rummaging stops and is immediately followed by a half gasp half moan.

"Parker--" Elli's voice wavers and Parker's grin turns cocky.

"What?" Parker chuckles, thumb pressing between her lips and messaging slowly.

"You're a tease." Elli rushes the words as she finds the condom.

She twists back around, straddling Parker again and his hands are back on her hips. "Mm," Parker hums, taking the condom from Elli's fingers. "How many times have you done something similar?" Parker mocks before he leans in and presses open-mouthed kisses under her collarbone.

"Shh, talking about you." Elli giggles, her fingers brushing the back of his neck.

"We don't have to." Parker picks his head up and Elli expected to see a grin and eyes dark with lust but she doesn't.

His eyes are gentle, still darker with lust but not hungry or needy. There's no grin, it's a sweet and corner smile. His entire expression is soft and almost innocent, a stark contrast to what's taking place in the vehicle but it makes Elli's heart jump.

"Okay." Elli whispers, leaning in slowly and kissing him like honey.

She sits up on her knees as she works on undoing Parker's pants and lets him tug the material and his boxers down enough to finally release his erection. He rips the package of the condom open and slides the latex over his length. One of his hands holds himself while the other goes Elli's hip to guide her onto him as she holds her underwear to the side.

The two let out moaned sighs as Elli sinks onto him, eyes closed for a few seconds. Their foreheads lean against each other, Elli's hands wrapped around the back of Parker's neck and his on her hips, thumbs rubbing softly. Their eyes open and sparks them both, adrenaline of fireworks and electricity flooding their systems. Hearts beating at the same rapid rate and wanting nothing but the other.

They've had car sex before but, the feeling in their veins and hearts and the look in the others' eyes, it doesn't feel like a friend thing but more. It's all starting to feel like a more than friend thing but neither says a word. Elli just moves her hands to Parker's shoulders for leverage and starts bouncing. Parker lets out a breath, head falling back as he squeezes her hips and guides her onto him, following her pace.

Their pace picks up, Parker bucking his hips to meet Elli's. And Elli can feel the coil being ready to snap. Her moans grow a higher pitch with every thrust of Parker's hips and she slides her hand between the two of them, fingers working on her clit.

"Fuck." Parker mutters, glancing between her hand her eyes. "'s it, come for me." Parker mumbles, voice swimming in lust and heat. "You're so beautiful like this." Parker says between breaths, his arms flexing as he helps Elli grind against him harder and faster and that does it.

"Parker--" Elli calls out, eyes slamming shutting and toes curls while her legs shake. Her walls clench around Parker, spasming as she rides out her orgasm in heavy, gasping breaths.

The shaking subsides and Parker has a triumphant smile as Elli's eyes open, half-lidded with post-sex lust. "Yeah?" He chuckles.

"Mmm," Elli hums, leaning forward to his ear. "It's your turn."

"Sure you're good?" Parker asks, brows raised up at her.

"Absolutely." Elli says as she grinds against him.

Parker groans out, fingers tightening on her before an arm wraps around her and swiftly but sloppily he repositions them with Elli on her back and Parker hovering on top of her. His lips connect with her as he pounds into her at a ruthless pace. He's been close but has managed to hold himself off for Elli and now he's just chasing his high. His thrusts are sloppy and unsteady, grunting with a heaving chest.

Elli kisses down his jaw, making her way to his ear. "I wanna feel you." She whispers and Parker just whimpers, hips faltering. "Please, Parker."

Parker's hand hits the window, sliding against the steamed glass as a moan of Elli's name comes from the back of Parker's throat as he hits his high. His hips rut against hers, his head falling and arms shaking.

Elli grins up at him before moving her hands to his hips and rubbing up his back. "You good?"

Parker gives a tired chuckle. "Good." He leans down and kisses her forehead.

Elli closes her eyes in content. "Home?"

"Bed." Parker laughs, sitting up and giving Elli his hand to help her up. "Where's your bag?" He asks. Elli reaches to the front again and grabs her backpack, giving it to Parker with a raised brow. He opens the bag and tugs out his navy blue hoodie. "Knew you'd have one of mine." He smirks, pulling it over his head.

"I was gonna wear that." Elli says, jokingly pouting.

"Give it back but I'm not buttonin' my shirt and putting that jacket on to toss a condom in the trash." Parker squints an eye before moving his attention to the condom and working on taking care of it.

"Right." Elli says with a nod. "Hurry then."

"Since you asked nicely." Parker teases, opening the door and letting a burst of freezing air hit the two of them before Parker gets out and shuts the door.

While he walks the few feet to the trash, Elli digs out a pair of sweats and changes into the pants, neatly folding her dress and laying it in the open spot beside her. She moves to her heals, exchanging them for the converse in her bag and by the time she's done, Parker is back and already pealing the hoodie from his body to hand it over. Elli tugs it on and slides into the front seat, Parker working on putting on a playlist.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Mhm," Elli hums before Parker puts the car in reverse. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" Elli asks, looking to him as she leans her seat back a little.

"Yeah," Parker says with ease. "Ya know you can whenever you want, right?" Parker glances to her before pulling out of their parking spot.

Elli bites her lip, red lipstick now smeared away. "I know."

Parker glances to her and gives her an adoring smile before reaching over and offering his hand to her. Elli takes it without thought, holding it with both of her hands. Her thumbs brush over the smooth skin of the back of his hand, texture completely different from his calloused finger and palms against hers. Her head leans back against the headrest and her eyes close, promising she'll only rest her eyes in the short drive back to their apartment but she's out within seconds, making Parker chuckle to himself.

He glances at her once more before his eyes focus on the road and yeah, maybe Collyn has a point. Maybe he should tell her. Elli told him and she's been okay with them despite his freezing like an asshole over it. So, maybe he should tell her but how? And when? Now doesn't seem right because the only reason he's even second-guessing his decision is because of the wedding. It's got him in a mood to just have that with someone, have it with Elli specifically. It's about timing because he's gonna tell her, he will, he just doesn't want to fuck it up. But then he's at a stop light and the light is red so he looks at her and he just loves her.

"Elli?" Parker asks quietly, seeing if she was completely asleep and she is. She didn't move or groan, the grip on his hand is still loose, she's sound asleep. "I am so in love with you." Parker whispers, eyes lingering on her before looking to light just before it turns green.

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