The second last time lord (El...

By Christmascookie15

11.8K 301 65

The sorceress, a time lady from Gallifrey, roams around in her Tardis, believing that she is the last timelor... More

First Regeneration (part 1)
First Regeneration (Part 2)
First Regeneration (Part 3)
Sisters united (Part 1)
Sisters United (Part 2)
Sisters United (Part 3)
Sisters United (Part 4)
Sisters united (Part 5)
Bee and Marla
Bow tie prank
Victory of the Daleks (Part 1)
Victory of the Daleks (Part 2)
Victory of the Daleks (Part 3)
A goodbye
Time of Angels (Part 1)
Time of Angels (Part 2)
Time of Angels (Part 3)
Flesh and Stone (Part 1)
Flesh and Stone (Part 2)
Flesh and Stone (Part 3)
Soft and fluffy
Vampires in Venice (Part 1)
Vampires in Venice (Part 2)
Vampires in Venice (Part 3)
You're my Bow Tie Guy
Amy's Choice (Part 1)
Amy's Choice (Part 2)
Amy's Choice (Part 3)
Amy's Choice (part 4)
A needed chat....
Hungry Earth (Part 1)
Hungry Earth (Part 2)
Hungry Earth (Part 3)
Cold Blood (Part 1)
Cold Blood (Part 2)
I'm back :)
Cold Blood (Part 3)
Cold blood (Part 4)
The man of her dreams
The sisters are back.
Snakes and Willow trees (Part 1)
Snakes and Willow trees (Part 2)
Snakes and Willow Trees (Part 3)

Second Regeneration

766 16 1
By Christmascookie15

New Regeneration. Yahoo. Just a hair pic today. I really love her hair, so pretty and pink. If I could change my hair colour, I would totally make it look like that, cause it is so pretty. Anyway, enough rambling from my part, time to get on with my story.

The new sorceress smirks at the shocked expression on the doctor before curiosity sweeps over her face, "I need a mirror."

The doctor turns to leave before she calls him back, "Hey, wait. I want it pink. Or white. I like white and pink. Maybe both. Yeah, make it white and pink."

He smiles at her and comes closer, "You are childish today."

"No way. You got it wrong. I am childish for this regeneration," she twirls around and stares at her clothes, "You're stuck with me this way. Argh. I need new clothes. Don't worry about the mirror. There will be one in my wardrobe."

She skips off, the doctor following in amusement. She finds the wardrobe and turns around to talk to the doctor.

"You are definitely not following me in here," she giggles a little before continuing, "You can wait here."

He nods and she slips into the room. She picks out a flowy pink skirt and a grey, furry jumper with a fox on it. She picks a flower crown up from a table beside her and places it on her hair. She walks back out to the corridor and sees the doctor waiting patiently, leaning on the wall, arms crossed. He smiles at her cute outfit and smiles back, her blue eyes sparkling.

"You look so much younger than you did," he points out, "You said you didn't like being that way."

"Yeah, I know. Thank you. I rather this me," she twirls again and giggles before remembering, "Bee! How is she?"

"Asleep. I checked her over, before you came stumbling past. No lasting injuries, she'll probably sleep for a few more days. Then she will be perfectly fine."

The sorceress nods and yawns, covering her mouth with her hand. The doctor smiles again.

"Come on, princess. You'd better get some sleep. You haven't finished regenerating yet."

"Princess," she said through a yawn, "I like that name. Remind me to tell you to call me that more often."

He laughs at her silly sentence, "Or you could just tell me now, princess. I prefer you this way, though. Cute, small and adorable."

"Oi," she says and yawns again.

"Oh, come on. Time to sleep."

He puts an arm around her waist and walks through another door, with The Sorceress written across it in floral writing. The room was the largest he had ever seen. There was so many rooms in it and so many plants hanging from the roof and climbing up the walls. A large staircase led up to a balcony, on which, the sorceress had her bed, which was really more of a hammock. Beside the staircase was a ladder, leading up to a nook in her large bookcase. Some pillows and blankets were arranged nearly in the nook, which made up her reading area. Opposite the bookcase was a large TV, which could be moved up and down, to suit her whether she was lying in bed or sitting in the couch in front of it. A desk was situated next to the TV, containing all the writing supplies, anyone could ever dream of. And that was only the main room. Other doors were leading of it, with labels reading kitchen, library, study, bathroom and living room as well as greenhouse, relaxing room, spa and a second bedroom.

"Why do you need a second bedroom?"

"Oh you never know. One time I kept falling out of my hammock. I moved into the second bedroom, it has a proper bed. And it's bigger," she says while giggling.

"Bed or Hammock?" he asks her, leaning on the door frame.

She grins at him before yawning once more. She leans tiredly on the wall and rubs her eyes.

"Looks like you need a rest, princess."

"Why did you call me that?" she asks, her sleepy eyes staring at the doctor.

"You told me too."

"No, no. The first time. Why did you call me princess the first time."

He thinks for a moment before answering, "Because you truly looked like one. A beautiful princess. Sleeping beauty."

She grins and slides down the wall, to sit down.

"You're not sleeping there, princess. Come on," He says, crossing his arms.

She laughs, cheekily at him and sticks out her bottom lip, "Make me!"

She squeals when he picks her up. Kicking her legs as he carries her, both laughing. The sorceress snuggles into the doctor closing her eyes. She listen to his two heart beats, smiling. He carefully lays her on the bed and runs a hand down her blue and pink hair. Then he gets up to leave.

"Doctor?" The sorceress mumbles quietly, catching his attention before he leaves, "Can you stay?"

She speaks with her eyes still closed, making the doctor laugh. He walks back over to her and climbs onto the bed next to her, "Always, princess. Go to sleep."

She smiles before drifting off into a deep, undisturbed sleep.

When the sorceress wakes up, the sunlight is streaming through her window. The TARDIS beeps it's good morning. The sorceress smiles calms and slips out of bed smoothly. She softly walks over to her window.

"Thanks, T. Still don't know how you managed to get a sun in here," she gives a small laugh as she fingers the curtain, before pulling it back firmly, tying it in place.

The sorceress walks over to her mirror and stares into it. She smiles when she sees her reflection. A pale girl, with ice, blue eyes stares back at her. Her hair is blue at the top and fades into a light pink, stopping at her waist. A plait trails down the side of her hair and she fingers it delicately. She changes into a copy of the exact same clothes she was wearing at walks out into the main room. There she sees the Doctor, reading a thick novel from her shelf. He wears a pair of glasses and doesn't notice her enter the room.

"Doctor?" she calls, startling him out of his reading.

"Hmmm?" he asks, looking up from his book.

He grabs a bookmark and was about to put it the book, but looks at it strangely. The sorceress giggles. He waves it in front of her.

"Why is it a playing card?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.

"It's interesting. Each book has a different playing card attached to it. I like variety."

He nods at her and clears his throat, "You were going to ask me something."

"Oh yeah," she smiles at him and fingers the plait again, "Did you do this?"

He smiles sheepishly at her, "I got a bit bored. You know Timelords don't need sleep as much as others. I really wasn't tired."

She shrugged her shoulders, "I like it."

The sorceress holds out her hand expectantly. The Doctor grins before placing her flower crown in her outstretched hand. She ran a finger over the petals of the flowers and a sudden vision came into her mind.

My fingers ran through the flowers in the field, feeling their soft petals. A young boy was standing in front of me, grinning. He held out a hand to me and I grasped it firmly. Pulling me up from my sitting position, he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Good morning, princess."

Princess? The word sounded familiar for this boy to use. I smile at him and twirl around in a circle.

"Looking good." he says to me.

I grab his hand and smirk, winking at him. He nods at me and we both run of in the direction of the sunrise. Laughing, I let go of his hand and fall down on the soft grass. He sits down next to me and looks at me with kind eyes.

"Come on, princess. Show me your eyes."

The sorceress gasps and blinks rapidly, crouching on the floor. The doctor kneels in front of her, waving a hand in front of her.

"You with me? Sorceress?"

She coughs in reply and sits on the floor, leaning her back on the wall.

"Yeah... I," she falters, trying to remember what she saw, "I... it... was a kinda... dream. Or vision. Memory? I don't....know. It could've been a memory."

"A memory?" The doctor asks, laying a hand on her cheek and looking thoughtful, "It's possible. You told me that you had forgotten things, like your name. What was the memory about?"

"I was, with someone. A boy. We were both young. So young. It was a field of flowers and we ran. We ran so much. And he said something strange to me. It was..."

"It was what. It might be important you need to remember," the doctor said, grasping her hand firmly, "Come on."

"He said, Show me your eyes. Doctor? What does it mean?"

The doctor had jerked back at her words and was hastily rubbing the back of his neck. He grinned awkwardly at her.

"Nothing, princess."

She glares at him and stands up, crossing her arms, "Something is the matter, I can tell. You can't hide things from me. It's about me, I ought to know. Tell me! Doctor!"

He walks closer to her, all the awkwardness gone from his face, replaced with worry. He clears his throat and she grabs onto his hand for comfort, both for her and for his comfort.

"Sorceress, what do you remember about your timelord life?"

She searches her brain to answer the question, thinking that it shouldn't be this hard to find this information. She finds a door, labelled childhood memories and opens it, only to receive an electric shock. She gasps and hold her head, hissing. The doctor lays a hand on her shoulder and lifts her chin with the other hand, so that she has to look at him.

"You can't get to them, sorceress. They're locked away in your brain, to be protected. When you gave away your name, they took all those memories, leaving you with feelings of what you are and ghost pasts. It was made so you never questioned why you didn't know your past. They made it so that you would find fear when looking back and wouldn't go any further than that. A protective barrier. Your name is a lot more than your name. It is a part of you and you gave it away, leaving you with no memories of before. That is the reason that you can't remember why you gave up your name. That is the reason why it hurts so much to open that door. Until we figure out how to get them back, you can never open that door. It will only hurt and you will receive nothing more than pain. Promise me, you won't open it. Please?"

She nods and closes her eyes, but opens them when she remembers something, "But in the dalek ship, I could feel hatred towards them. I was cornered by a dalek, when it asked me why I couldn't remember them. And I tried to remember them, but I couldn't. But I still felt the hatred."

"Your emotions are too strong to be wiped from your body. Have you ever met someone with no emotions? No. It is almost impossible to get rid of them, and it's cruel. I've seen it done. The person... or thing, that did this to you, wasn't cruel. I have reason to believe it wanted to protect you."

She nods still trying to comprehend, "Please, doctor, tell me what it meant. What did he mean when he said, show me your eyes?"

"I can't tell you. I don't know at what price you risked your memories. Telling you what he meant could damage you. We have to let your memories come back naturally and find out who took them and why. It seems to me that your memories will come back to you in pieces. Tell me if you get another one, ok? It might be important."

He fishes out a small, pink, fluffy book, complete with a key and lock and gave it to her.

"This will be your dream diary. Write down all the memories you have, starting with this one. We may be able to find something, ok?"

She nods and runs her hand down the fluffy exterior. She looks down at her other hand and notices the flower crown, still firmly in her grasp. Putting it on, she grins at the doctor.

"We need a distraction," she laughs lightly, "Come on, let's go see Bee!"

She grabs his hand, the familiar warmth going into each of them, making the sorceress laugh. The run off to the infirmary. When she spots Bee, a small smile appears on her face, as she watches the small girl smile peacefully. She sits down next to her, on the only chair in the room.

"Oi. You stole the chair!" the doctor complains, spotting her.

She sticks her tongue out and crosses her arms, "You'll just have to stand."

"Hey, No poking your tongue out, princess. I'll get you back for that!"

He walks over to her and puts a hand on her shoulder and one on her cheek. She giggles and waves the hands off her. Then he attacks her, making her burst into laughter.

"Stop that, it tickles."

He picks her up and sits down on the chair. The sorceress jumps off him and stands in front, an upset look on her face.

"Looks like there is a nice comfy seat waiting for me," she says, sitting right on top of him.

"Oof, get off me! You are heavy!"

"No I'm not. Your just weak."

He sticks a tongue out at her and she laughs again, "Fine! You're not heavy."

She smiles at him at gets off, walking over to Bee. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and stares at the girl.

"She's so brave."

"Like you..." The doctor says, making her turn around.

"Stop bringing all the attention back to me," she complains, hitting him lightly on the shoulder.

"Ok, princess," he mocks, rubbing his shoulder, as if that playful slap was a punch.

"Oh, go away!" she remarks, waving a hand.

He turns to leave, "If I must!"

"NO! I didn't mean that," she says, grabbing his hand before he can leave.

They both turn back to Bee, as they hear a rustle behind them. Bee's eyes are open as she looks at the reproachfully.

"Stop flirting, you too!"

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