salir sin que me ames de vuel...

By blackwolfisashipper

8.6K 270 196

a team of superheroes,a boy and his dog,supervillians and two dorks who can't get their shit together. (seque... More

Failure mode (p2)
Failure mode (part 3)
Failure mode (part 4)

Failure mode (part 1)

2K 59 53
By blackwolfisashipper

It has been 2 entire months since the gang have returned from their short lived vacation,most of the crime they had to stop were small things like stealing and car chases. So it has been relatively easy going....untill one night.

"San fransokyo museum of art" Fred narrarates and pops his head out of a manhole,the young man was currently in his supersuit trying to be stealthy.

"All is quiet....FOR NOW" he says dramatically as his eyes scan his surroundings,watching as a few formally dressed people enter the museum.

"Uh...Fred?" Hiro's voice rang out questioningly,the blond turned looking across the street where the rest of the gang (excluding Gogo and Wasabi) were currently sitting ,ontop of the local noodle burger resturaunt's roof.

"Why are we staking out an art party?" Hiro asked with his head resting in his hands and feet dangling off the roof,he was extremely bored.

"What could happe-"

"EVERYTHING!" the blond shouted cutting off the ravenheaded boy as he turned his sights towards the museum once again.

"Museum galas are in like the top three favourite supervillian things to interupt! right after big perades and experimental weapon demonstrations!" Fred Ranted on as Honey Lemon sat next to a very unimpressed looking Hiro.

She leaned closer almost invading his personal space looking quite exited.

"This is so exiting!" The blonde sat up straight again only to hunch over with her hands pressed together.

"I can't WAIT to see the new shinomoto exhibit!" She exclaimed as Hiro smiled fondly.

Baymax leaned in closer as well.

"Who or what is a..shimomoto?" The robot asks curiously.

"Lenaura Shenomoto, she was an amaizing artist and is ...kind of my Idol" Honey lemon says bashfully.

"Never heard of her!" Fred's voice rang out from his place in the manhole.

She either didn't hear him or just chose to ignore him as she kept on explaining to both Hiro and Baymax .

"She painted "city rising" the famous masterpiece they're unvailing tonight" she said gesturing towards the museum.

"Never heard of it"Fred's voice rang out once again.

"Oh,that's because it was lost for like,a hundred years!"

"Still never heard of it"

Honey lemon looked both annoyed and exausted.

She turned her focus towards Hiro one again,instantly brightening up .

"It captures rebirth after the great catastrophe of 1906. I'm a HUGE fan!"

Hiro flinched leaning away from her with a shocked look.

Her eyes widened and she leaned back waving her hands with a grim look.

"Not of the catastrophe ,that was...that was terrible...of shimomoto!"

Just as she finished her sentence a loud crash came from the museum followed by the screams of people.

Everyone turned their attention towards the museum as the doors burst open,a rather tubby security guard called out in panic.

"The gala is under attack by an inhuman freak! Outta my way!" He screamed running out followed by tons of screaming people.

"Inhuman freak?" Fred asked and yelped as people jumped ontop of the manhole ,pushing him down the metal steps of the ladder in the process as multiple "ow's" and "oof's" rang out.

"Ugg aaaand there's the floor..supervillian! Totally called it!" Fred's voice rang out from the sewers.
The gang charged into the museum with Fred calling out.

"Nice try supervillian!" Silence rang out as they looked at the broken glass of the ceiling ,their eyes traveled down towards the ground where a certain someone was trying to pull glass out of their body muttering "darn it!"

"Yeah ..I don't know if I'd call blobby super?maybe subpar" Hiro said rather amused with both his hands on his hips.

"Well subpar villian isn't a thing so what am I supposed to say?" Fred asked shrugging and turned his attention towards the 14 year old.

"Owww,there should be a warning on that skylight!" Blobby said as he glared at it.

"Glass may shatter!" He started picking out the shards of glass from the goo of his body.

"Really appreciate this guys,you're looking sharp by the way."

They all looked at him unimpressed.

"Subpar villian" Hiro concluded

"Broken glass can be hazerdous" Baymax supplied.

"Ugh fiiinnee we'll wait" Fred said with a sigh and placed both of his hands on his hips.


After chasing blobby through the halls they thought they had captured the mutant villian when baymax had gotten ahold of him ,but he slipped through his fingers like liquid and bounced away.

"Wait,he can turn into a ball? That's new!" Fred called out surprised


The next day Honey Lemon was in her lab working through some assignments ,with baymax to keep her company.

She heard a small knock against her lab's door followed by a very familiar voice saying.

"Hola Prima" Honey Lemon gasped and turned around smiling brightly as she saw Miguel standing by the door.

"Miguel!?" She ran over scooping him up into a tight hug both of them laughing with joy,she lowered him to the floor once again,looking him up and down as if to confirm that he was really here.

"What are you doing here!? Don't you have school? Why didn't you let me know that you were coming!?" She shouted a string of questions,one after the other untill Miguel put a hand over her mouth to make her shut up.

"I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you" he explained with a slight chuckle and lowered his hand.

"As for your other question ,the art school you go to heard my music and offered me a spot in their program! I'm going to be going to school there! I guess music counts as art or something?"

"Oh my gosh Miguel! That's amaizing congradulations!" She hugged him tightly spinning him around and set him down once again.

"I do not understand" Miguel jumped slightly as the robot spoke,how did he not notice it earlier?

"Oh! I almost forgot! Miguel this is Baymax!" Honey lemon exclaimed as she gestured towards the robot in question.

"Uhh...hi?" He said awkwardly,the robot turned towards him waving it's hand.

"Hello,I am Baymax your personal healthcare companion" Miguel smiled.

"Hola I am Miguel your personal uhhh......friend??" He shrugged with a grin.

They chatted for awhile untill Honey lemon took out a history book and explained to Baymax about the painting they had saved the night before.

"It's Amaizing! And we saved it!" She exclaimed closing the book but the flinched when she realised Miguel was looking at her strangely,she forgot that he didn't know about their superhero lives.

What did Honey Lemon mean by 'they saved it'? The bruenette found himself wondering but before he could open his mouth baymax spoke changing the subject.

"I do not understand the purpose of art"

"Well,to understand art is to be human !to feel emotions."Honey lemon tried to supply. Baymax merely tilted his head.

"I am not programmed to feel emotions only to monitor them" he answered and a screen with emoji's appeared on his chest.

"Like so" the robot finished,Miguel chuckled sitting down on Honey lemon's chair as she bit her lip.

"Oh i'm sorry ..umm..think of it therapy" she explained smiling.

Just then they heard the door open, Honey Lemon turned around and let out a shriek of terror and worry.

"HIRO!" Miguel turned in the chair looking at the ravenette who had a blood red handprint on the one side of his face and he looked rather moody.

Honey lemon ran towards him and checked him over,tilting his head side to side.

"What happened!?" Hiro pulled away gently.

"I'm fine Honey lemon"

"You don't look fine shortstack"Miguel commented with a smirk altough he was kind of worried himself.

The ravenette turned towards him looking surprised but soon a huge grin spread out on his features.

"Miguel!?" The bruenette in question jumped off of the chair and spread his arms out dramatically.

"The one and only bab...oof!"Miguel chuckled as he suddenly had his arms full of the ravenette ,the boy in question was hugging him tightly and Miguel was all to eager to return it.

They heard Honey lemon let out a small 'aww' and pulled away.

"Why are you here?" Hiro asked with a smile.


"You know what I meant ya doof"

"Pfft yeah.I got into this art school because of my music,apperantly they have music as well If I finish there then I might have a career in music! If I get noticed that is" the bruenette said with exitement clear in his voice.

"Dude! That's amaizing! Congrads" Hiro said with a grin big enough to rival Miguell's.

The bruenette smiled softly.


"I really hate to interupt this reunion,honestly I do but Hiro,what happened?" Honey lemon asked worried.

Hiro's smile fell back into a moody and tired look.

"Hiro seems to be covered in red paint,but do not be alarmed this paint is non-toxic" Baymax said reassuringly and stuck one of his marshmellow fingers in the air.

Miguel had to keep back his snort of amusement,why the heck did Hiro have paint on his face?

Honey Lemon got a sympathetic look and placed her hand on Hiro's shoulder.

"I'm guessing you failed on your masterpiece?"

"It was more of a disasterpiece" Hiro muttered.

"Ohh word play" Miguel cut in and smirked when Hiro gave him a half hearted glare,altough the ravenette's smile gave away the fact that he wasn't really annoyed.

Fred burst into the lab all of a sudden with his phone in hand.

"Guys,guys! Oh hi Miguel long time no see! ...guys!"

He ran over to them and basically shoved his phone into their faces.

"Look at this funny video I found of some kid embarrasing himself!"

The video showed Hiro trying to catch a painted red tower prototype only for it to break,they see him get annoyed and facepalm only for red to smear across his face. Obviously the paint was still wet.the video then cuts off with a female voice saying "and scene".

Miguel kept a hand over his mouth to keep from bursting out in a fit of laughter,Hiro was upset damn it! Don't laugh!He's part of the Hiro protection squad now!

Hiro looked really annoyed and completely done with everyone's shit.

"Uhh,Fred? That's me" he said with annoyance clear in his voice.

Fred turned the phone towards himself to get a closer look.

"Heeeeeyyy,that is you! But just pretend it's someone else! See now you're laughi ......oh wait no that's a grimace,I made it worse" he said sheepishly,putting away his phone.

"I'm sure you'll do better next time with ...whatever it was you had to make" Miguel said trying to comfort the ravenette as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks Miguel,you're right ! I'm going to ace my project next week with my new and beter ideas!" He said with a confident smile as he ran towards his lab.

".......should.....I be worried?"Miguel asked.

"Yes,when Hiro gets like this he doesn't sleep" Honey lemon said biting her lip.

"Last time Hiro went 68 Hours without sleep" Baymax supplied.

"Ah I see...I'll be sure to drag him out of his lab as much as I can."

"Thanks Miguel, I have a question though.where are you going to stay?"Honey lemon asked changing the subject. The bruenette looked surprised.

"Oh,I was hoping I could stay with you and your parents"

"Oh,i'm sorry Miguel but they're out of town for a few months and I moved into an apartment with Gogo,there isn't really much room" she looked as worried as Miguel suddenly felt ,where on earth was he going to stay?

"I'd let you stay at our mansion little dude but my mom doesn't want friends staying over night.." Fred said with a frown obviously displeased.

"He can stay with us" Hiro's voice cut in as he walked back into Honey's lab with his backpack on his shoulders.

"We have a spare bed in my room and aunt cass wouldn't mind a bit of company,heck! As soon as I told her about you she wanted to meet you."Miguel smiled widely.

"Thanks Hiro! You're sure it won't be a problem?" The ravenette nodded.

"Positive,now come on before professor Granville sees you and starts calling you Fred 2.0

Hiro grabbed a few of Miguel's luggage that he had left outside the lab with Miguel carrying the rest.

With that they walked towards the café that wasn't that far away from the university.

(There! I have blessed you with a chapter that is over 2000 words long are ya'll happy!? Lol .I'll see how soon I can publish part two. As usual sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes and I hope you all enjoyed! Also to all of my spanish readers,feel free to correct me if I make mistakes with the spanish bits! I do not speak spanish so I have to make use of google translate which is not really accurate 😓)

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