Twin Catastrophe (GirlXGirl)

By CerinLacsamana

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Collection of Short Stories about TWINS More

Twin Catastrophe (Summaries)
Twin Catastrophe 1: The Twin's Identity (Chapter 1)
Twin Catastrophe 1: The Twin's Identity (Chapter 2)
Twin Catastrophe 1: The Twin's Identity (Chapter 3)
Twin Catastrophe 1: The Twin's Identity (Chapter 4)
Twin Catastrophe 2: The Twin's Revenge (Prologue)
Twin Catastrophe 2: The Twin's Revenge (Beginnings)
Twin Catastrophe 2: The Twin's Revenge (Infiltration)
Twin Catastrophe 2: The Twin's Revenge (Encounter)
Twin Catastrophe 2: The Twin's Revenge (Realization)
Twin Catastrophe 2: The Twin's Revenge (Regrets)
Twin Catastrophe 2: The Twin's Revenge (Revelations)
Twin Catastrophe 3: The Twin's Secret Affair (Chapter I)
Twin Catastrophe 3: The Twin's Secret Affair (Chapter II)
Twin Catastrophe 3: The Twin's Secret Affair (Chapter III)
Twin Catastrophe 3: The Twin's Secret Affair (Chapter V)
Twin Catastrophe 3: The Twin's Secret Affair (Chapter VI)
Twin Catastrophe 4: The Twin's Promise (Prologue)
Twin Catastrophe 4: The Twin's Promise (Part 1)
Twin Catastrophe 4: The Twin's Promise (Part 2)
Twin Catastrophe 4: The Twin's Promise (Part 3)
Twin Catastrophe 4: The Twin's Promise (Part 4)
Twin Catastrophe 4: The Twin's Promise (Part 5)
Twin Catastrophe 4: The Twin's Promise (Last Part)
Twin Catastrophe 4: The Twin's Promise (Epilogue)
Twin Catastrophe Extra: The Other Twin
Twin Catastrophe Extra: The Other Twin 2
Twin Catastrophe Extra: The Other Twin 3
Twin Catastrophe Extra: The Other Twin (End)

Twin Catastrophe 3: The Twin's Secret Affair (Chapter IV)

1.6K 62 6
By CerinLacsamana

(The next morning)

“Good morning” Sheena greeted

“Good morning. What’s my schedule for today?”

“You’ll be having a product presentation at 10am, lunch meeting with Mr. Aaron Caster and a 3:00 meeting with Director Leol”

“Alright” I paused for a while “Can I ask you some private question Sheena?”

“And what is it?”

“Last Saturday, when you know… I blacked out… do you know what happened next?”

Sheena smiled “Ms. Rixanne is very worried about you that time. She even wanted to call a doctor. She wasn’t the usual as herself and she insisted of taking you home after that”

“Do you know what happened after that?”

“Nothing more”


“Why is it?”

“Nothing” I said as I went inside my office

If there’s a link in remembering what happened last Saturday… it is none other than RIXANNE.


“So we’re settled Anielle”

“Yes, I’ll see you again, Director Leol”

“Alright” he shook hands with me and leaves the meeting room

As I am about to leave the room, I found Rixanne walking out

“Good afternoon” I greeted

“Good afternoon” she greeted back as she continues walking

“Hey” I called

She stops and turned back at me “Are you going to say something? I still have a 5:30 meeting with some investors”

“Would it take long?”

“About an hour”

“Are you free after that?”


“Then hang out with me, if it’s okay?”

There was a minute silence “Alright”

I smiled at her “Then, I’ll wait for you at the lobby” I said as I walk out

(6 pm)

“I’ll be going Sheena” I bid goodbye

“Alright ma’am”

As I went to the lobby, I found Rixanne waiting for me

“Hey” I called as I walk towards her “I thought you still had a meeting”

“It ended earlier”

“You should have called me”

“Are you planning on something?”

“Planning what?”

“You asked me for a lunch yesterday to pay me and now you’re asking me again to hang out with you but can’t figure out why?”

“I have a bet with you, and to win that bet, I need you… It’s not in the rule right? I wanted to be with you, so that I could remember what happened.”

Rixanne smiled “Then I let you remember what happened if you really insisted” she said as she grin and slowly strokes my hair

“Hey hey” I stopped her. “What I wanted to remember was the earlier part, not the latter part” I took her hand “Let’s go”


“This is cool, where do you find this kind of bar?” Rixanne said as we went in

“The internet”

We seated in front of the bar “Two beer please” I order

“Beer?  I’ll have cocktail instead”

“Look, I’m reliving what happened”

“Why are you so persistent about it?”

“If I lose, I lose everything”

Rixanne smiled “But if you win, I’ll grant you one thing. You never aim on losing, what is it that you wanted me to grant you?”

“It’s a secret”

“You really are secretive… how’s Alvin doing?”

“He’s fine”

“It’s been a month since I last saw him, we’re couples but he sure does not know how to take care of her girlfriend”

“He’s just busy”

“Does he have another woman?”

“Ah… wait a minute, don’t accuse my brother like that. You’re the one who committed adultery. You slept with your own fiancé’s twin sister.”

Rixanne chuckled “Did Alvin know what happened?”

“Of course not, why would I tell him?”

“So this is an affair”


“The two of us, we’re having an affair”

“We’re not an item”

“Is it?”

“We’re enemies, remember?”

“I only consider that inside the office, enemies at the office, lovers outside”

“Oh God, you’re a smarty at the office and an idiot outside”

“Let’s drink to that” she said as she sipped her beer

I smiled “You’re rough at the office and a cool one outside”

“Are you already drunk?”

“My beer is still full idiot” I said as I raised my beer “I like the outside you” I added and drinks

“Then maybe we should hang out everyday”

“I’ll consider it.”

(The next morning)

“Good morning, breakfast is ready” Rixanne said as she wakes me

I woke up in her room again but this time I’m not naked. I’m wearing the pajama I borrowed from her last night and definitely… I remember what happened that night “I want coffee”

Rixanne smiled at me “Sure baby” she said as she kissed me

“Hey!” I yelled as I pushed her away

Rixanne chuckled as she ran out of the room

“Where are my clothes?”

“I’m still drying it”

“What?! You washed my clothes?” I said as I went out to the kitchen

“Yeah” she answered as she put down the coffee on the table

“Well, it’s kind of embarrassing but thank you”

Rixanne smiled at me


“Ehem” I heard Alvin cough as I went inside the house “Where have you been? I’ve been calling you all night”

“I’m sorry. I forgot calling you”

“Where did you go this time?”

“To a friend’s house”

“Really” Alvin looked at me seriously while his eyebrows lift

“I’m old enough to do whatever I want alright?”

“I’m just concern about you, you’re my only sister. I know you’re not this kind of person”

“I’ll be fine”

“Just call me when you’re not going home”

“Then why aren’t you calling me when you’re not going home?”

Alvin smiled “Then I promise, I’ll call you too”

I want to keep everything a secret to Alvin especially to what happened to me and Rixanne.

“Morning” I greeted Sheena as I entered the office

“Morning ma’am. Director Cormwell is waiting for you”


“Morning Anielle” Renz greeted as I opened the door “You’re a bit late today”

“What do you need Renz?”

“I need your sign to some papers”

“You could’ve just leave it to Sheena”

Renz smiled “I just wanted to see you”

“You’re very persistent”

“Can we have another dinner after office?”

I looked at him “Very well”


As evening approaches,

“Are you ready?” Renz said as he waited for me

“Let’s go”

A few minutes as we arrived at restaurant, I heard my cellphone ringing. “Excuse me for a moment. Alvin is calling me”

“Sure, go ahead”


“Where are you?” he asked

“I’m having a dinner with Renz”

“Go cancel it”

“What? Why?”

“Rixanne just showed up in our doorstep and she’s having dinner with us”

“She’s really a bitch”

“I’ll be waiting for you”

“Hey… I just can’t cancel this dinner”

“Then invite Renz in. Bye” Alvin said as he closed his phone

“Bastard brother” I said as I looked at Renz “Hey…”

“Hey… is there anything wrong”

“There’s a change of plan… we’re having dinner at my place”

“Alright” Renz smiled

“Do you want anything? I’m still cooking. You came unannounced. I’m sorry” Alvin apologized

“I’m fine. I can wait” Rixanne smiled at him.

“It’s good to see you again”

“Yeah, it’s almost a month since we see each other”

“I’m sorry”

“It’s fine. You never agreed to this arrangement anyway”

They stop talking as the gate opened

“They’re here” Alvin said

This is a pain in the ass.  Alvin went outside to greet us “Hey”

“Yoh Alvin” Renz greeted

“Please come in”

When I went inside, Rixanne was sitting in the sofa

“Good evening” Rixanne greeted me with a smile

“I thought you’re already having dinner” I asked

“Well, I’m not really good at cooking but I’m roasting the chicken” Alvin answered

“Geez Alvin, you don’t know how to entertain a guest.”

“Good evening Rixanne, fancy seeing you here” Renz said

“You too Renz. On a date?” Rixanne asked

“Just a dinner” I said “have a sit Renz, I’ll just prepare dinner”

“Thank you” Renz said as he sat down along Rixanne

“Go get them some beer or wine.” I ordered Alvin “And entertain them while I prepare”

“Alright” Alvin followed as I went to the kitchen

 “Hey” someone called behind

“Rixanne? Is there anything you want?”

“Nothing… I came to help”

“It’s fine, I can handle this. Just wait a while”

“I’ll help alright; I can’t follow the guy’s jokes”

“But you’re a visitor here”

“Just let me help”

“Alright, you can chop the vegetables”

There was long silence…and then I felt Rixanne back of me

“Is there anything wrong?”  I asked

“I’m finished chopping… I want to watch you cook”

I felt uneasy. There was a chill in my back.

“Is there anything wrong? You’re kind of nervous” Rixanne said as she holds my shoulder

“I’m fine, so just sit there” I said as I take off her hands and pushed her away “Stay there” I said

Rixanne smiled “Alright… I’ll watch you from this far”

“I can’t concentrate with you at my back or near me”

“I really love teasing you”

“Shut up”

There was silence again

“I’m… jealous” Rixanne said

I heard the oven ting

“Dinner will be ready soon; you should go join the others” I said


As we we’re having dinner,

“When will you two get married?” Renz suddenly asked

“Wow… I wish you’re not invited for dinner” Rixanne said

“I’m sorry to ask”

“They will get married… they’re couples anyway” I said

“But probably not right now” Alvin added “We’re still planning”

“Yeah, for almost three… four, five years” Rixanne answered “So, how about you Renz? Are you planning on getting married?”

“Of course” Renz smiled

“And I don’t think it would be Anielle. She’s not into you”

“Can we move to another topic?” I said “And please don’t be rude Rixanne”

“Oh, I’m sorry if I go beyond border”

There was a very long silence with awkwardness

“Maybe we should have another dinner like this” Renz breaks the silence again

“Right… I wonder when it will happen again” Rixanne said

“Let’s finish eating so that you two can go home” I said “and this dinner won’t be happening again”

“Anielle… you’re rude” Alvin said

“Alright” Rixanne said “Let’s finish up”


After dinner,

“I should be going” Renz said

“Let me walk you out” I said

As I accompanied Renz outside

“What a mess up dinner again… I’m sorry” Renz apologized

“It’s my fault, I invited you here…”

“It’s fine… Our boss is really one pain in the ass” Renz smiled

“Yeah she is” I agreed

“I’ll see you at the office tomorrow”

“Yeah, have a safe trip. Goodnight”

“Goodnight” Renz bid farewell and drive home

As I returned back,

“Did your boyfriend left already?” Rixanne said

“You’re an ass, you know that”

“Thank you for telling me”

“Are you not going home?”

“Just give me a couple of minutes to talk to you”

“Okay, so what do you want to talk about?” I asked sarcastically

“I’m sorry alright… I’m sorry for being rude and for being an ass”

I looked at her. She’s really sincere “Apology accepted”

Rixanne smiled at me “In this house… Am I the enemy or am I the cool one?”

“Why is it?”

“Cause if I am the cool one, I want to hug you right now”

“We can’t, you’re my brother’s fiancé and he’s in this…” I stopped talking as she stole a kiss “You idiot” I said as I looked around

Rixanne chuckled “You are always nervous”

“Don’t do that again”

“Hey” Alvin called

“Hey” I said surprised

“Are you two alright? Are you fighting again?”

“We’re not really… just discussing some events” Rixanne answered “I should be going then. I’ll see you at the office tomorrow, Anielle” Rixanne said as she taps me

“Let’s go, I’ll walk you out” Alvin said


The next morning as I went to office,

“Good Morning” Rixanne greeted me the usual way

“Morning” I greeted back “Is there anything you wanted?”

“I need these files for my presentation with the Russian investors” Rixanne said as she handed me a folder

“Alright, I’ll send it to your office”

“And I want you to have lunch with me”


“You heard me Ms. Anielle. I’ll see you at lunch” she said as she walks out

During lunch,

“What do you want?” Rixanne asked

“Are you treating me?”


“I’ll have Caesar salad then”

Rixanne chuckled “My treat, okay?”

“Then I’ll have Steak too”

“You made my day Anielle” Rixanne said as she holds my hand

I pulled my hand out “We’re in public place Rixanne. Few of the people eating here are also our employees”

“You’re being sensitive”

“You’re my brother’s fiancé; of course I need to be sensitive. And what do you think people think about us? We’re enemies”

“Alright” Rixanne said as there was silence between us.

We we’re already finish eating when Rixanne said “Tomorrow’s Saturday, can you hang out with me… go to the mall or something, have movies”

I looked at her “Alright” I agreed

Rixanne smiled “I’ll fetch you then tomorrow at 10”

“No, we’ll just see each other”

“Come on”

“My brother’s at home tomorrow, he will surely know”

“Don’t be afraid, believe in me.”

I looked at her in the eyes “Very well”

“10am alright”

The next day,

“You skip breakfast” Alvin said as I went down “Where are you going?”

“Well, I’m going out”

“By yourself?”


Alvin smiled at me “You’re going with someone”


“Oh, don’t be shy, just tell me who he is”

“I’m not going with someone”

“Is it Renz again?”


“Who’s the lucky guy then?”

We stop talking as we heard a doorbell “Who might it be?”

“I need to go” I said as Alvin followed me “I’ll be fine so just stay, alright”

“Come on; just tell me who’s going with you”

As I opened the gate, Rixanne was standing in front of us

“Hey” Rixanne greeted and smiled “I come to pick up your sister”

“Rixanne? You’re going out with my sister?” Alvin asked

Oh shit

“Yes” she answered and looked at me “Are you ready?”

I looked at her seriously “Yeah”

“But I didn’t see any baggage with you”

“What?” I asked

“Didn’t I told you that we’re having an overnight meeting with a client today”

“But what about mall?”

“Mall?” Alvin looked at me “You’re going to a mall?”

“Yeah, there’s a product show today so where going there and after that to an overnight meeting” Rixanne explained “So go, pack your things, we’ll be back tomorrow evening. And please, don’t make me wait”

Idiot” I whisper as I head back to pack

A few minutes later as I packed my things,

“Let’s go” I said irritated

“Call me alright” Alvin said “Take care of her” she said to Rixanne

“Don’t worry about her. She’s old enough” Rixanne said as she went to the car

“I’ll see you tomorrow” I said to Alvin

“Relax, everything will be fine” Alvin said as he opened the car door for me


As we ride away from home,

“What was that? You said we’re going to a mall for a hang-out, you never said we’re having an overnight meeting with a client?”

Rixanne looked at me and smiled “We’re not”


“You’re staying at my pad tonight”

“What?! Are you out of your mind?”

Rixanne stops the car “Yeah, I am” she said as she kissed me

I don’t know why, but I answer all her kisses

“I want you to be with me tonight” she whispers “All I could think is to have you with me”

“You should have just said it”

“In front of your brother?”

“No, I didn’t say in front of him. You could just told me yesterday”

“I was thinking you’re disagree on it”

“Why would I? We still have a deal”

Rixanne looked at me “Yeah, a deal…” she smiled

“We should hold hands” Rixanne said

“Stop demanding”

Rixanne smiled “What do you want to do first?”

“You’re the one who invited me”

Rixanne smiled “Let’s go see a movie first”


As the hour passes, after we went for the movie, we go for lunch and then go shopping.

“Do you like those shoes?” Rixanne asked

“Yeah, they’re on sale.”

“You like them because they’re on sale?”


“You’re wasting your money”

“Why? It’s cheap”

“You’re buying something you don’t really like. You just want to buy them because they’re cheap and why would you buy something cheap? You’re earning 20,000 bucks a month”

“Because I have a jobless brother?”

“Alvin is not jobless. He’s a photographer”

I sighs “I won’t buy the shoes anymore, alright?”

Rixanne smiled “Alright, it doesn’t fit on you anyway. Let’s go” she said as she pulled me

“Where are we going?”


We stop in front of a store, the store I can’t forget, the ‘CHOCOLATE HOUSE’

“I hate sweets” I said “Let’s go somewhere else”

“You’re the only woman who hates sweets”

“My grandmother hates it”

“When she turned 70 because she’s diagnosed with diabetes?”

“No, but she has diabetes”

“Come on”

“No” I answered, not because I really hate sweets but because Alvin’s secret girlfriend is the owner

“Please” Rixanne begs “Just one chocolate… one box of chocolate”

“Alright” I agreed “Just one box and we leave”

I guess luck is not with me right now because Ellie’s on the counter

“I’ll wait you outside” I said to Rixanne


“I don’t like the smell of chocolates”

“Geez, can you just endure it?”

“Then, I’ll just wait for you at that table” I said as I pointed an empty seat away from the counter

“Alright then”

I walk out of the line cautiously so that Ellie can’t recognize me.

What would happen if Rixanne find out about Ellie, and what would happen to me if Ellie find out?

“Why are you like that?” Rixanne said as we were eating

“What about?”

“You’re acting strange, like you’re avoiding someone”


“Alright” Rixanne said as he took one chocolate “This is delicious”


Rixanne looked at me “You’ve eaten one?”

“No, just the look.”

“Why don’t you try?”

“I hate chocolates”

“Just try one, come on”

“I hate it”

“Anielle, is that you?” I heard Ellie said from behind. I’m really in bad luck right now

Rixanne looked at Ellie

“Hey” I turned back and smiled

“Nice to see you again” Ellie said

“Yeah, you too”

“Ehem” Rixanne cough “You know each other”

“Yeah, she’s Ellie, a friend of mine. Ellie, this is Rixanne, my boss”

“Oh, Am I intruding you?”

“No” I said as Rixanne interfere

“Yeah you are” Rixanne said

“Oh, I’m sorry. I leave you two.” Ellie looked at me “Pass by the counter when you go, I’ll give you something”

“Alright” I said as Ellie leaves. I looked back at Rixanne

“Who’s she?”

“A friend”

“You’ve been in this place, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, this is my second time”

“So you’re lying to me. You said you hate chocolates”

“I am, Alvin just brought me here”


“He designed the place”

“Oh, really”


“Is she the one you’re avoiding?”

“Yeah, she knows my brother. I don’t want to give her any hint between us”

“You should have just told me. I’ve felt jealous”

“I’m sorry”

Rixanne smiled “Chocolates?”

After we finish eating, I pass by the counter. Ellie smiled at me as I walk towards her “Hey”

“Hey, please have this” Ellie said as she handed me a box “its almond chocolates”

“Thank you”

“Your boss’ beautiful”


Ellie chuckled “Yeah she is”

“I’ll be going then and can you keep this to Alvin... about me and my boss eating chocolates together?”

“I’ll think about it”


Ellie smiled “As you requested then”

“Thank you. Bye then.”

“I’ll see you again… alright?”


“She’s beautiful” Rixanne said as I walk towards her “That Ellie girl”

“She is”

“Can I ask you a question?”


“Who’s more beautiful? Me or her”


“Geez, just what I expected”

I smiled “But you’re way cooler”

Rixanne smiled and hold my hands “No way will I let your hands go”

“Well at least we should not kiss in public”

After hanging in the mall, we went home to Rixanne’s pad.

“I’m so tired” I said as I lied in the couch

“You want wine?”


Rixanne smiled as she walks towards the kitchen

“I bought so many clothes. What will I tell Alvin?”

“Just tell him our clients give it to you”

“No way will he believe”

“Then, just leave it here.” Rixanne said as she handed me wine “I’ll keep it for you so that if you plan to have an overnight again…”

“Alright then” I said as I sipped my wine

“Great, let me unpacked it for you” Rixanne said as she took the bags

“No, I’ll do it” I pulled Rixanne’s hand

“I’ll do it, you’re tired. Go take a shower. This will be done when you’re finished” Rixanne said as she holds my hands

I looked at her. I don’t know if this is an effect of the wine that I kissed her. She kissed back and I felt her tongue inside my mouth.

The next thing I know, we’re both naked in the bedroom. Sharing intense kisses with each other

“I love you” she whispers to me…

The next morning when I wake up, Rixanne was already preparing breakfast

“Morning sleepy head” Rixanne said “Breakfast will be ready “

“When did you wake up?” I asked as I dressed up

“Six” she answered

I walk towards the kitchen

“Coffee” she said as she puts one in front of me

I smiled at her “Thank you”

“Did you remember what happened last night?”

I looked at her “What happened?”


“Of course I’m not. I remembered everything”

“Then I guess we’re officially lovers”

“Lovers in affair, you’re still my brothers fiancé. If Alvin would know, he’ll definitely hate me”

“He won’t.”

“Why is it?”

“You’re his sister.”

There was silence “Can I ask you one thing?”

“What is it?”

“Do you love my brother?”

Rixanne smiled “Can I answer that if you answer my question?”

“What is it?”

“If you win our bet, what will you wish?”

“Guess the answers could wait” I said

“Are you afraid to tell me the truth?”

“Should I ask you the same question?”

“I give up” Rixanne said and smiled at me

“So what should we do after?”

“We could cuddle all day”

“Oh! That was a great idea but NO WAY”

Rixanne smiled again “Let’s go see some fish”

“You mean the aquarium”

“Not really”

An hour later at a coast,

“You have a yacht?” I said

“Yeah, I bought it a year ago” Rixanne said as she gets on, “Come on, we’ll go fishing”

“What? Do you even know how to ride this thing?”

“Of course, come on” she said as she pulled me up

“Great, just get me back alive”

“Don’t worry”

As we sail,

“Are we lost?” I asked


“We’re in the middle of nowhere!”

“We’re in the middle of the sea”

“That’s the thing, I can’t see land anymore”

“Relax alright” Rixanne said as she stops the yacht

“Why did you stop?”

“We’re going fishing?” she said as she pulled a fishing rod

“Great… fishing”

“Come on… it’ll be fun”

Two hours later,

“Did you catch anything?” I asked



“This is boring”

“Yep it is”

“And hot”


Rixanne stood up “So why don’t we just…go for a swim?” she said as she jump off

“What the…”

“Come on!” Rixanne said as she waved at me “Jump off”

I sigh

“Come on!”

“Alright” I said as I jump

That evening,

“Welcome back home” Alvin greeted me “What the hell happened to you? Is that sunburn? Did you go on a beach?”

“More like of a sea”

“You go swimming in the middle of the sea?”

“Uhum, I’m really tired, I should go to bed”

“Did Rixanne bully you again?”

“You can say that. Goodnight”


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