The Breaking The Healing

By MiraQatmir

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You met a guy since a long time through the internet and then you finally got to meet him, you fell deeply in... More

The Beginning.
Being with you felt so right.
Being with you felt so wrong.
Thought being away from you will help.
Message to Him.
Did I open my eyes?
Deep Deep Thoughts.
Hate is easy, Love is hard.
Mixed Emotions.
Missing you feels so heavy.
The Healing.


70 50 2
By MiraQatmir

I have to get my shits together and I am trying my very best to get over this heart break. I blocked him off everywhere and he still didn't give a fuck. How truly sad is that. Someone you thought the opposite of is exactly what you never thought he would be. Guess this is my good sign from God that I did not need to continue in this dark road with someone so damn ungrateful. He never treated me right and most of the time made me feel like I am so insane. It's sad how I fell for someone who was nothing but horrible, I feel sad and sorry for myself. Yet I am still waiting and still expecting. Am I at least waiting for something? Would he even give a single fuck about me? Am I at least still waiting for someone who's worth waiting for? Ugh. So many unanswered questions. Been days and still the damn same broken heart,
I wish I never met him.

I will be fine, I know for a fact I will be. Nothing ever stopped me before. I'll get over it, sooner than ever.

When am I going to actually snap out of it tho? When am I going to forget about him? Till when are you going to stay so damn broken? Till when? Don't you think you had enough.
Since when am I even like this. I'm shocked of my own self.
Who the fuck is he anyway.

Is there even something wrong with me? Is it me? Why there's never someone right. It fucking hurts all the damn bad thoughts comes all together. It's fucked up how they get to make us feel worthless when we actually try our damn best. Is the issue me or them? I really am hurting from inside. I had so much hope in this one person, so much hope in this one guy and he simply broke me into pieces. I am broken. From inside deeply broken. I am still waiting to him to fight back for me. What are your reasons to stop talking to me and not answer me? Why do I need to hear from other people about how poorly you are treating me. Am I that low for you? Did I really fall for you. Am I a fool waiting for you. What if you never come back.

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