Game of Thrones Season 4 Quot...

By kataborbly

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You'll find your favourite game of thrones quotes here from season 4. I will make quote books about the other... More

Episode 2
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Episode 9
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Episode 1

36 4 0
By kataborbly

Two Swords

1st Lannister soldier: You lost, friend?

Oberyn Martell: Forgive me fo staring... I don't see many Lannisters where I'm from.

Ellaria Sand: Come with me, lover.

2nd Lannister soldier: Gods, look at this one!

Olyvar: Sirs, if you follow me I'll arrange fo a private room-

2nd Lannister soldier: Why are you wasting a woman like this on a Donishman? Bring him a shaved goat and a bottle of olive oil!

Oberyn Martell: Do you know why all the world hates a Lannister? You think your gold and your lion, and your gold lions make you better than everyone. May I tell you a secret? You're not a golden lion. You're just a pink little man who's far too slow on the draw. ... Long sword is a bad option in close quarters. When I pull my blade, your friend starts bleeding, quite a lot, I'm afraid, so many veins in the wrist. ... He'll live if you get him help, straight away. So... decisions.

Tyrion Lannister: Pince Oberyn! Forgive the intrustion, we heard there might be... trouble.

Oberyn Martell: (to Ellaria) Apologies, my love.

Oberyn Martell: It seems I visited the Lannister brothel by mistake.

Tyrion Lannister: Oh, they take all kinds.

Oberyn Martell: Even Dornishmen.

Tyrion Lannister: The King is very grateful that you traveled all this way for his wedding.

Oberyn Martell: Ah, let us speak truth here, Joffrey is insulted. I am only the second son, after all.

Tyrion Lannister: Well, speaking as a fellow second son, I have grown rather used to being the family insult. Why did you come to King's Landing, Prince Oberyn?

Oberyn Martell: I was invited to the royal wedding.

Tyrion Lannister: I though we were speaking the truth.

Oberyn Martell: The last time I was in the capital was many years ago. Another wedding. My sister Elia and Rhaegar Targaryen, the last dragon. My sister loved him. She bore his children. Swaddled them, rocked them, fed them at her own breast, Elia wouldn't let the wet nurse touch them. And beautiful, noble Rhaegar Tagraryen... left her for another woman. Than started a war and the war ended right here when your father's army took the city.

Tyrion Lannister: I wasn't actually present-

Oberyn Martell: They butchered those childen. My nephew and niece. Carved them up and wrapped them in Lannister cloaks. And my sister, you know what they did to her? ... I'm asking you a question.

Tyrion Lannister: I've heard rumors.

Oberyn Martell: So have I. The one I keep hearing is that Ser Gregor Clegane, the Mountain, raped Elia and split her in half with his greatsword.

Tyrion Lannister: I wasn't there. I don't know what happened.

Oberyn Martell: If the Mountain killed my sister, your father gave the order. Tell your father I'm here. And tell him the Lannisters aren't the only ones who pay their debts.

(about a crucified slave)

Jorah Momont: There's one on every mile-maker between here and Meereen.

Daenerys Targaryen: How many miles are there between here and Meereen?

Jorah Momont: One hundred and sixty-three, Your Grace.

Barristan Selmy: I'll tell our men to ride ahead and bury them. You don't need to see this.

Daenerys Targaryen: You will do no such thing. I will see each and every one of their faces. Remove her collar, before you bury her.

Alliser Thorne: So you admit you murdered Qhorin Halfhand?

Jon Snow: I didn't murder him.

Alliser Thorne: No? You put your sword through a brother of the Night's Watch. What do you call that?

Jon Snow: He wanted me to kill him.

Janos Slynt: A bastard son of a traitor. What would you expect?

Jon Snow: The Halfhand believed our only chance to stop Mance was to get a man inside his army.

Alliser Thorne: Don't talk about the Halfhand as if you knew him. He was my brother.

Jon Snow: Then you'd know he'd do anything to defend the Wall. The free folk would have boiled him alive, but letting me kill him...

Janos Slynt: The free folk? Listen to him. He even talks like a wildling now.

Jon Snow: Aye, I talk like a wildling. I ate with the wildlings. I climbed the Wall with the wildlings. I... I laid with a wildling girl.

Janos Slynt: You admit to breaking your vows, then?

Jon Snow: I do.

Janos Slynt: The law is the law. The boy must die.

Maester Aemon: If we beheaded every ranger who lay with a girl, the Wall would be manned by headless men.

Alliser Thorne: There's a difference between sneaking off to the Mole's Town brothel and sleeping with the enemy.

Jon Snow: While we sit here, debating which rules I broke, Mance Rayder marches on the Wall with an army of a hundred thousand.

Alliser Thorne: Impossible. You can't get fifty wildlings together before they start killing each other.

Jon Snow: One hundred thousand. He's united the Thenns, the Hornfoots, the ice-river clans, there's giants fighting for him.

Janos Slynt: How dare you?!

Jon Snow: There's a band of wildlings south of the Wall already, led by Tormund Giantsbane. I killed their warg and three others. They shot me full of arrows. Their orders are to attack Castle Black from the south when Mance hits it from the north. The signal for the attack will be a bonfire. Mance said it would be the greatest fire the North has ever seen. That's the truth. All the truth. Do you intend to execute me or am I free to go?

Maester Aemon: None of us are free. We are men of the Night's Watch. But we won't be taking your head today, Jon Snow.

Polliver: Hey, I knoww you. You're the Hound! Pour our new friend some ale! What brings you so far north?

Sandor Clegane: I could ask the same of you. What're you doing up here?

Polliver: Just keepin' the King's peace.

Sandor Clegane: No need, war's over.

Polliver: So I've heard. Stannis defeated at the Blackwater, Robb Stark killed at the Twins, and where am I fo all of it? Stuck with your brother. Meaning no offence.

Sandor Clegane: None taken.

Polliver: He's good, the Mountain is. Best at what he does. But torture, torture, torture, torture. You spend enough time puttin' a hammer to people, and you start to feel like a carpenter making chairs. Dains the fun right out of it! And what's life without a little fun? Well, I don't need to tell you that, eh?

Sandor Clegane: She's all right. I've had better.

Polliver: You know what? You should come with us. His kind, they've always got something hidden away, gold, silver, more daughters. Always something, if you know how to make 'em talk and there's plenty of 'em between here and King's Landing. You could do well for yourself. We certainly have been!

Sandor Clegane: I'm not going to King's Landing.

Polliver: But think about it. We can do whatever we like, wherever we go! These are the King's colors. No one's standing in his way now... which means no one's standing in ours.

Sandor Clegane: Fuck the King.

Polliver: When I heard that Joffrey's dog had turned tail and run at the Battle of the Blackwater, I didn't believe it. But, here you are.

Sandor Clegane: Here I am. Bring me one of those chickens.

Polliver: You got money to pay for it?

Sandor Clegane: You paid for it?

Polliver: No, but we're the King's men. So, you got money?

Sandor Clegane: Not a penny. I'll still take that chicken.

Polliver: Tell you what. We'll trade you. One of out little chickensfor one of yours. Give us a go at your friend. Lowell there likes them a bit broken in.

Sandor Clegane: You're a talker. Listening to talkers... makes me thirsty. And hungry. Think I'll take two chickens.

Polliver: You don't seem to understand the situation.

Sandor Clegane: I understand, that if any more words come pouing out your cunt mouth... I'm gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room.

Polliver: You lived your life fo the King. You gonna die fo some chickens?

Sandor Clegane: Someone is.

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