Camastoo: Our Life

By Bella_8080

6.5K 231 42

Cam and Arastoo's life! My version of events - Comment any queries and questions xx More

Party Time
Never part of his plan...
Thank you for - 1k
In sickness and in health
Forget me not...
Deep Breath
Birthday Boy
The fog covered my windscreen
...Sorrow is sickening...
You didnt know - I wish we had
A dream? Or just pure reality?

Second time...

799 20 5
By Bella_8080

I lay on the bed, Arastoo's body lay still next to me.
I got up and ran too the bathroom, and threw up violently in the toilet and just as quickly Arastoo was there keeping my hair out of my face.
"This is the second time this morning!" Arastoo murmured "I don't think going to work is the best idea..."
"I'm the boss I have too go!" I complained
"Every good boss has a bad day!" Arastoo suggested
"Not me!" I was not going down without a fight!

As we walk into the lab I felt dizzy, but I ignored it. Arastoo kissed me as we departed, we both walked our separate ways I walked towards my office and Aratoo went to Dr.Brennan's office.
I reached the doorway of my office and a familiar metallic taste entered my mouth!

I walked slowly towards my desk I was about four steps away and I collapsed. Everything went dark and I heard Dr.Hodgins yelling for help.

When I woke up I was in an ambulance, on my right was Arastoo and Angela.
"Michelle's going to meet us at the hospital!" Arastoo tried to assure me.
"What happened?" I croaked into the sudden emptiness in the ambulance, they loaded me out and rushed me into the hospital.

"We have Camille Saroyan, 39 year old female with severe bruising and a small laceration on her head, collapsed before we were called!" The younger of my two paramedics said

"Okay I want a Brain PET Scan, Cranial CT scan and if they come back clear, I want a chest CT, could you run FBC's and HCG blood tests!" Rushed the doctor who would probably not stay on my case!
I was wheeled away...

"Lie still for me." the intern slurred through the microphone.
"Okay their both clear, we can go do you chest CT and bloods now!"

The chest CT came back clear, we were waiting for the bloods.
"HCG?" Arastoo questioned looking through my charts " I know what FBC's are and I've heard of HCG I just can't quite remember..."

I interrupted "A qualitative HCG blood test checks if there is a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin in your blood. HCG is a hormone produced in the body during pregnancy!" I paused " They think I'm pregnant!"
Arastoo shook his head "Why would they think that?"
"Because I am..."

"WHAT?" Arastoo had anger in his voice, probably the result of my deceivery
Michelle walked in "What, what?" Confusion distorted her face.
"Don't worry Michelle, we'll talk later! Just right now me and Arastoo need to talk." I said too her quietly
She left the room.
Arastoo gave me a stern look and said "How far along?"
"4  5 months" I said ashamed at my dishonesty to him.
"When were you planning on telling me?" He said appalled
"Tonight over dinner!" I offered
"Funny that I was going to propose over dinner tonight!" His voice calming down.

"What do you mean propose?" I questioned
Arastoo got down on one knee
"Camille Saroyan, Will YOU marry me?"
Tears fell from my eyes
"YES of course YES!"
Angela walked in.
Arastoo bent down and whispered in my ear "I give you the ring when we get home."

"What's all this arguing about?" Angela walked in with the tea's
" We've sorted it out now, we were discussing the fact that I shouldn't have gone into work in the first place!" I lied
"Right...?" Angela questioned

She was about to sit down when the nurse hurried in with a ultrasound machine. Angela threw me a confused look and realised what was going on.

The nurse pulled up my gown and revealed my large baby bump, I looked down appalled.
(Arastoo had been away for three months and I had found out while he was gone)
"How far along is she?" Arastoo stared at my embarrassingly big belly
"5 months..." the nurse looked to and forth from the screen and my belly.
"What??" me and Arastoo said in sync .
"Nothing, your girlfriend is under the normal size for a pregnant women her height!" I mocked.
She found the heart beat it made butterflies flutter in my belly!

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