Thanks To You -Spencer Charnas

By a13xf3rg

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"I just don't understand why you keep doing this to me?" I say crying out. He looks up at me. "I... More

Quick authors note
Haha another authors note
IX (haha hah hahahahah)
Authors note
Thank you!
If Anyone is Interested....


842 15 11
By a13xf3rg


  Walking down the halls of my shitty school made my day hard. The bruises on my face and arms were hard to cover with makeup. I'm not ready for people's questions. I hope people ignore me as much as usual.  Nobody looks at me which makes me feel good. I make it to class and sit in my desk. I'm early, like usual. My thoughts just keep traveling back to last night. Spencer... he saw everything and yet he stayed with me. When I woke up this morning he was gone, but he left a note.

Hey Care,
I had to leave to get ready for school. I'll see you in first period.

It was on the pillow next to me. He was so caring and nice... My thoughts were interrupted by someone tapping in my desk. I look up and see Conor smiling at me. His smile soon turned to a confused frown. I look away from him. To be honest I completely forgot about Conor. With everything that happened, our date was the last thing on my mind.

"Caroline, what happened to your face?" He asked quietly, which I mentally thanked him for. I sighed and didn't look at him. Actually I didn't really think of a story to lie about my face.

"Uh, I fell down the steps last night after you dropped me off. I'm a clumsy. Sadly I can't walk straight," he rubs the back of his head and laughs a little. Mentally, I sigh in relief.

"Damn, that sucks! I'm sorry you fell. I had a really good time last night. Would you possibly want to hang out sometime this week?" I smile up at him and nod. I really liked Conor.

"Yeah I would really like that," he smiled and walked to his seat in the backish. Soon the rest of the class files in and Spencer was the last one to enter with a couple of his friends coming in before him. He smiles at me and I slightly smile back. So I guess he isn't going to be a jerk. A girl, who walked close to him looked at me and laughed. It caught me off guard.

"Did someone whoop your ass Marshall?" This girl was Nicole. She is some junior who kind of thinks she's the shit but just wanted to fuck the seniors. I flipped her off and said nothing.

"They probably blame her too," the guy, Chris, next to her says. That took my breath away. I was about to stand up and walk out of the class but then I see Chris fall on the floor. His cheek was red from the impact of him hand. Spencer punched him. Everyone now has their attention on us. Spencer punched him and thought nothing about him. He comes over to me and puts his arm on my shoulder and exams me.

"You okay?" I nodded and looked at him like he is crazy. "Wanna get out of here? English kinda sucks," I don't know what took over me but I nodded and me and Spencer walked out of the class before Ms. Kearns got here and left. He grabbed my hand and we ran down the hallway and out the door. What is going on here? This is like a cheesy romance novel, but it is actually happening.

"Where are we going Spencer?" He looks back at me and takes me to his car. "I want to show you something," I comply with him and we get in the car. We are off to wherever he is taking me.

"You're not going to kill me are you?" I asked jokingly. He laughs and shakes his head, fumbling with the AUX chord. My favorite song blares through first and Spencer tried to skip it.

"You better not change that song!" I say stealing his phone and leaving him to drive. It was Courtesy Call by Thousand Foot Clutch. He looks over at me. "You. Caroline Marshall. Are one of the most unique girls I've ever met. I didn't even know you really listen to this music. I know you were at our show but I never would have thought," he say with his eyes glued to the road now. I blush and look down. Why does he make me like this? Then it hit me... we kissed! Like a lot last night.

"so.. I'm sorry about last night, you didn't have to see all that... and i shouldn't have kissed you I'm sorry.." I was going to keep rambling when Spencer pulled over the car and hit the breaks. He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Are you really apologizing for last night? You didn't do anything wrong Care. Your mother did everything wrong by hitting on you like that. Why are you still there?" I look down.

"She's all I have. And she isn't a bad mom when she isn't drunk," he shakes his head and opens his door. Confusion hits me. We were on the side of a back road. He comes over to my side and opens the door and reaches for my hand.

"So you are going to kill me!" He groans. "Shut up and follow me please," well okay then. I follow him into the wooded area. Okay I know what your thinking... Caroline, do not follow the hot boy into the woods you idiot. But I'm doing it because I guess I just don't care anymore. We walk for a little through the woods until we get to a little clearing. It's just a small spot in the woods that is open but it's really pretty and calm. "Where are we?"

"This is were I come to write music and think. Usually when times are bad. I thought you might like it," he says, rubbing the back of his head. I would be lying if I said it wasn't beautiful. I love it. I say down on the grass and look up at the sky. It's cloudy today but I still find the beauty in the cloud filled sky.

"You write music here?" I asked him. He nods. I smiles.

" can I hear something?" He laughs. "I don't give away my best material," I frowns. damn... I really wanted to hear his sing again. When we went to see their concert I downloaded some of the songs afterwards and I actually like their band.

"But of course for the lovely Caroline Marshall," I look up at him like a kid on Christmas and smile. He sits down next to me and takes a deep breath.

"A make shift smile, a polished look.
Some rehearsed lines was it took.
He had it down
Man he was good.

A woman screams
Her mother weeps
A life so changed irrevocably
What he stole from her was gone for good."

It was beautiful. He was beautiful. I am mesmerized as he is singing this beautiful story.

" I see sirens, spinning around
Through my eyelids.
As he begs and he pleads
Just like I did
Is this what my life is?
Restless and silent
Where all I can do is survive,"

Spencer finishes and I'm left amazed. He is really good at what he does. "That was really great Spence." I said star struck.

"Yeah, it's about a novel. We are doing an entire album about great novels. It's going to be really good." The way he talks about his music is amazing. His eyes light up and you can hear the passion in his voice. I smiles. "That's really cool. Let me know when your next show is so I can come,"

  "I would really like that," he grabs my hands from my lap and just holds them. It felt nice. What is this he is doing to me? One minute we are kissing and the next holding hands in some fucking forest.

"Spencer what are you doing? I mean... you were at my house and we kissed and now you brought me here... why?" I just have these questions and I just want answers. " I like you, isn't it obvious?" I shake my head. He like me?? Wtf?


"You're beautiful. Not just your looks but your personality. I bullied you and treated you like absolute shit, yet here you are with me." I didn't have anything to say to him. I didn't have anything to say at all.  He likes me?

  "Thank you," was sadly all I could muster. He lightly caresses my face. "I want to be the only one who touches you and I want to show you that it doesn't have to be a punch to the face or kick to the stomach. I want to show you how beautiful you are," okay now my heart is like falling out of my chest and he is making me feel worse because I have nothing to say. I don't know how I feel and Conor on top of it all. My emotions are in a weird knot right now and I don't know what to do.

"Thank you?"


Hey guys! Still not dead! But I think I'm going to make set update days which will probably be Sundays and Thursdays. I am in college and it's a lot so I need to manage time better lol. I hope you guys liked the chapter. I have so many ideas but I need to get the cheesy shit out of the way. Do you guys want smutty chapters for the future?  Because if I make them I'm making this chapter mature. I just want your guys opinion on that. Keep leaving comments and voting! Thank you guys!!


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