Romeo and Cinderella -RinXLen...

By RinShippingStories

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Please don't let my heart end up like Juliets.....Uh huh. Rin is a precious little hope of a wealthy stric... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

601 24 2
By RinShippingStories

(Rin's POV)

I silently wrote my notes as the teacher explained the subject we were studying. I suddenly hear a light 'smack' and I turn to see Len with his head down on his desk. "Len!" I whispered as I glanced at the teacher. He made a groaning sound, not moving. I blinked, then giggled which caught his attention and he looked at me. "What?" He asked. "Sorry, it's just that you look so funny when you're so tired or sad." I said. "Aha so I'm funny when I'm looking miserable?" He smiled. "Well, the way you act when you feel down is just so.....well," I trailed off, averting my eyes else where.

Len opened his mouth to say something only for a chalk to fly and hot him directly in th forehead. "Len Kagamine, you are not to distract other students in class, is that understood?" Mr Kiyoteru said.

I quickly clasped my mouth to stop myself giggling, which Len caught me and slumped on his desk again, embarrased. I felt bad because it was kind of my fault but I glanced at the teacher before sneaking a small packet of sherbet candies to him.

He picked it up and looked at it, looking at me questioningly but I just smiled as I carried on with my work. I heard him open and eat it throughout the class.

When the bell finally rang, I packed my things as Len waited patiently for me. "Hey, what candies are these from? I know they're sherbert but they're really unlikely to be bought from the store because they don't taste like plastic. Don't tell me they're......" he trailed off.

"Oh those? My mother got them Turkey, personally made by an famous former candy maker. They are nice, aren't they?" I said.

"FROM TURKEY?!" He exclaimed.

"Yes! I have the Turkish delights too! Why don't you have some too?" I insisted.

"A-ah, about that....." Len said.

"It's okay! I just want to share my favourite things with you!" I told him.

(Len's POV)

Argh, my heart!!!!......was my life so horrible, the heavens felt so bad for me that they decided to send her down as my secret guardian angel? She's too pure!!!! I can only stand there as she takes out expensive candies out of her desk like Mary Poppins and feed me them insisting. If we became an official couple, would she feed me purposely to get me fat so that no other girls would like me? Although that's not a good thing to do, I think I wouldn't mind at all knowing she's possessive of me!

"It's good isn't it?" She asked.

"Oh damn. Yeah, this is the best Turkish delight I've ever tasted!" I honestly said, impressed. No wonder that kid from Narnia ate it so deliciously, because it was made from the rich! This candy was so soft, I could imagine having a big sized one and sleeping on it, despite being covered in powder sugar.

"See? I never really enjoyed turkish delight but this was an exception." Rin said. "Hey, can we go to the library? I'd like take find a book to read!"

"Sure." I shrugged and we walked our way there.

I watched as she skipped adorably as she hummed. Was there anything about her that wasn't cute at all? She could step on me clearly on purpose in front of me and I'd still look at her the same!!

When got to the library, I 'reserved' our spot at the window seat as she went to look for something to read. She finally came back awhile later with four books. "Tada!!~~ I got Cinderella, Marie Antoinette's diary, history and book of flowers and the little red riding hood book!" She sang and sat down.

"Aren't Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood stories that you already know of?" I asked.

"Yes, but there's nothing wrong to read them again, right?" She asked, giving me sad puppy eyes.

I felt strings tug on my heart again and I had grasp onto my chest at the overwhelming cuteness. Okay, she got me. I still like to watch spongebob so I shouldn't have said that....

"Oh no, I just thought that you wanted to read something new to read " I quickly said. "It's good to read the classics!"

"Ah, these books have been everyone's first story books, coming to think of it." Rin thoughtfully smiled down at the book. "Luckily this is an adapted version of the older version."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh you don't know? There was originally original versions of every old classic fairy tales. The new ones we know are just more children friendly." Rin explained. "Like for example, Cinderella's stepsisters cut off their toes just to fit into the shoe and get their eyes pecked out by birds at the end than just be never seen again."

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed.

"The olden days were very.....well, savage." She only said.

                                                                  ~▪︎¤ ◇ A week later ◇¤▪︎~

(Rin's POV)

"So, are you free today, Rin-chan?" Len asked as I grabbed my things out of my locker.

"Sorry, Len, but I'm a bit busy today." I smiled apologetically, and he laughs. "Don't worry, there's always next time." He said, ruffling my head before walking off and chuckling a 'see ya'.

I blushed a bit and watched him jump over desk and run out the class so happily, before standing up from my desk and running out of the school gates where a rolls royce's parked. I climbed in and sighed. I could be hanging out with Len but suddenly mother and father aren't working today and they wanted me to come home as soon as possible for some reasons.

When I got back home, I ran inside. "I'm back!" I called, walking into my house.

"Welcome back, honey!" Mother smiles and gives me a big hug on the way as I went to my room and placed my bag on the ground to get changed. 

Then I hear a car driving through our driveway and I curiously looked outside to see who it was as my parents were already home. 

A beautiful woman and a tall man with brown hair and red dress and suit walked out of the car. They must be guests as Mother and father often visitors over who were from other companies. 

Knock! knock!

"Miss Kagamine, your Father would like to have a word with you!" Lily called from the other side of my door.

"O-Oh, okay! I'll be there!" I called and quickly put on my shoes on.

I went down to the living room where Father was with the visitors. 

"Rin, meet our visitors." Father said. "Meiko Sakine and his son who is your senior by three years Meito." Father said.

I look at Sakine-san and Mrs Sakine. Sakine-san brown hair and brown calm eyes like his mother and they looked very identical.

"Hello, Sakine-san. Hello Mrs Sakine." I say.

Mrs Sakine smiled at me and said. "Hello, Rin." 

"Hello." Meito greeted.

I slightly jumped back, surprised at his low voice. It was almost guttural!

Father, Mother, Mrs Sakine, Mrs Sakine and I had tea as we chatted. They were Father's friend's wife and son. Father said Mrs Sakine's husband fell incredibly ill due to the family's run down  addiction on cigarettes. I nervously sat beside the man. Because I close to him, I could see his features close up. He had very broad shoulders and large hands that made me feel strange. He smelt of cologne it after shave? And he seemed be just generally neutral-faced. He was also very handsome.

"Well, I will just go to get tea." Father said walking off. "I will help." Mother joined leaving me with me with Sakine-san and Mrs Sakine. "So you are Mr Kagamine's only child?" Mrs Sakine asked.

"Yes, I am." I said remembering how everyone said that having siblings was a pain in the neck.

Mrs Sakine laughed and said. "Meito is my only child too. He is currently studying in university. What about you? You must still be in high school."

"Ah, yes." I replied, not wanting to repeat 'yes, I am' over again. 

Father came back with the tea and glanced at me, thoughtfully. "I think you two should get to know each other more, Meito and Rin. Go out the garden and chat!" Mother said in a good mood.

"O-okay." I said as we both stood up. "It's this way, Sakine-san." I told him nervously. When we got to the garden at the backyard we sat at the bench. "So you're still in high school? How are you doing there and what are you studying?" 

"Ah well, I'm doing alright and I'm studying on math, science, business studies, economics, music and french." I said, trying to calm myself down. Maybe I wasn't used to being around someone in my class, in my age. There were always adults and business people.

"I see. Is there anything particular you want to be if it weren't for your father's business?" He asked again.

I stopped and looked at the bird bath in front of me in wonder. " I haven't...." I said. "I haven't actually thought of it before as I always thought of my father business instead."

"Hm." He made a sound that I wasn't sure what it meant. "I'm sure that I can understand why."

"" I asked, looking up at him.

"Yes. I'm sure your parents have kept talking about you growing up to be the heir." He said.

"Do you perhaps relate a bit too?" 

"It would be a lie if I said I didn't. But soon we'll get used to it. There has to be someone to take over the business that they looked after for years." Sakine-San said.

I began to realise that it was true. Who would be there to take care of the family business this big running? And father did work very hard to keep it alive. This business also helped other companies too.

"You don't have to bother having to worry about it, you have to deal with it until you graduate from university." Sakine-San said as hearing my thoughts.

"Ah, I see. Oh but then if I get married, wouldn't my husband be the heir?" I said.

"Yes he would, so you haven't have much things to worry about."

I hummed in thought, until I noticed he was watching my face. "Tell me, what kind of things do you look for in a husband?" He asked.

"Oh well, I wouldn't mind his looks, but I really would like him to be so kind, respectful, caring and intelligent, so just a good person with a sense of moral and lots of thoughts." I said.

"I see." He responded.

I unknowingly looked up at him in wonder, until he caught me and I turned red in the face, quickly looking down. "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" he asked. I panicked thinking he was offended in anyway. "N-no, it's nothing!" I quickly said.

"Hold still, you have a petal on your hair." He said. I sat still as I felt him gently taking something out of my hair. "There. I guess it's now spring.

"Sakine-San, do you enjoy spring?" 

"Hm, I do but I prefer autumn." He said. "What about you?" 

"I do, because in Versailles, in Marie Antoinette's garden are where the orange blossom grow, which is what orange flower waters are made of, and it is one of my most favourite things in the world." 

"Hm. Is there anything else that you like?" 

" flowers, books, music.......and generally feeling free." I said.

"Free, hm? Although being a daughter of your father that would be impossible. You must have eyes on you constantly and expectantly. It's like that for everyone else too, so there really isn't anything you can do."

"Yes, that's true." I hummed, remembering Len telling me how his mother wouldn't stop making sure that he was doing his school work. "What about you, Sakine-San? What are things that you like?"

"Me? Well, I have an interest in pool games and drinking,  but that really is all." He said. 

"Oh how come?" 

"Maybe I just don't enjoy things as passionately as you would." 

And like that,  we talked. I became very comfortable around him and realize that it wasn't that he was uninterested or anything, but that's just how he was. Soon we were called I'm for dinner and so we ate dinner together. But I still couldn't stop wondering about him. He had this little charm on him that made me keep thinking about him. I froze when he gave me a little smile. Why was I so jumpy around him?

Maybe because he was a senior and me, being younger, feel as if I have to be good as him and is just very wary.

 I just smiled shyly back at him and ate my food.

The homework this time Mr Hiyama gave was easy. It said you had to make any cross-over stories which I liked because I loved fairy tales. Fairy tales like...Princess and the Pea mixed with...I don't know.....My Little Mermaid? I don't know what sort of story that would end up, but that's just an example.

I day dreamed of being Cinderella. When crying alone hopelessly after my step family leave me, a kind and gentle woman arrives and reassures me that she would help me, so she gives me a pretty gown, glass shoes everything ready so that I could go to the ball. When I reach the beautiful grand palace, I walk in and see.....who? Would it be Len? He looked very good white uniform. Sakine-San? Wait, why am I thinking  of him? He's just a family friend!! Although, he looked very well in black uniform with  long drape.

Ah, I remembered that before Mrs Sakine and Sakine-San left, he gave me a present which was a box of strawberry chocolates which happened to be one of my most favourite sweets. I made sure to thank him well. We did talk more after dinner too, where he taught me about the constellation and history. He was very intelligent and I knew that he was very well known in his university for it. Could I be like him? Ah no, I should look at him as a friend not a competition!

                                                               ~▪︎¤ ◇ A few weeks later ◇¤▪︎~

The sunlight shone out my window, telling me sweetly it was morning so I got washed and dressed, then went downstairs when I suddenly saw Mother and Father not there at the table. "Where did Mama and papa go?" I asked the butler.

My Butler Gakupo Kamui, sighed sadly. "Last night, a call came from the doctors that your Grandmother is sick, I'm afraid. So they will be back by midnight." Kamui said. I just frowned and sat on my seat where my breakfast was waiting warmly.

Grandmother was sick? I hope she was alright. Everything wouldnt be the same without her. 

Len and I sat under the tree boredly after school. I was particularly excited today because now that Mother and Father were busy, I wouldn't need to worry about coming home immediately. I made sure to tell my chauffeur that he could arrive later than the usual time after school, so I could hang out with Len for the first time!

"So, you wanna hang out with me after school? My mom doesn't mind because she's at work and she's gonna come back by eight o clock." Len asked. I nodded. "Okay! My grandmother is sick, so my parents are going to come back by midnight to stay with her." I say.

"Oh, is she alright?" Len asked.     "I'm not exactly sure, but hopefully she will be alright." I said, unsure.    "You're right." Len smiles at me and stands up. "Well, I have my bike! We could go to the beach and ride on my bike to my house on it!" 

"Really, so like a late afternoon ride?" I asked, as he suddenly picks me up in his arms. I giggle as he places me in the back seat of his bike and we both ride off. His bike had two seats so I could sit at the back and hold tight to him. "Just don't let go Rin, 'cause there's a really steep road we're gonna go down." Len said and rode off.

I looked around as he pedaled fast making breeze to blow more as my hair flowed along. "Hold on tight cause we're going down!" 

"W-wait! I'm too scared!" I yelled, but he didn't listen what so ever. I screamed and Len laughed as we zoomed down the road passing people and cars. Soon, I started laughing too because I realized I was actually having fun already!

It was really fun eating ice cream on sticks for the first time while blasting songs by Miku at his house. I wish we could do this everyday. Then we let our feet wonder together, heading out to the beach and sat on the bench, staring at the sunset.

"So, did you have fun?" Len asked. I giggled and smiled. "Yes! I wish we could do it forever." I replied and stared at his blue eyes. He suddenly starts blushing and smiles back awkwardly. "Good. Because there's something I want to ask you." He said. "What is it?" I asked.

Then that's when Len hugs me and wraps his long arms around me. I blush red and tried to speak, but I couldn't. "Rin, c-could you be my girlfriend?" Len asked. "I really like you! You're adorable, you're pretty, you're....Like any boy's dream!! I promise I'll be forever be good to you and be your prince even though we're completely different!!" 

I flushed as he leaned back and stared seriously into my eyes.

I couldn't hold it in. "Y-yes!" I smiled, hugging him. Len broke into a big smile and scooped me into his arms again. "Then it's settled!" He said. So this what it felt like to like someone? It was a very lovely and cuddly feeling like marshmallow!

Before I went to bed, I went to the treat table and stopped to look at the new boxes arrived. I thought that I would see him never again, but Sakine-San visited often with presents and treats. He had gotten me cakes and chocolates, including orange flower cakes. I'm not exactly sure why, but maybe because Mrs Sakibe has been needing support from my parents.

Usually I would go to bed early because Father would order me to, but because he isn't here at the moment, I could stay up and play my favourite songs until 11!!!! Luckily my butler Gakupo is alright with letting me do this so he won't tell me off!

(Len's POV)

"You have a girlfriend? You?" Mom asked in disbelief.

I embarrassingly stood there as she reacted so shocked.

"Yeah, so what?" I yelled with a red face.

"Oh no, this isn't true at all. I can't believe this!" She chuckled. "But congratulations, dear. What's her name?"

"'s the girl Rin I talked before, you know, around 6 months ago?" I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Oh her? How lovely! Hopefully she'll be able to change your way of living--"


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