Chapter 2

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(Rin's POV)

I wake up and look at my alarm clock. 6:30 am. Oh, it's my first day of school today.

I walked to the bathroom and take off my nightgown before getting inside the shower and turn on the nozzle, filling the room and mirrors with steam fog. I wash my hair and my body quickly before drying myself and getting dressed.

After wearing my uniform that was neatly laid out by the maids and my favourite white bow headband, looking at the row of perfume bottles at my dresser and chose my favourite one to stay on my neck and collarbone, smiling at the lovely scent. It always made me feel happy!

I went downstairs and saw Father and Mother already dressed up before me like as usual. "Good Morning Papa and Mama!" I say and gave them both a kiss on the cheeks. "Good morning, Darling." Father and Mother said at the same time. Every time they say something at the same time, it made me laugh.

Sitting at my seat and ate my breakfast. Eggs and avocado on toast, apples and juice. As I ate, the maids packed my things in my bag for me and handed me a designer jacket. Any jacket would have done, but I shall be grateful for those who can't afford it and wore it anyways.

I go out the door as Mother and Father followed. "Goodbye Mama!" I said and gave Mother a kiss again. "Goodbye, Darling. I will be waiting." Mother says and kisses me back. I walk down the long stairs with Father and reached the limo with the chauffeur waiting.

The chauffeur opened the limo door for me. "Thank you." Father and I say at the same time and go inside. I started to giggle as Father rolled his eyes. I think he's secretly smiling too? I look at his face with a glance and no, that is not the case sadly. Inside Father's limo, it's more like a dining room. There is a plasma TV, a fridge, a couch, a table and that's it.

If Father didn't come with me to school, I would able to listen to Sweet Ann's songs and party on the way.

When we arrived at the school, we were greeted by the principle himself who stood by the school gates with a tall girl with green pigtails beside him. I stood a little nervously as father exchanged handshakes with the man and talked. "This is Miku hatsune who has just recently graduated in this school but volunteered to stay to help the staff because she wasn't able to find any jobs and is struggling at the moment. Hatsune-san, say hello to Rin-chan. Rin-chan, Hatsune-San will be your guide student so if there's anything you need, just ask her." The principle said.

"Yo, Rin-chan! Nice to meet you, you can just call me Miku!" Miku said coolly with a grin.

"Oh, nice to meet you as well. Please take care of me." I said shyly.

"Well the school is nearly starting, so we should go and take Rin to her class and greet her form teacher!" The principle nodded. "Meanwhile we talk, Hatsune-San, I will leave you to show her around the school and meet again at her class before school starts."

"Leave it to me! Come on, Rin-chan, let's go for a big walk." Miku said, featuring her hand.

"O-okay!" I said, following after her when I looked up at Father, nodding at me.

I looked around as she showed me all the buildings and departments in the school. It was a fairly big school including a garden and field. Perhaps maybe after 30 minutes of walking and greeting the sports and science teachers, Miku looked at her watch. "Oop, it's almost time for the school to start so we got to head back. Let's go Rinny!" She said.

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