Blackout - JIN FF

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y/n was a simple girl, nothing special at all really. Her big sister, Yeji, was always the star of the show... Daha Fazla

The Bachelorette
The Morning After
The Plan
First Dance
Honey, I'm Home..
(21+) Saving You For A Rainy Day..


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Chapter 9 (End)-
I wake up the next day to the sounds of busy city life occurring below me, I feel a strong arm placed around my waist as I lay on my side and open my eyes. That's when it actually sets in what I did last night. It actually set in that I could potentially have feelings for the one man I wasn't supposed to like, my own husband. That's kinda when panic mode set in for me, and when I panic, my first instinct is to run away from my problem. I didn't want his money any more, all I wanted was for him to be happy, and with someone who wanted to be with him for the right reasons, not someone like me. I slowly lift his arm up and slip out from his embrace, that's when I go to the wardrobe and slip out my suitcase, quietly removing all of my belongings and placing them inside. It didn't take me long to gather everything I needed, I put on a casual outfit and go out to the lounge area as quietly as I could. That's when I go to the kitchen cabinet and grab a notepad from the counter, make my way over to a seat beside the island, and begin to write a letter to him, I could never have told him this in words and a text seemed too ignorant and informal.

'Dear Seokjin,
First of all, I'm so sorry to leave you like this, without even saying goodbye, but, I need to confess something to you that I had been planning for a long time. When we got married, your first impression didn't really rub off the best on me, I can't deny that. You were very handsome but you were also a cocky asshole with too much money and time on his hands. That was when I came up with a plan to stay with you long enough so that I could get half of our divorce settlement, but I had to stay for a minimum of two months. Well, I did it right? Go me.. but you see that's not the point. The point is that I actually got to know you, and it turns out, you weren't so bad after all. I even ended up..liking you, a lot more than I wanted to allow myself to. I feel so guilty for ever coming up with that idea in the first place, let alone trying to go along with it. I'm so sorry. I don't want your money, and I know after hearing this you'll probably want nothing to do with me and I understand that whole heartedly, just, believe me when I tell you that everything that happened last night was not for that purpose, every emotion was real and I need you to know that how I felt in that moment was completely and utterly authentic. I hope you find someone someday who loves you for all the right reasons, unlike me. I'll sign anything you need to make sure I don't get a dime, I'll send out the divorce papers to you as soon as I can.

The sorrow and guilt I feel is too immense to even describe.
I wish you every happiness in life Seokjin, you truly deserve it all.

All my love,
Kim Y/N '

My teardrops somehow stained the paper but I couldn't control my sorrow, i sniffle and wipe away my tears as I rip the paper out of the notepad and place it on the kitchen counter, so that when he comes out it would be the first thing he saw. I pull up the handle on my suitcase and take one last look at the place I'd called home for two months, I sigh and make my way to the door, placing my keycard on the cabinet beside the entrance so that I couldn't come back even if I wanted to. I walk to the elevator, tap the ground floor button, and make my way to the airport..

I was officially done with the whole drug business situation, I was finally out, and now y/n and I could actually have a shot at something together, a life together. I wake up around noon, I flip my body around to put my arm around her but she wasn't there. 'She must have already woken up' I thought to myself as I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Once I come out it's strangely quiet in the house, the tv wasn't on and nothing was cooking in the kitchen so I began to question where she could be, I put on some underwear and a black t-shirt as I walk into the main lounge space, the suite was open plan so the kitchen and living area were basically one. That's when I seen a note on the counter, probably just to tell me she'd gone to the store or something, I pick it up and being to read it contents and I was shocked to see she actually confessed to me, about everything. What she didn't know however, was that I already knew about her plan. That was the reason I went to the reception without her that day, I overheard her and Yejis conversation and, it hurt me. It hurt me so much that I came up with my own plan, to make her fall for me so that she wouldn't want the money, and that I'd get to break her heart. I guess it backfired for us both in our own ways, she didn't want the money anymore but somehow she still managed to break my heart by leaving me like this. I had to find her and tell her that I knew, and that I didn't care, as long as I had her, I was the richest man alive. I called Tony to see if he knew where she was from, something she had forgotten to tell me. "Tony, did y/n happen to tell you where she was from?" He stays silent for a moment to think, my impatience was mounting, "No boss, she didn't." I shut my eyes and sigh "Shit. She's gone T, I have to find her. Please, think." Another silence ensues before he finally says "Wait! At the wedding, Yejis wedding party said they couldn't wait to go back to....Ilsan? I'm pretty sure it was Ilsan?" I grasp the phone with both hands and demand "T you're sure that it was Ilsan? One hundred percent?!" He replies "Yeah yeah I'm positive. What do you wanna do boss?" "Book the private jet straight to Ilsan right now, I wanna make sure I get there before she does. I'm on my way to the airport right now, make sure they're ready for takeoff as soon as I get there." "Yes sir" as soon as I hang up the phone I put on some pants and sneakers and run downstairs to the car, racing to the airport as fast as I possibly could..

On the way I tried calling her cell repeatedly but I knew she had turned it off, if I didn't make it there before she did I risked losing her forever, and that was something I couldn't bear to do. The plane ride felt like it lasted centuries, however it gave me time to reminisce on the past two months with her, I remember seeing her that night in the club and I was convinced she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever laid eyes on, none of the others shone as bright as her, she was a diamond amidst a crowd of rubble. I never opened up to anyone before, so opening up to her was a huge deal for me. I couldn't possibly just let her go and find somebody else, there's no one that could ever replace her in my eyes, she was strong, courageous, and most of all she was an absolute idiot, but she was MY idiot, and I couldn't give her up that easy. The plane finally landed and I rushed to the arrivals gate to hopefully see her walk out and spot her in the crowd. I stood there for 20 minutes, many people hurried out of their gate but she was nowhere to be seen. After the crowd dissipated my heart sank to the pit of my stomach, 'I lost her' I think to myself as I tilt my head down to the ground, before I go to head back to the departure gate I hear a faint whisper behind me "J-Jin? Is that you?" I turn around to see none other than y/n, her eyes rimmed red with heartache, she must have cried the entire journey, she sniffles a little and says "It is you. How did you-" I practically run over to her as I pull her in to a tight embrace and she lets out breathless sobs once again, it was a shockwave of emotion that overtook us both, I rested my chin on her head as I close my eyes and let the tears fall down my face. I cup her face with both my hands and say "I know y/n. I already knew everything. And I don't care. All I care about is how you feel right now. In this moment. I want us. I don't want 'someone to love me for the right reasons', I just want to love you, unconditionally and eternally. I want you to let me love you. And I hope someday that you might just love me in return." She smiles through her sobs and giggles "I already love you idiot. You really think I would've let last night happen if I didn't love you?! I'm yours. I'll continue to be yours forever if you let me." I kiss her with more passion than I ever thought humanely possible and say "C'mon, let's go home honey." She nods and holds me by the waist as we head towards the departure gate, together, for real this time..

*2 years later*

After everything that happened things got a lot less crazy, we just became an average married couple, and what do most married couples do once they get hitched? they try for kids. Jin and I had been trying for about a year now, but it wasn't working. It wasn't him, it was me, and it got me down sometimes because, the one job you're supposed to do as a woman and there's a slim to no chance of me ever being able to do that one job. Jin was so supportive though, he really got me through it all, without him I probably wouldn't have had a reason to get out of bed in the morning. I finished my final semester at college online, it was much easier for me and it wasn't a long course anyways, I took drama and acting, so I always had fun doing something I enjoyed, however I was just having some time to myself at the moment, I didn't need the money, I was just finding myself again, it felt nice. Lately though, Jin had been a little distant and it made me a little scared, was I boring him? I couldn't bear to lose him, he's truly the love of my life, I just feel like he's keeping a secret from me, and it's an itch that I just can't seem to scratch.

It was a Saturday, but it just so happened to be our wedding anniversary. I wanted to make it special since it had been two years since he saw me that night at the club. I decided to go to the store and get some steaks to cook for a romantic dinner back at the house. It was around 4pm, and I hadn't heard from Jin all day which kind of worried me. As I was checking out I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and so I picked it up, "Hello?" I inquire "Baby it's me, listen I need you to come meet me, something bad is going down, those guys I was messing with a few years ago, they're back. Whatever you do don't call the cops, or I risk going down with them. I'll text you the address, come as soon as you can." The phone call ends and obviously as any normal human would I start to freak out, I had so many unanswered questions, was he okay? was he hurt? was the situation under control? what is going on?! That's when I get the message of a random address so I run out to my jeep and type it into the gps system. Luckily it wasn't too far away from the store so I could get there pretty fast. After about 10 minutes the voice navigator tells me I'd reached my destination and I pull in to the same church where Yeji had actually gotten married, this was insane. I slowly walk in and the place was empty, all I could hear was the jingle of my car keys and as I walked the sound echoed eerily off the walls. Jin comes out from the back room in a tuxedo smiling at me and I have no clue what is going on at this stage "Jin what's happening I was freaking out I got here as soon as I could are you okay I thought maybe-" "Hey shhsh" he combs his hands through my hair and caresses my cheek, "I'm fine, I just had to think of an excuse to get you here fast, I'm sorry baby." I couldn't contain my anger "what were you THINKING JIN?! Something could have actually happened to you I thought you were in danger! You're such an ass I swea-" "But you love me and that's what matters most." He takes both my hands in his and says "I had to get you here on short notice because the priest doesn't have much time." I furrow my brows and ask "Priest? Why would we need a priest when we're already married?" He shakes his head and chuckles "you're so simple sometimes y/n, i love you. this day two years ago, we met for the very first time, and drunk me loved you so much that i married you, yet the downfall of this is that I can't remember our ceremony, and I didn't know you enough to make proper vows. So, today, we're gonna renew them, together. And you're gonna get a wedding that you couldn't possibly forget this time around." My eyes begin to water as I realise why he was so distant these past few weeks, he was planning a damn wedding for us. That's when I see the back door open again and a tall slim figure enter behind jin, as I look over his shoulder I see none other than my big sister Yeji and my heart fills with love, I run over and hug her tight and she does the same, "you really think I'd let Jin pick your wedding dress?! that's a sisters job. Come with me y/n. Jin, greet the guests and we'll see you in 20." He nods as she leads me to a dressing room out back and begins doing my hair and makeup in the mirror. We video call daily so I don't know how she managed to keep her mouth shut about something as big as this but as she makes me look pretty she tells me about how happy she is with her husband San, Yeji didn't want kids so instead she opted to rescue animals and she wouldn't stop ranting about how much it worked well for her. Once she finished she showed me the dress and I was in awe, "Jin hasn't seen it yet. He's gonna be blown away! Go put it on!" She hands me the dress and I go change quickly, once I come out she jumps up and down and claps her hands "Perfect! You look perfect. Just how I'd imagined it!" She hugs me tight and smiles at me, "Lets hope you'll be able to remember this one in the morning huh?" I laugh at her and we make our way around to the entrance of the church. Music begins to play and the guests stand ready for me to enter, Yeji holds my arm tight and leads me down the aisle, I see Jin standing up at the front beside the priest and his smile was simply beaming at me, he looked so happy to see me, I couldn't help but smile back. Once I make it to the front he takes my hands and says "I can't believe I managed to get someone as beautiful as you. Wow." My cheeks flush a light pink and i shyly look down at the ground and back up to him "you don't look so bad yourself worldwide handsome." The ceremony was quick as we were simply renewing our vows, I had absolutely nothing prepared so of course the priest gestured for me to begin, just my luck. I take a deep breath and look up into his intoxicatingly stunning eyes as I say "Marrying you was the best mistake i ever made. You bring light even on the darkest of days. Your laugh could make the whole world wanna laugh along with you. Drunk me is obviously far more wise than sober me because she married the love of her life sand she didn't even know it. I'm so grateful for you in my life Jin, through everything you do you make me wanna do better and be better. I'm so happy I get to call you mine. I'm yours, forever and always. I love you Kim Seokjin." He beams at me and I lovingly smile back, he clears his throat and begins with "my y/n. There's no one like you, you're my best friend, my sunshine on a rainy day, but you're also my gorgeous partner in crime. The memories and experiences we've had together are crazy to say the least, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way because look at us now, we made it out alive, and most importantly together. I can't wait to make more crazy memories with my favourite idiot on the planet. I love you Kim Y/N." The priest gestures that we could now kiss and so he leans in and plants a soft caring kiss on my lips and our guests cheer, making me giggle in embarrassment, it was the wedding of my dreams, and my dream man was right up there next to me. We had a beautiful reception decorated with pink lilies, jins favourite colour of course. We sang, danced and drank till our hearts content, it was the perfect anniversary, and by the end i was so drunk and merry I almost passed out. I woke up the next day in bed beside him still in my wedding dress and decided to play a little prank on him, "Jin....what happened last night? How did we get home?" He looks over at me and says "Please tell me you remember yesterday. Pretty please?" I look at him worryingly and say "baby, I think I blacked out again.." he sighs heavily and says "you have GOT to be kidding I worked so hard for yesterday and now you can't even remember again oh my-" I turn around on my stomach and rest my chin on his upper chest "Baby?" He lets out a deep breath "Yeah?" I smirk "...I'm totally kidding. I remember everything." He shakes his head side to side and laughs a little "You're such an idiot you know that?" I nod my head and he lovingly smiles at me once again "I love you y/n." I look into his eyes and reply "I love you too Jinnie."

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