The One I Lost and The One Th...

By HappyCitCat03

133 5 3

Young Alex has a not very good life, his mother died saving him from a speeding drunk driver, his father is d... More

The Stranger
The Lost One
Little Princess of Butterflys
The Sick One
Monsters in The Shadows
Birthday Poem From Charles
my talking sword?
Why Do I Have to Be a Model?
The Past Now Known
fan art break!!!


6 0 0
By HappyCitCat03

The next day we woke up and i asked if his feeling went away. He said it didn't but it was nothing to worry about. So i let him be so we went to school that's when things got interesting. The moment i walked in the gate Chloe ran up to me and hugged me. "Alex you must come with me for a moment!" she hugged my arm and dragged me to her friends. "Alex you must come to my party next week i'm inviting everyone and i promised everyone you'd be there." i didn't realize it but Charles had followed us over and was standing to my other side. He's the one who spoke first. "I don't think we would like to go."

"I wasn't talking to you. I'm talking to Alex and i wasn't going to let you come."

"You said everyone though. You really mean only people you would like to come though. Being honest is better than lying and making promises you can't make happen. You are not a very smart person are you?" he took my hand. "Come on Alex we have to get to class. Goodbye." so he dragged me away. "Wow that was brave of you to say that to her. Well done Charlie." he blushed and i could feel his hand heat up in mine. Normally we don't hold hands but i like this. Now i can't lose him in the halls. He's short so it's easy to lose him sometimes. "Well she's not a very nice person at all. She will disappoint everyone. That is unless you wanted to go, i should have let you answer."

"I didn't want to go at all. I'd rather be with you anyways." he heated up more. "Alexander!" we turned and saw Chole she was running in her hells which i personally think is impressive. Those things as my mom used to tell me hurt and are hard to walk in. "please come to my party. I promised all of my friends that you'd take pictures with them."

"Chloe i'm not doing that for you." she made a pouty face and then whispered something in my ear which on no circumstances will i repeat or tell anyone. "Like hell Chloe i'd never do that!" she made a pouty face. "I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time for you." she then went over to Charles and whispered in his ear and i could barely hear what she was saying. "You know i bet he only loves you for your body and nothing else right?"though we were still holding hands he let his hand slip away from mine. "No i don't Chloe! I love him not for that reason!"

"So you don't think he's cute?" she took off her head band that had a bow on it and placed it on his head. "Don't you think he is?" he looked very cute. Why is he so adorable? "Well yes he's cute." she smirked. "So why do you keep him around with you? Pitty? After all he has no father or mother. And he must have been bullied for that eye of his." he had been keeping it uncovered for a long time now since when he told his history in class. "No it's not that he's sweet, kind, caring and i love him the way he is." i took his hand. "Chloe i'm not like that." i walked away from her. Pulling Charles with me. "Charles i don't think of it like that. You know that i would never think of it like that ever." he nodded. "I didn't think you would think that. She was just being mean. I see that." he smiled and kissed my cheek. "Thank you Alex. let's get to class." i smiled that was the first time he had ever done something like that. I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. Best day ever. The next was the worst. Why the hell did it have to happen to him? Out of all of us he deserved to have a good happy death but nope that's something good people can't ask for.

The next day i asked if the feeling went away once again he said no again and told me it was fine.I think he lied. I brushed it off as we went to get food. "Well good morning you two make your own breakfast i'm tired." we both asked why, he told us that we didn't want to know. So no more questions for him i don't want to know and i don't want Charles to know. So we went over to the bread box and i got us both a bagel. "You want it toasted?" he nodded so i toasted them both while we waited he seemed anxious. He was biting his nails and he never does that ever. "Charles it's bothering you a lot isn't it?" he just shook his head. "Charles don't lie to me."

"It's really nothing. It's just it's like that lump in your stomach when something's off. I'm fine." i decided to let it go. I shouldn't have done that. He should have stayed home. I should have made him stay home. We ate and went to school but Charles still wasn't feeling well and he walked slower than normal. "Charles are you sure your alright?" he nodded and i put a hand on his forehead. He felt hot. "Your sick let's get you home."

"No i'm fine this happens let's go." he walked on and i followed. "Are you sure?"

"Yes Alex i don't want to miss school." i didn't press him. I should have. I regret it so much. Why couldn't i have been a better boyfriend? We walked to school and everyone else noticed he wasn't doing so good but he was persistent so we all let it go. So we went to our first class and the day went on. Till our physics class we had an ok day. We were asked to go to the supply room to get poster paper. We went together and went in. "where is the paper?

"It's on those rolls over there. I'll get some scissors you go sit or something you don't look so good." he did. "How many do we need?" i thought. "Fourteen." it's for group projects. A teacher walked in and we said hi. He ignored us and we did the same. That's really when everything went downhill. The man went and opened a cabinet right next to Charles but he just stared at it. Then. oh man this part makes me feel sick. The man grabbed Charles, injected a needle into his neck and hoisted him on his shoulder. In that split second he ran and jumped out of the window. Without thinking i ran after him through the window. "Hey put him down!" i chased him across the grass. "Charles!" he seemed dazed as the man ran to the fence and THREW him over that bastard. He jumped over and picked him and put him into a van and dove off. I was only steps behind him damn it. I sank to the ground as the van drove off. The pe class was out and they ran to see. "Alex what just happened?"

"I'll call 911."

"Was that Charles?" all of their voices were under water, i couldn't hear them and i could barely breathe. It's not because i ran but because he was gone. How could i let him be taken? How the hell could i let this happen? I punched the fence from my anger. I jumped back over and stormed over to the wall. It's much easier to punch. less holes. One of the guys in pe had to stop me from punching the wall. "Alex, was that Charles?" i nodded then the police showed up. "Are you the witness?" i nodded. "Can you come with us? We'll have some one bandage your hand."

"I don't care if my hand falls off we need to find Charles." i walked past them and to there car. I opened the back door and got in. they were less fast and it pissed me off. "Come on they went east in a black SUV it had no plate and the man who took him was around six foot, brown hair with bits of white. I didn't see his face very well but if i saw him again i could tell you who he is. Let's go."

"Alright kid you need to be calm was he close to you?"

"Yes, he's my boyfriend."

"Do you have any recent pictures?" i nodded i convinced him to let me take a picture with him recently. I'm lucky I did. I brought the picture up on my phone and showed them. This was a picture with him not covering his eye and he had a barrette holding his hair back. "The girl was taken?"

"That's a boy, that's Charles Miller the one who was taken from the supply room. Come on let get to the station already i want to make the statemant." they both told me to calm myself down and asked if i had any enemies of course i did. The shadows and Chloe are my enemies and i know Chloe won't be able to pull this off but i told them anyways about Chloe. I told them she wasn't a treat. Then i remembered that she locked him in a closet so i told them that too. They said they'd talk to her and i stayed quiet through the whole rest of the ride and i thought the whole time. The police won't be able to help, they can try but they won't find him, the shadows in human skin took him. I know i should be talking to Orian and everyone else but i can't not in here. I'm pissed at myself i should have summoned Aries but i didn't. Why the hell did i not? Sure everyone would have seen me with a sword in my hands but i wouldn't have cared. Then again i didn't get close enough to do anything and if i threw Aries he could have hurt Charles as well. Damn it why am i so powerless? Why can't i keep those around me safe? Why can't i do anything right? Someone hurt me instead damn it. Take me not them. Just do something! I shouldn't have to see them hurt. They haven't done anything to deserve this. I'm the one who got my mom killed, my father depressed, and i'm the one who prayed for Charles. If i wasn't such a reckless person Charles would be safe and not know me though think about him not in my life makes me sad he would have been fine. My mother she'd still be alive and my dad he would still be the same man i knew all those years ago. Laughing without care. I ruin everything. I ruin it all. Happiness, joy, life, even death.

We got to the station and i made my statement and they told me that they would keep me informed. Not like it matters. So i ran home and found everyone at my house. the moment i opened the door to my home Leo and Aries grabbed me by that shirt ."Alex what the hell happened to our little brother!?"

"I wish i knew. All i know is that he was taken by the shadows. But i had to go to the police station to give my statement want to hear what happened more in detail after i kill something?" i must have given them a certain look and they let me go. "What the hell happened today? I don't know what the hell happened but i'm not letting them hurt him anymore got it?" they nodded and let me pass. I went to the back door and to the stream. I went past it to the parts that aren't kept pretty and summoned Aries to my hand then it went to a tree and took my anger out on it cutting, slashing and demolishing it in anyway i could. At one point Aries turned into his human form to stop me. I had demolished eight trees at that point. "Alex calm down!"

"Why the hell should i? How the hell are you so calm? He's your brother! Why the hell are you not worried about him?!"

"I am worried," he said in a stupidly calm voice, "but we can't think rationally like this now can we?"

"Like i care about that! i just want him back!" i was ready to punch him i was so angry even if he killed me i wouldn't have cared and would still go after them. To hell with the lot of the shadows. "Alexander, were trying to find him now come on. We have magic readings nd we find others with that if they took him in a car we can find him." that made my hopes sore so i ran back i knew they'd be in Aries's room so i went there and that's where they were. "Did you find him yet?"

"They all shook their heads and i punched the wall. I have anger issues now great. "We'll find him we promace but sadly these things take time."so even gods have problems with technology they invented. Wonderful, just wonderful. "Well how long will it take for you to find him?" they all shrugged. That made me mad. Why are we all so powerless? Why can't we fix this? Why the hell?! I broke down. My heart broke, my life broke. I started sobbing in front of them all. I don't care what they think of me. Hell it actually hurt to cry. I almost threw up. At one point , i don't know who but one of the gods there touched me and i fell asleep. When i woke up i was on my bed so i got up and went downstairs. I was hungry so i got some bread and went to Aries's room. I want in and slamed the door to make sure they knew i was there. "Aries i won't stop till i find him so you had better teach me everything you know."

thank you all so much for reading and i'm sorry to disappoint but this is the end of this one so please wait for me to get the next one started and the first one finished. i hope you all enjoyed and please don't kill me. ~HappyCitCat

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