Talk Disney to Me

By KristaButler

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“You’re my Wendy and I’m your Peter. We can fly away to Neverland and sword fight with Captain Hook because t... More

Peter Pan
Beauty and the Beast
Alice in Wonderland
The Lion King
The Little Mermaid
Tinker Bell
Toy Story
Mickey Mouse
Lady and the Tramp
Update on Story Status
Update update update

The Princess and the Frog

1.9K 146 31
By KristaButler

Chapter Sixteen

It’s been two weeks, five days and exactly forty five minutes since the last time I’ve spoken to Noah White. I found Aiden and told him the news at the end of the day just as promised and we’ve been practically inseparable ever sense. Aiden drove me to and from school now, but I’ve still been coming up with excuses for him to not come into my apartment until I could convince Becky to curb her hoarder-ish ways. I decided that before Christmas would we sweep the apartment and keep only the essentials while putting the rest in storage. I’ve been in Aiden’s house though, the day we became an official couple. His house is big and white and covered with plenty of sparkling windows and sleek appliances.

   “Hey, baby,” Aiden spoke from behind before wrapping his arms around my waist and tugging me into his chest. He tilted my chin up and placed a quick kiss on my lips in greeting before burying his head in my curls.

    I turned his arms so I was facing him and his hands rested on my jean clad hips. I placed my hands on his chest and craned my neck to peer up at him. “Hi,” I murmured shyly.

    He smiled and slipped his hands up slightly so they rested under the skin of my somewhat short t-shirt. He traced soft circles and I felt my body shift at the feel.

    I giggled. “That tickles.”

    He chuckled softly and dipped his head to kiss my slightly flushed cheek. “You look beautiful today.”

    Aiden tends to be more touchy feely than I’m used to.

    Brittany Shaw had taken me on a shopping after giving me a slightly pitying speech on how ‘atrocious’ my clothes were. I had the slightly humiliating conversation with her when we got to what I like to call the ‘rich folk mall’ about how I couldn’t afford any clothes that wasn’t from Wal-Mart or some other cheap department store. She then waved a manicured hand and told me this shopping trip could be a Christmas gift from her. I was mortified and refused to even look at anything so then she took it in her own hands to pick out stuff for myself and proceeded to threaten me if I didn’t wear them. So, I had a completely new and absolutely adorable, high end wardrobe.

     I smiled. “I think you mentioned that this morning, you know, when you picked me up.”

     “How can I resist complimenting constantly when I have a beautiful girlfriend?”

    Oh, and he loves to mention that I’m his girlfriend as many times as possible, like I’m going to forget.

     I rolled my eyes and moved away from him, grabbing his hand. “C’mon, I want to get something to eat.”

    Aiden let me drag him away and we walked side by side. A lot of things had changed in the last few weeks, my social status being one of them. Aiden and I’s relationship has become the buzz of the school. Thanks to being Aiden’s girlfriend and Brittany Shaw and me being the new Batman and Robin Hood I was now considered one of them, one of the Crew. I ate lunch at their table and attended there parties every weekend. I went on group outings and all the sports events. I never did get around to patching things up with Cherry and now when we pass in the halls she just scowls and sends me her special finger. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt. The only bad part of being a part of said Crew is that Noah White is also a part of it. Only he got in by his good looks and natural personality, I however, had to sleep my way to the top (figuratively speaking, I haven’t actually slept with Aiden, not that he doesn’t try.)

    I haven’t spoken with Noah and I’ve avoided him like the plaque. He says he wants nothing to do with me and I’m absolutely fine with it (I just cry on the inside like a winner.) I moved to the back in English and refuse to contact him out of school. I’ve hidden the mug he gave me at the very back of my cupboard and threw some dishcloths over it. I refuse to watch anything Disney related or listen to any Disney type music and I burst out crying at a Peter Pan toy I found in Wal-Mart. I can’t even look at dancing anymore because it reminds me of Newsies and that reminds me of Noah.

    However, every night my brain forces me to relive memories and remind me how stupid I am for letting someone like Noah White go.

    The only thing I allowed myself that relates to Noah at all is Eve. I finally fixed my car and drove to their house when I knew Noah was at a birthday party dressed as some goofy character. I chilled with Eve for the whole two hours, checking up on everything and making sure she was okay. She seemed to enjoy my visits but was confused as to why I decided to go over when Noah’s not there. Finally, the third day I showed up I spilled to her everything that happened and surprisingly she didn’t hate me for my cruel actions towards her brother. She shrugged and said ‘that sucks’ before asking if I wanted to play some more video games.

    We walked into the cafeteria and Aiden led us to our table. The nerves in my stomach still haven’t dimmed at the amount of so many people that I once carefully avoided and made sure to stay out of their way smiling up at me like we were long time friends. Also, the fact that Noah sat directly across from me and Aiden, laughing loudly at something David Jones was saying.

    Brittany Shaw, who happened to be sitting to the left of Noah, smiled at me and Aiden. “Took you long enough to make it here, what exactly were you guys doing in that hallway all this time?”

    I flushed red and didn’t miss as Noah’s laughing expression changed slightly, his jaw tightening and his fists clenching to the point where his knuckles were an angry red.

    Aiden chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, scooting my chair closer to his. He rested his chin on my shoulder and his warm breath blew soothing circles. “Wouldn’t you like to know, Britt?”

    Brittany Shaw rolled her eyes and took a fry from Noah’s plate. Noah playfully swatted her hand away and grinned. My heart gave a painful thump.

    Aiden’s fingers played with the edge of my t-shirt and I started getting uncomfortable. I moved his hands and placed them on his own lap. I felt him frown against my back.

     “What’s wrong, baby?” he breathed in my ear.

    I forced a smile and turned so I faced him. I smiled and placed my arms around his neck. I leaned in so I could whisper into his ear. “Nothing, I just don’t want to be doing anything in school. It’s inappropriate.”

    That seems like a good enough excuse.

    Aiden laughed. “Sometimes I forget how innocent you are.” At my frown he tucked a hair behind my hair and caressed my cheek. “Don’t worry; I think it’s incredibly cute. That and your secret dorky side.”

    I laughed softly and shoved his chest. “I do not have a secret dorky side!”

   My dorky side is certainly not a secret and just as big of a part of me as Noah’s Disney side.

    God, I need to stop comparing myself to Noah.

    “Says the girl that mentioned Yoda on our first date.” Aiden smiled wildly and I was reminded just how wickedly handsome he is. I shouldn’t be thinking about Noah White when I have this perfectly perfect boy as my boyfriend.

    “Ugh,” I groaned and buried my face in his chest. “Don’t, that was embarrassing enough when I said it, you don’t need to keep bringing it up.”

    “I told you,” he laughed and lifted my head up. “I think it’s completely adorable and somewhat sexy.”

    “Sexy?” I raised a brow and felt the instant flush of my cheeks. “You think the fact that I’m into Star Wars sexy?”

    “Sure,” he shrugged. “I find everything about you unbelievable sexy.” Then, he tipped my chin and kissed me hard. Right on the mouth. I felt myself respond and his hands wrap around my thighs and lift me up so I sat in his lap, his mouth still attacking mine.

    There was a loud bang and I broke away from Aiden long enough to see Noah storming out of the cafeteria, the doors swinging shut after him. Aiden kissed my cheek and twirled a curl between my fingers.

    I cleared my throat and turned around on Aiden’s lap so I was facing everyone else. I swallowed. “What’s wrong with Noah?”

    Brittany Shaw shrugged and continued to eat his abandoned fries. “He muttered about forgetting something in English and went back to get it.”

    I nodded and turned back to Aiden. “You want to go for a walk outside?”

    Aiden’s brows furrowed. “Outside? It’s snowing outside, Carly Ann.”

    I shrugged and pouted my bottom lip like I’ve seen Brittany do numerous times to get what she wants. “Please?”

    He groaned and pressed a swift kiss to my pouting lips before grabbing me by my thighs and lifting me up with a sigh. I stood on my own two feet and Aiden slipped his hand through my own. He pulled me close to his side and walked away from our table, waving goodbye.

    Aiden held the door for me and left me briefly to go to his locker to get his jacket. I made my way to mine, shrugging into my new warm winter jacket and buttoning up the brown buttons securely around my front. I flipped my long curls behind my back and rested against the locker as Aiden walked back with a jacket of his own on.

    He held out an arm. “Ready?”

    I nodded and took his arm. He tucked me into his side and guided us to a side exit. The snow hit us instantly as we stepped outside, the cold air making me shiver. The snow was light and wet and when it hit the ground it melted so there was only a small patch of white covering the ground, just enough to make the crunching sound as my boots treaded in it.

    I removed Aiden’s arm from my waist and gripped his hand instead, not really liking the heavy feel of his arm clinging to me in a vice. Aiden looked down at me as we walked around the school building, his cheeks already a nice rosy red.

    He raised a brow down at me. “Was there a reason you wanted to walk outside in the freezing cold?”

    I shrugged and sent him a small smile. “I just wanted to clear my head; you can go back in if you want.”

    Aiden shook his head. “No,” he pulled me closer to him as we rounded the back of the building. A large open field sat at the back of the school behind the cafeteria where students ate during the early fall and spring months.

    “What happened with you and Noah, anyways?” Aiden asked after a bit.

    I bit the inside of my cheek. This isn’t the first time Aiden’s asked about Noah but I’ve always found a way to change the subject or distract him from the topic (usually by sexual activities. I’ve learned a lot from watching too much Keeping Up with the Kardashian’s and examining Brittany Shaw with her many different boy toys.) Now though, I wasn’t in the mood to pull anything sexual and I couldn’t find anything else could enough to get his mind of the subject.

    I sighed. “We had a bit of a disagreement.”

    He furrowed his brows. “About what?”

    I shrugged. “Just, stuff.”

   He stopped walking and forced me to a halt as well. I breathed out again and forced myself to look up at him. His light blue eyes were searching my green ones with determined interest.

   “Had to be something pretty big; you guys used to be inseparable and now you won’t even look at each other.” He rubbed his neck with his free hand, looking shy all of a sudden. “Heck, I thought he was part of the reason you were so hesitant to date me, with the amount of time you spent together and the way he would always look at you. I figured there was no way you would say yes when you and Noah were practically mated like penguins.”

    I flushed at his words but felt my own brows dip in confusion. “What do you mean? Noah and I have always just been friends.”

    Sure, some of the feelings I had for Noah could be interpreted to be more than friendly and I’d be lying if I said a part of me didn’t yearn for him on a more intimate level. I knew I had a crush on Noah and I knew that I loved him, whether as just friends or not, but that doesn’t mean he ever felt the same way. Noah see’s us as just friends, or used to be friends, that I’m positive.

    Aiden gave a dry laugh. “To you, maybe, but the way Noah looked at you certainly wasn’t just friendly.

     My brows furrowed even further and I had the urge to shout that Aiden didn’t know what he was talking about, that he knew nothing of mine and Noah’s relationship. I swallowed it down and shifted, my lips dipping into a frown.

    “Hey,” he cooed slightly, his somewhat cold hands coming up to cup my rosy cheeks. “It doesn’t matter, your with me now, forget about Noah.”

    I felt an anger spark in my chest and I opened my mouth to argue, to tell him that I simply couldn’t forget Noah White but he dipped his head before I could say anything and pressed his lips against mine.

    His kiss was more forceful than the light pecks he gave me in the cafeteria and his hands gripped my cheeks and held my face to his. His lips moved against mine deeply and sloppily, his urgent nature making the kiss too wet and forceful to feel good. I timidly moved my lips against his and placed my hands on his shoulders to steady myself. He groaned into my mouth and deepened the kiss further, slipping his tongue into my mouth in a way that I think was supposed to be arousing but I found it to be moving too fast and overwhelming.

     I pulled away and breathed heavily, needing air as Aiden reluctantly let my face out of the vice grip he had it in. He dipped his head again and brushed my curls to the side, leaving sloppy kisses down my neck and past the top of my jacket.

    My fingers tangled themselves into Aiden’s blonde hair and I tugged softly. “Aiden, stop, we’re going to be late to class.” My voice came out breathy as I still tried to recover from the kiss. I think Aiden took it as the cause of something else as he looked up at me with darkened blue eyes and sent me a smirk.

     I flushed even further but thankfully my cheeks were already an angry red from the cold that you couldn’t tell the difference.

    Aiden’s arms slid to my back and he held my body tight to him. He kissed my lips softly one last time before pulling away and grabbing my hand, sighing. “Okay, let’s go back in.”

    I stomped my feet on the rug beside the exit door and shook some snow of my jacket before sliding out of it. The heaters of the school warmed me up instantly and I shoved my jacket into my locker. Aiden shrugged his jacket off and hanged it of his arm while he waited for me. I grabbed my book bag and swung it over my shoulder before slamming my locker shut and turned back to Aiden.

    Aiden grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall to his locker where he grabbed his bag and put his jacket in. I rested my back on Aiden’s locker and he placed one arm above my head, leaning into me.

    “What do you have?” he asked, his body practically pressing against mine.

    I groaned and placed my hands on his shoulders. “English,” I threw my head back in agony.

    Normally, I’d be jumping for joy at having English as my last class in the afternoon but English meant Noah and Noah means pain.

    Aiden chuckled at my response and caressed my still rosy cheeks. “I’m sure you’ll survive.” He screwed up his face. “At least you don’t have calculus.”

    I decided not to mention that I’ll never be smart enough to actually make it into calculus, unlike Aiden and his freaky smart genes. I was surprised when I found out he took all AP courses, assuming that a sports buffoon like him would be as dumb as a brick, like the stereotype goes. Apparently, his folks are some crazy good and not to mention rich lawyers and they expect him to live up to their expectations. Also it doesn’t help the fact that his brother has already graduated and got accepted to Harvard last fall. Looks like there’s a lot more to the world of Aiden Kelly than I originally assumed.

    The bell rang above us and Aiden decided he would walk me to class. I gave him a parting kiss on the cheek before sliding into English class.

    I made my way to the back, carefully avoiding Noah who still sat in his same seat, the seat I used to sit across from. I couldn’t help but inhale as I passed by him, needing a bit of his sunscreen and mint scent. I didn’t care how creepy I might look if anybody caught me but I was slowly going crazy without Noah and I took what I could get.

     I sat in between Brittany Shaw and David Jones, nervously kicking at my bag which I plopped down on the floor. Brittany exchanged in some small talk with me whom I answered only in short, one worded replies. She got tired after a while and turned to talk with Nicolas something who sat on the other side of her.

    Mr. James entered the classroom silently. He held a poster of some sorts in his arms before grabbing some tap from his desk and tapping it up on the board. He stepped back and showed the poster with a wave of his hand. The smiling face of Walt Disney stared back at me and I felt my heart drop.

     Oh no, oh please no.

    “We, as a class, are going to be participating in a writing competition put off by Disney parks themselves. However rights the best and most creative story relating to Disney and all things make believe, wins one free trip for four to Disney World.”

   What did I ever do to deserve something like this? I study (occasionally) go to church (during holidays like Christmas and Easter) and I’m kind to others (sometimes, depends on the person.)

     Mr. James smiled and sat on his desk before grabbing a piece of paper and skimming his blue eyes down it. “Now, I will be taking this project as part of your mark and grading it before submitting it into this competition. Only a few schools have the honor in partaking and it’s just wonderful that we’ve been included in this project.” He smiled and gave us a look that said we should be beaming and clapping instead of staring blankly like ungrateful children. “Don’t worry,” he soothed some of the horrified faces, mine included. “You will be getting partners for this project.”

    I wasn’t exactly relieved at that but maybe I could partner up with Brittany and put Noah as far from my mind as possible.

    Mr. James held up the sheet of paper he held again. “But,” his eyes shined suddenly and he waved the paper. “Unfortunately for you, I have already picked the partners.”

     A feeling of dread washed over me as the class gave a collective groan. I fidgeted in my seat as I tried to calm my racing heart.

     Calm down, Carly. What are the odds of you and Noah being paired together in a class of twenty eight?

     I couldn’t calm down though. I sneaked a glance towards Noah and saw him sitting in his seat, his expression calm and relaxed with a light up tilt to his lips and a sparkle in his eyes. It was the first time in almost three weeks that I had seen him like that, so, carefree and happy. I never thought there would be a day were Noah went long enough without smiling for me to actually miss his beautiful dimples and the sparkle he got when he became exceedingly happy.

    His calmness soothed me somewhat and I managed to get my nerves under control. There’s no way that the odds weren’t in my favor. There are twenty eight people in this class and only one of me and Noah, the chances of us being placed together are slim to none.

    Mr. James started reading down the list and I kept a steadiest list in m head of who was paired up and who remained.

     “Brittany Shaw and Nicolas White.”

     There goes that chance.

     My heart started pounding again.

     “David Jones and Victoria Starr.”

     There are only six people left, Noah and I being two of them.

     Please, please, don’t let us be partners. Please!

     “Katie Collins and Rebecca Jane.”

     “Tyler Snow and Max Grey.”

    No, my heart sunk and I felt my body visibly get smaller. I stole a glance towards Noah but he had tilted his body so I couldn’t see his face.

    Mr. James looked up and met my eyes directly. His lips titled in a meddling grin and his eyes shone with mischievous intent. He totally did this on purpose. I didn’t have time to think of that before Mr. James booming voice read out the last of the names on the list. “And, Carly Ann Summers and Noah White.” His eyes darted between me and Noah while his grin widened. “Happy writing.”

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