Secrets The Heart Holds - LAR...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

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"we arent friends" harry says "that is all we are best friends" louis yells out "friends dont do what we do"... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 23

881 10 7
By NotReadyToPlayNice

6 weeks later and the whole family is together again as david and nick had their second baby, a girl they name alexandria nicole grimshaw and everyone was so happy to be there and share with the news of the growing family and for natalie and her family that case is still pending

"so one baby down 3 to go" zayn says

"so how is your residency going" anne asks

"its amazing and i am learning so much" christina says

"and what about you jennifer" harry asks

"i just won my first case, with lucas help and working on my second, my law firm is moving me to entertainment law when they found out about what we did over here" jennifer says

"well congratulations" the moms all say

"thank you all its been amazing" jennifer  says

" and you and julia how have you all been" nick asks

"we been really good, its been amazing she is so supportive and i really love her" jennifer says as she smiles as she looks into julias eyes

"and christina when does shawn get here" jay says

"well he isnt coming" christina says trying her best not to laugh

"why" nialls mom says

"he said he was busy and didn't want to come" christina says trying not to laugh

"ohh hell no, lupe call him" jay says as she takes out her phone and face times shawn

"hello" shawn says

"where are you" lupe says

"i missed my flight, i over slept but i am getting on the next flight right now" shawn says as christina starts to laugh "why what happened"

"your soon to be dead girlfriend said you weren't coming because you had more important things to do than to be here" jay says as the moms all glare at christina

"ohh no i learned my lesson from when i didn't answer jay" shawn says "princess, seriously"

"what" christina says as she starts to laugh

"tina, your grounded till your dead" lupe says as they all start to laugh

"moms, i have to go, i will be there in 2 hours" shawn says as he hangs up the phone and lupe throws her shoe at christina and it hits her in the head

"ouch that hurt" christina says rubbing her head

"don't do that we were about to go and get him" anne says

"just wanted to prove a point to the rest of the brothers and sisters that you all don't fuck around" christina says

"seriously" nialls moms says

"what" christina says still laughing

"just wait until shawn gets here" zayns mom says "had all us moms ready to skin him alive"

"stop you all are so over dramatic and i am sure if he won't come he would call you all first" christina says

"uugggh i am so uncomfortable" diana says

"yeah try carrying nialls kid" hailee says

"i am done too" gemma says

"can you imagine if we all go into labor at the same time" hailee says

"well we are all here until next week so no pressure" jennifer says

"thanks, we should all go into labor one each week" diana says as she stands up

"where you going" ed asks

"bathroom" diana says as she walks into the house

"i finally get baby alex" louis says as he grabs her from eds mom

"i swear i am surprise any of the kids even walk" harry says as aria wiggles out of his arms" wheres olivia"

"in the playhouse with the rest of the kids" jay says

"awww look at diana waddle back" harry says laughing

"shut up" diana says as she glares at harry and all of a sudden diana stops and grabs her belly as ed and harry run to diana "its all fun and games till you are close to your due date"

"baby, are you ok" ed says

"um, i dont know i felt this sharp pain on my lower belly, just hold on" diana says as harry just stares at her" i am fine i promise"

"i know but i swear i don't like to see you girls in pain" harry says as he is about to cry

"don't you start to cry or i will cry too" diana says

"ok" harry says as diana starts to walk back to where the family was sitting at

"are you ok" jay asks

"just felt a pain" diana says

"you sure your not in labor" david says

"no it was just this o----" diana says as she grabs onto her belly again "um i am not sure what labor feels like but its worst than period cramps"

"well just stand up and walk around, i will time you just tell me when they start and stop" jay says

"here ed and i will help" harry says as they grab hold of diana as they walk around to her pace as she tells jay when they start and stop

"well they are 10 minutes apart so you are fine" jay says

"well it hurts" harry says as he starts to shake his hand from the pain

"shut up" diana says "jay here comes another one"

"breath" ed says" baby we can do this and soon the baby will be here and we will finally know what this shy little one will be"

"i know but it still hurts and i swear sheeran this will be an only child" diana says

"we all say that" louis says" try having twins"

"ohh noo,  you will never touch me again" diana says

"diana stop being so dramatic" diana's mom says" i had 4"

"yeah well you are braver than me" diana says "shit"

"what" dianas mom says

"i think my water broke or i just took a massive pee" diana says

"niall help me hold her ed go get her some clean pants and underwear" harry says

"we need to get her to the hospital" jay says

"mom you and dianas mom need to help her change" ed says as they all go into the house and soon they hear hailee stop

"shit" hailee says

"no don't even tell us, we were all joking about it" nialls mom says

"my water broke" hailee says as niall runs to her and nialls mom

"all right all pregos in labor we need to go" jay says as they all get into the vans head to the hospital making sure that they let lottie and fiz know they are leaving, when they get to the hospital the moms get off the vans and go tot he nurses station and let them know what is going on and soon  2 nurses are running out of the hospital and take hailee and diana and make sure to give them the same room

"well any bets on who will deliver first" harry says

"i say diana" louis says as everyone starts to place their bets

"seriously we are in labor and you all want to make money off us" hailee says" but put me down for diana"

"seriously baby" niall says " even i said you were going to have the baby first"

"well knowing this baby will have a big head like you i am not looking forward to it" hailee says

"hey ed has a big ass head too, so hailee you can go first and let me know how it goes" diana says

"MOM" gemma says

"no gemma i swear if you are in labor we are going to leave you" anne says

"well its that or i peed myself" gemma says

"this is golden" christina says as she starts to laugh

"stop its not funny" gemma says

"i'll go get a nurse" jay says as she walks out of the room as jeff holds gemma's hand

" swear if this hurts, you will never touch me again" gemma says as she holds on to her belly

"sorry jeff but the contractions are a bitch" louis says laughing

"so do you all want to be in the same room, since jay said you are all family" the nurse says

"if its possible" anne says

"let me make sure we have a bigger room" the nurse says as she walks out as 2 doctors walk in

"hi, didnt expect you both to go into labor at the same time" diana's doctor says

"3, gemma didn't want to be left behind so we three are in labor" hailee says

"well we need to check you and gemma i am sure your doctor has been notified" dianas doctor says

"knock ohhh my" hailees doctor says "such a crowd"

"well, come in have a seat make yourself comfortable" eds mom says

"well if you all don't mind i need to check ms hailee see how far along she is" the doctor says

"well diana is at 7 CM so i say a few more hours and if you feel the urge to push please push the blue button and let the nurse know"

"well hailee you are at 7 as well and well same instructions"

"well i guess this will a photo finish" anne says as they all look at gemma

"hey leave me alone, this is a lot of pressure on me" gemma says "jeff sweety i love you and all but you are never touching me again"

"ok what ever you says but from what i learned from you styles is you have a high sex drive" jeff says as he starts to laugh" so we will see about that"

"shut up" gemma and harry say at the same time

"thats what i thought" jeff says as louis starts to laugh

"aww i thought is was just harry" louis says

"shut it or i will cut you off too" harry says

"fine with me" louis says laughing

"shut it" harry says

"aww babe don't worry you can cut me off but i wont" louis says still laughing

"well we found you a bigger room and gemma we will get you in first and some nurses will come in a few to get diana and hailee" the nurse says as gemma stands up and jeff and robin hold on to her making sure to walk at her pace and soon she is connected to all the necessary machines and soon diana and hailee are wheeled in

"soo" diana says in between contractions

"doctor said i'm at 8" gemma says

"well then no pressure but gemma you need to deliver first" anne says

"see no more babies for me" louis says

"sure" harry says

"hello everyone i guess you all waiting for these little ones to be born so lets see who will be first" diana's doctor says as she checks her" well you my sweets are ready to push"

"i'm not ready" diana says

"well ready or not this baby is ready" the doctor says

"teddy are you ready" diana says

"yes, i been waiting for this day since you told me, i love you so much" ed says as tears start to pool in his eyes

"well lets get going then" the doctor says as they wheel diana out of the room and head to the delivery room and a few minutes later as they are getting diana ready they hear a knock on the door as a nurse opens and all they hear is an ok and a yes "what is it"

"well the moms wanted diana to know that hailee and gemma are ready to deliver too so they might have triplets" the nurse says as they all start to laugh

and an hour later the 3 doctors walk to the family waiting room as they all stand up

"6:03 PM" diana's doctor says

"6:03 PM" hailees's doctor says

"6:03 PM" gemmas's doctor says as they all start to laugh

"so what are the triplets" anne says

"they wanted to be the one's to tell you all" diana's doctor says

"well i think they planned it" eds mom says

"well good thing is we are all here and now we get to meet these precious little ones" nialls mom says

"well we are getting everyone cleaned up and give us a few minutes and we will have a nurse come and get you all" hailees doctor says as they all walk away and the family just sits down and wait and an hour later the nurse gets them and walks them to the room

"ohh my" nialls mom says as she goes to niall and hailee and hailee gives her the baby

"soo someone needs to tells what they are or we are going to start undressing them"

"well family we have a girl" diana says " and her name is MIA LYRIC SHEERAN'

"aww baby mia" eds mom says as she starts to cry

"and over here we have another girl" gemma says" and her name is LUNA DESTINY MILLER"

"AWW baby luna" anne says crying

"and we have a boy" hailee says laughing" and his name is JOSHUA QUINN HORAN"

"OHHH baby josh" nialls mom says crying" you poor baby boy all in the middle of so many girls and  i will promise you they will all take good care of you"

"ohh my 1 boy" jay says

"but look how handsome he is" zayns mom says  "josh is our favorite grandson"

"congratulations" everyone says as they hug all of them and soon the see the door open and shawn walks in

"well its about damn time" jay says

"sorry, i got here as soon as i could" shawn says as he immediately goes to christina "hi princess"

"hi baby" christina says " meet your 2 nieces and nephew"

"ohh my, aww babies i am sorry i swear i got here as quickly as i could" shawn says

"its ok, you made it" niall says

"ughh i swear i over slept and it was christina's fault" shawn says

"why mine, i told you to go to sleep and you said no that you wanted to stay on the phone to hear my voice and then it was 3 in the morning" christina says laughing

"shut it" shawn says as he wraps his arms around christinas head

"your going to mess up my hair" christina says laughing

"fine, but i missed you princess" shawn says

"missed you too" christina says as they kiss" how is the new album going"

"amazing" shawn says" i record with zayn next week"

"well lets head home and start dinner so the girls can rest" christina's mom says as they all say one last congratulations as they walk out of the room and head back to the house

"are you going to tell them" shawn says as they walk to the back yard

"no they are going to kill me" christina says

"i know but you need to" shawn says but stops as he see everyone coming close to them

"what are you guys over here whispering about" liam says

"nothing, just talking about shawns album and my work" christina says

"sure you are, didn't we tell you all that you all can't lie to us" lucas says

"there is nothing to tell and shawn just drop it" christina says as anger builds in her voice as she walks away as she starts to cry as harry goes after her and just hugs her

"sister, don't cry what is it, what ever it is you know as a family we can get thru it together" harry says as he continues to hug her" did shawn hurt you"

"no, has nothing to do with him" christina says as the moms walk out of the house

"tina did you tell them" christina's mom says

"no mom drop it, i can take care of this myself" christina says still crying

"princess, you need to tell them or i will and if you get mad at me and leave me i really don't care as long as your safe" shawn says as he hugs christina and harry lets go

"i can't, i am to embarrased it was hard enough to admit everything to mom and dad, please babe please just everyone let this go" christina begs

"don't make me call paul and jessie" harry says as anger starts to come thru his voice

"i can't, it hurts to much" christina cries out

"princess, i am here to protect you and i will hold your hand no matter what, i love you and to see you this hurt and you don't want me to help you hurts me" shawn says " princess as a family you need our help"

"i know but today is a day to celebrate i don't want to ruin this happy day" christina cries into shawns chest

"sister, we love you and no matter what we will be here to protect you" lucas says

"i know but i am scared of how you all will react i know you all and when we sisters hurt you all go for blood" christina says

"that's true but you need our help" david says

"I'm sorry, i am not perfect i made a lot of mistakes that my parents never knew about and i never wanted them to know as they have high expectations of me and i let them all down" christina cries out

"we are not disappointed in you, you made a mistake but tina we are still proud of you, we are upset that you hide this from us" christina's mom says

"christina meza start talking" nick says" or we will call niall, ed and jeff home and niall has a worst temper than harry"

"please don't judge me" christina says still crying

"we wont and stop stalling and talk" adam says

"ummm well when i was 16 i met a boy" christina starts as he looks at her brothers and can see that they are starting to get angry

"hold on" harry says as he takes out his phone" niall put me on speaker you need to listen to this"

"sure" niall says "your on speaker"

"talk" ed says

"well like i was saying when i was 16 i met a boy and well he was the first guy i ever really liked, i knew i can tell my parents but i didn't, i wanted to get to know him and see where it would go to, well everything was fine the first 6 months but after it was weird when he would see me talking to someone he would accuse me of cheating and would break up with me, i would cry and would hide it from my parents and then he would come back and tell me he was sorry and i knew better but i forgave him, then one night he called me at 2 in  the morning that he wanted to see me and i told him that i couldn't that if my parents found out i sneaked out they would kill me he didn't care he said either i see him or he would knock at my front door until i opened the door, so i snuck out of the house and did it a few times after that, the 4th time i did" christina says as she takes a deep breath trying not to look at harry" he forced me to have sex with him, he told me that the only way to prove to him that i loved him was to have sex with him, i didn't want to but he threw me on the bed and i didn't want to i was a virgin and wanted to save myself for my husband, i didn't want to be a teen parent like my parents i wanted more out of life and promised myself that and he stole that from me, i tried to get away from him and he was to strong so i just gave in he was stronger than me, i cried the whole time he thought it was because i was so in love he thought they were happy tears when he was done he kissed me and smiled and told me that now i belonged to him forever, i felt disgusted, he took me home after and i cried the whole night i wanted to tell my parents but i was ashamed about 6 weeks later i found out i was pregnant" christina cries out as shawn holds her tight as everyone is now more angry "i went to my doctor forged my moms name saying i could be there on my own and i found out i was 6 weeks pregnant, i cried so much i cried all the way home that day, i went straight to my room and didn't come out, told my mom  i had a lot of homework, well i told him the next day and"

"take a deep breath, i love you princess" shawn says wiping christina's tears and gives her a kiss on her temple

"he punched me in the stomach and kicked me really hard i fell to the floor and he kept punching me and kicking me until he heard footsteps and he left, the teacher picked me up and took me to the nurses office they checked me out and i was fine, they told me to go to see my doctor and i took an uber and when i went in i told my doctor what happened, the doctor checked me and i was still pregnant, she told me that i need to take 3 days of bed rest but i didn't listen i went to school the next day and i had a weird feeling and i went to see the nurse as soon as i got to the nurse's office i started bleeding the nurse called the ambulance and by the time i got to the hospital i had lost the baby" christina cries hard as all the guys go and just hug her she takes another deep breath" the doctor told me if i wanted to tell my parents i told him no, that i would tell them when i got home so he told my parents that i was bleeding more than normal for a period so they checked me and cleaned me out, my parents let me stay home for 3 days and he kept texting me and calling me and i finally blocked him when i went back to school, i told him i lost the baby because of him and he just laughed and said good, i was so angry at him i told him i wanted nothing to do with him and he told me that i would always be his and no one else, i told him if he didn't leave me alone i would tell that he raped me and hit me and i lost the baby he laughed at me and told me that i was worthless and called me every bad word imaginable so i punched him and knocked him out but a few days later he came back to school and told me that his mom got a job in texas and they were moving, i was relieved i was going to tell my parents but since he was leaving i never told them anything" christina says still crying

"so why now" diana asks

"umm he messaged me on instagram last night when i was face timing shawn"

"i knew something was wrong she just looked like she saw a ghost and she started to cry and that was when she told me everything, i told her she need to tell her parents and the family she didnt want to, but princess tell them" shawn says

"umm he messaged me telling me he was back in new york and he wasn't going to leave with out me, that he still loved me and he was going to win me back, i haven't answered him but he keeps messaging me i blocked him but he keeps making accounts and messaging me, its getting bad and i know he wont stop until he see's me, he told me he will find me and i will be his again, he has seen the pictures of me with all of you and i think he knows shawn and i are together"

"why didn't you tell us so we can protect you" jeff says

"because he left and i was never going to see him again, my parents didn't know and last night when he messaged me shawn made me tell them" christina says still crying

"she showed me the messages they are threatening and i knew she needed more help than what she or i can handle, she wanted to take care of it on her own but this is not something you deal with by yourself" shawn says

"my parents are probably angry at me but i swear i am so scared right now, he doesn't know i became a doctor or where i work but he knows we where we live, i don't ever want to see him, i hate him" christina says" family i am so sorry, i really am"

"christina what is his name and i am giving you 2 seconds to tell me or i will take your damn phone and get it my self" harry growls out as they see paul walking to the back yard with jessie, juan and miguel

"we got here as soon as jesus called me" paul says

"christina" harry growls out in angry

"harry, calm down we are here" paul says

"Harry, babe, our sister needs us and we need to keep calm she is scared and she needs us please calm down" louis says as he hugs harry and locks eyes with him

"harry, its diana please calm down your nieces and nephews need you please"

"brother i am so scared but i know that as long as i have you, i have nothing to worry about, please follow my voice, i need you to calm down i need you please" christina says as she cries harder and hugs harry and harry hugs her tightly and starts to cry

"but he hurt you and i want to kill him" harry says as he cries as he hugs her tight

"i know but i was most afraid to tell you, i know how over protective you can be and i was scared i wasn't this scared to tell my parents but you, i felt like i had let you down after everything you have done for me and my family" christina says still crying as everyone hugs her "niall"

"i need to breath" niall says

"he walked out of the room, jeff went to get him" diana says

"i am so sorry, i really am" christina cries into her hands

"christina i need his name" paul says

"but" christina starts to say as she gets cut off

"its not a choice his name full name, now" harry says angry

"arturo hernandez" christina says

"ohhh my GOd" miguel says

"what" zayn says as they all look at miguel and christinas eyes get wide

"he is my cousin" miguel says

"i told you about him, why didn't you listen" miguel says

"i asked him and he told me you lied and that was why you and him didn't talk anymore" christina says

"that son of a bitch" miguel yells out

"ok lets calm down" anne says as she wipes a tear from her eye

"christina give me your phone" paul says as christina hands over her phone

"i know where he is at" christina says

"where" miguel says as his phone starts to ring" shit its him"

"answer"  jessie says


"miguel its art"

"hey cousin how have you been, long time since you called me" miguel says

"I know, came to visit my tia said you left on a business trip"

"yeah, i am in arizona for training, how long are you going to be in new york"

"just a few days, hey you still talk to jessie and juan"

"yeah we still talk, but not as much as before you know life and work gets in the middle of friendships" miguel says

"yeah i know, i stopped off to say hi to the meza family and they weren't home, do they still live there" miguel says

"yeah but they went away to visit christina at school in california, they should be home tuesday" miguel says

"ohh i thought she went to NYU"

"she did but she transfered her credits to UCLA" miguel says

"ohh well tuesday will be to late i go back to texas on monday"

"so what do you do now" miguel says

"ohh i work at as as warehouse supervisor at a cosmetics company"

"wow thats good" miguel says "look i have to go, my training is about to start, if you stay longer call me i should be home sunday night"

"ohh ok, i will"

"well talk to you later" miguel says as he hangs up the phone "fuck  want to kill him"

"well christina when do you go back to the hospital" paul asks

"ummm 2 weeks" christina says

"you probably will have to stay here until then, we need to catch him" paul says as he looks at christinas phone

ARTHRN_NYC: christina answer me or i will find you, you fucken know how much i hate to be ignored, fucken answer me or so help you i  will kill you myself

ARTHRN_NYC: answer me or i will come to your house

ARTHRN_NYC: stop ignoring me, you are mine i told you, you will always be mine

ARTHRN_NYC: fucken answer me you fucken bitch

"i swear i am going to kill him" harry screams out

"no you wont, you won't make it in prison"miguel says

"guys niall is back" diana says

"christina, you better hope i calm down when i get home" niall says

"guys, christina needs you go to her, we will be ok" hailee says as they hear hailee and gemma say the same things

"we are sending the moms" robin says as the moms leave

"he keeps messaging christina" paul says

"he wont stop until i answer just look at all these messages he keeps sending me" christina says

"well lets answer and jessie, miguel, juan and me will go back to new york and your parents need to go back monday" paul says

"but will i have to stay here" christina says

"yes, i need you to stay safe, call the hospital and tell them what is going on, i will go and talk to them when we get there" miguel says

"lets go" paul says as niall, jeff and ed walk in and as soon as they see christina they run to her and hug her tightly as niall starts to cry as he hugs her tight

"you are safe we will protect you" niall says crying

"thank you all, i am sorry i ruined today" christina says

"no its not your fault" ed says " we are family and we stick together and we love you and the way you have helped all of us its our turn to help you"

"and you have the best body guards anyone can ask for" jeff says

"i know, but i feel bad that today we were suppose to celebrate the babies but now we have to deal with my mess" christina says

"it is our mess now, and stop apologizing you didn't know asshole would come back" jennifer says as she feels her phone vibrate" shit he just messaged me"

"what does it say" paul says

"um, hey jen i am looking for christina do you know where i can find her"

"tell her the same thing as miguel" paul says

"done" jennifer says

"now i want to kill him myself and i know where to stab him to make it look like an accident" christina says

"calm down princess" shawn says as he gives her a kiss

"he messaged me back" jennifer says" when are her parents coming back"

"just put the same thing" paul says

"done, can i block him" jennifer says

"no we need him to think that you don't know what is going on" jeff says

"ohh shit" diana saysd

"what" hailee says

"well i learned a few things from christina" diana says laughing" 'but he is wanted on murder charges in texas, give me 5 minutes and i ohh my he is being charged for murder of his childs mother and child abuse"

"ohh hell no" jennifer says

"nope we girls are going to new york and skinning that rat bastard alive" julia says

"calm down everyone" paul says "shit we need more body guards"

"shut it" jennifer says

"wait what part of texas" miguel says

"austin, texas" diana says

"i know some one there my old partner moved there let me call him" miguel says as he takes out his phone

"well let me see" jennifer says

"what" ed says

"well my friend just confirmed they are looking for him i told him he is in new york we need to get back sunday and have a plan christina message him that you will come back tuesday, we need to keep him in new york" miguel says

"um paul can you, i don't think i can type"  christina says

"wait he also has charges pending for rape in dallas" diana says

"ohh my god, this is all my fault" christina says as she starts to cry again

"how is this your fault" jennifer says

"i should of listened to you and told some one, and maybe it would of stopped with me" christina says

"you don't know that, what if you did and he went to jail, when he got out he could still would have moved and still done the same thing look this is one way for the families to get closure of what happened you are helping the families and he will rot in prison for the rest of  his life" jennifer says as she starts crying

"we all want to go" harry says

"no, just jessie, juan and miguel all of you stay here" paul says" and don't your dare leave"

"but we cant just sit here and do nothing" niall says

"no, stay or i will have the moms come baby sit" paul says

"Ohh no right now we are ready to send the boys" jay says

"thank you mom, finally on our side" niall says

"he said he will meet you at the pizza place you used to meet at" paul says

"tell him ginos at 7 at the same table" christina says

"is that why you don't like to go there" shawn says

"yeah" christina says" i'm sorry if you want to break up with me i understand"

"ohhh no, its going to take more than an ex boyfriend to scare me away, maybe a pissed off harry or niall but not an ex boyfriend" shawn says as he hugs christina tight

"thank you"

"no problem princess" shawn says

"lets post a family picture" ed says" i need to calm down and laugh

"ok" louis says as jennifer and christina take the picture and post it and soon they are answering comments

"people are asking for hailee, diana and gemma"  jualia says

"um shit we forgot we haven't said anything about the babies" lucas says

"umm dont answer those" david says laughing

"shit" shawn says

"what" mark says

"its christinas ex" shawns says

"what" diana says

"umm he private messaged me" shawn says

"what does it say" adam says

"what is your relationship with christina" shawn says "he commented on a picture we took in the background at a meet and greet when you all went to new york the first time"

"um tell him you dont know who she is" paul says as shawn starts to type

"he said that he see the way i am looking at her and to remove the picture and as her husband i need to remove it or he will take me to court" shawn says laughing

"just tell him that she signed a waiver that allowed you to post it and unless she messages you, you will not remove it, i want to piss him off" paul says

"done" shawn says

"paul i got one too" harry says

"me too" ed says

"is he serious right now" christina says" i swear i am so stupid"

"no you made a mistake" jennifer says

"what does it say" paul says

"the same thing" ed says

"respond the same thing" paul says

"ohh this asshole is mad" shawn says" i swear if he keeps talking shit i am just going to post a picture of us kissing"

"do it" mark says laughing

"no stop it all of you, just one more day" paul says "miguel you are leaving tomorrow, jessie juan you need to follow him, i will get there monday, and meza family will get there tuesday, if he knocks on your door and asks for christina say she got a later flight and will be home at 5"

"shit he keeps messaging me" shawn says

"everyone log off your social media until further notice" paul says" lucas jennifer continue to monitor their social media"

"we will" jennifer and lucas say at the same time

"ohh man what a day" liam says

"so who is next on the  list" zayn says

"any other crazy ex boyfriends or girlfriends" harry says

"no but i got a crazy baby daddy" louis says as they start to laugh

"why are any of you surprised any more you all know how i get when it comes to family" harry says as he starts to laugh

"poppa, we hungry" olivia, samantha and lizzy say as they run to their parents

"what time is it" niall says

"6:45" lucas says

"shit" the moms says

"don't worry we will order pizza" harry says as he pulls out his credit card and gives it to louis

"moms i am going back you want me to take you all any food" ed says

"yeah, what ever you get" nicks mom says

"ok ill be back in 30 minutes" ed says

"we will go with you, unless you all need us for something else" niall says as he hands up his phone

" no thank you for being here" christina says" you all are free to go with the girls"

"and this is why we guys get all crazy over you girls" ed says

"we know, and thank you" julia says

"now we need to get back to our baby mommas or they will kill us" jeff says

"well we will see you all tomorrow" niall says as they walk out from the back yard as the gate bell rings and louis answer it as its the pizza delivery guy, louis signs the receipt and lucas, christina and julia help take all the food to the back yard as they all eat and enjoy each other

the following tuesday paul flies back with christinas family and soon they get to their house and not even 20 minutes later and they hear a knock on the door and christinas dad answers the door

"art how have you been" christinas dad says

"good and you just came to visit my family, i been looking for jessie is he here"

"no he is working" christinas dad says

"ohh how are the kids"

"they are good, so grown up, christina transfered to UCLA she will start classes in a few weeks" christinas dad says

"oh is she here, i just want to say hi"

"no she took a later flight had to finish orientation, her flight should be here at about 5, we actually just got home about 30 minutes ago"

"ohh well i will leave you to rest then, say hi to everyone" art says as he walks away

"i will, say hi to your parents" christina's dad says as he closes the door

"god i wanted to kill him" christinas dad says

"well we need to be quick the boys are ready to fly out here and kill so we need to beat them, miguel says they have officer ready and 4 officers from texas are at the pizza place already" paul says

"i hope this works" christinas dad says as they leave and as they get to the pizza place they get a message that christina sent art the message that she was running late as they park the car as paul goes into the pizza place and sits down at a table close to where art was sitting at paul gets up and goes to the order counter but bumps into art just for kicks and giggles

"opps sorry about that" paul says

"its ok no worries" art says as he gets a message and just smiles as paul orders  some food and soon the doors open and the police run in and arrest art and paul turns around and just punches art in the jaw "what the fuck asshole"

"stay the fuck away from christina or next time i will personally put a bullet in your head, asshole" paul says as jessie and juan hold paul back

"he isn't worth it, paul" jessie says

"you assholes set me up" art says" tell christina when i get out i will find her and kill her myself"

"good luck, you have no idea who the fuck you are messing with" paul says trying to get out of jessie and juans hold

"and from what we hear, you are looking at life in prison for the death of your ex girlfriend" juan says

"no fuck that, that bitch deserved it i told her to get rid of that mistake, should of fucken beat her ass like i did with christina" art yells out as paul punches him again and knocks him out

"was that neccessary" miguel says

"no but he was talking shit" paul says

"alright" juan says

"take him away" miguel says

"thank you for making our job easier" jose says

"no problem just glad he is caught and my niece can come home" jessie says as they all walk out of the pizza place as paul calls harry

"paul" harry says

"we got him, just christina have her stay until he is in texas" paul says

"ok thank you, hurry home so you can tell us what happened" harry says

"i should be home in 3 days" paul says

"ok, i will tell the family that we can relax and christina will be safe" harry says as he hangs up the phone and walks to the back yard" well he is caught but paul said christina needs to stay here a few more day until they take him back to texas and paul will be home in 3 days"

"yay" the whole family yells out

"i don't want to go home" christina says

"we don't either but you need to finish your internship and make the family money" lucas says

"shut it all of you" christina says as she holds baby mia

"aww princess we talked about this i would quit singing and become a full time house husband" shawn says

"yeah sure" christina says" but you need to tell your fans to stop writing fan fic stories and man do they get graphic"

"your read them" louis says

"i used to before i met him and now i don't, i mean wow what imaginations" christina says laughing

"yeah she read one to me and i was even blushing" shawn says laughing

"she even wrote one about you" jennifer says

"JENNIFER" christina yells out

"you did" harry questions as christina starts turning beet red

"wait look for it" liam says

"she deleted it after she started talking to shawn didn't want him to ever find it but" jennifer says

"found it" hailee says laughing

"Jenn, stop or i will sing like a bird" christina says

"what i have nothing to hide" jennifer says as she glares at christina "shut it"

"then stop"

"i told you i would do it and you told me and i quote" go ahead i don't care and shit i will read it myself" jennifer says laughing

"fine, well if you all must know jennifer wrote one about her and julia" christina says laughing as jennifer freezes and hides her face in her hands

"we want to read these fan fics" niall says laughing

"i don't know if i want to know what was written" shawn says

"ohh its good smut and everything" jennifer says laughing

"you are dead to me" Christina says " ohh and you ain't to far behind, jennifer wrote smut and let me tell you made me blush"

"so you both read them" zayn says

"ohh yeah" they both say at the same time

"found them" diana yells out

"damn taught you to well, good luck ed" christina says

"holy shit" hailee says

"what" everyone says

" shawn walks in the door her grabs me by my waist and starts to kiss me as  he hungrily starts to nibble on my ears and neck as i get lost in the kiss he rips off my shirt as we try to make it to the bed but fall and land on the couch as i stare into his eyes as he thrust up into me and i can tell he is huge the biggest i have ever had maybe 8 or 9 inches and i cant wait to feel him inside of me and i  whisper to him "Fuc.......i can't read this to all of you" hailee says laughing

"ohh my god, i can't look at any of you" christina says

"wait so how big is he" mark says

"so out of curiosity, have you and shawn played out what you wrote" lucas says

"stop please" christina says

"wait hold on theres more, this one is a few chapters later" hailee says laughing" dinner was amazing but all i want is for shawn to throw me against the wall and fuck me until i cant walk for a month, and seems like he read my mind as he licks his lips and walks to me and reaches for my hand as i reach out to him he grabs my arm i stand up as i jump and wrap my legs around his waist as we start to kiss as he walks to his bedroom and we fall on the bed as we continue to kiss and take our clothes off as i flip us around as i straddle his waist as he thrust up i can feel he is hard as i start to kiss him down his chest as i go down to his v-line i unbutton his pants as he thrust up and i pull his pants and boxers down in one pull and as soon as his dick is free he grabs my hair as i immediately start to suck on his.....................christina"

"stop please stop" christina begs as she puts her face in her hands

"so shawn is christina being generous or is it true" jeff says

"hey i have nothing to do with that" shawn says "princess"

"sorry, I swear i am going to kill you" christina says

"so answer us, were you generous or were you disappointed" adam says

"i dont know, we haven't done anything my parents raised me to be a lady" christina says not able to make eye contact

"liar" they all yell out as christina hides behind shawn

"so shawn can you answer that" louis asks

"no" shawn says

"i swear, i want to be put up for adoption right now" christina says

"yeah but when you all make fun of me its ok right" harry says as they all start to laugh

"so sister come on just answer our question" zayn says

"can you all just drop it" christina says

"so are you being careful, remember no glove no love" diana says

"unless you want one of these" gemma says as he points to the baby

"yes, we are" christina says as she puts her hands over her mouth realizing to late what she had said as she hides her face on shawns chest as he wraps his arms around her head and places a kiss on her forehead

"so has he shot you in the eye too" niall asks

"stop just stop" christina says

"ohh my" gemma says


"i found jennifers story and shit its just as bad as christina, what kind of children are your parents raising" gemma says

"read it" jeff says

"six weeks was too long to be away from her and once i knew she would be home i took out her favorite toy and made sure we had enough condoms for him, i knew she had walked in the door as she called out my name, JennBear, she says, in the bedroom i called out and as she opens the door i put the purple vibrator in my mouth and lick it seductively as she starts taking off her clothes, like what you see i say as she crawls into bed like an animal after its prey as she starts kissing me starting with my legs making her way as she gets closer to my p..........alright this is where i stop" gemma says

"stop please i ..." is all jennifer can says as she hides behind julia

"what the hell" lucas says

"uuuggghhh i can't with any of you" jennifer says

"ohh my there is more" zayn says "as julia and i get on the plane she takes my hand and takes me to the bedroom and locks the door as she starts to kiss me passionately and soon she has her hands on my waist as she pulls down my pants and takes off my shirt she starts kissing my neck as she moves down my body, i lay down on the bed as he starts to take off my lace panties and starts to kitten lick my.........ohhh shit"

"what did she lick" niall questions laughing

"stop" jennifer screams out

"so do you use a purple vibrator" harry asks

"stop i am not answering any questions" jennifer says as she hides behind julia

"i guess we should continue to read" mark says

"no stop, i was 19 when i wrote that never thinking i would meet any of you let alone her and date her" jennifer says

"same" christina says

"but we still want to know if you were being generous" harry says

"i mean he has a big foot and you know what they say" liam says laughing

"i am not going to answer that" christina says

"answer or i will keep reading" Hailee says

"10, i measured it" christina says as she goes and hides in shawns chest as shawn wraps his arms around her face

"what the hell kind of crazy shit are you 2 into" adam says laughing

"what i was curious and one night i asked he let me and well that was that" christina says turning beet red

"can we stop with the questions" shawn says

"just one more and we will move on to jennifer" jeff says

"so you wear skinny jeans how do you fit it in there, like do you have to tuck it in there, tape it, roll it" Harry asks

"uugghg seriously" shawn says "how do you all tuck yours away unless you are smaller than mine"

"never mind we ain't answering" harry says

"all of a sudden" shawn says " so how big is harry"

"same" louis says" and he is wide"

"shawn too" Christina says " and no he hasn't shot me in the eye"

"are we really having this conversation" adam says

"i guess we are" louis says laughing

"lucas how big is adam and be truthful" jeff says

"10 and a half" lucas says covering his face

"so lucas who tops" niall asks

"mostly adam but i think he loves it when i top" lucas says laughing

" so does harry, he just wont admit to it" louis says

"zayn likes it, but he wont admit it either" liam says

"who is bigger" adam asks

"louis" harry says

"zayn" liam says

"lucas" adam says

"who's been shot in the eye" niall asks laughing as they all put their hand up and start to laugh as gemma and diana raise their hands

"wait we need to hear this" adam asks laughing

"no" diana and gemma yell out as they all start to laugh

"i never thought we would be sitting here talking about all this, i swear we all have the most stupidest random conversations" louis says laughing

"that we do, hey you all want to play my famous truth or dare" david says

"NO" they all yell out at the same time

"but why, i mean it wont be the same as high school we are all in a loving relationship" david says

"NO" they all say again laughing

"fine" david says as he starts to pout

"don't pout" nick says as he gives david a kiss

"aww did we hurt your feelings" christina says as they start to laugh

"fine lets play, but if i end up on the roof naked again you all have to answer to hailee" niall says

"fine, nicolas truth or date" david says


"i dare you tell us one of your deep dark secrets" david says

"i can't, you fuckers know them all" nick says laughing

"shit, i forgot" david says

"but my deepest secret is that i used to be in love with harry when i first met him in high school but i got to know him and well i knew we were more brothers than anything else" nick says

"i knew that, we talked about it once" harry says

"wait i never knew" louis says

"ooopppss" harry says laughing

"alright, diana truth or dare" nick says


"who is your favorite brother out of all of us" nick says as all the guys just stare at her

"fuck you nick, and i can't do a dare i just had a baby" diana says "uugghghg i swear why couldn't i have been adopted into a normal family"

"answer the question" david says

"i dont want to answer" diana says

"answer the question or do the dare" liam says

"ed" diana says

"he doesn't count" zayn says

"fine harry because he saved me" diana says

"we knew it" niall says laughing

"niall truth or dare" diana says


"who is your favorite sister"

"fuck you diana"

"uugghgh, i cant answer that" niall says " and hailee will kill me if i do a dare"

"answer or dare" nick says laughing

"diana, only cuz she lived with hailee and we spent the 5 days at jeffs island i got to know her better" niall says

"i knew it" diana says laughing "wasn't easy now was it"

"shut it" niall says " ummmmmmmmmmmmm christina truth or dare"


"where is the weirdest place you and shawn have had sex" niall says

"my parents bedroom" christina says

"seriously" jennifer says

"yes" christina says "you all better not say shit"

"nope one of the rules" david says

"fine jennifer truth or dare" christina says


"where is the weirdest place you and julia have had sex"

"airplane" jennifer says

"so your fanfic came true huh" mark says laughing

"shut it" jennifer says " mark truth or dare"

"i wont be a chicken like you fuckers, dare" mark says

"i dare you to give niall a lap dance, i will even put music on for you" jennifer says as she takes out her cell phone and turns on the music app and mark stands up and gives niall a lap dance as they all start to laugh

"alright stop please stop and never dance again" jessica says laughing

"fine" mark says "hmmmmm julia truth or dare"

"i know i am going to regret this but dare"

"i dare you to drink one of the bottles with breast milk" mark says

"thats nasty" julia says "wait what if i dont"

"then you will have to do a even worst dare" david says

"fine, where is the bottle or bag" julia says

"i will go get one" diana says as she walks to the house and comes back a few minutes later "i even got one that was cold and a bottle water" she says as she hands it to julia

"i hate you all right now" julia says as she drinks the milk and turns around and spits it out and takes a drink of water" that shit is nasty"

"alright who is next" ed says

"ohh ed, truth or dare" julia says

"should of kept my big mouth shut" ed says " dare"

"i dare you to get on lizzys trycicle and ride it around while screaming out loud" julia says as ed gets up and gets on the pink trycicle as the tries to peddle and starts screaming like a mad man as all the friends just laugh

"i wish we could take pictures" david says laughing as all the friends agree

"that was actually fun" ed says " umm harry truth or dare"

"uughgh dare"

"i dare you to drink the rest of the breast milk that julia didn't finish" ed says as harry makes a disgusted look as julia gives harry the bag and water bottle and harry drinks it and spits it out

"that shit was nasty" harry says taking a drink if his water" what the fuck is that shit"

"breast milk" diana says laughing

"umm liam" harry says" truth or dare"


i dare you to call paul and tell him you are in love with him" harry says

"uughgh i hate you all" liam says as he pulls out his phone and calls paul and puts him on speaker

"hello, liam is everything ok" paul asks

"yeah, i just wanted to let you know that i am in love with you, i want to leave zayn and want us to be together" liam says as he flips off his friends as they start to laugh

"liam i am flattered and if i am correct you are all bored and are playing truth or dare but nice try" paul says laughing

"good night paul" all the friends say at the same time as liam hangs up

"well that was fun" liam says " louis truth or dare"

"truth" louis says

"how old were you really when you lost your virginity" liam says

"with who boy or girl cuz those are 2 different ages" louis says regretting bringing it up

"both" liam says

"girl 15 and boy 18" louis says as he looks at harry

"jeff truth or dare" louis says

"so close" jeff says " truth"

" where is the weirdest place you and gems have had sex" louis says

"i don't want to know, that is my sister" harry says

"harry's room" jeff says

"wait what house" harry asks

"mom and dad's" gemma answers as she starts to laugh

"you both are not right, why didn't you go at it in your room" harry says

"olivia was asleep in my room" gemma says laughing

"unless you wanted us to go at it with olivia in the bed" jeff says

"no please just stop" harry says

"shawn truth or dare" jeff says

"i will regret this but truth"

"what did christina really say  when she saw your dick" jeff says

"what the fuck is that beast then i told her we didn't have to do anything and she said" shawn says as he starts to laugh at the memory" momma didn't raise no bitch and this hoe ain't no quitter" shawn says as all the friends started laughing

"shut it" christina says

"yeah and the next day she was limping like she broke a leg" jennifer says laughing

"well shit that thing is massive" christina says "almost backed out but fuck that shit, challenge accepted and man do i deserve a medal for conquering that shit"

"i have never been more proud" harry says as he fake wipes a tear from his eye

"shut it all of you" christina says

"all right zayn truth or dare" shawn says


"umm i dare jump in the pool" shawn says

"no my hair" zayn says

"so you want the double dare and i have a few suggestions i can give shawn" david says

"uuugghgh i hate you all" zayn says as he jumps in the pool and comes out and hugs shawn tightly

"hey that was not nice" shawn says as shawn hugs christina

"what did i do to you" christina says

"we are a team" shawn says laughing

"uughggh my hair" zayn yells out " hailee truth or dare"


"where is the weirdest place you and niall have had sex" zayn says

"harrys dressing room on tour" hailee says

"what the fuck first my room now my dressing room" harry says" i trust no one anymore"

"shut it and i know you and louis had sex in my dressing room" hailee says

"well i mean if it was only once then all is forgiven" harry says laughing

"well it was more than once, but you don't want to know the details" hailee says laughing

"Jessica" hailee says " truth or dare"

"uughh truth" jessica says

"how big is marks dick" hailee says

"i dont want to say" jessica says

"then double dare" david says

"11 inches" jessica says

"did you measure it too" christina says laughing


"did you say the same as christina" louis says

"uugghh i hate you all" jessica says" no"

"then what did you say when you first saw it" zayn asks

"challenge accepted" mark says laughing

"i hate you all" jessica says " gemma truth or dare"

"i dont want to play" gemma says

"no, answer" jessica says


"same question how big is jeff" jessica says

"uughgh i cant answer that" gemma says

"double dare" all the friends say at the same time

"10" gemma says

"thats my sister" harry says as he high fives gemma as they all start to laugh

"i swear you are all dead to me" gemma says

"well that was fun you all want to go again" david says

"NO" they all yell out

"there are some thing i never wanted to know" harry says

"what time is it" jeff asks

"2 in the morning" ed answers

"shit i forgot about all the little ones" diana says

"its ok, lottie and fizzy have been taking care of them but we need to give them a day off" louis says

"yeah we do, well good night" diana says as they all go to their houses and go to bed and the following 3 days later in the afternoon they are out in the yard playing with all the little kids when paul walks in and heads to where everyone was at

"hello family and liam i love you too" paul says laughing

"i knew it" liam says laughing

"well art is back in texas, so christina when ever you are ready you can go back home" paul says

"i don't want too" christina says

"so what happened" niall asks as paul starts to tell them everything that happened when they arrested art

"when he went to court be pleaded guilty to everything and didn't fight extradition back to texas so it was pretty easy" paul says " but he was pissed that christina set him up but what ever"

"good, but i hate to leave we have been having so much fun" christina says "but i miss my family"

"well we all are going to miss you and jennifer too" louis says as he hears liams phone start to ring and liam walks away and comes back a few minutes later

"that was lucas, natalie and her family went before the judge and pleaded not guilty saying it was all a misunderstanding but after the judge saw everything that was presented, he laughed at them and gave them all an opportunity to change their plea but they still plead non guilty"

"so what does that mean" jessica says

"well the judge gave them 30 days to think about it before the next hearing and since they probably wont change their plea the judge is just going to sentence them and natalie has lost her medical licensce so they are all going to be worst off, cynthia knows about the embezzlement and is beyond pissed and is now suing them all, and harry we had an accountant look into all your financial records and we caught it all in time but they were only able to get $100,000 from you there were 7 checks pending for more than $1 million dollars but we were able to have the bank stop payment on them and labeled them as fraud" liam says

"well thats not bad but still sue them as well, i know i wont get shit back but in case they ever make any money i want it all" harry says

"i will let lucas know" liam says

"Well I guess i better go pack and head to normal life" Christina says

"Yeah me too" Jennifer says

"Just stay a few more days" Harry says as he pouts and does the puppy eyes

"Stop, don't you ever do that shit again and now I know where munchkin gets it from" Christina says

"Call my parents and tell them" Christina says

"Go get the girls" Harry says laughing

"You guys are bad I swear " Jennifer says

"yeah, i am sure you pull that shit and my mom will call all the moms and we would all get grounded" chrsitina says

"i need to finish my duet with julia too" shawn says

"our duet comes out in a month and i cant wait" niall says

"can we hear it" david says

"nope" zayn says as they start to  laugh

"fine, but i cant wait to listen to it" nick says

"even hailee hasnt listened to it" niall says

"same reason as me" louis asks

"yup wants to have the same reaction as the fans" niall says

"well we all can't wait for you to release it" liam says

"well my flight leaves tomorrow after dinner" christina says

"i am going to miss you" harry says as he looks at her and pouts

"stop it" christina says as harry hugs her and wraps his arms around her head as he starts to laugh

"uggh your so clingy" christina says

"yeah he is" louis answers laughing

"geez you and christina act more like brother and sister than gemma and harry" jeff says

"i feel abandoned before christina came along i was harrys favorite" diana says with a pout

"hey before you all came along i was his favorite and may i add that i didnt get a new car when i graduated medical school" gemma says

"uugghh did you really have to bring that up" harry says

"yes, i want mine black" gemma says

"hey you and jeff are together had a kid he is responsible for you now" harry says

"nope i graduated before i got together with jeff" gemma says

"fine we can go to the toy store and you can pick out any car you want" harry says laughing

"uugghh i hate you" gemma says

"no you dont, so shut it" harry says "well unlike all of you i need to make dinner for all you free loaders"

"lets all watch the popstart cook dinner we haven't done that in a long time" liam says

"lets take a picture i miss these traditions" niall says

"i know, me too" zayn says

"all right children lets go make dinner" harry says as they all go inside the house and harry starts to prepare everything to start dinner as christina gets harrys phone and starts a live video

"well today we are all in luck princess harry has decided to make us dinner, family can you all say hello to harrys fans" christina says as she points harrys phone around to the room and everyone just waves" well mr styles what are we having for dinner tonight"

"well i am making lasagna" harry says as she starts to laugh

"well lets talk to the rest of the fammily see how they are feeling" christina says " niall how do you feel about having lasanga for dinner tonight"

"well i am starving and i hope he made extra for the rest of the family" niall says laughing

"well what a treat we have the very handsome no wait gorgeous shawn mendes, babe," christina says as she realizes that she called shawn babe" umm shit now shawn how do you feel about harry" is all christina says as she starts to laugh and cant stop

"aww its ok princess" shawn says laughing as he goes and hugs christina" well i guess our secret is out"

"i guess it is" christina says laughing as jennifer gets harrys phone and points it to christina and shawn

"ohh look at the comments" jennifer says

"they think you both make a cute couple" jennifer says

"we think so" shawn says as he places a kiss on christinas cheek" well everyone this princess here is my girlfriend of about what a year and 4 months"

"yeah, hi everyone my name is christina and shawn and i have been dating please dont be upset with me i swear i will take good care of him" christina says as she looks at shawn in the eyes and just smiles

"fans think you are gross and to stop looking at each other" jennifer says laughing

"i am happy" shawn says as he looks at the camera and sticks his tongue out

"real mature shawn" jennifer says" ok sorry lets get back to what we were doing"

"i know" niall says

"well everyone when dinner is done we will post a family picture, but shhhh dont say anything about christina and shawn its our little secret" jennifer says laughing

"well instagram went down" liam says laughing

"i really swear one day they are going to start charging harry for bringing down their servers" jeff says

"hey i am the only one that does this shit, well now ed, hailee,julia and shawn but i started it" harry says laughing

"alright popstar" jeff says

"shit" shawn says

"what" christina says

"my fans want me to post a picture of us, they are mad that we made the announcement in harrys page" shawn says

"ok, lets take a picture and post it then go live" christina says

my princess, love you so much.....sorry it slipped when we did a live with harry styles

(A/N i know this is camila cabello but i wanted a nice picture and its the only one i liked)

"your fans are soo amazing i was always scared they would hate me" christina says

"no they love you and look this one says that you have never looked happier as you do right now" shawn says

"well do the live" christina says as shawn gets his phone and hits the live button as he hands his phone to jennifer

"hi everyone, we are here at harry styles house with the whole family and they all want to say hello" shawn says as jennifer  gets his phone as moves around the room as everyone says hello

"so shawn you have anything you want to say to your fans" jennifer says laughing

"yeah, i want to introduce everyone to my princess, everyone this is christina and we have been together for over a year and she makes me happy" shawn says  as he places a kiss on christinas lips

"hi everyone, sorry we didnt say anything sooner we just wanted to make sure that we were going to last and i promise to take good care of him" christina says  with a smile

"look they say if you break shawns heart they will find you" jennifer says

"well what if he breaks mine" christina says

"ohh this one says they will break his neck and make it look like an accident" jennifer says

"deal" christina says laughing " see babe you can never leave me"

"Not that i want to, you make me so happy" shawn says as she hugs her

"ohh gosh please stop you two are so gross" jennifer says

"shut it we are happy and keep it up see if we don't reveal your secret" christina says laughing

"ohh shit, fans want to know my secret" jennifer says

"dinner is ready" harry says laughing

"aww maybe next time its dinner time" jennifer says laughing

"well maybe next time, good night everyone" shawn says  as he takes his phone and stops recording as they start to set the table and start to eat just enjoying each others company

and soon its was time for christina and jennifer to go back home

one month later and everyone is back in manchester as niall and julia are releasing their new single

"and this morning we are here with the one and only julia micheals and harrys guitarist Niall Horan" nick says

"thank you everyone" julia says

"good morning" niall says

"niall i know you like being more in the back scenes how do you feel about being in the spotlight" nick says

"well nerve wrecking but i have family so i feel a little better"

"well julia how did this collab come about with niall" nick says

"well i met niall when i was writting for my new album and my old manager had called shawn mendes and niall came to help me write and as we were writing with shawn he sang some of the words we wrote and i fell in love with his voice" jualia says

"well i know you have met shawn, harry and ed" nick says

"yes, they are all so down to earth and i love spending time with all of them" julia says

"well we all love you and you are soo much different than what we all see when you are out in interviews and in public" nick says

"yeah, i am actually such a clumsy person fall and spill everything" julia says

"well lets listen to your new single" nick says " nialler you want to do the honors"

"sure, here is julia micheals new single, WHAT A TIME" niall says as nick presses the button to play  the song

[Julia Michaels:]
I feel a little nauseous and my hands are shaking
I guess that means you're close by
My throat is getting dry and my heart is racing
I haven't been by your side
In a minute, but I think about it sometimes
Even though I know it's not so distant
Oh, no, I still wanna reminisce it

I think of that night in the park, it was getting dark
And we stayed up for hours
What a time, what a time, what a time
You clinged to my body like you wanted it forever
What a time, what a time, what a time
For you and I
What a time, what a time
For you and I

[Niall Horan:]
I know we didn't end it like we're supposed to
And now we get a bit tense
I wonder if my mind just leaves out all the bad parts
I know we didn't make sense
I admit it that I think about it sometimes
Even though I know it's not so distant
Oh, no, I still wanna reminisce it

[Julia Michaels & Niall Horan:]
I think of that night in the park, it was getting dark
And we stayed up for hours
What a time, what a time, what a time
You clinged to my body like you wanted it forever
What a time, what a time, what a time
For you and I
What a time, what a time
For you and I

For you and I
For you and I
For you and I
What a time, what a time for you and I
What a time for you and I, yeah
What a time, what a time for you and I

I think of that night in the park, it was getting dark
And we stayed up for hours
What a lie, what a lie, what a lie
You clinged to my body like you wanted it forever
What a lie, what a lie, what a lie
For you and I
What a lie, what a lie
For you and I

For you and I (for you)
For you and I (for you)
For you and I (for you and I)
For you and I, yeah

"well what is next for the two of you" nick says

"well we are traveling to america and doing the james corden shown and other late night shows as well" niall says

"well wait, i just got word that your single just went to number 1 in 6 countries and it continues to rise" nick says

"No that can't be" Niall says

"yup, here look here are the numbers" nick says" and by the way all the comments love your voice, i know jeff has wanted you to do your own album"

"yeah he has but i dont know, i mean i love to sing but i love being in the background" niall says

"i think you should, you write to amazing and your voice is incredible" julia says

"i dont know, but i will think about it" niall says

"as long as you think about it" nick says" well we asked fans to tweet us their questions and we got the top 5 questions, so are you both ready"

"no but you are going to ask anyways" niall says laughing

"that is correct" nick says " well the first question is for niall, when are you releasing a picture of baby horan"

"umm well i have to wait for when hailee wants to release one but when we do the whole family will release the same picture just for now we are enjoying him to ourselves, just give us some time" niall says

"might i add he is gorgeous" nick says

"thank you" niall says

"alright next question" nick says" this one is for julia, your fans want to know if you are single"

"well i found a special someone and we been seeing each other for 3 months but have been talking for 7 months" julia says " and for now i want to keep this secret when we figure out what we want to do then i will announce it to the fans"

"fair enough" nick says " this one says how was it to work with niall and same question to niall how was it working with julia"

"horrible just horrible, julia is so mean, threw stuff at me all the time" niall says as they all start to laugh" just playing it was amazing and i had so much fun never felt like work"

"same, so amazing and niall is such a perfectionist but it never felt like work and alot of time some or most of the family was there and actually i am surprised we actually did any work" julia says

"yeah i knew i was there for a few session and everyone let me tell you, when the family gets together all hell breaks loose" nick says

"its true" julia says

"we got 2 more questions" nick says" when are you releasing your new album and are you going to tour"

"album not sure yet and tour well i am meeting with my management team tomorrow to talk about all of that soo stay tune" julia says

"so last question who else would you like to collab with" nick says

"well i have always wanted to collab with shawn mendes and well dreams do come true, actually when shawn and i were writing for our duet i meet the girl that stole my heart

"wow and how did that happen" nick says laughing

"well  shawn was there with christina and i walked in and saw the most beautiful girl i have ever seen and i dont mean christina and we all started talking and before they left i asked her for her phone number and i waited 3 days to call her and we started talking and when the guys found out i mean geez never been so scared in my life but i knew how over protective they are about the girls, and they were not easy on me but they knew about us even had pictures of us that afternoon" julia says laughing

"yeah we find out everything, we told her not to lie and she did, and she still tried to lie to us that day" niall says

"so seriously who sent you the pictures" julia says

"we dont know" nick and niall say at the same time

"well julia and niall its been a pleasure having you both here" nick says laughing

"well its been a pleasure and thank you for having us" julia says and soon they are off the air and head to the conference room where niall and julia finish with their phone interviews they both go back to harry and louis house where everyone is sitting around as harry cooks dinner

"honey we home" niall yells out

"in the kitchen dear" harry yells back as niall goes and hugs harry and gives him a kiss on the cheek and they all start to laugh as niall goes to hailee and gets his son

"so what is for dinner" julia says

"well pot roast" harry says

"well how was the interviews" adam asks

"was good, just got tired of the same questions, i swear i should of started each interview with just giving them the answers" julia says

"well its the part of the job i don't like" harry says

"i know but i cant wait to go on tour" julia says

"i know my album drops next month and then a world tour" harry says

"mine drops in 3 weeks" adam says

"wow we all drop albums and tours " harry says

"when is shawn coming" niall asks

"he should be here tomorrow to finish his album" zayn says " and his should be finished 2 weeks after harry drop his"

"well we are going to have a busy next couple of months" jessica says

"and dont worry the moms have the schedules already and they might not be able to make all of the releases but they might split up and who ever can make it will and what not but i will have a schedule by the end of next week" jeff says

"so have you heard back on natalie and the case against them" harry asks as he looks at lucas

"nothing yet, i talked to the prosecutor but its taking for ever since natalie is not cooperating with the defense attorney" lucas says

"well then i hope they all rot in hell" jessica says

"alright lets not ruin our night" diana says

"yeah says the one that wanted to skin her alive at 7 months pregnant" louis says laughing

"but she was talking shit about my sister" diana says

" aww baby you know i would of let you" ed says laughing as he places a kiss on her lips

"i know just the other assholes that would of held me back" diana says

"so diana tell us how you really feel" zayn says laughing

"shut it" diana says

" well hopefully all of this will be over soon" harry says as he finishes dinner

"alright lets get all the little ones and wash up for dinner" louis says as he goes upstairs and gets the kids  and soon they are all around the table as a family eating dinner

"when we are done i want to talk to you all about a few ideas i had for the fundraiser for diana's hope" louis says

"yeah me too" diana says

"and i know everyone will be busy since you all will be dropping albums at the almost same time but you all will be leaving for tour at different times " louis says

"no poppa, no work at dinner" olivia says

"yeah its family time" lizzy says

"yeah time to talk about family no work" samantha says as the 3 girls pout and cross their arms

"ok fine the princesses want no business talk then we wont  talk about business, how about tomorrow we meet when the girls are at school and we talk about business" mark says

"much better" lizzy says laughing as the continue to enjoy each others company

the following morning after harry dropped off the 3 girls at school he goes back home as they wait for everyone to get to harry and louis house and about an hour later shawn shows up

"hey how was your flight" louis says as he gets up and hugs shawn as everyone follows

"good but i miss my princess, but its been amazing" shawn says

"yeah you both are so gross" hailee says laughing

"well before we talk about stupid shit, diana and i have been talking about ideas for the next fundraiser for diana's hope" louis says

"alright lets hear your ideas but we are all going to go on tour soon" harry says

"i know so we need to figure out a date but still you have a breaks in between" diana says

"well lets hear all your ideas" jeff says" we can plan the tour around the date'

"well we were thinking of a concert i mean you all can play your songs and then you all can play together like you all did at shawns concert the fans loved it and i think it would an amazing experience and this time you all can practice a few songs" louis says

"i love that idea" ed says " it was a lot of fun"

"well we have a couple more ideas, umm but this one involves zayn, liam, niall, harry and louis" hailee says

"what" the 5 friends say at the same time

"well since all of this started because the 5 of you were still friends well except all the time where louis was trying to figure shit out, we if the 5 of you would sing a few songs like a band together" jessica says

"remember its for a good cause and you all can sing like 2 or 3 songs" diana says

"dont make us brings the minions" hailee says

"they are at school" louis says

"dont matter when they come home" jessica says

"well its all up to them" harry says

"fine" they all say at the same time

"anything else" mark says

"well we girls have been thinking and we talked to christina" gemma says

"shit we are in trouble" ed says

"shut it all of you" diana says

"well we  wanted to have a family dinner like we had after diana's hope opening" louis says

"ohh we can do that, that is no problem" ed says

"well we also want to auction all of you guys off" gemma says as the girls stare at the guys and they all look at each other

"wait what" adam says

"well its all for charity and we have talked about all of this before" diana says

"and we know harry you are over protective of louis but the winners will win a group date and you will cook them dinner and it wont be here at the house we can do a hotel again, it will be the winner and maybe like 3 guest and you all will be there and us girls too" jessica says nervously

"you all know how i get i dont know about louis" harry says

"well you all know we girls are vicious and we think this will be fun and we can have paul and his team there make sure nothing goes wrong" gemma says

"i dont know about  auctioning off lucas" adam says

"how about we auction off couples" louis says

"ok we can do that" jessica says

"that we we can each have our own tables and spend time with each winner" diana says

"i like that better" harry says

"me too" adam adds

"well what do the rest of you say" hailee says as the rest of guys agreed

"geez you think we were going to sell you guys and never come back" jessica says

"yeah, you all know how over protective i am with louis and you want him to go on a date" harry says

"i havent been on a date since we went on a date with shawn" louis says

"stop it" harry says

"geez, i think i want to change pop stars, hi adam" louis says

"dont try it, he is worse than harry" lucas says laughing

"uughh never mind" louis says

"you both are so wrong" adam says

"soo any ways, when do you want to start this concert" ed says

"we we thinking since you all are releasing albums them i think julia will be going on tour in 2 month we can do it a week before she leaves" louis says

"umm let me check" liam and david says as jeff takes his phone out as well

"yeah that can work" liam says

"yeah" david adds

"everyone is free that weekend" jeff says " we just need to clear it with the meza family"

"ohh we got the moms cleared already" hailee says

"and christina and jennifer will be here" diana says

"we just needed to clear everything with you guys" gemma says with the styles smirk

"stop that i hate that stupid smirk" louis says laughing

"uugghg me too" jeff says laughing

"too late your stuck with us" gemma says as her and harry smirk at the same time and start to laugh as they high five each other

"anything else" zayn says

"yes, we have been working with lucas and jennifer and we want to surprise christina and her family in opening a Sandras Voice shelter in new york same concept as diana's hope but we were thinking of sandras voice her voice needs to be heard and not silenced, mine is hope because it was the only that i had left but sandras voice is what she still has" diana says nervously

"I love the idea" harry says as the rest of them agree

"well i was thinking that a part of what ever we raise we donate it to sandras voice to start finding a building well i want to do what you all did for me and lucas and jennifer are all getting details on what we need to open a non profit in new york which is all different than here" diana says

"are you crying niall" hailee says

"no stupid allergies are kicking in" niall says as hailee hugs him

"aww babe, its ok to cry" hailee says

"its just like when we told diana about dianas hope and she cried and now we are here almost 2 years later and we are doing this for christina and her family, i know diana's hope has been succesfull and i want sandras voice to do the same, its just i am so happy at the family we have" niall says

"fuck you niall" zayn says as he wipes a tear from his eye

"you are all assholes" shawn says as tears start to fall" and i have no one to hold"

"come here shawny" louis says as he wraps his arms around shawn

"baby" harry says

"ohh shut it" louis says as harry hugs shawn

"alright lets stop crying before we all start crying" jeff says as he wipes a tear

"so does christina know" shawn asks as he takes a deep breath

"no, only us not even the moms know well jennifer and julia know" diana says

"but i think we are going to have to get the moms involved but lets keep this between us until then" hailee says

"well we know moms can keep a secret but we dont want them to spill to lupe we want it all to be a surprise" diana says

"but we will have to fly out there to sign some paperwork with jennifer, and we are working with a realtor to find us some properties, we want it to be something like what we have for diana's hope" jessica says

"sure, just let us know when" nick  says

" i think in the next couple of weeks, jennifer will tell us when we are closer to the date" diana says

"and that means shawn you need to zip it" louis says

"i wont say anything good thing i am going to start promo on my new album" shawn says

"next order of business" louis says

"tours and album releases" jeff says as they continue to talk and enjoy each other


well this is a good stopping point next chapter i want to do the charity concert..........

well as always have a good day or night where ever you may be reading this

just for kicks and giggle where is everyone reading from?? i will go first.... i live in california

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