The Queen (Percabeth Selectio...

By Bookotter101

82.2K 1.4K 1.8K

Percy is 18 and the Prince of Greece. A selection is held for all the Ladies in the counties. Annabeth met Pe... More

The Date
The Royal Report
The Attack
Coral & Connor
"TAKE COVER"!!!!!!!
Our Place
Greatest Friends Ever
The Ball
One Shot
The Mahogany
The Groups
The Arrival
The Arrival Pt. 2
Arrival Pt. 3
The Cat Fight
Another Rebel Attack Yippee!!!
The Nightmare
Building the Baracade
Tea Time Gone Wrong
Festival of Giving
Carnival Day 1
Carnival Day 2
The Feasts of Givings Ball
The Cold December Day
Secret Confessions
Christmas: The Season of Lies, Betrayal, & Surprises Pt.1
Sneak Peak
Christmas: The Season of Lies, Betrayal, and Surprises Pt.2
We Are All Just Pawns


4K 60 119
By Bookotter101


I don't own the pro or hoo characters. All rights to Uncle Rick


Once I reached the room I felt really weird.

Here I was one of the selected about to go into the Prince's room.

Don't think like that your his best friend and everyone else will be there.

When I walked in I heard screams and loud music playing.

"Hey Annie long time no see" Connor said coming up to me.

I smiled "Ya good to see you again."

I saw Jason, Nico, and Frank. "Hey guys" I said.

"Annabeth I'm so happy your back." Nico said.

I turn and see Percy and Leo playing a race car game.

"Turn off that Gods awful music and put on some Green Day" Thalia says from the snack table.

"Green Day sucks put on some Fall Out Boy" Coraline says and they get in an argument over which is better.

"I did not miss that" I tell Hazel pointing at the two still bickering.

"Its not a true reunion party if the cousins don't start a fight." she replies sipping her soda.

"Your not wrong" Travis says coming over.

They continue to bicker until Leo beats Percy and its their turn to race.

Everyone is wearing their pjs so at least I don't feel left out.

I look over and see Percy doesn't have a shirt on. Gods his abs look great.

I continue to stare unknowingly until Hazel clears her throat getting my attention.

"We are going to have so major girl talk when those two are done racing" she says pointing at the two cousins.

2 minutes later they tie and come back over.

"Girl Talk, My room, Now" Coraline says grabbing my hand and leading me over to her room across the hallway followed by Thalia and Hazel.

"Sit" Thalia commands plopping down on the fuzzy bean bag chair.

I sit on another beanbag while Coraline and Hazel share the Queen sized bed.

"I herby decree the annual Girl Talk meeting now in session." Coral says waving around a hammer.

Hazel quickly goes over to the door to check that no one is listening in before locking it.

"It has come to our attention that a member of the club has a crush" Hazel says acting all formal.

"Why did you enter the selection Annabeth" Thalia asks.

"Well I've had a crush on Percy since we where 12 and when I found out he was holding a selection for his future wife I had to get in." I say.

They nod intently. "I couldn't let someone else be his wife because I've been imagining us dating for years and now is my chance." I finished.

"FINALLY" Coral shouts but then quiets down "Its about time you said your feelings out loud."

Hazel raised her hand timidly "I might also be crushing on Frank."

"I knew it pay up Thals" Coral says fist pumping the air.

"You guys make such a cute couple" I say.

"Frazel" Thalia decided.

"So Coraline do you have any intel on the other selected" Hazel asks changing the subject.

"Yup, I'm like Crab Heads spy" she says. "So from what he has gathered talking to the girls today is that Drew is out for the crown, Rachel wants the title, and Piper might have her eye on someone other then Percy."

"Seaweed Brain gathered that all on his own." I asked shocked.

"Of course not he had an ear piece in and I was listening in to the conversation with Hazel and Thalia thats why we sat at the end of the hall after dinner."

I checked the clock and saw it said 11:50.

I yawned. "Well I better get back to my room so I don't get in trouble for being out of bed."

They walked me to my door two floors down an went inside.

"One second we need to find you the perfect dress for tomorrow." Hazel says running into my closet.

"Perfect" she shouted from my closet. "Can I see it" I asked.

"Nope your just going to have to trust me" she said and plopped down on my bed where I found Thalia and Coral already dead asleep.

I got onto the bed and went on the end where the others weren't so I wouldn't get kicked.

*Time Skip to Morning*

"Miss you have to wake up" I heard Michelle say.

"Five more minutes" I said.

"You are going to miss breakfast." I felt a rustle and two people get up wide awake.

I stretched and got up. To find Coraline and Thalia making a beeline for the door.

"See you at breakfast Beth" Coral said before closing the door.

Lily lead me over to the bath that was already made.

I slipped in and she started to wash my hair with Lemon scented shampoo.

After I got out Michelle came over and dried my hair and brushed it leaving it down.

"Um don't you usually put my hair up" I ask her.

"Yes Ma'am but we are under strict orders from Princess Hazel to leave it down." Michelle says.

"Please stop calling me ma'am and lady" I ask she nods her head.

Bella comes out with a black bag. "Princess Hazel picked this specifically out for you and said not to make any changes" Bella says unzipping the bag.

I gasp its beautiful. Its a light lavender dress with lavender heels and a pretty necklace with my owl earrings.

"If you see Princess Hazel before me please tell her thank you" I hug them and walk out the door.

Piper looks at my outfit and gasps. "Its beautiful" says.

I see she is wearing a maroon off the shoulder lace dress. "Wow that dress is really pretty" I say and we walk down the hall.

"Where were you yesterday" she asks. "Oh I was hanging out with Thalia, Hazel and Coral why" I ask.

"You where spending time with the Princesses" she asks shocked.

"Ya where all really good friends I could introduce you to them after classes" I say.

"Yes please" we head into the hall.

After an hour of really boring classes I go to the library to see if Chiron the tutor might know where they are.

"If your looking for miss Jackson she and miss Grace are in the training arena but I think miss D'Angelo is in the stables." he says.

"Thank you Chiron" I tell him and hug him.

"Coraline and Thalia are training but Hazel is in the stables" I say grabbing Piper's hand and leading her to where the stables are.

When we get there I see Jason and call him over. "Hey Jace this is Piper my new friend and once she meets the girls a new member of the club" I say.

He laughs "How is Coral's scepter working" He asks. "Well last night she nearly hit me with her hammer so  would say good."

"Hi I'm Piper McLean you must be Prince Jason Percy's best friend and cousin." Piper says.

Jason looks at her mystified "Um y-ya" he says. She giggles "Well its very nice to meet you she says.

Once we leave him she turns to me and says "He's kinda cute."

"Well Hazel should be over here by Arion her horse" I say and find her brushing his mane.

"Hey Haz this is my friend Piper."

She turns around "the one that made Thalia offended last night" she asks.

"The very one" I replied.

"Hay Haz wanna go horseback riding" I hear from across the the stable.

"Hey Coraline" I say beaconing her forward "I would like you to meet Piper."

Piper curtsies "Princess Thalia, Princess Hazel, Princess Coraline."

Thalia rolls her eyes. "Please just call me Thalia I hate formalities."

"Um ok"

"Finally we have a new member for Girl Talk Club but first you need an involution" Coral says pulling her back to the castle and up the stairs to her room.

We follow close behind. When we get to her room we hear loud music playing.

"Get her a beanbag I'll deal with this" she opened Percy's door and started yelling at him to turn down the awful music but then she saw someone that made her face go pink and rushed out the door.

"So did you see the boys shirtless again" Thalia says joking.

"Of course not she saw Leo again didn't she" Hazel says.

Coraline glares at her "Back to the topic Piper do you like Percy."

"Well he is really sweet and thoughtful but I would see him more as a friend." Piper replies.

"So then who do you like" Hazel asks.

"Um I don't know" she says quietly.

"Jason" I say proudly and she gives me a look like how did I know.

"Oh My Gods you like my brother finally someone that does." Thalia says clapping her hands.

"Next question do you ship Percy and Annabeth" Coral says making me redden.

"Shelly" I say but she just smiles.

"YESSS Percabeth is end game" Piper says but then realizes what she said and shrinks back in her chair.

"Ok and did you come for the crown or what" Coraline asks now deadly serious.

"No no no I'm not like my sister Drew I came to find love and maybe I have a little crush on Jason but that is treason." she finishes.

"Its not treason please Percy caught him starring at you when we walked into the stables and he said that he knows you like each other. Also if you wanted he would let you go out with him and keep you in the selection util the finally 5 if thats what you wanted" Coraline says smiling.

"Really" Piper asks getting really excited.

"I'll get Kelp Brain right now" she says getting up and comes back dragging Percy by the ear.

"He was listening to the conversation" Coral says.

"Lets have him talk to Piper and then we'll lock him in his room." Hazel says evilly.

Percy went to talk to Piper and she gave him a huge hug saying thank you over and over again.

"That reminds me Pipes and I have to get down to the women's room for a meeting with the queen and princess." I say.

We quickly run down the stairs and come though the door.

"So glad you girls could make it do you happen to know where Princess Coraline is" Queen Sally says with a smile.

"I'm right her mom" Coral says coming through the door in her training outfit.

I see the other selected are gasping in horror at her clothes while me and Piper just smile.

"I'll be talking to you each for my deal old little bother wants to know what I think of the selected" she says.

I snicker. "Is there something Lady Annabeth" Coral says.

"Well you see you highness you said little bother instead of older brother" I say.

"Well he asks like a toddler and really is a bother to me." she says finally.

"Now mingle amongst yourselves" she says and calls up Drew.

Finally she calls me. "You of all people should know what I call my brother" she says laughing.

"Well tell me about the others" I said.

"Your going to win by far and be the next Queen and better yet MY sister In-Law." she says smiling.

"I'm gonna send you back to mom and then meet me at the buffet Piper is going to come."

"Have you found any new recruits for Girl Talk" I asked her.

"No they are all stuck up little brats" she says and dismissing herself.

A girl named Mya asks after the Princess has left "What is so important that we need to talk to her" says.

"Percy is very protective when it comes to family he wants to make sure that his wife is liked by the family Lady Grays" Sally says not even looking up from her sewing.

"You are all excused to go to lunch and wander around the castle but the Third, Fourth, and Fifth floor are forbidden unless a member of either royal family request to see you and I would know if my daughter or her cousins want to see you because they would be pulling you up the stairs." She says looking and smiling at me and Piper.

We head to the dinning room and only see Hazel. "Where are the others" I ask getting a wrap from Athens.

"Princess Sea got pulled to lessons by Chiron and I was having a very loud talk with my brother to ask the girl he likes out already." Thalia says grabbing some fries.

"Well we can't have girl talk with out Coraline I prefer not t get hit with her specter." Hazel says.

"Hey sorry I'm late urgent Princess stuff anyway I have big news so you better come with me." Coraline says grabbing my hand who grabs Piper's who grabs Hazel's who grabs Thalia's and we all make a big chain up the stairs.

I plop down on the bed "Whats so urgent" ask as Coral eats a gyro.

"Percy is eliminating tomorrow" she says.

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