Noted (Poe Dameron X Reader)

By Cats_Ewoks_Porgs

16.2K 449 104

You never had the luxury of choosing which side you wanted to fight on. There was never a question, Resistanc... More

1- Present
2- Optional
Chapter 4- A Reason
Chapter 5- Right Around the Corner
Chapter 6- Sanctuary
A/N- Bros
Chapter 7- Treason
Chapter 8- Voice of Reason
Chapter 9- An Old Friend
Chapter 10- Another Day
Chapter 11: Sorting It Out
Chapter 12: A New Perspective

3- Patience

1.4K 47 5
By Cats_Ewoks_Porgs

   It would take someone with a lot of patience to forget his face. His dark, curly hair. His eyes... Everything about him. You stared down at the ring, which was still strung to a chain. You wondered why you didn't just get rid of it. Part of you hoped to return it someday.
   Phasma hadn't been too happy when she heard the news that Kylo wished to see you. You hadn't exactly seen eye to eye the last time, so it was no surprise he wished to meet with you once again. When you heard the news, you collapsed back onto your cot dramatically. Your Aunt's exact words had been, "Get up, Y/N. I raised you better than this."
    You follow your aunt around the corner, and into Kylo's quarters. You inhale sharply and open your eyes to see him standing before you, without a helmet for once. He had dark, straight hair, and a disappointed expression on his face.
   He pointed to a stool, "Take a seat, y/n."
     You sit down on a stool, staring at the metal countertop. He walks in circles around you. "Poe Dameron, resistance pilot... You were healing him, making sure he was up to more interrogations. Then, you'd later kill him."
   You decide to cut him off, "Is interrogation so messed up these days that it comes down to injuring someone?"
   "Shut it," He hissed, continuing, "He escaped."
"That's impossible..." You say in disbelief.
    He stands behind you and for a moment, you can see his shadow, a hand raised. You prepare to be hit, but, nothing happens. "Impossible? Interesting. Did you help him?"
   "No. I am loyal to the first order." You say, defensively. To be honest, you were having mixed feelings.
You stand up, turning to face him, your hair whips around, almost hitting him. Strands of hair fell in your face as you stood in front of him, "We're done here."
   Kylo growled, "I can order them to kill you! At any given moment."
You begin to leave, but pause, smirking, "Then who do you have left? No more medics. Not to mention the fact that Captain Phasma will not enjoy you murdering me."
"You've been demoted." Kylo hisses.
You turn to him, "Demoted? Demoted? To what?"
"Anything but a medic. We're going back to droids."
"That malfunction!" You glare at him.
"You're demoted. Now we're done here."
    You leave, worried he would force choke you right then and there. But, to your surprise, you returned to your aunts quarters, where you, too, stayed. You pressed your hand against the panel, and walk inside, taking your coat off, and hanging it by the wardrobe. You collapsed on your cot, staring up at the ceiling. You pull your the ring, staring at it. Will I ever see you again?

      Poe walks step in step with General Organa, speaking urgently to her, "Yes, a stormtrooper helped me! A stormtrooper!"
   Leia turned to him, "Well, where is this stormtrooper, hmm?" Poe looks down to the floor, "That's what I thought."
   Poe scoffed, and turned, walking away from his idol. Any chance he got to speak with her, he did. He looked up to her, more than anyone in the resistance. More than Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. He looked down to the floor, thinking about all the people- and droids he had lost. Mom, Finn, BB-8- He paused, reaching for his ring-on-a-chain. To his surprise, it wasn't there. Freaking out, he looks frantically around base, then hurries his head in his hands against a wall. It must have come off in- He didn't want to think about it. He didn't want to think about anything. He still had scars that hadn't been healed. Ones that came after- Wait...What was his/her/their name?

A/N: My first time doing a character X reader. It's crazy insane! Thanks for the stars (votes? I don't know what they're called anymore, XD) thank you guys! Also want to clarify: Poe does NOT have feelings for you yet, you don't have feelings for him. You just think that you guys are decent for rebel scum and first order flip ups. Don't worry, another chapter will be posted today.

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