Chapter 11: Sorting It Out

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You're day hadn't been the best, so far. You were currently seated on the floor, a manual sitting on your left while you inspected different parts, placing them in the correct bins shortly after.
It had taken all of your energy- but work is work. There's not much you could do about it, unless you quit. So you continued to sit on the floor, spring through random parts, bored to tears.
Suddenly, the doors slid apart, revealing a small purple and grey droid rolling into the room, beeping curiously.
The droid rolls towards you, encircling your work area, inspecting the parts. It continues to beep, which began to annoy you after a while.
The doors stayed open as another figure walked in. Juni soon stood at the doorway, her fingers on the control panel, "Congratulations, you survived your first day."
Your eyes met her with a groan, rolling your eyes when she wasn't looking. She was too busy looking at the droid, who ran cleanly into a wall.
You raised your brow at the droid, turning to as Juni, who had one hand covering her face in embarrassment, "Is he supposed to do that?"
"Do what? Run into walls? Of course," She responds sarcastically, flicking off the lights.
"I'm still in here, you know," You called out.
Light emits from behind Juni, allowing you to see her silhouette, "I know."
"So, could you put the light on?" You ask, with a hint of annoyance as you begin to stand up, swinging your for around to see if there was anything in your path.
"I could," She said, "But I won't. You need to learn that you won't get everything you want."
You let out a low growl, continuing to swing your foot as you walked in an effort to keep you from killing yourself, "I get that we're never going to be on great terms with one another, but I would appreciate a bit of respect."
"Respect?" She laughs, "You could learn that, too. Let me tell you something, kid, nothing here is easy. We've all seen and done things that we aren't proud of. But we keep going. You should, too."
You opt not to respond, so she continues, "You're lucky, you know. When I first started here, I was cleaning the base and earning next to nothing. You? You're sorting through parts. Just sitting and sorting- earning double of what I made. So don't complain to me or about me."
Not a word was said after that. Not a sound was made. That was until the small droid started to bump into crates and tables. Random items dropped to the ground, scattering all over the floor.
With a sigh, you make it into the doorway, forcing yourself to the control panel to turn on the lights.
Looking into the now light room, you let out a frustrated groan, childishly stomping your foot on the ground upon seeing that 25% of your work was undone thanks to the droid.
Juni sighs, "Bee-Dee's not programmed to do that, you know. He was almost dissembled for spare parts... Believe it or not, I'm fond of the little guy. He's really the only family I've got around here."
You nod, clenching your jaw as you step into the room, letting out a blunt, "I'll be here cleaning this up for the next hour."
Juni nods, tapping her foot anxiously, "That's very... mature of you. I apologize for the mess. I'll inform the General that you'll be coming in an hour later than usual, due to your hard work tonight."
"Really?" You smile, "Another hour?"
"Yes. Don't make me change my mind," She hisses. There she was. She begins to turn away, patting her leg to signal BD, "I trust that you'll see yourself out."
With a curt nod, she walks away, leaving you to your thoughts.


An hour later, you're still cleaning up the mess. Sorting through some newer parts as well so you'll be able to take a day off at the end of the week.
A small knock on the doorframe grabs your attention, causing you to look up and see Ëilee. He stands with his hands shoved in his pockets, his lips pressed as he gives you a slight wave.
       "I was wondering where you had snuck off to," He says, "I've been meaning to speak with you about your current... situation? What are you still doing here, anyway?"
       "BD, that small purple and gray droid that rolls through the base, clumsily ran into these crates," You explained, "More work on my plate."
       He nods, "Mind if I join you?"
      You shrug, "Unwise decision. It's not exactly easy to sort through this... junk."
       "Juni put you to it, didn't she?" He asks, raising a brow at you.
       "How did you know?"
       "We trained together back in the day. Well, a few years ago when this whole mess started," He began, "We were good friends then, good friends now. She's always been a hard ass. That's what I like about here."
        A soft smile spreads on his face as he twirls a spare part in his hand, clearly distracted.
        "You have a thing for her, don't you?" You tilt your head, looking him straight in the eye.
         His eyes met you're briefly, "That wouldn't be professional..."
        "There are plenty of unprofessional things that I wouldn't mind, Ëilee. Doesn't mean I'm going to follow through with it. Doesn't mean I won't do it. You feel the way you feel. There's no changing that."
        "Maybe a little," He sighs, running a hand through his hair, "It's just... when you work beside someone so closely for so many years- sometimes you can't help falling in love with them."
        You nod understandingly, your mind drifting to Poe, "So it's love?"
        He nods slowly but surely, "She's my best friend. I don't want to mess anything up- but it's killing me."
       He clears his throat, "So- Uh- anyone catch your eye?"
        A blush spreads over your cheeks as you avoid eye contact, "I'd rather not say."
       "Hmm," He smirks, "Could it be a certain pilot by any chance? Any chance it could be the best pilot in the resistance- besides me, of course."
       "Can it, Ëilee. I mean it," You growl, "I barely know him."
       "Yet it's like you've known him your whole life," He finishes.
        "Glad someone gets it," You laugh absentmindedly, "I saved his life, in a way. I had his ring around my neck for a while. It followed me everywhere I went. It's not something that came suddenly. The attraction, sure."
       Ëilee stares into your eyes, trying to figure out how you felt, "You love him?"
      "I barely know him," You say, "I can't love someone I've barely talked to. Look at you and Juni. You've known each other for years. That's love. Knowing someone. Not meeting someone."
       "Some people love people they've just met. As friends, partners, or even family," The last part caught you off guard. Family you hadn't met? Wouldn't you love them? Well, not in all cases- but how was that important?
       "Well, I'm heading in for the night. I hope you get around to cleaning the rest of this up," He smiles, getting back on his feet.
        You smile and wave, "Nice to speak with you, too, Ëilee."
        "See you tomorrow, kid."
        "We're not that far apart in age," You tease.
         "Oh, we aren't? I wasn't aware that you believed I was ancient." He laughs.
       You roll your eyes playfully, "Shut it, Ëilee."
        "I'm just here to make your days brighter. Although it seems like someone else already does that."
       He leaves before you can make another sarcastic comment.
      You stare at the spare part in your hand, running a thumb over it. Random thoughts swirled throughout your head. Did you have feelings for Poe? Yes. Did he have feelings for you? Maybe. Did you like him? Yes. Did he like you? Yes. Romantically? Maybe. Did you love him? No. Could you love him?


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