🌷Dreamers//The Promised Neve...

Από KimAckermann

45K 1.6K 1K

We were dreamers not so long ago, but one by one we all had to grow up. Top Rankings~ #1 yakusokunoneverland ... Περισσότερα

🌷Somewhere In Neverland🌷
🌷The Escape Plan🌷
🌷A Traitor Among Us🌷
🌷Telling The Truth🌷
🌷They Need Hope🌷
🌷So You're The Traitor?🌷
🌷Working Together🌷
🌷As Planned🌷
🌷We'll Get Out🌷
🌷Giving Up🌷
🌷I'll Miss You🌷
🌷Is This The End?🌷
🌷Lost Hope🌷
New Book
🌷The Great Escape🌷

🌷No One Stays Behind🌷

2.6K 93 52
Από KimAckermann

(I'm sure the suspense was killing you guys from the last chapter but i'm back. I decided to post this today cause i'll be busy tomorrow since it's my birthday :D This year sucked for me since I lot happened and I struggled a lot mentally from a few things. Anyway I hope you all enjoy this)


Isabella suddenly appeared when I rounded the corner to head to my bed. "What's wrong, Ryo?" she asked when she suddenly saw my frightened face. "You look pale...I heard that you weren't being so nice earlier today from some kids. Weren't in the mood to help them with their tasks..why is that?" play it cool play it cool.

I smirk at her and cross my arms over my chest. "I did everything as I was told today. Do you really trust everything your kids say?"

She stayed silent still staring at me and smirked. "Oh, Ryo. Still the same as ever. You know if you want to get adopted someday, you'll have to control your temper or no family would want you."

I stare at her all stoic and it feels like we're having a staring contest. I give up. "I'm sorry mother. I'll try my best to change my actions." i lie to her and bow my head down. Still no answer. I feel her hand land on top of my long brown hair.

"I promise i'll work harder for the house." staring down at the ground makes me feel better than her cold eyes. "I love staying here so i'll make sure to help everyone feel like they'll be here forever." i choose my words correctly and stood back up straight and saw her face differently but went back to a smirk.

"Someday when i'm older. I want to become a mother like you. Always sweet and kind to her children..and to never abandon them." i whisper the last part and saw Isabella looking down at me with a smile on her lips.

"I know you will. I'm sure you'll become a loving mother.'"

Right when Isabella said that a bell rang behind mother and I looked behind her to see that it was Ray. "Dinner preparations are ready." Ray simply said boredly. "I'll be right there." shit. I cursed myself knowing that our conversation wasn't over.

"Ryo, let's go." Norman said appearing with Emma behind him. She faked a smile and ran over to my side and took my hand. "Mhm before our food gets cold!" I mentally sigh in relief thanking them for being here listening.

"Okay." i smile taking her hand and the three of us began to run.

"Did you three go to the gate yesterday?" damn it Isabella still asked. Emma stares up ahead not knowing how to respond. "Of course we didn't it's against the rules." I answered her and Norman continued.

"We were too tired from having too much fun playing tag yesterday. We all went to bed early after Conny left. Right, Emma?" Norman asks looking at her.

"Mhm." she simply said too afraid to say anything else. "Why ask that?" I question Isabella and arch an eyebrow. She closed her eyes and smiled, "It's nothing, As long as you didn't go." We each nod our heads and hurried away from her. Emma fell to the ground gasping for air like Norman and I.

"That was so close."

"She almost caught on to us..crap!" i mutter and Norman stares at me disapprovingly while covering Emma's ears. Norman grabs Emma's hand and helped her up to her feet. I place my hand on their shoulders and smiled while walking to where everyone was waiting.


I stared up at the ceiling deep in thought from everything that occurred today when I felt a light tap on my arm and saw that it was Emma. As quietly as we could we left the room and followed Norman into a locked room and entered it with a help from my bobby pins. Norman rested the lamp next to a box and opened one up next to it revealing table clothes. We each grabbed a few and headed back to our rooms, ready for another day tomorrow.

Emma was the first to fall asleep with her small snored filling up the once quiet room. I hid the table clothes under my pillow and contently sighed and rested my head against it, i glanced over to the door and let out a small gasp when I saw the door a bit opened before it carefully and quietly closed on itself.

Was that Isabella?


"Good job Norman! These table clothes will come in handy." I said lifting my shirt up reading the many table clothes I also got. "These will also be used as rope. Let's tie them up nicely." The three of us began to tie them each making the table cloth rope longer and longer. I ned gave them to Emma who was sitting up on a branch and hiding them inside of a hole in a tree.

Emma smiled at us from above "With these we'll surely leave."

I helped her off the tree and we deeply concentrated on the thick wall in front of us. "Okay. The challenge is still ahead of us. Ryo, started digging a spot in case we need a place to hide but it won't entirely protect us from Isabella." I agreed with Emma on letting Norman know of the spot i've been digging.

"But still we have to find a way to get our tracking devices off ourselves and a way to get everyone out safely."

"Norman." I step closer to him not so sure what he'll say about this. I fiddle with my hands and stare down at the ground while blushing, "Don't you think it might be okay if we told Ray?"

I see a small smile of his face and see Emma nod. "I was thinking about that too. Ray mist likely wont panic and because of his extensive knowledge, he's good with machines, too. I'm sure we can depend on him..but?"

"But? But what?!" i shout worried.

"I'll tell Ray myself."

Norman and I keep talking back and forth "What? But I think i'm capable of telling him myself-"


Another voice calls from behind us. I jump a little when I see Ray coming out of the bushes. He stared at us, with the same expression on his face. "Sorry, I followed you guys. It's been bugging me for a while, so I thought I should ask about it." Ray pauses gives me his book and walks behind Emma and Norman and wraps his arms around their shoulders.

He looks at them both while talking, "What happened at the gate that night? When you went to go deliver Little Bunny to Conny. You three were goth clearly acting weird." he says focusing his eyes on me when he says the last part.

I look away blushing again and nervously look down at the book in my hands. "And you were empty handed when you said you didnt make it. So of course something happened. Give it up." he says clutching them closer and making it harder for Emma to breathe.

"Ray is smart, too, after all." she manages to say.

We explained to him everything. "So that is what we've been trying to figure out. We can't stay here any longer..." I finish and see Ray thinking.

"Demons..Farm...Mom is an enemy?"

"Isn't this bad?" he asks himself and Emma freaks out. "He catches on fast!" Ray stares at each if us with his dark eyes and continues to speak, 'So you're saying we were preciously taken care of to become demon food." Ray says touching the side of his neck where his number is placed.

"I mean. I'm surprised you're believing us so easily." Emma points out which is true but knowing Ray, it woulnt surprise me.

I nervously look at her with a smile, "It's not that surprising when you think about it, Emma. Ray has always been the smartest of us." i assure her.

"Of course. Ryo wouldn't make up such a stupid lie neither would Norman. It'd be different with you, Emma." Emma gives up knowing he's true on that and I pat her back.

"So, if were really going to escape, there are various issues. First, the number of kids. We'll narrow it down t who can make it and-"

"Wait!" I stop Ray before he continues. "I want to escape with everyone in the house. Lend us your strength,Ray!" he looks taken back from my words.

"Everyone? You're kidding, right? There are 38 of us and the majority are under six years old. Farm. Demons. Tracking devices. These factors make an already difficult task to escape even more challenging."

I stare back into his dark eyes as I speak "You think I don't know that? But it's possible-"

"No, it's impossible." he says interrupting me. "Ryo, you haven't noticed, have you?"

"Ray wait!" Norman calls out to him. "I see. Thats why you said you'll talk to me yourself. You have to be blunt about these type of things." I stay still and Ray takes a few steps closer to me, till we are face to face.

"Ryo." I can feel myself blushing once again. I nervously play with my hair again whenever Ray gets close to me or speaks to me. "Hmm?"

He stares at me a minute in silence then opens his mouth to speak. "It won't be enough just to escape from here. What you and Emma are planning is ridiculous." Confused. I stare back at him "What do you mean?"

"First of all. We don't know what it's like on the outside. But there's a place we're getting shipped to, because there's a farm, that should give you an idea. What waits outside is a demon's society. There is no place for humans to live. So it's impossible. If we take everyone, we'll all die." I fight back the tears and glare at the ground. I feel like crying..I close my eyes and I feel Ray's hand on my shoulder.

Making me look back into his dark eyes once more. "We leave them behind. That's the best option for us.. "

"No way." I tell him. Ray looks at me surprised and takes a step back. "Even if it's impossible, I want to escape with everyone right, Emma?" Emma from in front of me nods her head. "Let's figure it out together!"

Ray keeps staring at me like i'm insane but I don't care. "I refuse to let anyone else die. No one get's left behind. I want Conny to be the last, she deserved so much more..I don't ever want to let anyone else end up like her."

Emma joins in on the conversation. " If there isn't one, then let's make a place for humans to live outside. Let's change the world together. I understand a lot more now, thanks to you, Ray." Emma says standing next to me.

"I'm not giving up on this." Emma says and takes a step closer and grab both Ray's hands tight. "So, Ray, you're the one who has to give up. Stop jabbering around and help us!" Ray looks at me like he did with me and moves her hands away from him.

Norman begins to laugh and the three of us turn to him, "We'll escape with everyone, no matter what!" Emma and I cheerfully tell him.

"Or else I won't do it. I wont! I wont!' Emma says moving her hands around and Ray turns to us like he's sick of it. "Do something about those idiots! They are unreasonable." Ray shouts at Norman having enough of our stupidity.

"I know, right? But I'm glad they are so cheerful." Norman continues to laugh and Ray shouting back again. "I wanted for you to stop them! Or you'll all die. You knew that from the very start, huh?" Ray glares at Norman and I take Emma's hand.

"See that Emma! We'll all leave safely."

Emma fist bumps the air and smiles up at the sky. "I realized Emma was crying the other night because she was scared of her family dying. Isn't she amazing? She thinks of protecting others in that situation. I'm also impressed with how Ryo has changed." I sneak behind Ray and stood next to Norman while smiling.

"But it's not the correct thing." Ray tries telling us and snatches the book I had from my hands. "It's a boat made for mud! And it's just us four,right? If it's just us, we can escape." Norman keeps quiet and Ray continue glaring at us.

"You're correct, and you shouldn't feel ashamed. Don't distort you decisions based on emotions, Ryo, Norman!"

"It's not that, Ray. I also want to make a boat out of mud!" Norman smiles besides me and opens his arms. "Why? Aren't you different? You're always so cool headed, and you always take the best option." Ray startled points at Norman, takes a step forward and grabs his shirt in his fists.

"So, why?"

"Because I like her."

I let our a gasp and feel my cheeks getting warmer. Ray stays silent like I do and Norman smiles wide. "I like Emma, so that's why I want her to always be smiling." I place my hands together and stare at him lovingly. Oooh so cute!

"You're crazy." Ray slowly lets go of him "And what if Emma dies because of it?"

"I won't let her die. That's why I'm planning to utilize myself. I suggest you do the same if you truly love someone." I can almost feel Norman teasing me by saying those words. But Ray stays silent and scoffs looking away.

But Norman continues to smile wide "Luckily, I've always managed to accomplish what .i set out to do. And if you bake mud, it'll be a vessel. A boat made out of mud wont necessarily sink."

"You both are crazy." Ray mutters clenching his fists. "Maybe. We are insane. We've completely lost it."

I smile and stand next to Ray and rest my hand on his left shoulder, "You can't let us do this on our own, right?"

Ray stares back into my eyes and smirks. "Damn it. Of course I can't " I smile back and felt something fall onto my cheek. Rain. I looked up and indeed is was beginning to rain. Emma came running to where we were.

"We still have time left right?" right when she asked that the bell rang. "Strange. It's still early." I tell myself.

"We better check." Norman. Ray. Emma and I ran back home. To our surprise we had guests. I stopped and stared up ahead in fear and worry. 

Isabella had a baby in her arms and a woman taller than her to her left. Emma and Norman were in front of me as we all stared at the scene in front of us surprised.

"Damn it..."

Isabella smiled at us, "Let me introduce her. This is your newest little sister, Carol. And this is Sister Krone. She's here to help me." the woman beside her smiled and .i felt something very bad from her. I shivered already having goosebumps from her.

"A-An adult?" Emma in front of me whispers next to her.

"Another e-enemy." I hear Norman stutter.

Is this real? I keep my eyes on the taller woman "We are so screwed now." i whisper back. Ray who's next to me stays silent. The woman known now as sister Krone smiles at us each and speaks up.

"I will be living here with all of you starting today. It's nice to meet you." We all have our eyes on them. Once again I look at Isabella and this time we glare at one another.

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