Toxic Fandoms With Author Man

By Bluebleo

5.8K 90 226

Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man here! In this story, I expose and rate the best and... More

Episode 1: RWBY
Episode 3: Touhou
Episode 4: Undertale
Episode 5: Steven Universe
Episode 6 Teaser
Season 1 Finale: Rick and Morty
Season 2: Episode 1
Season 2: Episode 2
Season 2: Episode 3

Episode 2: My Little Pony

572 8 16
By Bluebleo

Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man here!

Welcome to Toxic Fandoms, the show where I reveal the depths some fans will go to for their favorite shows. I'm your host and fandom expert, Author Man!

You guys know how the show works, I rate a fandom based on five categories: Welcoming, Appreciation, Creativity, Relevance, and Shipping. I then average out the scores and place the show on my TOXICITY SCALE.

So without further ado, the fandom we are rating today is...


Now, most of you know about this fandom, but let me give a little review or explanation for those who don't.

These people are well known on the internet, largely for the section of their fanbase called "Bronies". These "Bronies" are males, usually teens to young adults(Though there are some people who haven't grown out of it), and have an interesting mix of talent and talent-less. The other major group is known as "Pega-sisters". These are the female counterparts of "Bronies" and is a much smaller group.


I do not judge the quality of the shows, though the quality will be taken into consideration.

Also, I am not judging the "Bronies" alone, but the whole fandom. Please do not make assumptions that I hate "Bronies", because really, I hate everyone.

Also, I have spent some time researching them, and realize that not all "Bronies" and "Pega-Sisters" are the same. As a matter of fact, I actually enjoy some of the talented people who are a part of these groups, like AcousticBrony, LivingTombstone, and Mandopony.


Alright everybody, let's get right into it.

Category 1: Welcoming.

Simple enough, is the My Little Pony fandom welcome to new fans?

And to their credit, they seem to be open to new members, most of the time. Sure there are a few mean members and some people hate the youtubers, but they're mostly just friendly people. As long as you don't mind that they like MLP, they're pretty welcoming.

Maybe it's because of the message of the show? I don't know, there just isn't much to say about this.

Some people have claimed that they don't feel welcome, but I don't care about feelings. I can't find any evidence for their claims, so they've been disregarded.

This isn't the RWBY fandom guys, I don't really have a burning hatred for the MLP fandom, I just hate fandoms.

Category score: 7/10.

Category 2: Appreciation

Okay, I have a little more to say here.

While most of the show is pretty appreciative, many of them are... RWBY-esque.

I'm talking about what the fandom calls the "Season one-ers" and the people who blast the movies. 

These people are almost as bad as the RWBY fandom when it comes to this. Almost, as in they don't send death threat to Hasbro if their ships don't come true, mostly because Hasbro is a massive company, bigger than Rooster Teeth.

But I'm convinced that if Hasbro was any smaller, the "Season one-ers" would be the first to storm the compound.

"Season one-ers" are very similar to the "Gen one-ers" of the Pokemon fandom. They believe that only the first season of the show is perfect, ad that the rest is complete crap because the plot changed.

Yes, they're mad about the plot of... a kid's show.

As for the movie haters, for them it's about the character known as "Flash Sentry".

I watched the movies, it's a boring animated kid's movie. The problem with Flash sentry that most fans have with him is because he's boring, doesn't do much, and AND I QUOTE "Ruins Twilight's role as an independent female character."

What... what... what...


It's a f*cking kid's show! Sweet mother of f*ck!

Whatever, I'm just going to give the score. I don't even wanna talk about this any more.

Category score: 3/10.

Category 3: Creativity

Oh thank Celestia, I can be positive about something.

Okay, I actually love the creativity here. This fandom is full of amazing artistic talent, ranging from awesome musicians, talented artists, and amazing writers.

Pay attention, cause is the one of few times you'll see me positive about anything having to do with fandoms.

Let me give some examples.

Ponyphonic, Mandopony, LivingTombstone, AcousticBrony, and even StormFX3. These people are amazingly talented people, who make awesome stories, art, music, and videos.

Who hasn't listened to a Mandopony song? And you don't have to be a "Brony" to cry while watching My Little Dashie, or to be stunned at some of the amazing graphics they've managed to achieve with their IRL videos.

Even people like Moliminous, who does a version of Cinemasins, is really entertaining.

Alright, done being happy. Here's the score.

Category score: 8/10.

Category 4: Relevance

One again, not much to say.

I haven't heard much about the MLP fandom in a while, the last time I heard about them was when the movie was going to come out.

Other than that, I got nothing. No controversies, no interesting stories, not even anything from here on Wattpad. And trust me, I know how to find weird things on Wattpad.

Category score: 0/10.

Category 5: Shipping

Okay, the thing is-


I'm not quite sure-


Just play the Tapes.

To be fair to the fandom, the ships haven't really ruined the show for most people, they're just... weird.

Now I'll BRB, gotta go delete my search history. Assistant, put up the final score.

Category score: 0/10.

Final Thoughts:

Alright, I'm back.

For my final thoughts, I would say that I am impartial to the MLP Fandom. I think some of them are really cool, and some are terrible. But I would attribute that more to the individual than the fandom, so it's basically a wash.

Other than that, it's MLP. There's not much to say that hasn't been said before, and I feel like saying something original, so here I go:

I actually don't mind the "Bronies". My problem is with the female fans of the show. They blatantly lie, deface, and attack "Bronies", for no other reason than the fact that they are guys. It's straight up sexist, and not an issue I hear much about. Mostly because "Bronies", despite most people saying they act like a bunch of little girls, aren't a bunch of pussies. They sack up and take the insults, ignoring them. And it works, "Bronies" are a lot more popular than their female counterparts, ironically.

Alright, I'm done talking. Here's my final score.

Final Score: 3.6/10. Pretty good compared to RWBY.

See ya in another life Brotha!

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