Fairy Tail NaLu:Mating season...

By Talia_Stilinski_Hale

11.7K 162 74

The title says everything. Might be some lemon, idk yet. More

Before You Read
Whats Mating Season?
Dragon Slayers do what with who now?
Lock up
Time For Some Real Fun
He Skipped to stage 5!?!?
Gaining His Power
MERRY CHRISTMAS+ face reveal
Almost over

Beach Time!

1.2K 13 9
By Talia_Stilinski_Hale

🔥Natsu P.O.V
I was in the kitchen making Lucy an amazing breakfast while she was in the shower washing up after our 'activities' and, yes I know how to cook, I'm actually really good at it too.


Just look at how good I am. Ok maybe I over did it just a little bit, but she's eating with me so I think I under did it.

After 15-20 minutes Lucy came out of the shower and all I could think was   'God I love her scent! I just want to grab her and kiss those full plump soft lips of hers. Damn I can't wait to fuck that tight naught little pussy of hers~  Now that I know just how kinky my Lucy is I can now make everything I do more pleasurable for her~'

"Morning Natsu." Lucy said with a smile 'God I love her smile, her laugh, and those lips. Mmm~ wonder what else she could do with that mouth of hers.'  I didn't realize I was staring until Lucy waved her hand in front of my face saying my name.

"Natsu!" She looks a little worried.

"Huh? Oh, sorry Luce, guess I'm spacing out again." I chuckled a bit. She just sighed and sat down. I sat down next to her, but I don't think she knows I waited until a week into the season before I actually went after her.

* Time skip brought to you by Happy and Plue *
     After Breakfast 🍳🥞
While we were finishing doing the dishes Lucy had the great idea that we should go to the beach. I said yes because I just can't wait to see her in a revealing bathing suit with her body dripping wet, begging me to stop slashing her with more and more water.

* Another Time Skip brought to you by a very perverted Natsu*
At The Beach

What Natsu is and will be wearing every time they go to the beach.

Only the circled ones are gona be worn.

What Lucy will be wearing this time they go to the beach.

         No One P.O.V

Natsu was watching Lucy as she was swimming around having fun. After 5 minutes he decided to take a short nap. Lucy found a ton of shells and put them in a bucket. When she finished she put the bucket next to Natsu. She then took a second bucket and filled it with water and started walking back over to a sleeping Natsu with it.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?!? LUCY!?!?" Natsu shot up only to a giggling Lucy running away. "Why you little- get your ass back here!!!" Natsu yelled while chasing her.

Lucy ran away giggling. She turned around and said "Catch me if you can!! Slow poke!!"

She turned back around and bumped into something that caused her to fall on her butt. It was Natsu. She looked shocked and stuttered "B-But how? I was s-so far ahead of you."

He crouched down and said
"Oh my dear Luce, did you forget about my dragon like speed?"

It was at that moment Lucy knew, she fucked up. Because now Natsu looked pissed.

( ignore the fire around him )

WARNING: Slight Lemon

        ✨Lucy P.O.V
Natsu pounced on me and said with a seductive face

"Lushy~ you've been a very very bad little girl." I think he knew I was nervous because after he said "Don't worry Luce, this punishment won't be as bad as last time." He then gave me a very sinister look.

He started kissing down my neck until he got to my breasts. He tore off my top and started licking, sucking, biting my nipples while he kneaded the other with his right hand all the while he was rubbing my clit through my bottom. After a bit he switched giving my right breast the same treatment.

Right when I was about to cum he stopped and said while holding up my top "As your punishment, I will be keeping this," He shook my top in front of me "and you'll just have to stay here, with me, without your top for the rest of the day."

All I could do was sit there and nod.

Even though I had no top for the rest of the day, we still had a lot of fun playing games and stuff. With the occasional groping from Natsu of course, reminding me that I had no top because I was acting as if I did still have one. But I just did that to tease him a little.

My only concern is that he won't be able to control himself when we get home. This is gona be a very long mating season. And the worst part is that he'll want to do 'it' all the time. I really don't know if I'm ready though, I'm still a virgin. True I've touched myself in lewd ways before, but no one ever touched me in that way before. I'm getting really nervous and kind of...... exited as well. I'm so fuckin confused!!

___________________________==========================••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Well that's it for this chapter. Tell me how you think I did I'm always up for new suggestions on what I should write next. Although it might take a bit cuz of school and all that shit.

Tata for now my little wolves.
XOXO~ Wolfie 🐺

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