Hired (Chanbaek)

By cclay2020

111K 6.7K 3.2K

*Complete* Chanyeol being quiet and not fully over his ex leaving him at the altar, he now needs a date for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Quick Question
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15(edited)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
New Story
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Ohhhh 😘
Special Chapter

Chapter 5

3.5K 270 64
By cclay2020

The day has arrived for my trip to see my family and I have officially lost it. My stomach is having it's own party. I have packed my bags three times already.

Beep beep

I look out the window to see my taxi has arrived. I grab my bags take a deep breath and pull them down the stairs to the waiting taxi. As the driver insists on putting them in the boot of the car himself I receive a text.

Hey I'm here already are you close?

Be there shortly, you go check in I won't be long.

I quickly jump in the taxi as I tell the driver "airport please".

The closer and closer we get to the airport the worst I feel, I can't back out now. Plus baekhyun seems to think we can pull it off once I try relax more.

Arriving at the airport I pay the driver and head inside to check in my bags. Once they are checked in I pass in through security which always makes me nervous, like why pat me down like that, do I look like a guy who would have drugs concealed on me, if I had anything on me that I shouldn't it would be written all over my face. I get the all clear and head into the first class lobby, yes I went all out and booked first class. I quickly head inside to find Baekhyun.

Looking around I see him casually sitting at the window near the bar looking out at the planes taking off and landing.

"Hi" I say as he turns around to face me smiling his big smile while I sit beside him.

"You made it, I thought you might have got cold feet?" He says before  smiling again handing me a drink "here drink this, it will settle the nerves". I take the drink and sip it slowly as I sit back in the chair.

"So what is the plan for when we arrive?" I ask him as he sits so calmly while inside I'm a nervous wreak. 

"Well I have hired us a car so we just need to collect that when we land, and then we drive to your parents place" he smiles before drinking his drink as our flight gets called. 

"Ok channie let's do this" I laugh at the name he gave me as I follow him close behind as we get on the plane.


Once we arrive we head to collect our bags and he laughs at me as I try to collect my 4 bags.

"Are your serious you brought 4 bags?" He looks on in shock as I pull them one at a time off the conveyer belt while he just takes 2 off as his carry on bag is a folded suit bag.

"I...I.. couldn't decide what to bring" I feel embrassed as he just looks at me and smiles "So you decided to bring your whole wardrobe" he teases as he helps me with the last bag as we head off to get the car he hired.


Reaching the street near my parents I make him pull over the car.

"What's wrong?" He turns off the engine and turns to look at me.

"I just need to catch a breath it's the next street over" I take a few deep breathes as I start to panic more. 

"Look Chanyeol we can do this ok, I know he hurt you by doing the most awful thing in the world to you but you need to show him you have moved on in life and have forgotten him ok, plus I'll be there for you" he touches my hand giving me what I guess is comfort.

"Your right I can show him" I sit up in the chair a little more happier.

"Anyway it's his loss my gain so let's show him what he is missing" he winks before pulling back out into traffic. 

I can't help but laugh at what he said but I guess he knows his stuff, he does get paid for this after all.

We finally turn down the street as I show him which house to stop outside.

"'Are you ready?" He questions me before getting out of the car "Yes, no turning back now" I climb out of the car and close the door as I see the front door to the house open and my excited sister run down the walkway and jump up into my arms hugging me.

"You made it, I didn't think you would show up " she shouts before I put her down.

"I couldn't miss your big day" I hug her again before she pulls away. 

"Who is this cutie?" She smiles at baekhyun as she walks closer to him .

"Oh... th....this is ...." I stutter so nervously but baekhyun saves me.

"I'm the boyfriend" baekhyun smiles holding out his hand as yoora just hugs him instead making him laugh.

"Chanyeol, why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend" she hits my arm making me wince.

"Aww Chanyeol you keeping me a secret~" baekhyun moves closer to me linking my arm and hugging it making my sister squeak like a teenage girl.

"Come on let's go inside and tell mum, you can get your bags later, "mum" she shouts towards the house as she grabs baekhyun from my arm, she links him inside while he plays along holding her arm as they walk inside laughing while I follow close behind.

Heading into the house as I follow the screams and laughing I arrive at the kitchen to the shocked eyes of my mother's face.

"Chanyeol darling" my mum calls me as she hugs me tight "hi mum".  She let's me go and looks me up and down "Look at you all happy" she smiles as she puts her hands on either side of my face fixing my glasses "it is because of this young man?" She turns to look at baekhyun standing all smiles as yoora links him again. 

"Mum this is..... is my boyfriend Byun Baekhyun, baekhyun this is my mum"  I introduce them both as she hugs him tight. 

"Oh I'm so happy my boy was able to come, and you never told us about your boyfriend" my mum can't stop smiling at me. 

"I know mum I'm sorry I....."

"He wanted to keep me a secret isn't that right" Baekhyun winks at me teasing me as he let's go of yoora and comes beside me taking me by the hand making me panick at his reaction. 

"No course not baek" I smile back at him using the name he said I could use after all we are supposed to be boyfriends.

"Well what ever reason I don't care, your here now let's get you both settled in" she smiles. 

"Mum where will baekhyun sleep?" I ask her as he stop outside my old bedroom after collecting our bag from the car.

"In your room with you sweetie," she smiles before walking off. 

"But mum what happened to your rule no boyfriends sharing unless married under your roof" I start to panic as baekhyun notices and takes my hand in his.

"Oh sweetie I have moved with the times it's ok, now go freshen up and join us in an hour for dinner" she walks off leaving me frozen to the spot.

"Chanyeol"  baekhyun shakes me making me look at him. 

"We ...we...can't sleep in the same room....we ...are.." he puts his hand over my mouth and looks around.

"Shhh someone will hear you, get inside" he pushes open the door as we drag in the bags before closing the door.

"We can't sleep in here, we hardly know eachother" I fall on my bed removing my glasses to rub my eyes

"Chanyeol for them to think we are together we need to act like it, we have done so well so far" baekhyun sits at my old desk looking towards me

"I guess your right, but the bed thing" I turn to look at my double bed and wonder where he will sleep.

"I'm gonna go for a shower I need time to think" I walk into my ensuite bathroom and turn on the shower as he unpacks his bags. 

Stepping in I totally forgot my wash stuff as I hate the rich smelling perfume stuff my mum always tried to get me to use thats sitting in the corner of the shower.

"Baekhyun" I shout out around the  glass shower door as he enters the bathroom with his shirt wide open making me close my eyes and try cover myself. 

"Whats wrong?"

"I forgot my wash bag can you get it for me please it's in my case". 

"Which case there is four of them" he laughs as I try hide myself more. 

"The only case with a yellow sticker on it" I shout back as I wait. 

I hear his foot steps return as he puts his hands around the glass door "here you go channie" he calls in a cute voice. 

"I don't really like that name" I shout back as he playfully replies "oh sorry baby".

"I love the cute names you guys have" I hear yooras voice say from outside the bathroom making me freeze 'shit we could have been caught no wonder he was being like that' I think to myself as I hurry washing and put on a towel around my waist then one around my upper body to hide myself. oh crap I can't hide myself from baekhyun he is suppose to be my man after all. I remove the towel from my upper body take a deep breath and head in to see what she wants.

Walking into the bedroom I see baekhyun still dressed with his shirt wide open sitting on the bed talking to an excited yoora.

"What are you doing in here sis?, we are trying to get ready" I dry my hair with a smaller towel as baekhyun looks at me trying not to laugh as I try act normal like he has seen me like this a hundred times being my boyfriend and all.

"I wanted to catch up, plus have you been working out" she smiles while looking me up and down making me more embrassed then I already am.

"No I haven't now can you please leave" I beg her to leave as I just want to cover myself and hide in a hole somewhere.

"You where never this fit before" she teases me like a sister would her younger brother. 

"Awww you have my man blushing now" baekhyun joins in on the teasing while watching us knowing full well I'm dying.

"Maybe work out more, I have these books on what food to eat and what ones not too" she teases more. 

"Baby don't mind her you look great just the way you are" baekhyun reaches my side and runs his hand down my torso before kissing my cheek and walking into the bathroom to have a shower.

"Omg you guys are so cute" she shrieks. 

I grab her arm and move her towards the door pushing her out before  closing the door behind her "We can talk later" I say through the door. 

"Aww ok love birds I can take a hint, see you soon hurry up~" I listen as she walks away. 

"Damn that was close" I hurry into the bathroom after him as I open the shower door to see him standing there washing himself. 

"What the hell was that all about?" I question him as he turns around to face me. 

"Damn it at least cover yourself" I turn away as he laughs " I'm having a shower you opened the door". 

"Ok but why did you kiss me and touch me like that, that wasn't in the plan" I sit on the lid of the toilet hiding my eyes as he continues to wash. 

"Listen chanyeol I know what I'm doing ok your sister would have seen right through you if we didn't have some interaction, plus she just burst in the door after she knocked what was I suppose to do?". 

I hear the water turn off as I open my eyes to see him standing outside the shower wiping his face with the towel as it just covers his private parts before wrapping it around his waist.

"Ok I guess your right, but I wasn't expecting it that's all I'm not use to PDA" I walk back into the room to get some clothes. 

"Well I'm sorry but if you want this to work chanyeol and make this guy jealous then give him something to be jealous of, hold my hand now and again, I'll kiss your cheeks ok nothing more, but if you want more then that as in sex I charge extra for that~" he smiles a cheeky smile before grabbing some clothes and turning to head back into the bathroom to get dressed.

'More money for what, sex oh god what am I getting myself into'



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