House of Anubis: Reunion

By shadowspider

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~ warning: this is actually cringy writing of fetus me so..~ Everyone in the Anubis house graduated and went... More

House of Anubis: Reunion!
Summer House
The Secret is Out
Sibuna Meets Again
Make and Renew
The Secrets Lie Beneath
The Big Truth Can Sound Like a Lie
Going Somewhere but Nowhere
Reflections Arena
Im Back!!!
Oh, Jerome
Buried Alive
Author's Note
Amber's Arrival
Unexpected Arrival
Back in the Tunnels
The Host and the Parasite
Keeping Them Separate
Flute of the Snake Charmer
Use of the Flute
Escaping the Room
The Bond
Going Out
Return to Anubis
Finding Joy
News Spread
Author's Note #2
Talk About It
New Caretaker
Up in the Attic
Author's Note #3
Close Call
The Caretaker's Office
Truth Be Told
Problems All Around
Face to Face
Carnival Part 2
Set's Plot
False Note
Sibuna Meeting
Search Parties
Three Days Prior
Set the World on Fire part 1
Set the World on Fire part 2
Set the World on Fire part 3
Set the World on Fire part 4
Author's Note
Author's Note(much, much later)
It's Acually Here!

Set the World on Fire part 5

1.1K 54 2
By shadowspider

Mara, Patricia, and Amber went through the tunnels, making turn after turn, feeling more and more lost along the way. But they're spirits perked up when they heard two voices chatting. It was KT and Mick's. They went towards the sound, finding both of them right around the corner.

"Hey!" KT greeted, glad to see them.

"Hi," Mara smiled. "We're looking for Willow and Joy. Fabian is safe out of the tunnels."

"Ok. Let's get looking," Mick said.

They continued on, and when they heard Willow and Joy talking, they were overjoyed. The five of them hurried towards the voices, their spirits slightly bending as they came to a dead end, voices right on the other side.

"Willow? Joy?" KT called out.

"KT!" Joy shouted back.

"Hey. I'm here with Mara, Patricia, Mick, and Amber!"

"What abut Fabes?"

"He's safe!"

"Good! So, how do we get to where you are?" Joy asked.


"Let me try something," Mara suddenly said.

She approached the wall that separated them, placing the tip of her fingers on it. For a moment, nothing happened, but miraculously, a purple stream of light came from each finger, going to the perimeter of the wall, and it slid open.

"Way to go, Mara," Amber complimented.

They turned back around, and every tunnel that needed to open, opened for Mara. Instead of having to touch it over and over again, she could do it just with willpower now. They made their way back to the main part of the cellar where they found Fabian.

"Why aren't you above ground?" Patricia asked.

"The door won't budge."

The others turned to Mara, hoping she could do something.


When Set's hands connected with Eddie and Nina, a bright flash appeared, and the three of them landed in on cold stone that was smooth and black. The entire room was dark until candles that wrapped around all the way up to the top of the tower lit up. The top of the tower had a circular opening, matching the shape of the room. There were five ground level windows which Eddie and Nina both looked out of, seeing sand stretch for miles.

"Where are we?" Eddie asked, turning back towards Set.

"The Tower of Demise," Set replied, knowing the place all too well from ancient times. "No one's leaving this place until someone dies."

Set raised his hands, and shot a wave of smoke and fire towards Eddie and Nina.


Mara placed her hand on the doorknob; it was very cold to her for some reason. She tried focusing on opening the door, but this wasn't coming as easy to her as the tunnels did.

"Is it working?" Mick whispered.

"Please, let me concentrate," Mara ordered.


Mara realized she couldn't get through up close.

"Ok, everyone back up."

"What're you doing?" Fabian questioned.

"Blasting the door down."

Mara stepped down a few steps, still facing the door. She held out her hand, and purple light busted from it, towards the door, blowing it out of the doorway as well as shattering the wood into a bunch of pieces.

Everyone exited the cellar, but thy stopped when they saw something at the stairwell.

It was the silhouette of Nina, Eddie, and Jerome, and their hands were clasped over eachother's. The silhouettes were frozen in place as well.

"What's that about?" Patricia asked.

"I'm finding out," Mara declared, showing everyone more bravery than ever.

She placed her hand where the silhouttes' hands were.


Mara landed on the cold stone int the midst of the battle between Eddie, Nina, and Set. She stood up, and Eddie immediately dived towards her, knocking her out the way of a bolt from Set's hand.

"Thanks," Mara told him.

"Yeah," Eddie responded.

Nina's locket suddenly shot a red beam of light at Set which he deflected at the last moment. Her locket was growing brighter and brighter, warmer and warmer. Eddie said he felt the crown on his head growing warmer as well, and Mara acknowledged that it was glowing brighter.

Nina and Eddie felt something grow stronger inside them, and even though Mara didn't have an accessory to wear, she felt herself get stronger as well.

A huge ball of purple light grew in Mara's palm, and she threw it at Set while a gold beam came from Eddie's hand, and a red bolt from Nina. He couldn't deflect any of them, and he was tossed backwards.

"Wait. Are we hurting Jerome?" Mara asked.

"We can't worry about that right now. Everything should be fine," Nina replied.

Set staggered up. He raised his hands, and the two windows behind him bursted inward, as he caused sand to swarm inside, right behind him. He aimed it at Nina, Eddie, and Mara, but three ghost-like people appeared with shields, deflecting the sand, and causing it to wisp away into nothingness. When they stood up straight, they were much larger than a person. Eddie saw that the one right in front of him wore the same crown he did.

"Osiris," Eddie whispered.

Osiris, god of the afterlife, looked back for just a moment, winking at Eddie.

"The gods are always with you," Eddie smiled, reiterating the words he saw in the closet at the summer house. It was a while ago, but he hadn't forgotten it.

Right after he said that, ghost-like gods appeared behind Nina, Eddie, and Mara as well. Nina recognized Amneris immediately. The three focused back forward, realizing the other gods before them were Isis and Horus.

"If we're to defeat him together, maybe we should be in contact with eachother," Mara suggested.

Nina got in between Eddie and Mara, considering she was the bridge, and they all grabbed hands. Their hands were locked together, and Nina's entire body glowed red, as it spread to Eddie and Mara, Eddie glowing orange(red and yellow), and Mara glowing magenta(red and purple).

Eddie and Mara's free hand produced a bright orb that grew bigger and brighter. They reflected off Set's eyes, and he backed up into the wall.

"No. I won't let it end like this," Set told himself.

He grounded himself firmly, and held out his hands, an orb growing as well. The orbs in Eddie and Mara's hand shot towards Set as a beam, and half a second later, a beam shot from Set's hands. The streams crossed, and as moments passed, Set's stream was being overpowered. It was overpowered to the point where it was right at his face. He struggled to fight back, and suddenly, he was officially done for, and everything ended in an explosion of light.


"I wonder what's happening," Amber swallowed.

"Something big probably," Patricia commented.

Suddenly, Eddie, Nina, and Mara appeared where their silhouettes were, dropping to the ground in a limp fashion. Patricia immediately raced to Eddie, and Fabian went to Nina. Fabian knelt beside her, holding her up in his arms. Nina's eyes opened, and tears became coming from her eyes.

"Are you alright?" Fabian asked.

"It's over, Fabian. It's over," she sniffled, her tears being tears of joy.

Fabian and Nina kissed right there in celebration.

A few moments later, Jerome appeared in his silhouette, and dropped to ground limply as well. He looked weaker all of a sudden, as if energy and strength has been drained from him. He was skinnier and bonier, all from the affect of Set possessing him. Joy went to him, getting on her knees and placing his head in her lap.

"Jerome," Joy squeaked, a single tear falling from her eye. "Jerome, wake up. Jerome, please wake up."

Jerome's eyes flickered open, and he made a harsh breath.

"Joy," Jerome breathed.

"Jerome," Joy smiled, tears draining down her cheeks.



"Everything hurts." Jerome laughed after that anyway, glad to be alive.

Over where Patricia and Eddie were, Eddie suddenly rose to his feet. He looked at Alfie's body and his dad's body. He went to Alfie first for the sake of Willow, preparing to do something, but a ghost-like figurine appeared once more right before him, and he noticed it was Osiris again. His ghost-like appearance gradually became opaque until he was completely there, and everyone could see him clearly.

"You have not failed me Osirion. But I'll take it from here."

A staff appeared in his hand, and he used the tip to touch Alfie's chest and then Mr. Sweet's chest. He then turned to everyone else and smiled upon them.

"Thank you. Thank you all. I suppose I should have Anubis repair this house. It is his after all." Osiris gazed upward and called, "Anubis!"

Beside him, a jackal headed god appeared with a staff in his hand as well. He bowed to everyone and then waved his staff, fixing everything in the house from the tunnels below, to the cellar door, to where the house had crumbled. Osiris farewelled them and him and Anubis were off.

Mr. Sweet and Alfie woke up right when they left, and Willow zoomed over to Alfie. Eddie helped his dad up.

"What happened?" Mr. Sweet asked, looking around. "And what're all you doing here? And where you wearing a crown, Edison?"

Eddie just hugged his dad, and Mr. Sweet awkwardly hugged back. As Eddie squeezed his father tight, tears began coming from his eyes.


Yay! Mr. Sweet and Alfie are back, and Set has been defeated! And Jerome is safe! But, the story is not over yet, so hang in there!

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