Blackout - JIN FF

By cloutmyg

21K 645 74

y/n was a simple girl, nothing special at all really. Her big sister, Yeji, was always the star of the show... More

The Bachelorette
The Morning After
The Plan
First Dance
Honey, I'm Home..
(21+) Saving You For A Rainy Day..


1.9K 59 9
By cloutmyg

Chapter 6-

It had been a few weeks since we had both agreed to give things as a married couple a try, and I had to admit that I really did enjoy the finer things in life, which was definitely something Jin was willing to provide. However, it had become difficult to get closer to him as he was hardly ever at the house and that was the one place i never happened to leave, i was bored out of my mind and in major need of some distraction, I was definitely more of the needy type. I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere in the relationship and it shouldn't have bothered me but it did, the women at his club were gorgeous supermodels and me? I was a literal couch potato, sitting in a penthouse suite stuffing popcorn down my throat and watching the newest season of Rupauls Drag Race for about the eightieth time in a row.

I had to keep him interested, so that's when I decided to call him and ask him could we go on an actual date, something we hadn't actually done before. The phone hums for a good 10 seconds before he finally picks up "Yeah?" He says, sounding a little stressed "Well hello to you too jin" "Oh, y/n. It's can I help you?" I'm a little hurt that he wasn't exactly ecstatic to know it was me on the other end of the phone "were you expecting someone else? know what? forget i called." I go to end the call but he stops me just before I press the button "wait! I'm sorry..I'm just, stressed. There's a lot of things going on at work, I hope you can understand" "it's fine I get it, you're too busy for someone like me. We can just talk later, it's cool." I sigh as I go to cut him off again but he says "it's not that I don't wanna talk y/n, I do, I really do. Please tell me whatever is on your mind, I wanna listen, like a good husband should." I could hear the squeaking of a leather chair on the other end suggesting he'd actually leant back in order to listen to me, so I decided I should just ask him, what did I really have to lose? Just 5 million dollars I guess.. "I think we should go on a date." "A date?" He replies, his tone bending from a low to high pitch in surprise, "yes a date. You said you wanted to try but I don't see you making much of an effort so I guess I'm gonna have to wear the pants in this relationship." I hear him laugh lightly and i tut a little as I manage to finish "so do want to? Or am I spending yet another night alone watching tv." "Okay it's a date. I'll pick you up in thirty. I have to think of an excuse to leave early, see you soon, wifey." "Okay first of all, wifey? don't call me that again unless you want me to projectile vomit all over your brand new tailored suit. Second of all, make it twenty, the sooner we get there the sooner we can come home." His voice becomes suggestive "and why would you wanna be home earlier huh?" "Oh shut up Seokjin." An awkward silence ensues when I can't seem to come up with a good enough comeback "I'm hanging up now bye" before I cut it off I hear him laughing at me which has to be a good sign right? We were on friendly terms at this stage but tonight was the night I'd crank it up a notch.

I took a quick shower and decided to do light makeup with a burgundy lip and curl my hair at the ends, overall it was a sexy yet classy look. I got a text from Jin reading 'im outside' but a classy lady such as myself wouldn't settle for anything but the best and just because I was his wife doesn't mean I was gonna be that easy on a first date, I expected to be treated like the queen I am 'oh I don't think so honey, gentlemen collect their women from the door, get your ass up here.' I see that he's read my message and decided to not reply so I simply sit on the couch and wait for him to come up and get me patiently. A few minutes later I hear the card click in the door and footsteps walking in on the marble tiled floor. "Hurry up lets go I've made reservations and we're gonna be late because you're being petty. This is on short notice and it was hard enough to get the table nevermind b- wow." I stand up off the sofa and turn around to face him, his mouth was slightly open and his doe eyes looked glossier than ever in his all black suit, he looked possibly the sexiest id ever seen him, there's just something about men in suits that really keeps me up at night. "You look...beautiful y/n." I walk towards him and all that can be heard is the echo of my heels against the tiled flooring throughout the penthouse "you don't look so bad yourself handsome." I grin at him and he says "you know they actually call me worldwide handsome where I'm from." I couldn't help but laugh "and who could 'they' possibly be huh? your mom?" "actually.. my grandma. close though" I smile at him as he gestures me towards the door and I grab my purse on the counter beside me as we walk to the door "if you're worldwide handsome then what does that make me?" As he holds the door for me and I look over my shoulder at him he almost whispers "worldwide... mesmerising.." I blush a little before I decide to change the subject "good one... worldwide funny guy!" I walk to the elevator and he presses the button leading us to the ground floor, as the lift descended I learnt about his family for the first time, his mother had been a beauty queen and he had took the place of his father in all his business affairs, he also had a sibling and enjoyed cooking, I even came to find out his favourite colour was actually pink when all along I thought it had been black.

We went to a really fancy restaurant that knew him by name and we even had our own private area, once we sat down I asked jokingly "I bet you bring all your dates here huh?" As he takes his seat he says "actually no, I have a no dating policy. This is my first." My eyes widen as I look up at him "your first date?! Like, ever?" He nods his head as the waiter comes over to take our order and pour the champagne. "I'd describe myself as the one night stand kinda guy, the guy you'd wake up in the morning and I'd be gone. I don't open up to a lot of people, I'm actually surprised I'm this open with you, you must be something special." I squint my eyes and say "suree.." that's when the waiter takes out his notepad ready to write our orders down, I opened my mouth to speak but before I had the chance Jin had already started ordering "she'll have the caesar salad for starters, the chicken strips with side salad and extra fries.. also a side of wild buffalo wings and we'll decide on dessert when it comes around. As for me I'll have the wings to start and salmon with steamed vegetables and baby potatoes for the main" he slaps the menu shut and hands it to the waiter as he bows and goes off to the kitchen. "How did you know exactly what I wanted?" I ask, "I pay attention at home. I always see you ordering your fried chicken and fries you can't fool me, I don't know how on earth you still have a body like that, it amazes me." I cant help but blush, he's admired my body? what else does he know about me? We ate our food and continued talking for hours, the restaurant had began their cleanup and we were still rambling about our lives that just happened to be the complete opposite of one another, he was born into money and was supposed to marry a wealthy emperors daughter but he joked that she had the most irritating laugh so he refused to put up with it for the rest of his life. He was really charming, and once we left we decided to walk back home as it was only a few blocks and it wasn't too cold out. When he was nice he was really nice, and he was the first man to ever give me butterflies, it was hard to suppress my ever growing attraction towards him, imagine falling for your own husband? how absurd would that be? We sat on a street bench and decided just to chill and talk for a while, "so y/n, you still don't remember anything from that night huh?" I shake my head side to side "not a thing. How about you?" He sits back a little, and my eyes are somehow drawn to his crotch as I see him extend his long legs, his tailored trousers were tight, and that was not safe for the feelings I was trying to rid myself of. "I may remember a little more than I told you about.." I turn my body around a little to face him "you what?! Jin! Please tell me!" I whine as he purses his lips making his cheeks look unbelievably squishy and soft, slowly melting my tough exterior to that of a mushy puddle of affection. "Please Jin! I wanna remember us.." "well I don't remember everything, but I do remember after we got married. It was around 4 or 5am I think? Because the drink was starting to wear off and the sun was starting to rise, I took you up to the rooftop of Caesars Palace so you could see the city, we sat there and watched it glow and you leant on my shoulder." I suddenly thought it was a good idea to reenact the scene so I sat back on the bench and rested my head on his broad shoulder and said "mmhmm, continue.." "we lay like that for a while and we just talked about nonsense, I told you a secret of mine that I'd never told anyone before, then.."
"then?" I ask as I raise my head to look into his eyes "then you did that..we met eyes just like this, and I...well I," I leant in a little closer to his face, our noses almost touching but not quite "what did you do jin?" "I k-" that's when his phone began buzzing in his pocket and I close my eyes to exhale a heavy sigh. "If it's important you should take it" I say as happily as I can come across, "it actually is, stay here one second." He stands up and walks a few metres away to take the call and I sit there contemplating what I thought I was doing. Was I doing this for the money still? I cant believe I got myself into this mess. There's no way this could ever work in the real world, or could it? Maybe I'm going crazy altogether...what am I thinking! Focus y/n, you're doing this for your future, not a silly short lived romance, this is serious, get it together. That's when jin comes back and says "y/n, I'm so sorry but I just got a business call and it's really important. I have to go back to work. I'll call the driver to pick us up and leave you back home while I sort this mess out, is that okay?" I stand up and straighten out my dress, "Yeah that's fine! No problem." As we wait for the car to arrive we stand by the sidewalk and I start to shiver a little due to the fact i was wearing nothing but a red dress, that's when I felt something being draped over my shoulders and I look up to see jin had wrapped his suit jacket around me, leaving himself in nothing but a white blouse that had a few buttons undone exposing his godly shoulders and beautifully structured collar bones. "Thank you.." I say kindly as he replies "it's nothing, really." That's when the black car pulls up and he opens the door for me to get in. The car ride was pretty silent, I think we were both revisiting the nights events and thinking about where to take things from here. We pull up outside and as I go to hop out I remember to give him his jacket back but he says "keep it, you need it more than I do." "Hey, now what kind of wife would I be if I let my husband go outside without a jacket on a night like this? Take it, I want to keep my good rep." I joke as he takes the jacket I handed to him and throws it on smiling at me. I close the car door and run inside and up to the suite as fast as I could, I took my heels off because my feet were killing me so I could barely even feel my toes as I ran to the elevator and into the suite. I threw my bag and shoes to the side and plonked myself down on the couch exuding a deep exhale. I turned on the tv but there was nothing to watch at 1 in the morning. I walked to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror, 'I actually clean up pretty nice' I thought to myself, then Jin popped into my head again. He hadn't been leaving my mind recently and I didn't really know how to deal with it. Usually I'd just go to sleep and forget but tonight the curiosity took over me and I wanted to know what he was doing. If I went down to the club and seen him having a private dance or something I'd be so damn infuriated, that's when I made the decision to go to the club. I didn't care about shoes or anything I literally just grabbed my purse with my keycard and ran out the door. I hailed a cab and the next thing I knew I was on my way to see Seokjin.

Once I pulled up outside I could already hear music pumping through the speakers so loud the building almost vibrated, it brought back memories I'd much rather forget, I was a whole mess the last time I stepped foot in this place. The bouncers let me in no problem because I was an attractive enough girl and I looked like I'd been drinking due to the fact I didn't have any footwear on. I walk into the club and I suddenly recognise everything, the dance floor, the bar, the private area, then, I see the office he'd come out of the night we met and I make a beeline straight to it. I fling open the door and I'm shocked to see approximately 10 men gathered around jins desk with briefcases stacked to the brim with cases of white powder sealed with duct tape. My eyes widen as I take a few steps back and attempt to run out of the building as fast as I could, before I even got to the exit Tony grabbed me and carried me back into the office, sitting me down on a black wooden chair and zip tying my hands behind it. That's when seokjin sends all the men out of the room and pulls up a chair in front of me and taking a seat. "Well, I guess we need to talk."

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