twdg characters x reader ones...

By skyswritingg

101K 1.3K 515

Message me for requests💓 I write twdg fics for s3 and s4 characters More

(Marlon x reader) Birthday!?pt.1
(Marlon x reader) Birthday!? pt.2
(Marlon x reader) Birthday!?pt.3
(Mitch x reader)
Hi (few) readers❤❤
Poor Louis❤❤😩😭
Update :))
Clouis hcs💓😩
Snow day❄❄
Aasim x reader
Thank you so much!
Louis x reader💓
Louis x reader
Hi guys:))
Snow day!! (again)
Just wondering...
Shane Dawson?
some rules for requests:))
Mitch x reader hcs
Louis x reader :))
My current requests list
bad high?
Requests are closed
Aasimxreader fluffy hcs
new idea?
Hi babes😘
Mitch x reader-summer heat
AHHHHHHHH😢👀😭 Ep 4 broke meeeeee
another horrible storytime to warn the youngins😭
I TOOK MY EXAMMM😰😰 anddd im sorta sad🤭


2.8K 59 14
By skyswritingg

Okayyyy so this is my first fic that has Vi in it primarily and ima try really hard to get her personality right. I've been watching the romance scenes Clem and her to see what she's like in a relationship. So hopefully it's good enough🤞🏻
Also, I'm lowkey shocked I've never written a xreader with any of the twdg girls. I thought my bi ass would have already done this😂 anyway I really hope ya'll like this:))

Fishing kicked my ass today, especially with the absence of Violet. She was really the only thing that made my day worth while.
Which was why I couldn't help but grin when I glanced up the wall and saw Vi lying there.
Back pressed into the top of the brick wall, hand draped lazily over her eyes that were fluttered shut. The breeze gently gostled Vi's hair as the sun cast golden rays over her milky skin. A camopy of overgrown trees above her altared the light, causing little patterns to form over her cheeks. Pure relaxation was the only feeling I gaged while peering at her.
"Hey, Vi. Snoozin up there?", I called out as I reached the base of the wall. She pushed her body weight up to rest on her elbows, a smile peaking at the corners of her mouth. She forced her lips back into a neutral position, I still noticed the momentary endearing gesture.  "Maybe", her voice sounded playful with a tinge of fabricated annoyance. "Well, I guess I'll have to come up there an-", our flirtatious conversation was interrupted by Louis calling everyone to dinner.
Vi groaned and climbed about halfway down the wall before jumping the rest of the way down. The sudden force of her weight slammed onto the ground, forcing mud from under her boots to splash all over me.
"Violettt", I drew out the end of her name so she knew I wasn't happy. Without hesitation this time, she chuckled while looking me up and down. This brought me back down to earth, how could I stay mad? So, I just wiped off the areas on my skin where the wet dirt hit and put it behind me. That was sort of hilarious.
With that we walked to dinner. Her narrow shoulder bumping into mine as we both complained about the day we had. That was our favorite thing to do, venting really is so freeing. Particularly, when you share your inner thoughts with someone who really gets you. Like me and Vi. We just get each other.

Our final meal of the day was over quickly. It seemed everyone was starved from yet another day of survival.
My food was finished, while Vi had barely taken 2 bites. She always ate slow.
"You gonna finish that?", I joked pointing to her full dish. She pulled the dish into her chest, "yes, y/n. I am going to finish my food".
Again she hit me with that flirtatiously annoyed tone..I hated how smooth she was, without even knowing it. I was practically shitting bricks everytime we made eye contact.
Apparently other people had noticed my change in confidence too. Louis hadn't stopped pestering me every moment Violet was away. I don't get how he just knows. I will say that Louis has a shockingly accurate gift of reading people.
Tenn was showing Vi and I his latest artwork. I complimented every single one, he was so good for his age. Tenn's childish drawings gave me hope that maybe this world still contained a fragment of innocence.

"Vi, y/n! It's time", Louis invited us over to the couches. Groaning we rose to our feet and sludge over to the group. I plopped down by Mitch with Violet next to me. Our knees and elbows touched lightly. I sensed that Vi felt this contact too. Neither of us moved.
"What game are we playin today, Lou?", Marlon questioned. "Truth or dare", Louis replied with a hint of excitement in his voice.
The moment he pulled out the cards  Ruby scoffed, "goodnight". She never was one for card games. The group chuckled at Ruby as she strode away.
"Well, let's get started then", Louis passed around the deck of cards. The cards made their way around the small gathering, everyone flipping theirs over to see the number.
When the thinning stack reached Vi she took her designated card and handed it over. Our fingers grazed for longer than they probably should have, her warmth spreading to me. My breath hitched and blood filled my cheeks before I could rid myself of that feeling that Vi always gave me.
I heard Louis chuckle from his seat. Vi glared at him when she realized we were the spectacle he was so entertained by. 

The game continued on for many rounds until everyone was looking less than amused.
Louis scanned the group and frowned. "Last round?", he questioned. There was collective agreement throughout the group as the cards made there was around.
A three? Really? I've definitely received the lowest card.
My deep sign sparked Violet's interest. Her head peaked over my shoulder, sandy hair brushing my neck.
"That's rough", she whispered, "I'm starting to think this is rigged". Her little finger pointed to Louis, who was celebrating another win. "Me too", we both chuckled.
Louis intercepted our moment. "Don't get too distracted,y/n. I believe you have the lowest card. Am I right?"
I glared at Louis. Mitch looked over my shoulder and winced, "you're not wrong". I playfully punched my friend in the arm and readied myself for the invasive question Louis was cooking up.
"Y/n", he smirked,"I dare you to kiss the person directly to your left". My neck snapped to my side, Violet sat there. She looked flustered.
"I-uhm...Vi?", I was squirming. It wasn't like I didn't want this, I definitely had a blooming crush on her. Despite this unbearable desire, I would never kiss anyone without their permission. Dare or not.
Vi gave Louis a look that said it all. Mitch was on the edge of his seat. He would never admit it, but he loved this stuff just as much as Louis.
Then, Vi pushed herself off of the coach and slumped off. I heard Marlon gasp instinctively and then cover his mouth.
My eyes were as wide as saucers. Usually, Violet was the person to say 'a dare is a dare', but she just-ran away.
She really has no feelings for me. Nothing, at all. Was she faking the giggles? Does force herself awake to watch the stars with anyone? Hug anyone? Tell anyone her hardest memories?
Am I really so insignificant? I pray not.

Once the shock value of our soap opera esque moment had worn away, the group started to disperse. All looking at me with pity, but not the kind you want. More like they were all thinking 'fuck I'm glad I'm not y/n right now', as they tiptoed past me.
Louis placed his hand on my back as he walked past me to presumably go to bed and wallow in secondhand embarrassment.
I knew he didn't cause this purposefully. Louis is a great person, he has his downfalls. I do know that he cares for every person he meets, probably too much for his own good.

My mind wished to punish me more because the only vision in my brain was Violet's sheepish face as she stumbled into the distance.
I knew where she went. We always go there together, I guess not this time.
My legs forced me off the the musty couch and made their way to the tower. The place burned to be. The place with her.

-okay so I might do a pt.2 but it honestly depends on how this one does
Oh and I will proof read this is the future I gotta study now ahhh

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