Mafia Queen

By Evaporare

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Lana Ice agreed to become mafia queen. She is pregnant and she is going crazy, not being able to fight. So sh... More



130 10 0
By Evaporare

Lana's POV
Well. I would say I'm fine, but not. Mentally at least. A little of physical.

The physical way, is because, I have wounds from being cut with a knife or a bruised up busted face.

The mental way, is because, I have to watch the repeated rounds of them torturing my half sister and half brother. They are twins and nine years old.

I've been here for five months now. I'm six months pregnant. They said my babies are doing fine. I just wanna leave.

Wait, chains have me in a chair. There is guns on the wall. Why haven't I thought of this five months ago.
End of POV

Lewis's POV
Me- anything

Everyone shook there heads no. It's been five months away from Lana. She is six months pregnant. I barely sleep and eat.

Lee- son. You need to get some sleep.

Me- I cant. Not without Lana and knowing Lana isn't safe.

Lee- if we have to we will drug you to help you sleep. And we will put a feeding tube in you too. Your making your dad worried.

I rolled my eyes and went to Lana's room. Then I heard the front door open.
End of POV

Lana's POV
I used the tactics I learned the day Luna was training me, but I already knew how to do it. The chains dropped and I got up.

I stretched hearing bones pop. Eww. I walked to the wall and took the vest and put it on. Hey, no judging. I'm six months pregnant.

I grabbed a waistband and put guns and knives in it. Then I opened the door and slowly crept out. I saw my half twin siblings in the cell across from me.

There eyes went wide but then they smiled. I promised I'd save them. They are Luna's kids. They were kidnapped from Luna. At the age of five.

I peeked around the wall and saw three guards. I put the silencer piece on the gun and shot them all in the head. I looked the other way and saw nothing. I walked over to there cell and opened it.

Leah got up and helped up Leo up. Leo gets the worse. He always takes it for Leah. I picked him up.

Me- we have to be silent. Don't scream when I shoot people. Leah your going to walk closely to me. But behind me. Don't ever get in front of me because I have to make sure the coast is clear. I'm going to take you both home. It's my job to protect you both. I'm sorry you both got hurt

Leo- it's not your fault
He whispered

Me- is to. Now shush. We gotta get out of this hell hole.

They nodded in agreement. I slowly peeked my head around the corner and looked both way. Clear. I walked down the long hallway and looked around the corner. Four guards plus the bastard. Shoot. Kill. Shoot. Kill. Shoot. Kill. Shoot. Kill. Shoot. Kill.

All of them are dead. I reloaded my gun and then started walking. He has a really small gang to be honest. I just went through the whole building and they are dead.

I walked out the front door slowly and saw a line of six guards aiming there guns at the door. I did a quick move and shot them all. Dead.

I walked out and looked around for snipers. Nothing. I let my eyes adjust to the sun and we were soon off the property. This is actually pretty close to my dads and Lewis's home. I walked on my fathers property and kicked open the door.

Me- Honey. I'm home.

Everyone came running. Luna and my dad has tears in there eyes.

Me- they'll be alright. Just a bit of medical attention.

Luna- what took you so long to get out.

Me- well my pregnant brain of mine doesn't work well. Also...well. That's not important.

Leah- Logan. Lilly.
She yelled.

She hugged them both. I still had Leo.

Dad- so who had you and your sister and brother.

Me- go around the block and that warehouse in between the two mansions. That's where we were.

Dad- you weren't that far. We should have found you sooner. Did they feed you right.

Me- they didn't want to but one girl before they killed her came back to feed me extra food. Now. I'm going to shower. Logan take Leo and get him patched up. He has the worse amount of wounds because he was protecting Leah.

Dad- were you all in the same cell.

I looked down.

Leah- no. They made her watch through a camera. To mentally effect her. But, it hasn't. Right sissy.

Me- right.
I lied

Everyone besides my the twins that are young understood I was lying and gave me a sad look. I walked up stairs to my room. Lewis was on the floor groaning.

Me- woah. What happened here

He jumped up and threw his arms around me. Not caring I have a freakin huge stomach. He pulled back and went to kiss my lips but I covered my mouth.

Lewis- what.

Me- I want to refresh. I haven't showered or brushed my teeth in five months.

Lewis- sorry
He said sheepishly

Me- don't be.

I walked to the bathroom and stripped. I threw the clothes away and got under the water. Dirt and blood washing off me. I got up and shampooed and conditioned my hair. Then I scrubbed my body.

I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I brushed my teeth and then I opened the door and Lewis was leaning against it.

Me- Lew. What are you doing on the floor.

Lewis- to make sure no one came and took you.
He whispered.

Me- come here.

He got up and hugged me. I hugged back with one arm because the other is holding the towel. I pulled back and looked at him. I leaned it and placed a soft, gentle kiss on his lips. He kissed back instantly. I pulled back.

Me- I need to find clothes that will fit me.

Lewis chuckled. He came back with his sweatpants and a shirt. And a different sized underwear that is mine. And one of the bras that we bought. Sorry, I only went maternity underwear shopping. My butt has gotten big to be honest. I took the clothes and went back into the bathroom. I slipped on the underwear and grabbed a bra. I turned around to face the mirror.

Scars on my back from being whipped. I slipped on his shirt and sweatpants before walking out. He was sitting on the bed looking at the bathroom door. I walked over to him and kissed his head. He looked at me.

Lewis- I missed you so much.

Me- I missed you to Lewis. Lay down. I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm going to see how Luke, Logan, Lilly, Liam, Leah, Leo and the others are

Lewis- as in Leah and Leo Ice.

Me- yeah. He had them for four years.

Lewis- what did they do to you.
He whispered

Me- n-nothing

I walked out of the room down the stairs.

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