Nature Mage

By ToryoKoneko23

82.4K 2.2K 658

After some secrets are exposed the Namikaze family realizes that they have seriously mistreated a member of t... More

Rainbow with a Haunting
Thief and the Mage
Bloody Blossom
Bleeding Hearts
Dancing Hearts
Daimyo Dilemma
Costumes to Coconuts
Dark Visions
Bad Golem
A Lesson in Magic
Wild Fire
Birthday Bloodshed
Love Everlasting

Snake in the Grass

2.7K 87 1
By ToryoKoneko23

Last time:

Arashi announced that the exam will be postponed until everyone regains consciousness.


Minato was at his desk talking with Danzo about a possible development.

"So, Kurosaki-san had a vision during that intermission Anko caused?" Danzo asked who was a bit embarrassed that a Leaf ninja would behave in such a way, but it was Anko and there's no controlling her.

Minato nodded, "Yes, it was similar to the Star, Mouse, Toad and Snake vision I told you about, but with a few differences ... the snake and toad wore disguises to get around the forest undetected, the snake had the fur of a raccoon and the toad was wearing the wool of a sheep."

Danzo frowned, "The discovery of the Kazekage's body would explain the snake's disguise since Sand's demon vessel contains Shukaku ... so Orochimaru wants to hide as the Kazekage, but what does 'wool of a sheep' mean? Hmmm either way this means we should increase your security, hokage-sama ... oh, Sai informed me that you gave Kurosaki-san one of your kunais."

"Yes, but it's to signal Arashi and Anko, not me. If Orochimaru tries something or they need help Naruto can use the Hiraishin. The increase in security should be kept discreet, I don't want to alert Orochimaru." Danzo nodded and left Minato to his thoughts. Naruto's vision was far more clear this time. It showed that the little mouse never took an interest in the stars until it saw one fall from the sky, but it couldn't find it until a tree fell to the ground revealing the star that fell some time ago. Minato smiled as his fingers fiddled with his necklace. It was Mito's downfall that brought Naruto into Minato's sights.

"Be safe, Naruto." Whispered Minato as he looked out his window. He wanted more than anything to be the one who helps Naruto, but it would be too much of a give away if the hokage showed up instead of the proctors.


Once Arashi saw that everyone was conscious he announced the start of round 2, "Alright! Let's get the second round started, get to your gates and ... begin!" Everyone bolted through the gates and into the Forest of Death. "We finally got this damn test started ... what's wrong, Anko?"

The snake mistress huffed, "Nothing."

"Are you still mad that I sealed your shirt to you?" The only response he got was Anko sticking her tongue out at him.

The hokage's eldest son sighed, "Come on, Anko. We would have never gotten the test started if you stayed shirtless ... alright, I'm sorry, how about some dango?"

"YAY! All is forgiven!" Arashi rolled his eyes as the dango he gave Anko quickly vanished down into her gullet.


Sai, Naruto and Hinata stopped not far from a stream, "So how do we do this mission when we're dodging other teams?" Hinata asked.

Naruto thought a moment before saying, "I could make things easier by making golems that look like us."

The ROOT agent nodded, "Yeah, that might make things easier."

The magic user channeled some mana into the ground and three earth golems came up. He cast an illusion on them to make them look like Naruto, Sai and Hinata.

"Nice job, Naruto." Said Hinata as she examined her golem doppelgänger.

The Hinata look alike glanced at the real Hinata, "Not really, clearly my creator made my breasts nicer."

A tick mark appeared on Hinata's forehead, "Maybe, but he clearly screwed up your face."

"No darling, that's just how you look." said the golem with a smirk.

"YOU BITCH!" Hinata lunged at her golem and the cat fight began!

Naruto deadpanned, "Well ... I always wondered what would happen if Hinata met someone like herself, but this is extreme ... maybe it was a bad idea to make mental links with the golems."


Golem Hinata ripped Hinata's shirt revealing her breast making both Sai and his golem look alike pass out from nosebleeds.

"Yep, bad idea."  Naruto sighed and he dispelled the golems.

Hinata pulled herself up, "Hey, I wasn't done with that bitch!"

The magic user face faulted, "You realize you're insulting yourself, right?"

The Hyuga blinked, "Really? She was me? That explains why she had a great butt."

"Have you ever heard the word 'narcissist' before?" Naruto asked.

"Oh yeah, my therapist uses it all the time." Hinata shrugged.

Naruto facepalmed, "I'm not surprised."

The rest of the first day was uneventful except Naruto sensed that something was off with two teams. They decided to check both teams tomorrow.

(I wonder what Minato is doing now?) Thought the magic user as he and his team continued their mission.


Minato was in bed tossing and turning trying to sleep in the room he shared with Naruto. Sadly, he wasn't having any luck.

"It's no use." He sighed, he wasn't used to sleeping without Naruto, "I'm not letting him take any exams again." The blonde said as he buried his face into the pillow. He inhaled the magic user's scent and it brought vivid memories to his mind, like Naruto's smile, the warmth of his arms, his kiss and his touch ...

The blonde whimpered as the memory of those lustful starlit eyes crossed his mind making his body heat up and shake with pent up need. He couldn't stand it so he threw off his pajamas and blankets. With his naked body exposed he closed his eyes and imagined Naruto touching him.

"N-Naruto ahhh!" He moaned as he played with his nipples while remembering the feeling of that hot mouth on his skin. His back arched as he wrapped his hand around around his cock to pump the weeping erection.

His flushed body thrashed and bucked wildly, "Oooh Oooh N-Naruto ahh I-I n-need y-you!" He screamed as he slid three fingers into his tight, hot hole and began working towards his release.

Minato needed more so he pushed another finger in. He thrust his fingers into himself as he imagined the feeling of Naruto thick hard cock pounding into him as he stroked his own hard on with his other hand. It wasn't long before he felt his release coming, "Ahhhhh ahhh oh oh oh god N-Naruto I-I," he thrashed harder ... his toes curled ... his back arched off the bed and he screamed as he came hard splashing his cum onto himself.

He fell limp and was finally able to fall asleep ...


Early the next morning ...

"PERVERT!" *smack*

Naruto sighed as he watched Sai hold his cheek in pain and Hinata storm off, "I told you not to check on her."

Sai winced, "We have to get moving so I just wanted to tell her that. I didn't know she was changing."

"You're lucky she was almost done cause if you saw something again she would've castrated you." Naruto said seriously.

"But I didn't see anything so why did she hit me?" Asked a stumped ROOT agent.

The magic user held up a finger, "You went into her tent without asking." He held up another finger, "and she's still mad about yesterday."

The ROOT agent pouted, "That was her golem's fault not mine." Sai grumbled with a light blush.

"Move it you two. We have to check out the grass team and sand team before they make it to the tower." Yelled Hinata. The two young men followed their scary teammate ... and prayed she'd have a good day.

Hinata activated her Byakugan, "The Sand team is closer."

Naruto nodded, "Then it's Sand first."


Temari and Kankuro watched as their brother Gaara challenged a team from the village hidden in Rain, "Hey, Gaara, wouldn't it be smarter to observe these guys and see what scroll they have first. Then we can avoid an unnecessary battle." Kankuro reasoned.

The red head glared, "No, they're going to die."

The leader of the Rain team scoffed, "Go ahead and try!" He opened his umbrella and thousands of senbon needles flew towards the red head. The Rain nin assumed they won until the dust settled revealing a cocoon of sand protecting Gaara, "What the fuck!"

Kankuro smirked, "Gaara can control and harden the sand with his chakra. Most of it is involuntary so any attacks on him are doomed to fail,"

Gaara made a hand sign, "Sand Coffin" The sand on the ground came to life and wrapped around the Rain shinobi, "Let's make it rain blood." He said as he took one of the Rain ninjas umbrellas.

"No, wait don't! You can have our scroll! Don't kill us!" The captives screamed as the sand slowly crushed them.

The red head made another hand sign, "Sand Buria-"

"WATER WHALE!" A massive whale made out of water shot out of the ground and swallowed the Rain ninja. The sand holding the foreign shinobi became damp in the whale's stomach and fell away revealing some bad injuries. They would not be continuing the exam. Sai, Naruto and Hinata jumped down from the trees.

"Nice timing." Hinata said with a smirk.

Naruto nodded and told his whale to take the Rain ninja to the tower for treatment and as the water whale flew towards the tower he said, "I know killing is usually unavoidable in these exams, but there's no need to go around looking for someone to kill."

From inside Gaara Naruto heard a demon scream, "that brat took our kill! I WANT HIS BLOOD!"

Gaara grabbed his head in pain before glaring at Naruto, "Mother wants your blood." A wave of sand shot towards Naruto. The three leaf ninja jumped back out of the way and disappeared into the trees, but Gaara came after them. Gaara's sights locked on to Naruto again mere seconds later and his sand caught the white haired ninja's leg.

A cruel bloodthirsty grin stretched across the red head's face as he made a hand sign, "Sand Burial." The sand crushed Naruto's leg making the ninja scream in pain, "That's good prove my existence ..." His sentence trailed off when he saw something wrong ... there wasn't any blood!

*thud* The sand ninja spun around at the sound of his sand blocking something and saw that Naruto was behind him holding a pair of tri pronged weapons known as a sai, one of which was only inches from the red head's neck.

Naruto looked impressed, "Your sand is a great defense, but everything has a weakness." Naruto's channeled mana into his sais making them glow white with extreme heat. the sand holding back the sai melted into molten glass forcing Gaara to move if he wanted to avoid being killed.

The red haired Sand ninja stumbled back and watched in horror as Naruto sliced through each of his sand attacks like a hot knife through butter, "No, mother wants your blood. So you will die!"

Several tentacles of sand shot out of the ground and tried to grab Naruto, but they were too slow. Naruto slashed through two tentacles and charged towards Gaara.

"Water Orb!" a rush of water surrounded Gaara trapping him in a sphere of water just as his siblings arrived.

Temari paled when she saw her brother trapped and that his sand was useless in the water "GAARA! Let my brother go, you bastard!" She screamed as she grabbed her giant fan ready to kill Naruto.

Kankuro nodded, "Fuck the mission! Let him go!" He yelled as he revealed a humanoid puppet with three eyes that he was carrying wrapped in bandages on his back. The two older siblings charged forward as they saw Gaara fight for air.

Hinata dropped down out of hiding, "Air Palm." The shock wave from her hand sent Kankuro and his puppet flying as a large spider made out of ink grabbed Temari.

Gaara heard his older siblings yelling at him, telling him to hold on and stay calm, he couldn't believe it! After all the times he threatened them they were actually trying to save him.

"Would you idiots shut up!" Snapped the Hyuga heiress, "Naruto's 'Water Orb' is a medical sphere. It heals and restrains, but it does not kill. Hey, red! Calm down and breathe normally." Gaara had no choice, he couldn't hold his breath any more ... he took a breath and found fresh air rush into his lungs, not water.

Naruto sighed, "There you see, nothing to worry about."

"Fine ... what do you want? If it's our scroll then you can have it." Said a relieved Temari as the spider released her and Sai dropped down from his hiding place.

The magic user looked at Kankuro, "What did you mean by 'the mission'?"

"That's none of your business." The puppet user barked with a harsh glare.

"Dammit, that bastard's blood is mine! What kind of power is this? I'm the great Skukaku, I can't be restrained!" Gaara winced in pain as the demon continued shrieking.

"Gaara is a demon vessel, isn't he?" Naruto looked at the red head, "Your seal is very unstable and to answer your question Shukaku, the power I'm using is mental energy or mana. You know, Yoko told me some interesting things about you like an embarrassing story about you and your first cup of sake."


Gaara was equally shocked, "How can you hear mother?" The redhead asked through the sphere and that made his older siblings looked at Naruto with wide surprised eyes.

The magic user shrugged, "I'm good with spirits ... did you know that our hokage is a seal master? He could help you with that seal and that should help you sleep too."

Temari frowned, "In exchange for what?"

Naruto smiled, "He'll help for no reason, but it would help you guys in the long run if you were forthcoming about about this mission you're on before it gets bad... which scroll do you have?"

The hint was subtle, but it was enough. The Sand siblings realized that the Leaf ninja knew about the invasion, "Heaven." Said Kankuro.

Sai reached into his pouch and tossed Kankuro a scroll as Naruto released Gaara, "That's an earth scroll, now go to the tower ... oh, the hokage has some information that might change your mind about this mission you're on."


Hinata activated her Byakugan and looked in the direction of the blast, "We better go you guys." The Leaf nin took off towards the blast leave three Sand shinobi to make their way to the tower on their own.


"Sasuke, LOOK OUT!" Kiba yelled as a massive snake shot towards the Uchiha, but Sasuke wasn't fast enough. The huge snake's attack hit Sasuke and the genin landed with a painful thud on the branch of the colossal tree.

The grass nin on the snake's head charged towards the Uchiha, but was cut off by a swarm of insects as Shino dropped down next to his teammate, "You're far too strong to be a genin so who are you really and what do you want?" Shino asked.

The grass kunoichi gave an creepy chuckle and her voice changed, "My name is Orochimaru and as for what I want ..." the snake summon struck Shino and pinned him to a tree and Orochimaru's neck became elongated as his head shot towards the Uchiha.

The snake sage's mouth opened wide ... his canines turned into long sharp fangs ... he approached Sasuke's neck ...


Orochimaru's eyes widened as he felt his fangs snap when they came in contact with a metal object. The object was ... an arm? The snake sage jumped back and saw Naruto. The magic user's skin was gray and metallic.

As Hinata and Sai helped Kiba and Shino, Naruto turned to Sasuke, ''Hey, Sasuke, what's with the snake guy trying to give you a hickey? You know Choji may not seem like the jealous type, but he would be pissed if this guy got fresh with you." He teased as his skin changed back to it's regular tan skin.

Sasuke blushed, "That's not what's going on! That bastard Orochimaru tried to molest me!"

"I knew you were sick, but really, sensei, molesting genin? That's just wrong." The snake sage looked up and saw his former student, Anko, and Arashi glaring at him.

He was out numbered and he knew it so his snake summon attacked them while he made a run for it. Arashi and Anko were hot on the snake's heels. No one except his teammates saw Naruto slip a tri pronged kunai back into his pocket as two mice made of ink left Sai's paper to report to Danzo and Minato.


A mouse made of ink scurried into the hokage's office and collapsed onto a piece of paper. The ink created words that became Sai's report. Minato paled as he read Sai's latest report. It scared him to think that Naruto came so close to Orochimaru, but he was so relieved that his lover was ok and was continuing the exam.

Minato's secretary popped her head in, "Hokage-sama, there's someone here to see you."

"Send them in." Four people entered his office ...


"GOD DAMMIT ... I was so close to the Uchiha, SO FUCKING CLOSE!" Screamed Orochimaru as he entered a hideout on the outskirts of town.

Jiraiya glared, "Were you seen?"

"Yeah, but don't worry, they don't know anything." The snake sage grumbled as he nursed his jaw.

"Good ... it was still a bad idea to try and grab an Uchiha. You could've waited until we finished off the village," Said the toad sage.

Orochimaru shrugged, "I had to try ... so are the other things ready?"

A cruel smirk stretched across Jiraiya's face, "Yes, I just need to put them up." He gestures towards the table ...

There on the table was a very big stack of paper bombs ...

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