Nature Mage

By ToryoKoneko23

82.4K 2.2K 658

After some secrets are exposed the Namikaze family realizes that they have seriously mistreated a member of t... More

Rainbow with a Haunting
Thief and the Mage
Bloody Blossom
Bleeding Hearts
Dancing Hearts
Daimyo Dilemma
Costumes to Coconuts
Dark Visions
Bad Golem
Snake in the Grass
Wild Fire
Birthday Bloodshed
Love Everlasting

A Lesson in Magic

3.2K 95 7
By ToryoKoneko23

Last time:

Naruto looked at Minato and smiled. They didn't know what was going to happen, but no matter what they'd get through it together.


"So the exam for us will be different." Hinata said as she and Naruto headed to the building where the Chunin exam will take place.

Naruto nodded and adjusted his glasses, he was so used to being around Minato without them that he almost forgot to take them with him, "Yes, our job is to watch the other competitors and get information."

They saw someone outside the building wave at them, "Hey, I'm Sai, your replacement teammate ... you are both aware about this exam." He glanced at Hinata, he may have said 'both', but he really meant 'is she aware of the mission?'.

Hinata nodded, "Yeah, Naruto brought me up to speed."

The ROOT agent nodded, "Good, let's go in."

They entered the building and made their way up the stairs. The three ignored a group of genin who were tricked by a genjutsu and continued to the exam room. Kakashi nodded and let them pass as he gave them a subtle warning to be careful.

Hinata eyed her sensei and noticed something, "Hey, Naruto why is Kakashi hiding his book from you?"

"He doesn't want me to take it again." The magic user chuckled.

Hinata twitched, "You should and destroy it this time! ... and you're going to help!" She snapped while pointing threatenly at Sai.

Naruto and Sai nodded quickly trying to calm the scary crazy woman down, "I understand now why you prefer men." A startled Sai muttered under his breath as Hinata moved out of earshot. The mage snickered at the comment.

"Hey, man! Can you believe we have to do this. What a drag." Shikamaru grumbled as he and his teammates, Ino and Choji, came towards them.

"SWEET, we're all here!" yelled Kiba who was followed by Sasuke and Shino. Sasuke went over to Choji and gave him a quick kiss for luck.

A young man with blue hair and glasses came over to the group, "You guys should quiet down. You're making people nervous."

Everyone was actually glaring at the 9 genin, "Whatever. Who are you? Have you taken these exams before?" asked Kiba.

"I'm Kabuto and yes, this is my ... seventh time." Kabuto answered.

Kiba's jaw dropped, "Wow, you must be very unlucky or suck at this-OW!"

Sasuke reached out and twisted Kiba's ear, "Be nice, Kiba. These exams aren't supposed to be easy." The Uchiha scolded as the dog ninja rubbed his sore ear.

"Yes, well, one good thing about taking this exam so many times is that I collected a lot of data on other opponents. Want to see?" Kabuto offered.

Naruto watched as the ninja took out a deck of cards and proceeded to answer questions about other people in the room. He had a lot of information ... too much. Naruto glanced at Sai and the ROOT agent nodded in agreement ... Kabuto should be watched.

The proctor, Ibiki, entered the room, "Alright, shut up you maggots!"


Kushina watched her blonde childhood friend sit quietly on the couch clearly worried about his lover who was taking the exam now, "You don't have to worry, Minato. Naruto will be fine." Said the redhead who was trying to console her friend.

Minato sighed, "I know, but I can't help it." He looked out the window in the direction of the exam building.

She frowned and decided to try and change the subject, "Hey, Minato, what's this? It's pretty." Kushina said when she noticed that Minato was wearing a very pretty simple black choker necklace that had a flat circular green stone in a silver setting hanging from it.

The hokage smiled, "Naruto gave it to me after our fight."

Kushina's eyes widened, "You two had a fight! When?!"

"Last week. It was my fault. I said some hurtful things and made some threats to try and keep him from taking the exam ... it didn't go well." Minato said as he fiddled with the necklace.

"Tell me what happened." She said as she sat down next to him.


Minato saw Naruto training and just snapped, "You don't have to do this, Naruto. We can find another way, please don't take the Chunin Exams."

Naruto shook his head, "Minato, I'm taking the exam."

The blonde was desperate, "You don't have to play the hero."

"I am a ninja just like you Minato, I have every right to help protect my village even if it puts me at risk." The magic user said getting a little irritated about the subject.

"Then I'll cancel the exams." Minato threatened.

Naruto was shocked at what his lover was saying, "You have said you wanted to stop Orochimaru before and this is the perfect opportunity get him. Plus, you can't stop it now with most of participants almost here."

"Then I'll have you removed from the ninja registry. It wouldn't be a stretch to remove someone who's so weak that they can't even use chakra ..." Minato's eyes widened, he didn't even realize what he said until it was too late, "Naruto I didn't-"

"Is that what you really think, Minato?" The blonde flinched as he saw Naruto's eyes turn cold, "Why don't I show how weak mana is ... come on, Minato, fight me."


They curled up in bed together "I love-"

Flashback rudely interrupted by whack to the head

"OW! Kushina, why did you hit me?" The pouting blonde whined as he rubbed his head.

"You're not getting away with a half assed flashback! Do a proper flashback that includes the makeup too!" yelled the red headed woman.

Minato blushed, "NO WAY!"

"Yes way, or do you want me to tell Kakashi that you broke a golem with your ass." smirked the evil redhead.

The red faced blonde pouted, "Why do I confide in you at all? ... ok, fine ..."

Flashback continued

"Is that what you really think, Minato?" The blonde flinched as he saw Naruto's eyes turn cold, "Why don't I show how weak mana is ... come on, Minato, fight me."

"What? No." The blonde said firmly.

"You have the nerve to call me weak without even seeing the full capabilities of my mana. That doesn't seem fair, You're basing this opinion off one fight where I was ambushed and when I had mana burn. Also, keep in mind, I still made Jiraiya retreat despite that. Fight with me and let me show you what I can do. If you win, I'll stay out of the exams." Naruto flashed an unseen smirk when Minato stepped off the porch and onto the grass.

Suddenly, the hokage felt a cold gush of air and found that his body was moving on it's own, but he wasn't possessed, "Naruto. what are you doing?" He yelped as music began to play and his body started dancing. A pole sprang up from the ground and Minato grabbed it so he could dance seductively around it. He was grinding himself against the pole ... and then he started to strip ... first his shirt ... then pants ... then his boxers ...

A very naked Minato was swaying and rolling his hips while the magic user watched him with a look that was making the dancer very aroused, "Naruto!" The blonde yelped as he bent over and smacked his own ass before he continued gyrating his hips to the beat "What's happening? Ahh!" He moaned as his hand moved tease his own nipple.

"What you're experiencing now is a form of body control. It requires a barrier which is what you stepped into when you walked on the grass. There are two types, Internal and External. This is Internal ... let's see External." Stated the magic.

Minato threw his head back and screamed as invisible hands and mouths roamed his body licking, pinching and stroking where ever they could, "Ooooh g-god ahhhh, N-Naruto!" The flushed hokage moaned helplessly as he felt a tongue slip into his ass and hands tease his erect nipples all while his body moved to the music.

"N-Naruto cum-cumming I-I-I AHHH!" The blonde came in the middle of a spin splashing his cum onto the ground without missing a beat. The unseen hands and mouths never stopped molesting the blonde and even started spanking him making a red handprint on his butt. Minato's cock was hard and dripping wet again in no time.

Naruto leaned back against a tree, "Let's see, barriers, body control ... how about element control next." The magic user snapped his fingers and the grass under Minato's feet grew very long and wrapped around the blonde's wrists and ankles.

"Ahhhahhahah N-Naruto ngh ahh oh god!" The hokage screamed as a blade of grass tugged his nipple and another blade teased the slit of his cock before sliding into his weeping erection. Minato screamed and thrashed as the blade thrust in and out of his cock while other blades tugged and flicked his nipples and balls.

Minato bucked his hips faster ... his toes curled ... his eyes rolled back and he came hard spraying think spurts of white cream on himself before falling limp.

Naruto couldn't help but admire the beautiful flushed panting blonde spread eagle with only enchanted grass holding him up, "Not as weak as you thought hmmm ... how about one more demonstration."

The blonde turned his lust glazed eyes towards his lover and whimpered, "Naruto, I'm sorry! I didn't mean what I said, I'm just ... scared."

"Why?" Naruto sighed when his lover clammed up, "Then the demonstration will have to continue until you're ready to tell me. Next, is Summoning and Potions." He pulled out a bottle and poured contents onto the blonde's chest where it release some vapors as it was absorbed in his skin.

"Naruto, what did you put on me?" The blonde blushed as he felt his entire body relax and heat up "w-what is t-this? Ahhaha h-hot!" He panted.

"Just something to keep you relaxed and ... awake." The magic user smiled as he gently brushed Minato's shoulder earning a gasp and moan from the cute blonde, "You're sensitive. That means the potion is working. Now for Summoning hmm ... how about I summon an elemental ghoul? Yes, that would be interesting." Naruto chanted a few words under his breath and the air around him started to shimmer. A white humanoid creature that had no features stepped out of the shimmer and went towards Minato.

"Use all the elements, but don't cause any injuries." The creature nodded at Naruto's words and picked the blonde up. Minato mewled at the soft marshmallow texture of the creature brushed his skin as he was set in the ghoul's lap. The hokage yelped when the ghoul's fingers ran across his sensitive skin. Some fingers were ice cold while others were hot.

Minato thrashed against the ghoul and moaned loudly as the contrasting temperatures flicked his nipples and traced circles on his balls. Another pair of arms sprang from the ghoul's back and sent light shocks of electricity into the blonde's weeping erection earning a scream as Minato reached his climax again.

"N-N-Naruto ahhhah haha ah n-no m-more oh oh!" Minato bucked his hips grinding his crotch against the fire and ice fingers.

Naruto shook his head, "This isn't over until you tell me why you are so afraid." The ghoul sprouted wet tentacles from its legs which thrust into the blonde who was thrashing and bucking wilding as he went completely insane with pleasure.

Minato watched Naruto as he felt the tentacles hit his sweet spot "THE TOAD CRUSHES THE STAR!" He screamed and the ghoul vanished. Minato felt the warm body of his lover catch him and set him gently on their bed and waited anxiously as Naruto stripped. Their lips met and he felt himself being filled by Naruto's cock. The powerful thrusts made the blonde melt into a moaning mess. Minato clawed at the bedsheets as his climax approached, his back arched off the bed and his toes curled as the orgasm washed over him. He smiled as he felt his lover's cum fill him and spill over.

They curled up in bed together, "I love you, Minato, and you should know that my visions tend to lose their validity once something is done to change it. It's not something to worry about."

Minato nuzzled Naruto, "I know, but I can't help it. I love you and the thought of losing you scares me."

Naruto reached over to the side table and pulled out a necklace, which he placed in Minato's view, "You won't lose me and even if that were a possibility it wouldn't stop me from taking the exam especially if it keeps that bastard away from you."

Flashback over

Minato was blushing so hard he had steam coming out of his collar. He was so embarrassed and the blood trickling out of Kushina's nose wasn't helping, (I'm sorry Naruto, I told her everything.)


Naruto shivered as he took his seat for the first part of the exam, (I get the feeling Kushina is going to be asking me to make her an artifact once this is done ...) He shook off the weird feeling and focused on the mana of the other combatants. He frowned, (This is going to be difficult.)

When the test was done and the combatants were taken by Anko for the next round Ibiki picked up Naruto's written test. Each question was correct, but though it was impressive it wasn't what he was after. He flipped the test over and saw words appear under the last question:

Look out for:


Sand team - Something wrong with Kazekage

Sound ninja

Ibiki nodded and saw a mouse made of ink pop out of Sai's test and scurry away to report to Danzo as he took the test to the Hokage.


"Alright, everyone take a slip of paper and sign." yelled Anko who was eating a stick of dango next to a stack of papers.

A random ninja stood up and a sheet of paper, "Why do we have to sign this?" He asked

"This is a consent form and you have to sign it so we won't be held accountable for your injuries or deaths. When you have all read and signed one have a team member collect the forms and drop them in that tent. In exchange for the forms your teammate will be given a scroll, either Heavens scroll or an earths scroll. You need both scrolls to enter the tower in the middle of the forest. Try not to die!" Grinned the crazy purple haired lady.

Naruto took the forms and went into the tent where Arashi was waiting, "You were right, we checked and found the Kazekage's body. He was killed by Orochimaru and some other people, perhaps Jiraiya ... Dad told me to give you this." He gave Naruto one of Minato's kunais.

The magic user took the kunai and a scroll and left the tent. As he made his way back to his team he looked at the Forest of Death. No turning back now ...

As he walked back to his team he noticed something wasn't right, Sai was out cold in a pool of blood, "Hinata, why is Sai unconscious? ... why is everyone unconscious?!" He yelled as he saw that almost person contestant was out cold in a pool of blood except for a few like Kiba, Choji and Sasuke.

The Hyuga Heiress shrugged, "I was telling Sai about Kakashi-sensei's perversity and he said it's because he wasn't trained in self control like he was. Sai claimed that breasts wouldn't affect him."

Naruto deadpanned, "There's a big difference between self control and controlling hormones. It's not possible to control hormones like that just like it isn't possible to keep me from getting a hard on when I see Minato naked ... and what? Did you decide to test his training?"

Hinata shook her head, "It wasn't me. The proctor, Anko, overheard our conversation and took it as a challenge. She ripped her shirt off and started running around ... see, here she comes,"

A half naked Anko came running towards them, "HA HA MY BOOBS ARE ALL POWERFUL!"

Arashi stepped out of the tent to see what was going on and Anko ran up to him. He took one look at Anko and said, "Put your shirt back on."

(Like father like son, I guess.) Thought the magic user as he looked around at the blood-soaked combatants, "I doubt this is what people mean when they say this exam is a bloodbath."

Arashi announced that the exam will be postponed until everyone regains consciousness.

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