The Dark Prince

Por gabbyh27

21.7K 1.2K 456

This is the sequel to The Lost Princess. Do not read this description if you have not read the first book... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Authors Note
Bonus Chapter!!
The third book is posted!!

Chapter Sixteen

681 40 19
Por gabbyh27

Chapter Sixteen
"Freya," Erika screamed as soon as she saw me walk into the house.

She jumped up from the table she was sitting at and ran to jump into my arms. I lifted her up into the air and spun her a bit, causing her to giggle.

"Wow, I missed you too," Mal muttered teasingly from next to me. Her and Christian decided they wanted to come with. I don't blame them. I already adore these children.

Erika squealed when she noticed Mal and squirmed out of my arms to hug her as well. She did the same when she noticed Christian. The only person who didn't get a squealing welcome was Aiden, but I'm sure he was here earlier today.

Before I could ask where James was, he appeared. He came bouncing down the stairs, a large grin on his face when he noticed us.

"My two favorite girls!"

I laughed as he smashed us in for a group hug. Mal shifted away from me slightly, still not completely comfortable with me. We'll get there.

After our brutal hug, James led us to the living room. "I've got a game for us to play!"

"You cannot play spin the bottle with them," Aiden called from the front door.

James paused and turned his attention to Aiden. "You ruin all my fun!"

Aiden grinned and shook his head. Him and Christian walked further into the house and closed the door behind them.

Erika ran into the kitchen and came back with multiple pieces of paper and crayons. She gave everyone a piece of paper and a crayon, before demanding that we draw her.

I ended up coming up with a stick figure that looked absolutely nothing like her.

"You draw worse than I do," Erika informed me, delighted.

I laughed. You've got to love child honesty.

She walked around the group and critiqued each of the drawings. Aidens wasn't much better than mine, but both Mal and Christian actually did a good job. There's only so much you can do with a crayon, but both clearly have an artistic talent.

After a while, we all settled on the couch to watch a movie. Mal, Erika and I got the couch while the boys sprawled out on the floor. None of us were really paying attention to the movie.

Erika insisted I braid her hair, so that's what I'm doing. Her hair is so soft, I'm actually jealous. She's only 6 she doesn't need such perfect hair. Once I was done, she quickly ran off to find a mirror.

"You're really good with her, you know," Mal admitted.

I laughed. "She's 6. I feel like anyone would be good with her."

Mal shook her head and bit her lip. "I know she seems out going, but she's actually rather shy. It's surprising that she's taking so well with you so quickly."

"Thanks," I grinned. That's the first compliment she's ever given me.

She nodded, not saying anything else. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at her. I haven't really analyzed her much lately, and there's just something about her eyes that remind me of something.

"Your eyes are so familiar," I informed her.

Mal seemed startled, obviously not expecting me to continue speaking to her. "Um, thanks?"

I shook my head with a laugh. "Sorry, I'm being crazy."

Mal shook her head. "No, it's okay. I get that a lot."

Erika came back in then with a huge smile on her face. "I look like a Princess!"

Aiden swooped her into his arms and dropped her giggling into his lap. "You always look like a Princess."

James stood up and walked over to me, a shy smile taking over his features. "So, how is Lily?"

I startled, forgetting that he met her at the autumnal equinox. "I haven't really heard from her. But she will probably be here in a week."

A large smile lit up his face at my words. He bounded off, going to do who knows what. I can't properly wrap my head around that boy sometimes.


Rowan and I usually meet in the work out room in the mornings, but he left me a note telling me to meet him in the throne room. I braided my hair as I walked, having slept in later than usual. Which is odd for me. Usually I can't sleep a wink.

Once I made it to the room, the guards nodded at me and opened the doors. I waltzed in expecting it to be just the king and Rowan. However, that ended up not being the case.

Many sets of dark eyes turned to me as I entered the full room. Fancy tables line the entirety of the room, each full of people. The king sat perched in his throne, with Rowan sitting in the one beside him.

"Welcome, Princess," Rowan informed me, his tone anything but welcome. He spread his arms wide as if to show off the room. "Join the breakfast."

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. What the hell is this?

"What," Rowan stated, a cruel smile taking over his face. "Cat got your tongue?"

My face heated, but not from embarrassment. From rage. How dare he? Who does he think he is, speaking to me like this in front of all of these people?

"Excuse me," I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ah," he stated. "She speaks."

A few people snickered, but most of the room stayed silent. The king watched the exchange with barely concealed amusement, his lip slightly curled up in a smirk.

"Why am I here," I spat out.

"To join the breakfast. You are our guest and it's customary that you dine with us," Rowan informed me slowly, as if speaking to a small child.

What the hell is going on?

"Fine, your highness," I growled, adding a mock bow for affect.

The room went completely silent at that. You could practically hear a pin drop. Rowan's lips curled up into a cruel smile as he stood from his throne.

"I think you should kneel before your king," Rowan informed me.

I went stalk still when I heard the command in his voice. He is trying to get into my head. To force me to bow.

I bit my lip to keep the tears from my face and straightened my back. I refuse to show weakness. He cannot control me.

I tilted my chin up and stared him dead in the eyes. "Make me."

Rowan let our a small scoff as he descended the steps the thrones lay perched on and made his way toward me. All eyes were on us now.

He didn't stop until he was right in front of me. The cruelty in his eyes almost made me vomit. Just yesterday, we almost kissed. Am I really that much of a fool?

"Kneel," Rowan growled, and I physically felt him poking at my walls this time.

I gritted my teeth and kept a strong hold on my barrier. I will not let him control me. Especially not in front of all of these people.

Rowan took another step toward me, placing our bodies almost flush together. I hated him for that. Hated myself for the way my body tingled, the way my hands wanted to reach out and touch him. Instead, I narrowed my eyes at him and stood even taller.

He pushed harder on my walls, and my body began to shake at the effort it was taking to fight him. But I still stood strong. Still kept my defenses up. He is not getting through.

Soon, my shaking turned from effort to rage. He is still trying to break my barriers. Without thinking, I flung him across the room. "You cannot control me!"

Gasps filled the room, but no one made a move to intervene. Instead of getting angry like I expected, Rowan slowly stood up and dusted himself off. Then he began to clap.

"Perhaps I cannot."

I- what?

Whatever this humiliation is, I want no part of it. I can already feel my stance begin to crumble and the tears start to come. I need to get out of here.

"Thanks for the invite, but I'm going to have to decline. I don't much appreciate being humiliated before I've even eaten breakfast."

With that, I turned briskly on my heel and walked out of the room. The second the guards closed the door behind me, my shoulders slumped. The tears I was fighting to keep at bay came full force. I closed my eyes tightly, slammed a hand over my mouth, and began to run blindly through the halls.

I didn't stop until I was safely back into my room. Once inside, I slid my back slowly against the door until I was safely seated on the ground. Once I was, I called for Bruce. He was off of me in an instant, coming over to nuzzle his head under mine.

I let out a half laugh- half sob as I buried my head in his. Why did Rowan do that? He looked so cruel. He looked like he enjoyed every bit of pain he inflicted on me. Is that the real him? Is the Rowan I know just a facade?

God, I'm so stupid. I should've known. I should have never even thought about letting him in. I've seen how cruel his father is. Why would he be any different?

I sat there for who knows how long, silent tears falling from my eyes. I'm such a child. I need to get up. I need to get over this. Yet, still I sat there.

A knock sounded on my door, but I made no move to get out of the way for them to come in.


I laughed aloud at the sound of Rowan's voice. He thinks I'm going to let him in after that?

"Freya, can we talk?"

I didn't acknowledge him or the fact that he said my name. Instead, I stood up on shaky legs and walked over to my vanity. I sat down on the chair and slowly began to fix myself. I used a makeup wipe to wipe across my face, hoping that would at least make it a little less obvious that I was crying.

Then I moved on to adding some light makeup. Seeing as I'm not going to be training with him today, I should actually make myself look presentable.

"Freya, we need to talk," Rowan called from the other side of the door, his voice soft.

"There's nothing to talk about," I responded back as I slowly stood up from the chair and walked to the door. The effort to open the door was more than I felt like taking on, so I used my mind instead.

I crossed my arms over my chest as I stared at Rowan. He's back to the way I knew him before, his eyes much softer, his stance more relaxed. Which one is the act?

"What the fuck do you want," I growled.

Rowan nodded. "I deserve that."

I laughed and shook my head. He's absolutely ridiculous. I made a move to close the door in his face, but Rowan slammed his hand out to keep it open.

"You don't understand. The people were starting to talk. About you. About us. They weren't good things."

"Oh," I laughed. "So you had to publicly humiliate me to get rid of rumors that we were sleeping together? Wow, I forgive you!"

I laughed bitterly and shook my head. He's so... ARG. How dare he treat me the way he did and then expect me to grovel at his feet like he did me a favor? I hate boys.

"You have every right to be mad," Rowan informed me, but I cut him off.

"Hell yeah I do! You humiliated me, Rowan. In front of a room full of people. You can kindly go straight to Hell now."

Rowan sighed and ran a hand over his face. "I didn't have a choice, okay? I had to prove that you aren't my puppet. That you can think for yourself. That you can fight me."

"I- what?"

"The people were starting to think that I had you on a leash. And they only support leaders that are strong. The only way I could prove that you were was by showing that you can resist my mind control. No one else can but the king."

I tried to level my heavy breathing, more confused than I was before. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

Rowan shook his head. "It had to be real."

I slowly backed up so that I could sit myself down onto my bed and bury my head in my hands. I don't know what to think. Even if he's telling the truth, the man he was terrified me. Which one is the facade?

Rowan kneeled in front of me, reaching for my chin. I pulled back like he burned me.

"Freya," his voice broke on my name. "I am so sorry. But it had to be done. If I could go back, I would do it all over again. Now the people see you as a force to be reckoned with."

I shot up, shaking my head. "It's not just about the humiliation! You were something scary today. You were the Dark Prince that everyone fears. You can't be both that and this."

Rowan took a step back and shook his head. "I am the Dark Prince. You have always known that."

"No. You aren't. The man you have been around me is not the Dark Prince."

"Freya. I am the Dark Prince. I may have been acting crueler than usual, but that is who I am. I am a prince of the Daemonium kingdom because I proved that I can be strong, and that I can be cruel. I may have a soft spot for you, but that doesn't change who I am."

"You can't be both," I shook my head, tears coming back into my eyes.

"I am the Dark Prince," Rowan repeated, his eyes beginning to lose that softness. "I am sorry if you thought I pretended otherwise. Who I have been around you is me. But who I was in there is also me. They are both sides to one coin. You will need to learn to be cruel as well if you ever want to be a queen."

"That's bullshit," I growled, taking a step closer to him. "You are not the evil man everyone thinks you are and you know it. A cruel ruler is a dead one."

"No," Rowan shook his head slowly and began to back away. "A soft ruler is a dead one."

Then he was gone. What the hell just happened?


For the next two days, Rowan and I ignored each other. He purposely went out of his way to prove that he could be cruel. I don't know what to make of it. A part of me wants to think he's just doing it to spite me, that it's not real. But the bigger part of me knows that he is the Dark Prince. He got that title for a reason.

"What happened between you and Rowan," Aiden questioned as we ran around the work out room.

"Nothing," I bit out as I pushed myself to run faster.

"It's clearly not nothing. You are both seconds away from biting someone's head off."

"Can we just work out and not talk," I questioned.

Aiden sighed, but went silent. I forced my legs to continue to pump faster. The burn in them distracted me from thinking about Rowan.

I am the Dark Prince. I am sorry if you thought I pretended otherwise.

I gritted my teeth and pushed that memory away. I know that's not him. He has done absolutely nothing to earn that title since I met him. People are always telling me about when he helped out here and there. I know this evil side of him is a facade. But why keep it up?

Aiden began to slow down, but I didn't. I can't stop yet. I'm still thinking of him.

In that moment, the doors opened and Jenna waltzed in. I refused to look at her. It's not going to help with my rage. And then he came in behind her.

I slowed my steps slightly, but refused to stop completely. Why is he with her? He knew I would be here.

Rowan and Jenna walked to the sparring ring. They both slipped out of their shirts immediately. My heart dropped into my stomach at the sight.

Rowan began to circle her. She made the first jab, but it was more playful than anything. She's clearly into him. But is he into her?

Deep down, I know that he's not. I know that he's just doing this to spite me. He knows I'm jealous of Jenna. That just makes it worse. Why is he doing this? What does he think he has to prove?

I slowed down to an almost complete stop. Aiden came up beside me, his brows furrowed.

What is going on, Aiden questioned in my mind. He's never been into Jenna.

He's trying to hurt me, I stated. He wants to prove to me that he's as cruel as everyone says.

I closed the connection so Aiden couldn't continue to question me. I stormed over to the weights in the corner and grabbed one of the heavier ones that I don't usually use. Rowan didn't even look in my direction.

"Be careful," Aiden warned, eyeing the weight I decided on.

I narrowed my eyes at him as I walked over and placed the weights on the bar. Aiden sighed and walked behind me so that he could spot me.

I laid on the bench and took a deep breath. I grabbed the bar and slowly began to bring it down to my chest. My arms shook at the force I needed to exert to bring it back up. I can picture how red my face probably is. I pushed past the pain and brought it down to my chest again. It was harder to lift it back up this time. I almost didn't get it up. But I did.

"Freya," Aiden warned, but knew better than to take the bar from me.

Realistically, if I drop this weight nothing bad will happen. Aiden will probably catch it. And even if he doesn't, we're not human. I would heal. If it doesn't crush my windpipe first.

Why am I doing this again?

I took a deep breath and brought it down to my chest again, before I could lift it back up, it was ripped from my grip.

"Aiden what the he-"

Rowan stood there, his arms crossed over his chest. "What the hell are you trying to do?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and sat up. "Lift."

"No," Rowan growled, taking a step closer to me. "You're trying to kill yourself. I thought we talked about this. You are not Bella Swan."

"Well it worked, didn't it," I raised my eyebrows, crossing my arms to match his stance.

Rowan ran his hands angrily through his hair. "Why?"

"To prove to you that you're wrong," I announced, exasperated.

"I am not wrong," Rowan sighed, shaking his head.

"But you are. Why are you pretending to be something that you aren't?"

"Because," Rowan growled, advancing toward me. "I am not pretending! I have done horrible things, Freya. Things that would make you hate me forever. Things that would make you run away and never come back."

"Okay. So you've done horrible things. I'm not denying that! You got the name Dark Prince for a reason. That doesn't mean those things define you. You may need to be cruel sometimes to prove you're fit to be a prince or whatever, but that doesn't mean that you enjoy it. That doesn't mean that it's who you are. Stop pretending you are this awful guy. Stop trying to make me fear you. I know who you are."

"That's the thing," Rowan sighed. "You don't."

"Then show me," I growled, throwing my hands up. "But do not push me away."

"Fine," Rowan growled.

"Fine," I responded back, with the same amount of intensity.

"Could you two just make out already and stop making everyone else uncomfortable," Aiden questioned.

I turned my attention to him and crossed my arms. He merely shrugged. "Everyone was thinking it."

I looked around the room to see who else was in here. His everyone made it seem like there were a ton of people, but there were only three people besides us, and one of them was Jenna. She was the only one paying attention, and by the glare she was sending my way, I have a feeling the last thing she wanted us to do was make out.

I'm sorry, Rowan sighed in my head. I just don't want you to paint me as this guy that I'm not. I don't want you to run for the hills when you see the cruelty that I'm capable.

I know. But you have to at least give me the chance to run away. Pushing me away isn't going to do either of us any good.

Rowan nodded but didn't respond.

"Anywho," Aiden stated. "Freya and I have a workout to complete. So if you could just..."

Rowan got the hint and shook his head with a smile before walking away. He didn't go toward Jenna, thankfully. He just left the room altogether.

"You two give me whiplash."

I laughed and shoved him. "Shut up and tell me what I should do next."

Aiden nodded and thought for a second before making me give him 100 sit ups for the interruption. I groaned, but complied.

Honestly, no matter what he makes me do, it won't be able to upset me. Rowan and I fighting was really bothering me. Now that we are fine, I feel like I'm on top of the world again.

Which is ridiculous. I'm becoming much too dependent on him. This is what I was afraid of in the very beginning.

I need to learn how to be in his life without depending on him. A queen who depends on a man is a dead one.


"I've decided you need another sparring partner," Rowan stated as I walked up to meet him.

I narrowed my eyes. "Why?"

Rowan shook his head with a laugh. "I'll still be here. But you need someone who will actually train with you instead of grabbing you and making out with you the second sweat drops from your brow."

My cheeks flamed and I looked away. Way to be blunt.

"And besides, you're going to be fighting vampires not demons. You should learn how to do that."

At his words, Cameron and Amilia started walking into the room. He wants me to fight Cameron?

Amilia stopped outside of the ring and plopped down on the ground. Cameron didn't stop until he was standing in front of me. "I don't know about this."

I grinned and shrugged. "Rowan won't let us kill each other."

"I'm your guard," Cameron sighed. "I shouldn't be fighting you."

I shook my head and took a step closer to him. "You are not just my guard. You're one of my best friends."

Cameron let a half smile slip through at my words. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'll be right here," Rowan reassured Cameron.

Cameron tilted his head in Rowan's direction for a moment before nodding slowly and letting out a shaky sigh. "Fine. But I still don't have my vampire side in control."

"Maybe this will help," I shrugged.

Rowan slowly backed up and off the ring. Despite how far he was, I knew that the second this went south he would intervene. He would never let us hurt each other.

"You ready for this," I questioned Cameron.

Cameron nodded slowly. I grinned and took that as my que. I struck. The blow barely touched him as he spun out of the way quickly. I grinned and tried again.

This time, I feigned right and then kicked out with my left. He wasn't able to move completely out of the way, and the blow landed on his leg. He barely let it phase him though, as he took the opportunity to come at me.

I jumped out of the way, but still got a blow to my side. It barely even knocked the wind out of me. "Cameron, if you hold back I'll never learn."

Cameron groaned, but complied because the next blow he sent did knock the wind out of me. He began to apologize, but I merely grinned and sent one back just as hard.

Cameron laughed and started to run around me in circles. I could only see blurs of color because of how fast he was going. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, before reopening them and focusing on the colors. It seemed like every .5 seconds, he made a complete lap. At the .5 second mark, I reached out and satisfyingly latched onto his arm.

I ripped him from the loop, causing him to lose his momentum and his balance as he crashed to the ground. I quickly hopped on top of him and made an attempt to pin him. While I focused on getting his arms down, he flipped us over. Once my back hit the hard ground, my breath left me in a rush.

I kept my eyes locked on his as he attempted to get my arms pinned back. He managed to pin them, but he couldn't quite get my legs down so it wasn't a match yet. I took a deep breath and used my free leg to latch onto his and use that momentum to fling myself forward and out of his grip.

We were both up in seconds, circling each other. He tried to feign right, but I saw the blow coming. I anticipated his leg swinging up, and I caught it in midair. Then I twisted it, sweeping his feet from under him and slamming him into the ground. I grinned and dropped down, pinning him to the ground.

There was clapping from behind us. I looked up and noticed we had gathered a crowd. Amilia sat there grinning up at us. Aiden and Christian stood there, clapping away. Mal also stood there, her brow cocked and a slow, impressed clap followed. A few other people I didn't recognize stood there as well.

I slowly rose to my feet, breathing heavily. I held out a hand for Cameron to take. He took it gratefully.

"That was pretty impressive," Amilia laughed.

"Maybe we aren't completely screwed," Mal added. I raised my eyebrows. That's the nicest thing she's ever said to me.

Mal laughed at my expression and shook her head. "Don't get used to it. And besides, if you guys thought that was impressive, you should see Rowan and I fight."

I laughed aloud. "I would love to see that."

Mal wiggled her eyebrows and made her way to the ring. I grinned and grabbed Cameron's hand to drag him off the ring toward Amilia. Not that I had to try very hard.

Rowan hopped onto the ring, a large grin on his face. "We haven't fought in forever."

Mal matched his grin. "I know."

Rowan and Mal began to circle each other. They kept their eyes locked, waiting for the other to make the first move. This should be interesting.

Realizing Rowan wasn't going to do it, Mal struck first. He easily moved out of the way and returned the blow with one of his own, that she also blocked. She's fast. Really fast.

Rowan tried a kick, but Mal ducked and swooped her leg out. Rowan anticipated the move and jumped out of the way. Watching them is like watching an intense tennis match. The back and forth was giving me anxiety.

Rowan managed to land a blow to Mal's stomach, but she recovered quickly and began circling him again. He ducked her first blow, but got a kick to the side mere seconds later.

Mal used the rope around the ring as a sling shot as she ran at Rowan. He caught her easily, swinging her around and slamming her into the ground. She grabbed onto his arm as she fell and forced him down with her.

He rolled effortlessly and sprung back up. Mal jumped back up from the ground, showing off. They kept circling, kept throwing blows and blocking. It was incredible.

After a while, Rowan upped the stakes. His blows came faster, harder. Mal had a harder time blocking them. Eventually, he had her pinned.

Despite him winning, it didn't seem like a loss for Mal. She kicked ass.

"I think that's the longest I've ever gone," Mal exclaimed excitedly as she hopped up.

Rowan laughed and nodded. "Definitely the longest."

I guess her winning wasn't ever an option. I'm sure anyone winning against Rowan is practically impossible. It was about how good she could be up against him. That almost makes it more fun. The challenge.

We all clapped, and Mal and Rowan took an obnoxious bow.

"Thank you, thank you," Mal exclaimed, giggling.

Maybe Rowan was right. Maybe she isn't as bad as she pretends to be. I guess it runs in the family.

*Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for the late update! Today was the SAT so I was too stressed about that to worry about updating.

So how do you feel about Mal now that she's been getting more time in the book? I can't wait for you guys to see more of her. And what about Freya and Rowan's first real fight?

This is a pretty long chapter. I probably should have split it up into two, but the last couple of chapters were pretty short so you guys deserved a lengthy one.

Thank you guys so much for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment :)

-Xoxo, Gab*

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