Nature Mage

By ToryoKoneko23

82.4K 2.2K 658

After some secrets are exposed the Namikaze family realizes that they have seriously mistreated a member of t... More

Rainbow with a Haunting
Thief and the Mage
Bloody Blossom
Bleeding Hearts
Daimyo Dilemma
Costumes to Coconuts
Dark Visions
Bad Golem
A Lesson in Magic
Snake in the Grass
Wild Fire
Birthday Bloodshed
Love Everlasting

Dancing Hearts

5.9K 157 78
By ToryoKoneko23

Last time:

If he had, he would've seen glimmering specks of light float out of his and Minato's plants and dance together before fading away moments later. The beautiful event was done in only seconds and the only witnesses were the stars in the sky and one ghost.


Four months have past since that near catastrophic mission in the tomb and team 7 has become one of the most successful teams to date. They completed several missions that were C rank and even an A rank!

The A rank was to protect a bridge builder from Wave who is wanted dead by a corrupt crime lord named Gato. The bridge builder Tazuna paid for a C rank mission, but Naruto had a vision that revealed he was lying and that the mission was really an A rank. After telling Minato and his teammates that they would take the mission anyway, but instead of just an escort mission Naruto suggested killing Gato and Kakashi approved. When they made it to Wave Hinata used her Byakugan to find Gato and his safe. Naruto sent his golems to get the safe while and the next day Gato was killed by a meteor that Naruto summoned. They gave the safe to the villagers of Wave to help them rebuild.

Yes, everything is going well for team 7. Hinata's arrogance has mostly gone away. She's not humble, but not arrogant. Naruto has been getting along a little better with the Namikazes. He made Minato an artifact that will summon a water mirror. Apparently, there are some people who can see the telescope jutsu because they unknowingly have access to mana, but they only see a blur because they have limited access. It would be bad if someone who wasn't an alley figured out the telescope jutsu so switching to the water mirror is a good idea. Naruto spent a few hours with tweaking the water mirror to Minato's liking, but Minato would occasionally make a suggestion just to spend time with Naruto. Minato even gave Naruto the blueprints to Yoko's seal and they made it so Yoko can come out more often. At least, his consciousness and no, he's not allowed a bigger golem. And, Kakashi is Kakashi. He's still a lazy pervert, but he has been more involved with training, especially with helping Naruto gain experience through spars. Yes, team 7 is doing very well!

Oh, you are probably wondering about Mito, right?

Mito Namikaze has not only been removed from team 7 she has been removed from the ninja register completely! Yep, she's no longer a ninja and she is currently under house arrest with Kushina and three anbu watching her at all times. And ramen has been forbidden for years and is being enforced with a seal on her tongue. If she eats ramen she throws it up or if she enters a place that serves ramen she gets a paralyzing shock so her guards can drag her out without a fuss. That's what the seal does.

She's also going to a therapist three times a week. So far, no progress with Mito in that area.


"Ok, your next mission is to guard the Daimyo's daughter, Akane, while she's at her friend Kazumi's dance contest." Said Minato to team 7, Arashi, Menma and Kurama. Akane, a pretty 16 year old girl with brown hair and green eyes came into the room. After saying 'hellos' they all left to meet Akane's friend. Minato's heart skipped a beat when the glasses wearer smiled at him before leaving.

They all arrived at the dance hall early.

"I'm glad my father let me come. He's usually so over protective and stubborn. Oh, there's Kazumi!" Akane smiled and ran over to a girl with brown eyes and long wild black hair pulled into a ponytail.

Katsumi smiled, "Akane! I'm happy you came! Who are these guys?"

Akane scratched her cheek sheepishly, "They're ninjas. My Dad said I had to have protection."

Kazumi rolled her eyes, "What my Dad wouldn't give to be able to hire ninja to watch me when ever I leave the house. Your lucky he let you leave."

Akane giggled, but then noticed that someone wasn't there, "Hey, Kazumi. Where is your partner?"

Kazumi sighed, "I have no idea where that bum is! He better be here soon cause it's almost time to sign up." Kazumi saw someone enter, "Speak of the devil." She called to the tall man with black hair, "Hey, Dan, over here!"

The man known as Dan looked over and smirked, "Thanks for all the pointers, Julie and I can take it from here."

A blonde woman dressed in pink took Dan's hand shot Kazumi a smug smirk, "See ya, loser!" The two walked away laughing.

Kazumi was about to cry and Akane tried to comfort her, "Kazumi don't let them get to you. You're a much better dancer than them, especially that pink bitch, Julie"

Kazumi sniffled, "Whether you're right or not it doesn't matter Akane. I don't have a partner."

"Well ..." Akane turned to her nervous ninja bodyguards "I know this isn't in your job description, but can one of you dance with Kazumi? Please! I'll put in a good word with my father!"

Naruto blinked when he noticed everyone was looking at him, "Why are you all looking at me?"

Kakashi eye smiled, "You're the only one who can help. Your mana will help you learn steps faster than any of us."

Hinata glared at Kakashi, "Says the guy with the sharingan."

Arashi shook his head, "He can't do it."

Menma nodded, "Yeah, Kakashi-nii would molest someone."

Kakashi hung his head, "Ouch! That hurt you guys. Don't you respect me at all?"

The response was a resounding, "NO."

Naruto sighed, "Fine, I'll do it." He followed Kazumi and they signed up. They had one hour until the contest started so after Naruto changed into some suitable dancing clothes they practiced.


Kushina looked out the window at Mito who was sitting on a swing in the backyard, "Dinner will be done soon! Ok, Mito." She yelled. Mito just nodded clearly still sulking about being denied ramen and being punished.

Kushina sighed, she hoped Mito would snap out of her bad behavior, but she's still acting like a brat! Kushina looks at a plant on the windowsill. The flower was gold with black kiss prints and dark gray trim. It was Mito's Mirror Heart flower.

Flashback 4 months ago

Minato and Kushina were standing in the cave where the doorway to Naruto's island was.

"What should we do, knock?" Kushina asked.

"it's worth a shot." Minato said as he tapped his fist on the cave wall. They were happy to see the door appear and quickly entered it before it disappeared. The two went to the greenhouse and saw Naruto tending to a plant.

Minato struck a feeling of guilt, "Naruto, I wanted-"

"If this is another apology or thank you, then I'm jumping over that cliff right now! I know you guys feel bad, but there's only so many sorrys one person can take." Said Naruto in mock anger. Now, Kushina and Minato were at a loss, if not sorry what do they say? Kurama told them about his talk with Naruto and as sad as it is, Naruto is right. They can't change the past, but they can do something, can't they?

"We do feel bad about everything, but we can't change the past. So let's start over. Hi, I'm Kushina Namikaze" She held out her hand.

Naruto took her hand and shook it, "Naruto Kurosaki."

Minato held out his hand, "I'm Minato Namikaze." When Naruto took his hand he felt a spark and he didn't want to let go.

Kushina smiled and spotted her Mirror Heart "Hey, Naruto do you mind if we borrow a Mirror Heart? It would be nice to see Mito's."

Naruto shrugged, "Sure ... Minato are you going to let go of my hand?" The glasses wear chuckled as a flustered blonde released hand.

Flashback over

Kushina smiled at the memory. It wasn't the relationship she wanted, but it was something and she knew she was lucky to have it. Screams in the distance broke her from her from her musings. Kushina and Mito's anbu guards ran over to help.

Mito didn't move. She didn't care.

"Hi, Mito. How is it going?" Asked a boy with light blue hair and glasses who was walking up to her.

Mito frowned, "How do you know me?"

The guy smiled, "You're the child of prophecy, the savior of Konoha, how could I not know who you are?"

Mito's eyes lit up, it has been so long since she's been treated properly, "I know, but know one is treating me like it anymore."

The guy frowned and then smiled, "They just need a reminder. How about I rig something up and you can save the day?! The only problem is I don't know many hiding spots."

Mito grinned, "That's fine! I know lots of hidden tunnels and passages from pranking, but how do I contact you?"

The guy pulled out a little black circular button like thing, "This is a listening device. Just put it inside your shirt and I will be able to hear you and you will be able to hear me!"

Mito pinned the device inside her collar, "Thank you ... ummm who are you?"

The guy smiled and said, "My name is Kabuto. I'm a medic."

Mito hugged Kabuto, "Thank you, Kabuto."

Kabuto returned the hug, "No problem, I'm happy to help." The blue haired medical ninja saw a snake slither by. The snake stopped and looked at Kabuto. Kabuto smirked at the snake and the serpent nodded before slithering away.

Just as Kabuto left Kushina and the anbu came back and Tsume was with them.

"Now that was weird. It's like the entire river bank turned to mud." Tsume pondered.

Kushina nodded, "I'll talk to Minato about it." She looked at her daughter, "Mito, go inside and wash up for dinner." Kushina flinched when Mito scowled at her before stomping away with her guards watching her nearby.

Tsume wrapped her arms around Kushina, "Don't let her get to you, sweetheart. Come on, I'll help you with dinner." The red head smiled and followed her lover. Tsume was setting up the table and Kushina was getting the food when Minato returned.

Minato sighed, "That meeting took longer than I thought. So what's this about a river bank collapsing?"

"I heard people screaming and went to check it out. The sides of the river turned to mud. I got there in time to help, Tsume saw it too." Kushina explained.

Tsume nodded, "It was a mess, but no one was hurt."

Minato was relieved, "That's a relief! The area has been blocked off until we know what's going on. So Tsume, how's Kiba?"

Tsume smirked, "He's doing fine. He told me that his friend, Sasuke, had a crush on Naruto." The two women could actually see Minato mentally write up an arrest warrant for Sasuke, "but Sasuke got over it and is now dating Choji." They could almost see that mental arrest warrant go up in flames in Minato's mind. Minato has it bad for Naruto!

Everyone cringed when they heard a grinding noise. They turned and saw Mito standing in the hall grinding her teeth. The three adults plugged their ears and waited for the incoming tantrum to subside.


Orochimaru walked into his lab and deadpanned when he found his listening equipment smoking and his assistant, Kabuto, on the floor with swirls in his eyes and smoke coming out of the headphones he was wearing.

The snake sannin shook his head, "I told him not to wear headphones or turn up the volume when listening in on a banshee fangirl. Those shrieks are bad ... but would be an effective weapon hmmmm that's something to look into." Orochimaru left his twitching assistant on the floor in order to ponder his new project. Harnessing the power of the banshee squeal and make it into a weapon.


Naruto and Kazumi are lead in the dance competition and Julie and Dan were right behind them. The last round, the Tango round, was up in ten minutes. Kazumi was going down the stairs when something hit her from behind. She fell and twisted her ankle.

She looked up and saw Julie looking down at her, "Help! He need a medic!" A medic rushed over and said she probably shouldn't continue. Julie shot her a smug smile and left just as Naruto came over.

"What happened?" Naruto asked as he saw the medic leave Kazumi's side and talk with the host.

"The pink nut job pushed me down the stairs and told the medics. They're probably telling the host that it wouldn't be safe for me to dance right now." Said Kazumi as Naruto healed her.

As expected the rather flamboyant host came over, "Kazumi darling! The medics said you had a bad fall. You may look ok now, but I can't risk it. I'm sorry, but I will have to disqualify you. Would you like to get a substitute?"

Naruto smiled, "if it's alright with you, Kazumi, I know someone who can fill in."

Kazumi's eyes were shining with hope, "Really, you really know someone? That'd be great if they can come. I wish I could finish though."

The host clapped, "Fabulous! Naruto, you have 30 minutes to get your replacement, ok?"

Naruto nodded.


Kazumi sat down next to Akane, "Hey, Akane!"

Akane blinked, "Kazumi? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be on stage?"

"Funny story. Julie pushed me and the medics told the host I was too injured to dance before Naruto healed me, but Naruto found someone to replace me. I wish it was me finishing though." Kazumi groaned.

Akane smiled, "Sure, Julie pulled a dirty trick, but you're the reason you and Naruto are so far ahead. That substitute is just keeping you in the game. Oh, here they are!"

Naruto and a gorgeous blonde woman in a short sexy red dress walked out on stage and performed a beautiful tango number.

"Who is the girl Naruto's dancing with?" Wondered Menma.

Kakashi looked up from his book to admire the breathtaking woman. She had a slender body with gentle curves and long sexy legs. She looked familiar. The copycat dropped his book in shock, "That's not a woman. That's your father!"

The three Namikaze brothers looked closer and their jaws dropped, Kakashi was right! That was their Dad in the red dress! The two danced beautifully together and they went to the dressing room to wait for the judges to decide. Akane, Kazumi and Hinata sat chatting together while everyone else was sitting in their own group.

Minato whined, "Naruto, I'm the Hokage! You can't call me away like that. Will you please take off the rune, I look like a girl!"

"You have 20 clones in the village. If there was a problem they would tell you and no, I won't remove the rune. This is payback." Naruto saw them flinch and shook his head "I don't mean payback for that, but for these." Naruto held up one of Minato's tri-pronged kunai, "You remember Minato, you left over 40 of your special kunai at my place the first time you came."

Minato's face turned a bright shade of red, he was busted, "I'm sorry! I just didn't like the idea of you being on that island. A bunch of possible scenarios flew through my mind about you getting hurt and needing help ... I just couldn't help myself "

Naruto smirked, "What scenario went through your mind when you put two of your kunai under my mattress and one in my shower?"

"I'm so proud, sensei! I knew you had some kinkiness in you!" Cried Kakashi who was shedding tears of happiness.

Minato blinked. In his mind he was just being thorough. Minato blinked again and then a blush exploded across his entire body, "I didn't mean it like that!" Whimpered the blonde hokage.

Naruto chuckled at the embarrassed hokage, "I'm not surprised ... Oh, and Minato, that rune only changes your hair, clothes, puts makeup on and helps you dance. It doesn't change your body. That sexy body is all you." Minato nearly fainted he was so happy.

"Hey, Naruto. I'm curious, why don't you look like your related to Minato or Kushina? I mean every Namikaze can easily be mistaken for a woman, but not you." Minato shot the copycat a glare for bringing up the subject.

Naruto sighed, "It's my mana training. The mana changed my body so I no longer had a dangerous heart defect and as I mastered elements my hair and eyes changed. It literally is mana over matter. Genetics has little to do with it."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow, "Hypothetically, if I took a DNA sample what would be the results?"

"It would say that Momo was my mother and my father is unknown. So I'm technically not related to Minato. I didn't do it on purpose, Momo is my mother, I always felt that way so my mana reached out and incorporated her mana into me. Like I said, mana over matter."

Kurama asked "Naruto, what do you mean your eyes changed? They don't look different."

Naruto looked puzzled before he came to a realization, "You guys never seen me without my glasses, have you?" They shook their heads.

Naruto smiled and removed his glasses revealing his cosmos eyes. Kakashi saw Minato's eyes glaze over and his cheeks became flushed as he gazed dreamily into Naruto eyes. Minato felt like he was being pulled into the stars. The host choose that moment to tell Naruto and Kazumi to come to the stage. Naruto put his glasses back on and everyone, except Kakashi and Minato, left.

Kakashi looked at Minato, "Sensei, are you in love with Naruto?"

Minato bit his lip nervously before saying, "Yes."

Kakashi sighed, "You should tell him."

The hokage gaped, "But how do I do that after everything-"

The jonin rolled his eye, "Let me guess. You think Naruto won't love you because of the past. You're wrong sensei. Naruto isn't dwelling on the past and I'm sure if you talked to him you'll see that he feels the same way about you too."

Minato's eyes widened, "You think Naruto likes me too?"

Kakashi nodded "I saw you two dance. You never broke eye contact with each other. You didn't break eye contact with him and he didn't break it with you. I'm sure Naruto cares about you too."

Minato smiled, "Alright I'll talk to him."

Naruto came back in the dressing room, "We won first place. I gave the award to Kazumi. That ok, Minato?"

Minato nodded and Kakashi left the room to give them some privacy. The copycat ninja waited outside the room, but a couple minutes later an irritated Naruto came out of the room in his regular ninja gear and Minato was nowhere to be seen. Kakashi was a little worried. He really hoped that he wasn't wrong.


The team returned to Konoha without any problems.

Minato, who is now in his normal clothes, smiled, "Well done team. You're dismissed." Everyone except Naruto left the room, "That means you too, Naruto."

Naruto didn't budge, "Actually, hokage-sama, I think we need to talk about something." Minato's bodyguards on the ledge outside tensed. They were used to keeping perverts away from their blonde hokage. They've arrested over 80 perverts and Minato never knew. They are always on guard especially with that toad sage, Jiraiya.

"Can it wait? I'm busy." Said Minato as he shuffled some papers pretending to look busy.

"No, this can't wait, I want to talk about what happened in the dressing room." An irritated Naruto said.

"I don't know what you are talking about."  The blonde huffed completely unaware of his bodyguards preparing to defend him from what they believe is another delusional nut case trying to molest their naive hokage.

"I'm talking about you kissing me and then using the hiraishin to run away. Ring any bells, Hokage-sama?" Naruto said while staring intently at the little blushing blonde. Minato blushed as he recalled what happened. He intended to talk to Naruto, but when Naruto removed his glasses to change back into his ninja gear Minato lost it and kissed him. Of course, Minato panicked when he realized what happened and ran.

Minato was ashamed, "Naruto, I'm sorry! I just couldn't stop myself. My feelings for you just ..." He hesitated before whispering, "I love you.". His bodyguards slipped off their ledge in shock. Minato has never made a move on someone before!

Naruto leaned forward, "Could you repeat that a little louder?"

The hokage started getting nervous, "I love you and I know you probably want nothing to do with me and-" Minato continued rambling.

Naruto took off his glasses and set them down on the desk. He ignored the smaller males rambling as he said, "Minato ... you're an idiot." He grabbed Minato's wrist and pulled him into a kiss shocking Minato to the core.

The hypnotic motion of Naruto's warm lips on his made him melt. His eyes fluttered closed and he happily returned the kiss. He moaned softly as when Naruto slipped his tongue into his mouth. Minato didn't care that he was being easily dominated in the kiss, just that Naruto was kissing him. He didn't care that the kiss made his knees so weak that he couldn't stand, just that it was Naruto holding him up. When they finally broke the kiss for some much needed air Minato buried his head into Naruto's chest and sighed happily enjoying the feeling of the Magic user's arms wrapped firmly around his waist.

"I love you too, Minato." Said Naruto as the blonde nuzzled his chest.

Just a moment later Minato's secretary poked her head in and blushed, "Umm I'm sorry for interrupting, but there's a message from the Daimyo." She left the message on Minato's desk before leaving.

Minato reluctantly moved away from Naruto and took the message, "It's an invitation to his daughter's birthday party ... oh no."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "What is it?"

Minato gulped, "He expects everyone to be there ... even Mito."

Naruto winced, Mito meeting the Daimyo, that can't go wrong, right? "Come to think of it when should we tell people that we're together? ... Minato!" Naruto caught the blonde before he hit the floor.

Minato thought about Mito's possible reaction to his and Naruto's relationship and promptly fainted.

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