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By Sacha_How

4.3K 138 14

"๐™๐™๐™š ๐™ฅ๐™ง๐™ž๐™˜๐™š ๐™ค๐™› ๐™›๐™ง๐™š๐™š๐™™๐™ค๐™ข ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™๐™ž๐™œ๐™. ๐˜ผ๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ž๐™ฉ'๐™จ ๐™– ๐™ฅ๐™ง๐™ž๐™˜๐™š ๐™„'๐™ข ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ก๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ฉ๐™ค... More

Finding You, Finding Me
1. Project Insight
2. Thoughts and Remorse
3. Three Shots
4. Turning Point
5. Going Rouge
6. Jealousy and Not so Good Undercovering
7. Revelation
8. Sam Freakin' Wilson
9. Zola's Algorithm
10. The Winter Soldier
11. Unexpected but Expected
12. Planning and Stealing
13. Down With Hydra
14. The Rescue
15. Fatal Flaw
16. Charlie Lock?
17. Rose Falsworth
Finding You, Finding Me 0.2
1. Return to Avengers Tower
2. Who's Unworthy? You're Unworthy
3. Ultron?
4. Together
5. Back to The Past
6. Nightmares and Lost Memories
7. More than an Archer
8. No eyes, No ears
9. Seoul
10. Thor's Vision
11. Sokovia
13. Avengers Assemble
14. The Beginning of The End

12. Fate and Destiny

89 3 0
By Sacha_How

Pietro and Rachel rushed down the narrow streets of Sokovia, tearing each bot apart with ease as they sped by. To say it wasn't getting tiring for even Rachel would be an understatement.

They would jump over cop cars, run down alleys and help the people out of their homes as quickly as possible. The majority of the people were already out of their homes thanks to Wanda but there were some people struggling behind.

Rachel may be slowly beginning to slowly get tired but it was heavy hitting on Pietro as he had never really ran so far so fast even though Rachel was by far the faster speedster.

"You alright." Rachel asked the Sokovian as she stopped him from running and placed her hands on his shoulders.

"I'll be fine..." Pietro assures Rachel with a small smile. "Just... haven't ran so... quick before..." Pietro admits as he leaned back against the wall as Rachel let him go.

"You get used to it." Rachel assures smiling at the speedster.

"You know... it's nice to have someone who understands what I'm going through." Pietro then admitted looking down at the cobbled floor before lifting his head up to look at Rachel.

"You know what... it is." Rachel agrees nodding her head before a familiar voice was heard through the intercom.

"Stark you worry about bringing the city back down safely." Steve ordered his leadership and strong attitude laced his tone. "The rest of us have one job: tear theses things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed.... walk it off." Rachel narrowed her eyes confused at Steve's words before rolling her eyes and looking back at Pietro.

"Find your sister. Make sure she's okay." Rachel ordered looking at Pietro with a serious look on her face.

"What will you do?" He asked.

"I'm headed to the bridge." Rachel states. "The people and the Avengers need all the help they can get." Pietro nodded towards Rachel in agreement in which she returned before rushing to the edge of the city where Steve was.

When Rachel did arrive at the edge the battle was in full swing. Ultron's men were flying around trying to kill civilians as the Avengers... or rather just Steve and the twins who had arrived moments before were fighting back. Tony was looking for a solution to the problem whilst Thor who was meant to be with Steve was nowhere to be seen.

Upon hearing gunfire she rushed towards the Sokovian police officers who had been told to then stop firing upon the arrival of the twins who had started kicking Ultron butt. One rouge bullet was suddenly fired accidentally and skimmed Pietro's shoulder. When Pietro looked at the officers with an annoyed look as Rachel tore down one of the bots that was suddenly headed in the speedsters direction.

Wanda was using her magical abilities which when not used against Rachel were very impressive to watch. Helping Wanda quickly Rachel sped around the young Maximoff taking out the ones behind her with ease as she took the ones visible to her out.

Realising what Rachel had done for her Wanda turned her body around to face Rachel who stood panting for a moment. Wanda's eyes widened before she could say thank you and sent a blast of her energy passed Rachel by inches, it taking out one of the bots Rachel had failed to notice. Rachel's head snapped behind her as it happened to see her red mist fade away and pieces of metal collapse on the floor in one heap behind her. Turning back to Wanda in shock Rachel nodded once before racing off to find Steve.

Once seeing the familiar red, white and blue suit she ran over to see him and a very familiar redheaded friend.

"Natasha." Rachel acknowledged in shock as she stood behind her and Steve. The two turned their heads around at the sound of the Brit's voice and Steve smiled.

"Hey Speedy." Natasha greets mocking Tony with a smile. "It's good to see you." She says as Rachel walked over to them standing beside Steve.

"How are the twins?" Steve asked looking down towards Rachel.

"Pietro's tired but won't give up and Wanda's a badass." Rachel states loud and clear looking back up at Steve who glared at her choice of words to describe Wanda.

"You dare say that word or you are ruining my British pride." Rachel warns glaring back up at Steve as Natasha watched suspiciously.

"Did I miss something?" Natasha asked. "Or are you still not a couple?" Rachel and Steve widened their eyes at Natasha's question and the two blushed a little but the battle scars made it harder to see.

"No." Rachel blurts her lie for the first time in her life detectable.

"Does anyone know?" Natasha asked figuring it out as she smirked to herself.

"Tony..." Rachel sighed looking out in front of her to see the blue skies the clouds had hidden.

"Wow I thought he would've-" Natasha starts in shock before being interrupted by Steve who didn't (as much as he felt relief) want to talk about his relationship with Rachel here.

"The next waves gonna hit any minute." Steve states as he gripped his shield tighter. "What you got Stark?"

"Well, nothing great... maybe a way to blow the city... that'll keep it from impacting the city if you guys can get clear..." Tony explains in a dreadfully defeated tone. There was clearly no other way. Rachel shut her eyes closed realising this by his tone alone and her head lowered as she placed her hand on her temple.

"I asked for a solution not an escape plan." Steve argued as he turned back around to see Wanda and Pietro helping the people into the more secure buildings.

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're gonna have to make a choice." Tony counters, his tone not changing in the slightest as Rachel could only thank herself that if she was going to have to die to save the world that she had said goodbye to her mother at least.

"Cap, these people are going nowhere." Natasha states looking towards Steve who turned back around before looking out in front of him like Rachel was now doing. "If Stark finds a way to blow this rock."

"Not till everyone's safe." Steve tells her firmly not giving up on the people he and the team had already worked so hard on protecting.

"Everyone up here versus everyone down there, there's no math there."

"Steve she's right-" Rachel tried to persuade him but Steve wasn't having any of it.

"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it." Steve interrupts his argument clear.

"I didn't say we should leave." Steve turned his head towards Natasha in shock at her decision. Rachel although didn't want to sacrifice so many she did agree. "There's worse ways to go." Natasha assures Steve shrugging. Steve's head turned towards Rachel as he felt her squeeze his hand. Looking down her sad frown he could tell that she agreed with Natasha as much as she hated to admit it. "Where else am I going to get a view like this?" She asked smiling slightly at the blue skies in front of her.

"Glad you like the view Romanoff." Rachel's head snapped toward the clouds as Nick Fury's voice sounded through the intercom. "It's about to get better." The three looked at the sky in front of them to see the Hellicarrier from way back in 2012 slowly emerge from the clouds in all its glory. Rachel smiled as she let go of Steve's hand and stepped forward.


"Nice right, I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple old friends." Fury states from his podium right in the centre of the bridge. Former Shield agents of which he trusted dearly rushed around including Jenny Brook. "She's dusty but she'll do."


"Fury you son of a bitch." Steve remarked smiling.

Rachel's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she turned her head to face Steve with her hands placed firmly on her hips.

"Oh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury retorted as Steve noticed Rachel's expression.

"Language Captain." Rachel scolds mimicking an American accent that could use some work.


"Altitude is eighteen-thousand feet and climbing." Maria Hill states from her podium a few meters from Fury's position.

"Lifeboats securely deployed, disengage in three... two.. take em out." Cameron Klein ordered from his seat as Jenny watched from behind him. Once the order was placed Jenny presses her lips to his temple making him blush before she headed to a familiar but not so familiar face.

"Do you like this vintage vessel?" Jenny asked none other than Rose Falsworth as she continued to stare in awe at the place.

"This is way cooler than Rachel described, Agent Brooks." Rose tells the agent beside her who smirked chuckling at the response.

"Call me Jenny. You sister saved my niece." Jenny assures patting Rose's shoulder. Rose turned her head in shock towards Jenny as she smiled. "You are her sister, you deserve the respect I've given her." Rose nodded sincerely at Jenny who then passed her a small device. "You wanna say hi to your sister?"


"This is Shield?" Pietro assumes stopping beside Rachel as the two smiled up at the Hellicarrier.

"Yep." Rachel answered.

"This is what shield's supposed to be." Steve added as he smiled at the memory of the past Shield.

"This is not so bad." Pietro admitted smirking.

"Rachel? Please tell me you can hear me." Rachel's eyes widened happily as she smiled to hear her sister's voice.

"I copy." Rachel smiled to which Pietro looked towards his fellow speedster confused.

"You never told me it was this cool!" Rose exclaimed making Steve who could hear the Falsworth chuckle under his breath.

"Sister?" Pietro assumes smirking.

"Yeah..." Rachel answered smirking towards the Sokovian who could only relate.

"How's the team?" Rose asked the excitement in her voice way to enthusiastic for something like this.

"Better." Rachel assures. "Plus kicking robot butt is always a plus." Rose gasped in what seemed to be pure happiness and shock.

"Oh my this Fury guy is sooo cool..." Rose then whispered in pure excitement. "But scary." Rachel shook her head smiling in only agreement as Natasha smirked. She wasn't wrong.

"Let's load them up." Steve ordered as victory slowly became visible. Rachel smirked before joining the rest in helping civilians onto the lifeboats that shield provided.


"Sir, we have multiple bogies converging on our starboard flank." Maria informs as Rose stood beside her admiring but worried that something might go wrong be the worrier she was.

"Show em what we got." Fury orders with a sly smirk referencing clearly to Maria what he was talking about.

"You're up." Maria confirms on her intercom to none other than James Rhodes aka War Machine who immediately flew out of the Hellicarrier to take out the incoming.

"Yes!" Rose heard him exclaim. "This is gonna make a great story." He tells himself before Tony Stark joined him in taking out the bots Ultron sent their way.

"Boat number six is topped and locked... or uh stock top.. it's full of people..." Klein awkwardly informed from his station as Jenny walked over with a pitiful smirk.

"You'll get there honey." She assures leaning against the desk before Rose noticed something silver nearing the glass wall of a window.

"Maria..." Rose warns before alarms began to blare loudly around them. Maria's head snapped towards the window and both Rose and Maria's eyes widened in realisation that it was one Ultron's bots heading their way at an incredible speed.

"Incoming!" Maria shouts right before it shattered the glass making Rose scream as Maria pushed her to the floor instinctively.

Fury dove out of the way as it launched itself into the desk behind him.

"Oh god!" Klein screamed as an Ultron bot recovered itself from the rubble and crawled out quickly.

Rose stood up stumbling backwards as Maria shot the robot in attempts to stop it as Jenny rapidly dragged her boyfriend away from the centre. Fury quickly grabbed a hunk of metal from the ground before stabbing the bot through the head stopping it from doing any further damage.

As everyone slowly relaxed Rose stepped back sweating out of shock as her heart began to beat faster. Her only thoughts were how Rachel could even handle one of those things.

Before Rose could turn to look away from the scene a cold hand forcefully grabbed her arm tightly causing Rose to turn in panic as another Ultron robot that had snuck in held her in a forceful and tight grip.

"Maria!" Rose cried as she tried to fight it off but couldn't. Maria and Nick's heads as well as everyone else's snapped in Rose's direction as the Ultron bot flew out the Hellicarrier with Rose in its grasp as she cried for help.

"Falsworth! Stark!" Nick yells into the intercom catching their attention. "Ultron's bastards have Rose!"


Rachel froze as her eyes widened at Fury's words. Steve rushed to Rachel as he heard it to, his mind instantly recognising her fear.

The only thing racing through her mind was what Ultron told her at the Salvage Yard in Africa a matter of days ago.

Your sister is clearly who keeps you going... it would be shame if that stability were to fall

"He's going to kill her..." Rachel figures her voice shaky as she looked up at Steve who held the same look of worry.


"Stark! Do you have eyes on Rose?" Steve asked Tony over the intercom as he flew around the front of the Hellicarrier to see if he find the younger Falsworth.

"I can't see her!" Tony informed as his eyes frantically searched for the most innocent Falsworth a Stark had ever met. "Friday?" Tony flew towards the city as he searched his surroundings for an bot that looked out of place until he heard a scream.

"She's on your left." His head snapped to his left and looked down as he saw Rose struggling against one of Ultron's men's grip. Tony panicked knowing what Ultron was willing to do to claim victory and tear the team apart.


Rachel looked up as she searched for any sign of a bot when she saw Tony suddenly dive down and followed his angle to see Rose. Her eyes widened when she saw just by the way she was moving how terrified she was.

As Tony flew towards Rose to save her from something Rachel didn't have the ability to the bot noticed and his eyes went red.

Rachel knew Ultron was going to do it.


Rose continued to panic as the robots eyes turned from a baby blue to a terrifying red and her eyes widened.

"Rose Falsworth..." Ultron acknowledged.

Rose could sense the smile through the tone of his voice as she continued to panic on what was happening.

"Did you know that your sister's worst fear is losing you?" Ultron asked making Rose stop panicking by the sudden uncomfortable softness in his voice.

"Rose!" Rachel shouts as she heard every word Ultron sent her way. "Tony's coming to get you! Don't worry!" Rose couldn't stop worrying.

"It would be a shame if her stability were to fall." Ultron repeated the same words he used against Rachel in Africa and Rose's eyes widened in realisation. "Don't worry... your sister will fall with you soon enough." Rose eyes widened at his bitter conclusion before he pushed her out of his grip. Rose screamed as she fell catching anyone who could hear's attention.


"Rose!" Rachel cried as her sister plummeted towards the clouds below, gravity pulling her down quicker than she wanted.

Steve's eyes widened in shock as he saw the younger Falsworth drop down screaming. It was terrifying for him and Rachel to watch.


"Friday! Full thrust on our repulsers!" Tony ordered quickly, his tone filled to the brim with panic and determination to save Rose before it was too late. Tony instantly destroyed the bot with his repulsers whilst he waited for the juice to kick in.

Friday quickly followed her boss' order pushing the thrusters to their limits as Tony raced after Rose who continued to fall and out of Rachel and Steve's view.

Rose soon saw Tony and thrusted her arm out in hopes he'd get to her quicker that way as she held back her screams as her voice wouldn't allow her too. She continued to panic even though Tony quickly got closer and closer to Rose and once he was close enough grabbed her outstretched hand and pulled her into his embrace tightly as she whimpered before he shot back into the air and up to Sokovia.

"You're okay, you're okay now." Tony assures Rose once he had let out a sigh of relief. The young Falsworth held Tony tightly as he flew her to Sokovia and her sister.

As soon as Tony was visible Rachel felt the relief hit her with a wave of emotions with it. Tony carefully landed letting Rose go as Rachel sped to her sister and wrapped her arms around her as Rose collapsed into her embrace.

"Thank goodness you're okay..." Rachel barely whispered as tears fell over her mask and down her cheeks. "I thought I was going to lose you.." Rose could only hug her sister back as the fear and shock overwhelmed her. Steve soon reached the Falsworth's nodding towards Tony before he flew back into the battle above.

"Rachel, Rose'll have to go on the lifeboats." Steve informs as Rachel kept ahold of her sister as she turned her head towards Steve. The tears were clear as they ran down Rachel's cheeks which made him feel bad that he couldn't save Rose. He didn't have that ability but was glad that Tony did for Rachel's sake.

"Okay." Rachel says swallowing the lump in her throat. "Rose, look at me..." Rose's head slowly lifted as she looked into her sister's eyes and Steve stood behind Rachel with a sympathetic look. "You have to go with the Sokovian's okay. I still have to finish this." Rose hesitantly nodded not wanting to leave her sister's side but knew that it was the best for them both.

"Fury, we have Rose. She's shaky but she'll pull through." Steve informed Fury as Rachel lead her sister to the nearest lifeboat.

"Good. That was a close one." Fury responded.

"Thor, I've got a plan!" Tony informed as Rachel sped to Steve's side.

"We're out of time!" Thor counters. "They're coming for the core!" Rachel and Steve both looked at each other in worry before Rachel quickly grabbed Steve and sped the two of them to the centre as fast as they could.

"Avengers! Time to work for a living!"

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