Bee Sting | NaNoWriMo 2018

By KawaiiArtsy

912 51 41

I met a bee, always busy and moving. It was just attraction at first sight, nothing more. But I should have... More

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22 2 0
By KawaiiArtsy

I didn't notice my partner for Physics was in my gym class until we were partnered up for a physical test. We each did push ups and sit ups and had to count how many the other person did until the Coach called time or the person gave up.

Mack gave up after ten push ups and five sit ups. Coach Mel was not happy she gave up so fast. She didn't even look tired or that she was struggling. It was like she just didn't care. And I'll admit that was a bit annoying. But I kind of figured she was a person who just didn't care since in Physics she constantly stayed on her phone ignoring me. I decided I would count my own pushups and situps just in case.

I hated pushups but once I got to thirty I was ready to drop. Thank goodness Coach called time. I did thirty-four sit ups. Mack said I did twenty situps and ten pushups. I told Coach what I actually did before she let us have free time. Which was either playing basketball, volleyball, or walking. Mack sat down instead which meant she was going to lose participation points.

“Hey should probably walk at least.” I suggested walking back and forth by her so I wouldn't lose points too.

“Not in the mood.” she muttered while staring at her phone.

“What's the point in even coming to school then?” left my lips and she looked up glaring at me.

“Excuse me?” she said turning off her phone.

“I don't see why you're here then. You're here at school so do what you're supposed to do.” I said glaring back.

“And how does this concern you?” she scoffed.

“I just hate that the school keeps kids like you around.” I spat and walked away.

Guilt ate me inside instantly. But I wasn't going to turn back and apologize. All I said was true. It was how I felt. Don't come to school if you're not willing to learn. No I don't like school either but at least I try. She's not even trying and that drives me-

A ball strikes the wall right near my head. I jump and shriek slightly. Bex runs over with a frown. I glare slightly as she bends down picking up the volleyball.

“I'm so sorry Karter.” she mumbled while standing up.

The anger boiling with the guilt was a terrible mix. I took a deep breath in closing my eyes and let it out. Opening my eyes I saw Bex looking at me dumbfounded and that she took some steps back away from me.

“It's fine, I accidentally almost  knocked your head off too when I was practicing how to serve for volleyball.” I said before walking away.

“You what now?!” I heard her yell and footsteps behind me.

She appeared in front of me scaring the bejesus out of me. I jumped back as she stared at me with determined eyes.

“That was you?” she asked.

“I just said that didn't I?” I asked raising an eyebrow and she muttered.

“And you didn't apologize? I was scared to death.” she said glaring a bit.

“I didn't think to.” I muttered looking away.

“Well you could now.” she said.

And she could also go back to playing volleyball. Was this karma for bothering Mack?

“I’m sorry.” I said sighing.

“Now, you should join us for volleyball.” she said making me blink.

“And why would I do that?” I said trying to sneak away.

“Because I heard Coach Fletcher say we would be playing again and have a test on it.” she said smirking causing me to groan.

“I can't play well.” I muttered but she was already dragging me to the game.

First she had my wrist but I quickly pulled away. I wasn't touchy and being touched by others I didn't know very well was uncomfortable. She ending up dragging me by my sleeve. Whenever her fingers brushed me I moved away.

I didn't understand people like this. How could you drag a person over that isn't your friend, who you barely know? How could you touch them without feeling weird? She didn't seem to have no problem with it.

“So I'm serving, since you’re not a fan of it you don't have to serve. Only those who want to serve.” she explained to me.

“What about rotating?” I asked as she bent down getting in position to serve.

“This is our game, no rotating.” she said and spiked the ball over the net.

I swallowed as it was hit back over the net from the other team. Luckily someone in front got it back over and it hit the ground. No rotating meant I had less to worry about. And I didn't just watch or cheer on for players on my team but also engage.

I ran up to the front a few times to hit the ball over the net. It was still difficult but now it was also somewhat fun. I ended up playing until it was time to head back to the locker rooms.

“Are you going in the stalls again?” I hear a familiar voice ask and I turn around to see electric blue eyes staring into mine.

“Yeah, why?” I asked closing the small door and locked it.

“You're the only one who uses the stalls.” Bex murmurs and I raise an eyebrow. “I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but why aren't you comfortable around us?” she asked taking her own shirt off which my eyes flickered away.

It was a habit whenever I saw a piece of clothing about to come off. Doesn't matter what gender you are or who you were. I don't even like to look in a mirror when I undress.

“It's not that, I just feel cramped with there being so many people around me. I hardly have space.” I explained and I see motion in the corner of my eye, which I guess is her nodding.

“Alright then,” she says and I make my way to the stalls.

I happen to notice all the eyes on me this time. Thanks a lot Bex. But I tried to ignore the stares and close the door then undress. Once I get out the bell rings. I rush to my locker putting my gym clothes up and close the locker before locking it.

I end up being stuck in the crowd of girls leaving the locker room. My backpack also causes me to lose my balance when I try to rush ahead them and I bump into no other than Mack. She glared at me and gave me the finger before walking ahead, slowly.

Now I didn't want to apologize about bumping into her or earlier. Shaking off what just happened I continued my way to Calculus. And I had to remember not to tell Diara what happened at gym with my Physics partner or she would look for her. And yes, I had to remember not to tell Diara something because my memory was not always the best. So I kept repeating what I needed to not do when I see Diara.

“Hey Kart.” Caleb greeted me with his signature cracked lip smile.

As much as Diara got on him about it we were use to it. And it didn't even bother me. I don't think it bothered Diara either, she was just playful.

“Hey Cale” I said with a smile of my own as I walked over and took a seat next to him.

“You know I hate that nickname.” he muttered while writing down the do now.

“And you know I hate the nickname you gave me as well.” I hum causing him to roll his eyes. “Anyway, hand me a pen?”

“Yeah sure, just don't chew on it.” he says rummaging through his backpack before handing me a pen.

“Just because you chew on pens doesn't mean everyone else does.” I reply writing on my hand a reminder on not telling Diara about Mack at gym.

“That was in middle school...and maybe freshmen...and sophomore year- But! I don't do it anymore.” he argued as I put the cap on the pen handing it back.

“Thanks for stating the facts to prove me correct.” I reply writing down the do now and answer with my pencil.

Diara ended up coming in a bit late, like after the bell. But she ran in on time before the teacher could notice. So we got to work a little bit after she came in. On our way to English she told me how far she read and needs me to read there so we can talk about it. Which I agreed with since I wanted to talk about it too but not get any spoilers.

In class Coach/Ms. Mel had us read on our own while answering some questions she wanted us to do. I finally caught up to Diara so we started to complain and come up with theories. Before we knew it the bell rang for lunch.

“Can you believe the nerve of them, killing such a nice family.” Diara complained while we stood in line for lunch.

“Don’t remind me, I hardly know them but want to cry.” I muttered as a couple of kids tried to butt us but Diara and I blocked their way together.

“The book is interesting though.” Diara said as we moved up in the line.

“A bit boring at the same time though.” I replied and surprisingly Diara nodded in agreement.

“Are you two reading In Cold Blood?” a voice asked and I turned around to see Bex standing with two other girls, one I slightly recognized from gym while the other I had no clue about.

“Yeah, I guess all English classes are reading it huh?” Diara spoke up.

“Not mine.” the tall girl with sea green hair I didn't know said.

“AP I'm guessing?” Diara asked as we moved up and I squinted my eyes to see the lunch menu.

“No, just we're reading Wonder instead so we can watch a movie afterward.” the girl said.

“Oooh lucky.” Diara said hugging and glanced at me. “Wish we had that class.”

“I think we'll be reading that next.” Bex said glancing at me then Diara. “So where are you two sitting?”

“Wherever there is space for us and Caleb.” Diara replied with a shrug.

“Space for us?” Bex asked and Diara blinked.

“Um…” Diara said glancing at me for approval and I shrugged. “Sure.”

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