Take Me As I Am (Revised)

By VantaRoses

5.5K 136 4

"Oh you a feisty one? That's cool, I love my girls feisty. Do you know who I am sweetheart?" "Not really but... More

Best Day Ever
Do you know who I am?
We got a new addition to the house
Truth or Dare
I still have feelings for her...
It means I love you
We need to talk...I'm sorry
I don't need you now
You know I like you right?
I never felt this way before
I want her to meet my family
Kiss me
Hey sexy...Did you miss me?
S***...Please save me!!!!
I got me a college girl

Tell me what's wrong

245 8 0
By VantaRoses

Diggy POV

"What's wrong w/ Liyah ?" Twist asked

"She doesn't want to be me and Christian sister?"

"That's not it Justin she adores y'all. She's happy she has you as her brother officially but something happened when she was little before she got adopted and imma find out, bye yall *gets up to leave*"

"Where you going ?" everyone asked

"To check on my girl"

So I leave the house to go find Aaliyah and I can't find her anywhere. Gosh where did she say she liked to go to escape? Oh yeah, the cherry tree across the street from the park. So I drive there, park by the swing set & go sit by her on the swings.

"What's wrong Liyah ?"


"Why are you lying to me? Tell me what's wrong"

"I said nothing Daniel"

"Okay now I know something's wrong, you never call me by my real name *picks Aaliyah up*"

"*screams* Put me down"

"Okay *puts her in the backseat of the car and locks the door* Why you don't want Diddy to be your father? He wants to be there"

"You wouldn't understand"

"Try me, why can't you just let him be there ?"

"I don't want him in my life like that Diggy now drop it"

"Why don't you ? Please tell me baby"

"Because when I needed him the most he wasn't there. When my first foster dad was verbally abusing me about how I looked and I shouldn't be alive he wasn't there. When my second foster dad would throw stuff at me when he was drunk he wasn't there. When my third foster dad tried to drown me he wasn't there. My fourth foster dad tried to rape me but I wouldn't let him so he beat me until he thought I was dead from all the blood I lost. When he finally left I ran out of the house until I couldn't run anymore. I fell in the middle of the street blood just gushing preparing to die when a truck pulled up and put me in their car. Next thing I knew I was in the hospital with tubes to me. it was the twins that saved me, they nursed me back to health and adopted me. I made excuses about all the bruises and the reason I was bleeding so much. They finally all went away a couple of weeks ago. And where was my father through all of this, nowhere to be found. I needed him and he wasn't there *starts to cry* he wasn't there"

"*hugs Aaliyah tightly* I'm so sorry I didn't know"

"Well now you do, this the first time I've really cried in 7 years. I've always kept everything bottled up inside"

"Anyway I can help ?"

"Just hold me, don't let me go please *cries harder*"

So I let her cry for hours in my arms until she fell asleep. I slowly laid her down in the backseat while I drove home. I got out of the car, took her in the house, and laid her on my bed.

"Why is her face red and puffy ?" the twins asked

"She had been crying for hours until she fell asleep"

"So I'm guessing you know something? About why she was so mad?" Justin asked

"Yeah, she's been through hell and back"

"Like what ?" Twist asked

So I tell them the story and the room is dead silent. The girls have tears coming down their faces, the boys are just sitting there holding their girl not knowing what to say & Diddy had his head in his hands. It was really late so we all decided to go to sleep.

"*wakes up Liyah* change into your pj's Liyah"

"Okay *goes to the bathroom to change and come back out*"

"*laughs* Nice pajamas"

"Classic Nickelodeon shows"

"I see...well good night"

"Diggy ?"

"Yeah ?"

"Can you sleep with me tonight please? I don't want to be alone"

"Of course Aaliyah"

"*makes out with me passionately and slowly pulls away leaving him wanting more*"

"*Smiles kinda in a daze from what just happen* Woah...What was that for ?"

"For being there for me and I've kinda been wanting to kiss you for a while now *bites lip and lays down* good night Diggy"

"*lays down also and wraps his arms around me* good night Liyah"

A/N: Awwwwww you've been through a lot Liyah. and Look how Diggy came after you and comfort you he's such a sweetheart. So will Aaliyah feel better in the morning ? Did that kiss you gave Diggy mean something ? Will you and Diggy end up together ? Must request next chapter to find out

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