Read My Mind (Saiki K x Fem!R...

By Xiao_Fang7887

306K 10.4K 3.8K

An anti-social person like Saiki having a childhood best friend? Who would've thought. Yes, Kusuo Saiki has a... More

Coffee Jelly
Ice Cream Sunday
Chocolate Cake
Chocolate, Strawberry, and Lime Cake Pt.1
Cheesecake Pt.2
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolate Ice Cream
Cream Puff
Cotton Candy
Vanilla Frosting
Fortune Cookies
Fruit Cake
Cream Horn
Kouign Amann
New Cover
Vanilla Ice Cream
Sugar Cookie
Strawberry Mochi
Fengli Su
Eccles Cake
Icebox Cake
Berry Cobbler
Apple Cider Doughnuts
Halloween Candy
Jelly Doughnuts
Green Tea Ice Cream
Green Tea Ice Cream Pt.2
Key Lime Pie
Green Tea Ice Cream Pt.3
⚠Bad News⚠
Sea Salt Caramel Chocolates
Boba Tea
Chocolate Lava Cake
Fried Dough with Powdered Sugar
New York Style Cheesecake
Chocolate Truffles
Apple Turnover
Strawberry Shortcake
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Lemon Meringue Pie
Luigi's Lemon Italian Ice
Strawberry Banana Smoothie
Fudge Brownies
Red Velvet Cake
Banana Split
Pineapple Upside-down Cake
Flores de Hojaldre

♥️Valentines Day Chocolates♥️

12.3K 363 386
By Xiao_Fang7887

This is a non-canon chapter. This is to just celebrate Valentine's Day. The actual canon chapter of Valentine's Day will come out in the order of each event in each episode. Bye now.

"Happy Valentines Day my little Princess!" (Y/n) opened her (e/c) eyes, only to be met with violet eyes, and blonde hair.

"'s 12 in the morning...let me sleep..." (Y/n) groaned, hitting her head on the pillow.

"But you're daddys little princess! Daddy is supposed to treasure his little girl, and protect his little girl from boys!" Tamaki wrapped his daughter up in his arms. "I will protect you from all boys!!"

"Mom!" (Y/n) shouted.

The door suddenly burst open, and there was Haruhi. She looked tired, and especially angry. "Tamaki! Get back to bed now! It's 12 in the morning!"

Tamaki flinched, before setting (Y/n) back down on the bed. "I'm sorry honey..."

Now it was the right time to get up, after a good 7 hours later.

"I'm heading to school!" (Y/n) yelled, before running out of the family mansion.

"Hikaru and Kaoru are taking you to school!" Haruhi yelled after her daughter, right as the front doors shut.

Haruhi was right. The Hitachiin limo was outside of the Shuo household. The window rolled down, only to show the two famous designers.

"(Y/n)! Come on! We're giving you a ride today!" Hikaru shouted, resting his body on the windowsill.

"Gotta impress all those boys." Kaoru said, slinging his arm over his older brothers shoulder, resting his other arm and chin on the windowsill of the car.

Hikaru's phone buzzed. He picked it up, and answered the phone.

"She is not going near any boys!" Tamaki's voice shouted from the other side of the phone.

"Don't worry boss. Everything will be alright. She'll be perfectly safe." The twins said at the same time. They purposely made their voices sound scary, kinda like what they did when they were still in high school.

"Don't you dare-!" Hikaru hung up the phone, and tossed it back into the limo, not really caring about where it would end up landing.

"Ready to get going?" Kaoru asked, getting off his twin brother.

"Ready!" (Y/n) smiled, and opened the limo door, and got in.

"Don't you dare drive away!" Tamaki's voice was muffled form the car's window. He was running towards the car, still in his teddy bear pjs, along with a teddy bear night shirt.

"Floor it!" (Y/n) yelled to the driver, a smile on her face.

The limo started driving, while Tamaki was trying to run after the limo, not trusting the twins.

"Don't worry Princess! Daddy is on his way!" Tamaki yelled, running after the car, determined to get his daughter out of the 'shady twins' car.

"She's here!" The voices of many boys started flooding into (Y/n)'s head. Some of them were excited talking, others were yelling. She covered her head, feeling a small headache coming.

"You alright?" Hikaru asked, leaning down to his nieces level, trying to see if there was something wrong with her.

"Just, all those voices...they're all so loud sometimes." (Y/n) groaned.

"Don't worry. It will all go all away when the day is over." Kaoru said, patting his niece on the head gently.

Just as (Y/n) was about to get out of the car, there was a large thud. The three looked out the limo back window, only to see a heap of pjs, blonde hair, and sweat.

"Dad!?" (Y/n) yelled. She jumped out of the limo, and went behind the car. She grabbed his shoulders, and started shaking him. "Dad! Wake up! You're in public!"

The twins just smirked at one another, before hooking they're arms from under Tamaki, and dragged him into the limo. "We'll see you later!"

The car started zooming away, leaving (Y/n) in the street, along with the other students all wondering the same thing. What the heck just happened?

"Rough Valentines Day morning?" Saiki asked, walking towards her, and pulled her out of the street, to make sure there was nothing going to hit her.

"You have no idea." (Y/n) groaned, feeling her headache get slightly worse.

"He woke you up at 12, your mom made him go back to bed, your uncles took you here, your dad went crazy from whatever your Uncles said, and chased you down, and ended up running into the car." Saiki said, walking towards the school with the exhausted girl.

"You got that right." (Y/n) sighed. "Now I have to start accepting the chocolates form everyone..."

"Did you bring chocolates for anyone?" Saiki asked, moving his eyes to look at her.

(Y/n) blushed. "Yeah, I did. But I'm not telling you, and I will block you from my mind if you try and pry."

"I don't plan on looking though your brain. Whoever you like, you like." Saiki said, and just looked back at where he was walking.

If Saiki was going to be honest, he didn't want her to like anyone else. He didn't want (Y/n) to spend time with other people that wasn't him. He didn't want someone who was not even close to equal to her, to be her lover. He didn't want that.

"Did you block me from your thoughts?" (Y/n) asked him, accepting some gifts form her fans, thanking them with small hugs.

"No. I just wasn't thinking anything form a while." Saiki lied, making sure his thoughts of what he wanted was going to be blocked form her mind.

"If you say so." (Y/n) shrugged, and accepted another small box of chocolates from an upper class-man.

"How much chocolate did you get this year?" Saiki asked, eating a piece of chocolate that came form one of (Y/n)'s boxes.

The two were sitting on the roof, which (Y/n)'s fans willing let her have some privacy, while Saiki had used his teleportation powers to get him on the rooftop.

"Little more than last year. Must be because of the new kids." (Y/n) said, eating a chocolate with caramel inside (if you don't like caramel, then pretend you ate a piece of chocolate that you like).

"Sounds like you're getting more popular by the minute." Saiki said, hiding his jealousy from his inner thoughts.

"It gets annoying sometimes. I'm just grateful that they all let me have some time to myself." (Y/n) was truly greatfull for her fans, and happy that they all had let her have some time to herself, and didn't become one of those really crazy stalkers.

Saiki nodded. He looked into his bag, only to see a box of (Y/n)'s (favorite chocolates). He blocked her form his thoughts, just in case she would possibly hear him. "Should I give them to her? Would she just see them as friendship chocolates?"

"Saiki? Are you ok? You're oddly quiet today." (Y/n) noticed, poking his cheek, trying to get him to pay attention, or get his mind back to earth.

"I'm fine. I'm just thinking about something." Saiki said, looking away from the chocolates.

It was evening, and (Y/n) sat at her (f/c) dresser, brushing her hair, and getting herself ready for bed. What caught her attention, was the buzz of her (phone brand) phone, that was sitting on her dresser. She picked it up, and saw it was from Saiki. They can't contact one another via telepathy, since both of them were living outside of the 200 meter range.

"He wants me to get ready? But I just got ready for bed..." (Y/n) groaned, before she ended up getting herself ready. She quickly put on some black jeans, along with a red blouse, and put on one of her Uncles design leather jackets on. Grabbing some high heeled boots, she texted him back.

Just as she sent the message, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She flinched, and grabbed the hand form behind her, and threw them over her shoulder. A loud thud was satisfying to her, until she saw who she threw over.

"Saiki!?" (Y/n) yelled, scared that she may have just hurt her friend. "I-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't expect you to just appear like that! I thought I would have at least texted me back before you appeared."

"It's alright." Saiki told her, getting up from her marble floor. He was wearing some black pants, along with a white button up shirt with a red sweater vest over the shirt. He had his usual green glasses, along with his pink antennas ins head. "You're reflexes have gotten better than the last time I scared you. Have your Uncle Honey and Mori both been teaching you more?"

"Yeah." (Y/n) sighed. She suddenly remembered that her parents were just down the hall. "Shit! What happens if my mom or dad come here?! Dad is going to kill you!"

"You do remember that is impossible for him to do." Saiki thought, a small smirk on his face.

Her door creaked open, and there was Haruhi. She looked tired, but not too tired. it was just 9:30, and she went to bed about 20 minutes ago. "(Y/n)? What was that large thud?"

(Y/n) let out a sigh. She was grateful it was her mother who had come to visit her. "I accidentally through Saiki over my shoulder, and he landed on the floor with a really big thud."

"That sounds really painful." Haruhi said. "Why are you all dressed up?"

"Saiki wanted to take me somewhere, but I'm not really sure where just yet." (Y/n) shrugged.

"I won't tell your father, as long as Saiki brings you home safely before dawn. If you feel too tired to go to school, just tell us, and we can call you in sick." Haruhi knew what Saiki was planning. She knows boys pretty well. Since she's known Saiki since he was really young, with him and (Y/n) being childhood friends, she knew him like her own son. "Have fun."

"Thanks mom." (Y/n) smiled, and gave her mother a hug, before her door shut, leaving the two alone in (Y/n)'s room. "Anyways, where are you going to take me?"

"You'll see." Saiki smirked, wrapping one arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder, and teleported them somewhere.

A cool breeze make (Y/n) guess they were on a high elevation. She opened her eyes, only to see she was standing at the top of the Eiffel Tower. "Whoa! Saiki! This is so cool! Even though I've been up here many times, it never ceases to amaze me."

"I thought you would like to see the city of Paris at night. I remember how you said that you always loved seeing the night sky." Saiki remembered how (Y/n) was talking about the city of Paris at night.

"Can we go explore? Please?" The sparkle in (Y/n)'s eyes made him all the more happy. He even gave a genuine smile. Not a small one, a big one. Bigger than the ones he has on his face when he's eating something sweet.

And that's what they did for the rest of the evening. (Y/n) helped Saiki pick out a few outfits that she thought would look good on him, while he would teleport them at his home. He would smile as he watch (Y/n) admire some of the little trinkets, before she would end up buying some from that store. (Y/n) was happy she could buy Saiki a few thing that he looked, or some pastries that he wanted to try.

But as the night had gotten longer, Saiki and (Y/n) decided to settle in a small cafe, before they would head home. (Y/n) sat across from Saiki, as both of them were drinking a milkshake.

"What did you think of tonight?" Saiki asked, looking at his friend.

"This was a really fun day!" (Y/n) smiled brightly, before she was drinking the rest o her milkshake. "But I think I'm ready to go home. I'm getting tired, and I'm sure you are tired as well."

Saiki nodded. He let out a small sigh, before he decided to ask his question. "Did you get any chocolates from the guy you like?"

(Y/n) didn't even have to think of her answer. "No...I was hoping he would give me some today, but my guess was that he just didn't feel the way that I felt."

"And who do you like?" Saiki asked, hoping the answer was the one he was hoping for.

(Y/n)'s face flushed bright red, before she looked out the window of the cafe. "I like you..."

And that's when Saiki had smiled, the biggest smile he's ever had on his face. He pulled out the box of (favorite chocolates), before handing them to (Y/n). "Will you be my valentine?"

(Y/n) smiled, before she accepted the chocolates. "Of course."

Saiki gave a small smile, before he held her hand in his, both of theirs resting on the table. "You ready to get home?"

"Yeah." (Y/n) said, before she left some money on the table, and stood up.

Saiki and (Y/n) teleported to (Y/n)'s room. The bags of clothes were most likely put away by the butlers or maids, probably sent there by Haruhi.

"I really did have fun tonight." (Y/n) looked at her friend. Seeing his face, she blushed. "W-well. You should really get going."

Saiki leaned down to her level (sorry if you're actually taller than Saiki) and gave her a small peck on the cheek. "​Goodnight (Y/n)."

Saiki teleported out of her room, and back into his own room. It took him a minute to realize what just happened before he started jumping up and down quietly, happy he got the girl he liked, to be his valentine.

As for (Y/n), she was already in her bed. She laid down in her bed, before grabbing a pillow, and placed it over her head, trying to contain the excited squeals from her mother and father.

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