He's nice. He's hot. He's fun...

By emptyxxpromises

4.2K 40 18

The guy who loves you the most...doesnt love you enogh...x More

His new bestfriend x
Prince Charming x
Every cloud has a silver lining x
A forgotten wish x

I love you..just not enough

495 9 3
By emptyxxpromises

I was sitting by the mirror putting on my eyeliner as I heard Chris tumble through the window, I didn't bother to look at him as I continued applying my makeup. I had my crop top on with my jean and I was just putting on the finishing touches to my face.

"Wow! Pretty..." Chris slurred as he tried to focus on me. He was drunk...Well no duh but it was barely 9 and we still had to get to the party. I fluffed my hair up abit as I grabbed his hand and dragged him down the stairs and out the door with me. He jiggled the keys in his hand grinning mischievously. No way was I letting him drive in this state! I grabbed them out of his hand as he put his arm around me.

"God, has anyone told you how beautiful you are?" Chris murmured staring at the street lights as I opened the door of his parents Audi for him. I tired to block out the words he said to me feeling sad that this was just the effect of alcohol.

"Chris, Why are you drunk." I asked keeping my eyes on the road while I smelt the scent of Kgb's mixed with his cologne. I grinned remembering the kiss from this afternoon.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that I love you! And that fire extinguisher! God it's so pretty and bright and RED!" He said giggling, I arched my eyebrow at him before he start bursting into fits of heavy laughter. After we reached the house I got out and dragged him up to the driveway.

"Hang on, I want to tell you that I really love you! I do, I REALLY DO... I mean the way you laugh, god its just so perfect but the thing is I love someone else more... I m really sorry." He whispered quietly. My heart clench and seem to break right there and then. Just a second ago my heart was thumping with excitement at the fact that he loved me but like I mention before he just didn't love me enough.

"Who is she?" I asked barely moving feeling the silent tears falling and wetting the dry mud under our feet. My words didn't seem to make it to his ears as his eyelids flickered open and close right before he fell unconscious but not before I could hear whisper a name.

yes, this is short... but i thought it should be like a cliffhanger thing!

even though you guys already know who he loves and blaaah blaah blaah


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