Rose Potter and the Sorcerer'...

By Danigurllife

81.4K 1.5K 703

This is a story... A story about a girl A girl with a smile so bright it can make everyone else in the room s... More

The Twins who Lived
What is going on?
We are WHAT?
Platform 9 and 3/4
But where to put you?
Just Great...
You are not Weak
What do they keep at this school?
What are friends for
Qudditch part 2
Your smile...
Mirror of Erised
Nicolas Flamel
Too much Trouble
The Forbidden Forest
We'll do it tonight
We Won!
Thank you!!

Magical Christmas

2.3K 48 5
By Danigurllife

What was I thinking? I had so much time to think of Christmas gifts and now I have one day to think of a gift many... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7...ugh to many to count!

What am I going to do? I can't go out and buy something, I'm stuck in this castle, what can I give them?

"You know, you could always make something for them," Someone said behind me, I flinched, I almost fell out of my seat.

I turned around to see Ruby starting at me, this girl is everywhere.

"Ruby, what are you doing?" I said, still a little bit shaken up after she scared me half to death.

"I wanted to see if you are ok...but I see you have other things on your mind" I still can't believe that she knew exactly what happens the day Malfoy burned my hand. It really was like she read my mind...and I am going to figure out how she is doing it.

"Oh...thanks but I fine, I'm just worried about Christmas."

" I said, you could always make them something," She said, her brown eyes staring at me.

"But how, I don't know how to make things and I have no supplies."

She rolled her eyes and glared at me, like I was the stupidest person in the world.

She took a deep breath and said "Are you a witch or not, Rose, you could use magic and ACTUALLY MAKE THEM SOMETHING!" that actually makes sense, Ruby is really smart.

"Thanks," she said all of a sudden,
Ok, I really got to find out what she is...

"Ruby you're a genius, I can go to the library, maybe they have some books that could help me...thanks," I said, quickly left and headed towards the library.

There has to be a book on making things, but what...maybe I could make Hermione a potion, but we haven't really learned any complicated potions yet...maybe I could make Ron some I would blow up the kitchen if I'd tried...

I walked into the library, letting my thoughts carry me through the piles and piles of books around me
So many books...this is like heaven for Hermione but when you are in a hurry, it's a nightmare well at least for me.


Ok...after an hour of looking for a book that could help me, I finally found a book that might help.

It's called 'the perfect gift to give your magical friends when you completely forget about them'
See...perfect book, wonder how it got there?

I checked the book out and rushed to my dorm as fast as my little legs could go.

Once I got there, I opened the book and started looking for some stuff I could make.

Let's see... what can I make that's easy and thoughtful...blah blah blah, boring stuff...blah blah, not sweet enough, blah bl-wait 'want to show your friends and family how much you care, make them a beautiful bracelet with magic...this bracelet can be made from beautiful flowers that will show how much you care, you can also add a small charm on the bracelet that will show your best memories of the person you giving the gift too, so they will never forget you.'

This is perfect, I could give this to all my friends, and it's easy.

I looked through the materials and saw that it only needs some flowers, and a good memory so it will show up when they touch it.

Where am I going to get flowers? Omg Rose, your head of house literally has all kinds of flowers, I can just go ask Professor Sprout for some flowers and then BAM perfect gift.

I hurried down to the greenhouse, sometimes tripping myself up, but hey I'm in a hurry.

After running around the whole castle trying to find Professor Sprout, I finally made it to the greenhouse, panting, I made my way to Professor Sprout's office, and to my luck she was in there.

"Hello Miss. Potter, how are you?"
"I'm fine thank you, Umm Professor, do you have any flowers that I could borrow?" I asked hopeful, I know how Professor Sprout can get so I am really hoping that she just say yes...
"Why, dear?" She asked curiously.

"I want to make a g-gift for my friends, and Harry of course, and I need some flowers," I said, she stared at me for a while, can't she just say 'yes' already.
"What kind of flowers are you looking for dear?" She asked, ok a step in the right direction.

"Umm...I don't really know, just a nice flower I guess" This was becoming more awkward by the minute
"Let me see what I have sweetie" she said, and left into her office.

I wander around the greenhouse, this place always smelled nice and was very pretty.

So many interesting plants, Professor Sprout must take really good care of them, I could never keep a plant alive for so long.

There was one flower that was really pretty, it was a lily was gorgeous
It also reminded me of my mother... I bet she was just as pretty as this flower, oh how I miss her, I wish I got to know her better, I wish I got to know what she was like...I wish I could have a family that cares, I wish-

"Alright dear, I found some flowers that could be perfect for your gift" Professor Sprout said, which made me jump and almost knocked over a flower, she came back with about 15 different kinds of flowers.

"Oh...yes, thank you so much" I said, still glancing at the lily flower.

"No problem dea- oh I see, you miss your mother don't you?" She said in a gentle voice, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Oh nonsense, you're fine dear, I understand you must miss your parents dearly" she interrupted me, she had a sad smile on her face, and I just wondering maybe she knows some stuff about them.

"What were they like?"
She looked at me for a second, I'm guessing she was trying to say the right thing "oh, they were great, your mother was so sweet and kind, just like you, and I can tell you have a little bit of mischief just like your father" she chuckled at the end, which made my lips curled into a small smile.

"I know you probably get this a lot, but you look just like your mother, you just have your father's eyes," she said, I do get that a lot, but it just makes even happier to hear it again.

"Thanks, Professor, I really appreciate it."
"No problem dear," she said, but then glance at the lily "why don't you take it, a small Christmas gift from me."

I stood there shocked, she's really going to give me one of her flowers "Really?" I asked.

"Yes, I think you need it more than me" she said, handing me the lily, I had small tears in my eyes, but not from sadness, but from happiness.

"Oh thank you, thank you so much" I said, and quickly hugged her, she was just so sweet, and generous.

"Of course dear, now why don't you go and make your gifts, I'm sure your friends will love it" she said and walked me out, I took one last glance at her before making my way to my dorm
I was going to make the best gift for my friends.


Ok...after being locked in my room and not having any social interaction for the past two hours I have finally made 12 bracelets for my friends and Harry, I also made one for Professor Sprout because she was so nice with giving me the lily.

(Just imagine it with different colors and flowers)

I think they look amazing, they're all different for everyone, it also took me a while to put some good memories in there, some times I would pass out, but I was fine, and all they have to do to see it is to touch one of the flowers and they will be able to see the memory I chose.

I have already wrapped up the gifts, so I can give Harry's, Ron's, Fred's, George's, Ruby's, Hagrid's, and Professor Sprout's on Christmas, and I can deliver Hermione's, Cedric's, Emily's, Jade's, Lizzie's and Blaise's by owls.

See everything worked out in the end.

I gave Hedwig the gifts with small notes in all of them, luckily they were small enough for her to carry.

I went back into my room, falling on my bed, I was so exhausted, next time I won't forget their gifts. I looked up and saw the lily, it was so pretty...maybe I could make a bracelet for myself.

I walked to my desk and picked up the flower, I took out my wand and used the spell that I used to make the bracelet, and slowly it was transforming into a bracelet with small lily all around it, my only problem was that I didn't have any memories that I could use to make it perfect...

What kind of memory could I use? I don't have a lot of memories with my parents that I could think of, well maybe...just maybe.

I took a deep breath and tried to remember my happiest memories with Harry, after a few minutes, I was able to put my memory into the bracelet, the memory I chose was when me and Harry were babies, the only one thing that I could for some reason remember.

Harry was playing and our parents were laughing, I don't really know why I remember it, how could I, I was around 1 in that memory, well I don't care, I have it in my memories, and now it's with me where ever I go.

Now I'm going to bed before I pass out, I can't wait for Christmas.


Ugh...I don't want to get up, I want to keep sleeping.
I very lazily got out of bed and went to the bathroom to do my business.
I did my hair and brushed my teeth but why do I feel like today is a special day? OF COURSE, ITS CHRISTMAS!!

I quickly got ready, and I put on my outfit, grabbing my gifts and ran out of my dorm.

Running down the halls, trying to get to the Gryffindor common room, when I ran into someone and fell on the floor.

"Oh sorry..wait, Rose?" I looked up to see it was Ron, I smiled up at him and he helped me up.
"Merry Christmas Ron" I said and gave him a quick hug.

"Merry Christmas Rose"

"What are doing here?" I asked looking up at him.

"Looking for you, of course" he replies, and before I could ask, he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the Gryffindor Common Room.

"I know, I know, close my eyes and cover my ears" I said, he quickly nodded and I closed my eyes and covered my ears.

After him leading me through the tunnel, I was greeted by beautiful Christmas decorations, it was amazing.

"Wow, last time I was here, I thought it look cool...this looks amazing" I said in shocked.

"Ya, it really does look nice, I'll wake up Harry, stay here" he said and went up to his room.

I quickly put their presents down, also putting down Fred's and George's gifts.

After that, I was quickly attacked by a hug from behind.
"Merry Christmas Rose" I assumed it was Harry, and of course, it was him
I hugged him back and said "Merry Christmas Harry"

"Can you believe it, we got presents" I said, bouncing up and down.
"What did you expect, turnips?" said Ron, we laughed and turned to our sections of presents.

I never got this much presents, it was truly special.
I picked up a gift that was wrapped in thick brown paper and scrawled across it was To Rose, from Hagrid. Inside was a roughly wooden flute. I looked over to see Harry has gotten the same thing from Hagrid.

"It looks pretty cool," I said with a smile, he nodded and went to his next present.

I saw one that was very small and contains a note.
Your Christmas gift. From Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia.
Well... that's interesting, I open it up to see a fifty pence.

"That's friendly" said Harry,
"'s something," I said and we both laughed, but Ron was fascinated by the fifty pence.

"Weird" He said "What a shape! This is money?"
"You can keep it" Harry and I said in unison.

"So those were from Hagrid and our aunt and uncle" I said
"So who sent these?" Harry continued.

"I think I know who those two are from," said Ron, who was turning a bit pink and was pointing at two very lumpy parcels "My mum. I told her you two didn't expect any presents and-oh no" he groaned "She's made you two a Weasley sweater."

Weasley sweater? I tore open the parcel, and I found a thick, hand-knitted sweater in brunette brown with a big 'R' in the middle, and a large box of homemade fudge. I.LOVE.IT, it's so cozy and pretty, I have to thank Mrs.Weasley next time I see her.

I looked over to see Harry had a Weasley sweater too, but his was in emerald green, I smiled at and he returns it.

"Every year she makes us a sweater" said Ron, unwrapping his own "and mine's always maroon!"

"That's really nice of her" Harry and I said in unison, I tried it on, even though it was a bit big for me, I love it so much, Harry tried the fudge, it did look very tasty.

Hermione gave me a large box of chocolate frogs and Harry me a book all about magical creature, which I was very grateful for because I want to learn all the different type of magical animals in this world.

I gave Harry and Ron their bracelet, and they surprisingly loved it, they could be lying...but I'm just going say they love it.

Harry pressed the flower and it showed the memory of when we found out we were magical, he ran up to me and practically squeezed me to death, well at least I know he's not lying.

We all opened our gifts, but there was one more left...and it was for both for Harry and I, but it didn't say who it was from.

Harry picked it up and felt it. It looks very light. He unwrapped it and something fluid and silvery gray went slithering to the floor where it lay in gleaming folds. Ron gasped.

"I've heard of those" he said in a hushed voice, what is it? It looks like a cloak, I don't see anything special about it.

"If that's what I think it is-they're really rare, and really valuable"
I shot him a 'really' look, which he rolled his eyes in return.

"Well, can tell us what it is?" I said annoyed, ok, honestly I'm still new to this whole magic thing, so I might not know everything about magic like Ron, so he can't just expect us to know everything .

Harry picked the shining, silvery cloth off the floor. "It's an Invisibility Cloak," Ron said in awe "I'm sure it is-try it on."

I just shrugged and Harry threw the Cloak around his shoulders. My eyes widen and my jaw was basically on the floor, surprisingly, I didn't faint but Harry's whole body was gone except for his head, that's a horror movie if I've seen one.

"It is! Look down!" Ron practically yelled. Harry looked down at his feet and almost had the same reaction as me. He dashed to the mirror, checking to see how he looked, then pulled the cloak over his head, and he was gone.

I was speechless, who would give this to us? I looked down at the floor and saw there was a note "There's a note" I said "The note fell out of it."
Harry pulled off the cloak and went over to me to read the note. It was written in narrow, loopy writing that I've had never seen before.

It said: Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you two. Use it well. A very Merry Christmas to you.

There was no signature, so we still don't know who gave it to us. I looked up at Harry, he just kept staring at the note, while Ron was just admiring the cloak.
I really want to know who gave it to us, they knew our father, and our father gave it to him before he who was it?

"I'd give anything for one of these" Ron said "Anything. What's the matter?"
Harry and I looked at each other, we were probably thinking the same thing, but we just said "Nothing"

I really need to talk to Harry about this mysterious person who knew our dad. But before I could say anything, the dormitory door was flung open and Fred and George bounded in. Those two.

I rolled my eyes and giggle at the sight of them. I saw Harry stuffed the cloak quickly out of sight, knowing Harry, he felt strange about it and didn't want to share it with the twins, which is...fair.

"Merry Christmas!"
"Hey, look- Rose and Harry got a Weasley sweater, too!"

They were both wearing blue sweaters, one with a large yellow 'F' on it, the other a 'G'. That's actually pretty cute, as long as they wear it, we can always tell who's who. Unless they trick us, which they probably will do.

"Harry's and Rose's are better than ours, though," said Fred, holding up Harry's sweater "She obviously makes more of an effort if you're not family."

Rolling my eyes, I made my way to them so I could give them their gifts, they looked shocked at first, but they quickly smiled down at me.

"What's this" "Our little Rose is giving us a gift" They're so annoying.

"You two want it or not?" I said, and they quickly took it, which made me laugh a little, they open the box and took out the bracelets, they looked shocked and confused, did they not like it?
                                                                                                                                                                                                 The small smile on my face faded a little and my gaze drops down to the floor. I knew this was a bad idea, why would they like a stupid little bracelet. Why do I always ruin every friendship I have?

"You know it's just a little gift, you don't have to take it if you don't want it" I said in a hushed tone, I looked up at them, expecting them to laugh in my face...but they didn't.

To my surprise, George picked me up and spun me around...What is happening? They're never like this.

"Aww, we love them Rose" said Fred, who was laughing at my shocked face.                                          
"Ya, thank you Rose" George said, and finally put me down, I looked up at them, confused and a little bit dizzy.
"You guys really like them?" I said, and they both nod.

My smile grew, then they handed me something.
"You want it or not?" Fred said, mocking my earlier comment. I rolled my eyes and took the small gift. I unwrapped it to see a small necklace, with the words 'Bloody Hell'.

"So you can always remember us when we do our amazing pranks" George said. I was speechless, it was so pretty, but I felt bad that they spend their money on me, but I love the gift, it's just so...them.

I put on the necklace and ran up to them and hug them tight. "Thank you, I love it so much" I could tell they didn't expect it, but hey, they did it to me, so it's payback...kinda.

"No problem" They both said in unison.

"Hey, why aren't you wearing your sweater, Ron?" George said suddenly, which cause me to look up at Ron, good question why isn't he wearing his?   
"Come on, get it on, they're lovely and warm" I said, hugging myself to show how warm they are. He reluctantly put on his sweater.

"I hate maroon" Ron moaned halfheartedly as he pulled it over his head.                                                    "Come on it's cute," I said, trying to make him feel a little bit better...and to embarrass him just a bit.

"You haven't got a letter on yours," George observed "I suppose she thinks you don't forget your name. But we're not stupid-we know we're called Gred and Forge"                                                             
"That's my new name for you two" I said, which made everyone laugh.

"What's all this noise?"                                                                                                                                                         Percy stuck his head through the door, looking disapproving. Who put a broom up his butt?     
He also had his sweater, which Fred, or now Gred, seized.                                                                              
"P for perfect! Get it on, Percy, come on, we're all wearing ours, even Rose and Harry got one."

"I-don't-want-" said Percy thickly, as the twins forced the sweater over his head, which causes me to laugh, so did Harry and Ron.
"And you're not sitting with the prefects today, either" George said.
"Ya, Christmas is a time for family," I said and watch them frog-marched Percy from the room, his arms pinned to his side by his sweater.

I walked over to Harry and said "This has to be the best Christmas ever."                                                  
"Ya, glad we could spend it with them, instead of the Dursley," he said and I nod.

I gave him a hug and he returns, we stood there for a while before he said "Merry Christmas Rose". I smiled up at him and said "Merry Christmas Harry."

It truly was a magical Christmas...

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