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Galing kay Sacha_How

4.4K 138 14

"๐™๐™๐™š ๐™ฅ๐™ง๐™ž๐™˜๐™š ๐™ค๐™› ๐™›๐™ง๐™š๐™š๐™™๐™ค๐™ข ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™๐™ž๐™œ๐™. ๐˜ผ๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ž๐™ฉ'๐™จ ๐™– ๐™ฅ๐™ง๐™ž๐™˜๐™š ๐™„'๐™ข ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ก๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ฉ๐™ค... Higit pa

Finding You, Finding Me
1. Project Insight
2. Thoughts and Remorse
3. Three Shots
4. Turning Point
5. Going Rouge
6. Jealousy and Not so Good Undercovering
7. Revelation
8. Sam Freakin' Wilson
9. Zola's Algorithm
10. The Winter Soldier
11. Unexpected but Expected
12. Planning and Stealing
13. Down With Hydra
14. The Rescue
15. Fatal Flaw
16. Charlie Lock?
17. Rose Falsworth
Finding You, Finding Me 0.2
1. Return to Avengers Tower
2. Who's Unworthy? You're Unworthy
3. Ultron?
4. Together
5. Back to The Past
6. Nightmares and Lost Memories
7. More than an Archer
8. No eyes, No ears
10. Thor's Vision
11. Sokovia
12. Fate and Destiny
13. Avengers Assemble
14. The Beginning of The End

9. Seoul

97 5 0
Galing kay Sacha_How

Location: Seoul

Rachel and Steve ran into the building worked in with urgency. Many looked at the two confused and soon got the direction's to Helen's lab from one of the English speaking scientists.

Rachel used her speed to jog ahead and when she reached the room they had been directed to Rachel's eyes widened in shock.

"Helen?!" Rachel calls as she fearfully looked down at all the dead scientists. Each with bloody blasts to their chests.

Steve soon arrived and too looked around the dark room in shock as he noticed the bodies on the floor.

Rachel searched the room for any sign of Helen amongst the dead as Steve jogged into the next room which was open wide as sparks flew from machinery. Clearly Ultron had left behind evidence of his presence.

"Doctor Cho!" Steve suddenly shouts sprinting towards Cho who laid breathlessly on the floor. Rachel rushed to the room to see Steve crouching beside Cho as he placed pressure on the wound she had with a cloth.

"My god." Rachel muttered as she approached.

"He's uploading himself into the body..." Cho told the two, breathing heavily as she placed a hand on Steve's wrist. Rachel and Steve both shared an anxious look at the bad news.

"Where?" Steve hurriedly asked. Seeing her vulnerability Steve went to check the system but Cho pulled him back.

"The real power is inside the Cradle..." Cho informs. "The gem... the power... it's uncontainable..."

"What gem?" Rachel asked confused.

"The sceptre's..." Helen answered looking towards Rachel. "You can't just blow it up... you have to get the Cradle to Stark."

"First we have to find it..." Steve tells Helen with a determined look.

"Go." Helen demands. Steve and Rachel both glance at each other still concerned of what would happen if Ultron did upload himself into the body and instantly nodded towards each other before running out.


"You Guys copy that?" Steve asks Natasha and Clint through the intercom as Rachel stood on the thin wall separating the motorway and the ground below the bridge.

"We did." Clint informs.

"I got a private jet taking off across town. No manifest." Natasha then informs. "That could be him."

"There, it's a truck from the lab." Clint suddenly called out as Steve climbed up the final steps of the ladder. "Right above you both by the loop on the bridge. It's them. Three with the Cradle and one in the cab. I could take out the driver."

"Negative, that truck crashes the gem could level the city." Steve argues taking in the view for a moment. "We need to draw out Ultron."

"If even one car swerves out of control there'll be trouble..." Rachel figures placing her hand on her hip. "I don't think we can avoid something bad from happening as much as I hate to admit it..." Rachel concludes as Steve ran across the road.

"Then we have to get this over with as fast as possible." Steve suggest before running back nodding towards Rachel signalling for her to jump with him. She jumped on the barrier right as Steve did before jumping onto the truck below.

"Let the games begin." Rachel announced quietly to herself as Steve made his way down the back of the truck to open the door.

"Leave me alone!" She heard Ultron yell from inside the truck before the door was blasted open sending the door Steve was hanging onto swung around crashing into the side of the truck with a groan. Steve quickly swung the door back as Rachel kneeled against the top of the truck to maintain her balance.

"You okay?" Rachel asked before going wide eyed as Ultron shot another blast towards Steve causing the door to flatten sending Steve into the air before landing back onto the door that was being dragged across the concrete. "Take that as a not so much..."

"Well he's definitely unhappy!" Steve informs. "I'm going to try and keep him that way."

"You both aren't a match for him." Clint assures the two making Rachel squint her eyes almost offended.

"Thanks Barton." Steve responds sarcastically. As Rachel neared the back of the truck Steve surfed on the door. She neared the edge at the wrong time as Steve was blasted off the door into a car's windshield behind the truck before Rachel stood up.

"That's no way to treat guests Sir." She sassed her own British accent standing out prominently. Ultron lifted himself up and turned towards Rachel as Steve found his way slowly back to the truck.

"I thought you'd be left out because of my young one's fun." Ultron admits clenching his metal fists.

"Oh, she did have her fun..." Rachel agrees rubbing her hands together smiling. "Now it's time for mine!" She yells before jumping over Ultron's blast he sent from his fist using her speed to her advantage. She quickly swung her leg at his ankle as he landed on the truck's roof she lowered herself down causing him to tumble back into the air.

"You know what's in that Cradle?" Ultron asked as he lifted himself back up and Steve landed back on top of the truck behind Rachel who took a few steps back so there was room between them. Ultron shot another blast towards the two, Rachel ducking and Steve turning around just in time for it to hit his Shield. "The power to make change and that terrifies you."

"I wouldn't call it a comfort." Steve tells him before throwing his shield rapidly at Ultron which launched him backward as the shield ricocheted back towards Steve who caught it in time to step in front of Rachel to shield her from an incoming blast. As Ultron landed back on the roof Steve harshly threw the shield once more it embedding into his chest.

"Stop it!" Ultron demands removing the shield from his chest by throwing it onto the road before blasting at the two again one hit Steve directly in chest causing him to be thrown onto the bonnet of the van and one hit Rachel's arm causing her to wince as she lost her balance and fell off the truck. She grabbed a thin bar that held the truck steady so she would stay on the truck with one hand which unfortunately was the one that was hit and yelped. Steve was back on the truck's roof quicker than she thought with the fight between him and Ultron at least recommencing as Rachel winced holding to the thin bar for dear life.

"Steve! I'm gonna have to let go! I can't hold on!" Rachel shouts as her grip started to loosen but Steve only replied with pained grunts. Sighing to herself she let go using her speed so she could avoid traffic easier and keep up with the truck.

Running beside the truck she suddenly saw a motorcycle showing itself from under the truck with Steve's shield on the front. Knowing it was Natasha she moved sideways just in time for her to lift herself back up as Steve was held over the edge by the throat. She quickly tossed Steve his shield which he used to whack Ultron across the face. It launched him back and caused him to let go of Steve.

Ultron looked over the edge to see Natasha and Rachel running alongside it and he angrily used his tractor beam to lift some of the concrete up making Natasha stop her bike instantly but gave an advantage to Rachel. She jumped on the concrete before jumping back onto the truck smirking.

Ultron didn't notice Rachel on the roof as he blasted Steve in the chest (which Rachel noted, seemed to be a common move of his) which threw him (again) off the truck and into a car's windshield (again).

"Can you stop doing that!" Rachel demands to which Ultron smirked towards her before using the tractor beam to lift a chunk of concrete into the air which flipped the car Steve was on making her eyes widen.

Rachel sped forward grabbing Ultron and pulling him back, avoiding a blast he sent her way with her speed and kicked him towards the middle of the truck's roof as chaos erupted behind her.

Rachel jumped down back onto the road as Steve used a skidding car as a launching pad and using the training time they had previously spent together he knew what she was doing. Rachel watched as Steve followed the instructions of the plan they had made for scenarios like this and he jumped onto her interlocked hands which to Rachel was slowly and launched him onto the truck.

"C'mon!" He yelled as Rachel used the bonnet of the truck whilst avoiding the robot in the front and back into the fight.

As they reached the end of an overpass Clint made himself known shooting at Ultron which sent the robots in the back of the truck after Clint. Rachel snapped herself around as the quinjet quickly launched itself back in the air with the two robots following him.

Rachel kicked Ultron across the head as she leapt into the air and landed as her eyes met the train sped beside them. Her eyes widened at the sudden possibilities that could unfold as Steve punched Ultron across the face before Rachel was blasted in the chest towards the train. She heard Steve's yell for her as she crashed through and people screamed at the sudden appearance. Rachel groaned as she landed on her back against the train's floor panicky. Civilians stared at Rachel as she sat up.

"Hi." She greets before Ultron and Steve crashed through the train too. The two landed and effortlessly recovered as people ducked out of the way. Many leapt over chairs behind Rachel as Steve shielded himself from a blast Ultron sent his way and passed his shield to Rachel which she quickly used to shield civilians and herself from a blast Ultron then sent her way.

"Heading back towards you." Clint informed. "So whatever you're going to do, do it now." Steve has his shield passed back by Rachel as Ultron tried blasting him again but the impact caused him to be once more thrown back into the corner of the cabin.

"I'm going in! Cap, Spitfire, can you keep him occupied?!" Natasha asked over the intercom as Rachel kicked Ultron in the chest before punching him across the face as civilians dropped to the floor to stop them being hit by a blast Ultron tried to hit Rachel with.

"What do you think we've been doing?" Steve asked breathlessly as he stood before Ultron quickly sped over to him and Rachel took that time to usher the civilians nearest to her into the next cabin to avoid more casualties.

Ultron tried to punched Steve but he avoided it, causing Ultron's fist to hit the train's cabin wall before punching Steve's shield as Steve blocked a second fist but the third painfully hit him in the hip causing him to yelp painfully.

Rachel suddenly felt the need to slow down as she felt another speedster's presence and panicked thinking it could somehow be Impulse but Pietro Maximoff, the cheeky speedster ran past her before punching Ultron in the face causing him to loose grip of Steve.

"What the?" Rachel mutters confused before she saw scarlet mist surround two barriers, them causing a barrier to form blocking Ultron. Rachel almost stumbled upon seeing Wanda standing beside her who looked at Rachel sympathetically before looking back to Ultron who looked towards Wanda.

"Please... don't do this..." Ultron begged, almost upset by the turn of events.

"What choice to we have..." Wanda says as she held the barrier steady. Rachel couldn't help but not want to harm the Maximoff's. She didn't know why but she couldn't.

Ultron quickly spun around and blasted towards Pietro who ducked to avoid the blast but it caused it to blast through the door. The train instantly going out of control. Rachel held onto the seat beside her as the train shook back and forth. When Rachel looked up... Ultron was no where in sight.

"We lost him!" Steve yells into the intercom as he jumped over the barrier Wanda formed and went to see if the driver was okay, which wasn't true. "He's headed your way." Steve's eyes widened when he saw that the track wasn't going to last and Rachel soon caught on.

"Steve!" Rachel shouts right before the train went off the rails. It ran through the concrete as it didn't seem to want to stop moving.

"Can you see Nat?!" Clint suddenly shouts making Rachel panic as she looked out the window to see if she could see Natasha. But she couldn't.

"If you have the package, get it to Stark!" Steve orders as Rachel endlessly looked for her redheaded friend which still proved unsuccessful. "Go!"

"You have eyes on Nat?!" Clint asks again in a serious tone.

"Go!" Steve repeats.

"Clint! We'll find her just go!" Rachel orders to which she heard a faint sigh over the intercom from Clint before he went silent.

"Who are you looking for?" Wanda asked concerned looking towards Rachel sincerely.

"Why do you care all of a sudden?" Rachel questions looking at the young Maximoff sternly as they held on.

"Why shouldn't I?" Wanda questions.

"Because you broke the team!" Rachel shouts making Wanda flinch and look away in guilt. "I'm sorry.." Rachel quickly apologised. "Just... prove to me I can trust you."

"Do you forgive me for what I did?"

"That's up to you." Rachel tells Wanda as Pietro sped over.

"Civilians our path." Steve states looking towards Pietro and Rachel who looked towards each other before racing out the train and moving civilians from the train's path.

"Can you stop this thing?" Steve asked Wanda who looked towards him unsure but nodded in hopes she could do it.

Rachel and Pietro took turns in switching sides as they moved civilians away from the path of the train as Wanda and Steve figured out how to stop the train as fast as possible.

She even helped the Maximoff along as she was faster aiding him with seeable tips for him to take under his wing if the two were truly going to join their side. He followed some of the displays with care. Many of which he caught onto quicker than Rachel did when she first tried them out.

Once they both saw the train come to a full stop Pietro instantly slowed leaning against a stack of boxes near the train and Rachel sped over to him placing a hand on his shoulder and forearm as he leaned against the boxes clearly out of breath.

"How long have you had your speed?" Rachel asked furrowing her eyebrows in concern.

"Not... long..." Pietro honestly admits looking up at Rachel.

"You need to... as weird as this sounds... take your time as you continue in the future. Step by step." Rachel advises as Steve and Wanda got out of the train and civilians helped the remaining civilians.

"Why are you helping me?" Pietro asked.

"Because there are people... speedsters worse than you out there." Rachel tells him looking him sternly in the eyes. "Fast is in short supply." Rachel states as Wanda rushed to her brother as Steve walked over. Rachel stepped back to let Wanda aid her brother but he refused.

"I'll be fine..." Pietro tells her sister. "I just need a minute."

"I'm very tempted not to give you one." Steve sternly admitted looking at the Maximoff twins sternly.

"Steve..." Rachel scolds tilting her head ever so slightly to the side. "They helped us... at least listen to what they have to say..."

"What? Did they tell you why?" Steve asks.

"No but-"

"So can we trust them?" Steve asked Rachel sternly who grabbed his forearm making him look away from the twins and to Rachel instead.

"You listen to me Rogers." Rachel sternly begins looking Steve seriously in the eyes. "I am not saying I trust them. Especially after..." she paused momentarily as she looked towards Wanda who continued to fuss over her brother. "Just let them explain. Don't judge them. Your the one who tried to persuade them out of it back in Africa. Let them have their say." Steve sighed looking down at Rachel's hand which still held his arm tightly.

"The Cradle. Did you get it?" Wanda asked after Rachel let go of Steve's arm slowly.

"Stark will take care of it." Steve assures Wanda stepping forward.

"We need to find Nat-" Rachel starts before being interrupted.

"No he won't..." Wanda assures shaking her head slowly as Pietro looked up at his sister.

"What do you mean?" Rachel asked looking at Wanda confused.

"You don't know what you're talking about, Stark's not crazy..." Steve told Wanda who looked towards Rachel for any sort of response to which Rachel looked towards the twins in thought.

"Let the girl talk." Rachel slowly demands nodding towards Wanda to finish her statement. "She may have a point..."

"He will do anything to make things right." Wanda states. Gears turned inside Steve's brain as Rachel muttered an 'oh god' in realisation turning towards Steve who looked at Rachel. The two were thinking the same thing.

"Stark, come in." Steve says into the intercom. No reply.

"Tony? Tony can you hear us?" Rachel calls into her intercom turning towards the twins with an anxious look.

"Ultron can't see the difference between saving the world and destroying it..." Wanda tells the two as Steve kept his back turned and Rachel looked her in her honest eyes. "Where do you think he gets that?"

"We need to get to the tower now." Rachel tells Steve before she locked eyes with Pietro. "You two with us." The twins both looked towards each other shocked before looking towards Rachel. "Don't try anything fishy. Don't make me regret it." The twins both nodded at Rachel's words before she turned back towards Steve. "Steve. We need them. Let's go."

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