Ganz x Reader ||COMPLETED|| {...

By 23whitecrystal

28.5K 1.4K 492

You fell into the underground to a talking flower and your stuck in the ruins running around until some event... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - A lot of realization
Chapter 3 The strange figure in the night.
Chapter 4 Morning dreams
Chapter 5. The plan.
Plans for a movie.
Chapter 7. Adventuring around
Chapter 8. The sounds of beyond the door.
Chapter 9 The picture
Chapter 10 *insert weird title here*
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 "The realization of a loss of hope"
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 ....licking attack....
Curious Kid
*insert another weird title here*
Whip Cream
The terrors that haunt us
You can ignore this lmao
"His past"
Understanding A Ganz
An exit
I guess were playing Tag
self-esteem is an enemy
The inn
Some laughs in sleep
Plans for events
Seeing the snowfall
*insert another weird title but title that's still cool*
A new discovery
"Sweetheart these are called echo flowers for a reason."
Something In The Bushes
Starting to have "terrible" dreams about someone
Talking about Dreams
Exposed A Little
A Walk With Mel
Leaving Undyne's house
Ganz's Mixed up Emotions
Its hard to control anger
Plans for the Revival
Determination Extracting is not the safest thing to do
Revival of What was Lost
"Can I just get some water please?"
Regrets of the past
Explaination of Flowey
The Fight


387 22 16
By 23whitecrystal

You saw Ganz crying. "Sorry...I just was looking for you I didn't mean for this to happen." you say quitely but still loud enough for him to hear. He still stands there crying. "Ganz are y-" He just hugs you tightly when your chained up. "Stop looking after me....everyone thought you died damn it...." Ganz whispers in your ear.
"I'm sorry Ganz...I just really missed you....I got to worried on whether you were coming back or not." you say starting to cry. "In so sorry I didn't...mean for this to happen...I just...needed sometime to myself...I was scarred of hurting you this happened..." Ganz says quitely as he sobs holding you.
"You know Ganz....I would hug you if I was unchained..." You say laughing a little trying to ease his head. "Pfft...haha...I don't want to let go..." Ganz laughs at himself. "Its okay...but we should probably find a way put of here before the Alpha wolf comes to guard me again." You say happy that Ganz is here. "Yeah hold on just a few more minutes." Ganz holds you tighter. "Um...Ganz your killing me...are you try...trying to squeeze the air out of me?!" You half shout louder. He loosens his grip a little. He then puts his face in the space between your neck and shoulder. "Ganz what are you doing?" You ask.
"...Fuck..." Ganz mumbles under his breath. "What's wrong?" you ask a bit concerned. "Noth'in just something I want to do but I will probably get killed for." Ganz says with a little bit of blue on his face.
"Gaaaanzzz.....what are you thinking..." you ask a little bit concerned on what he wants to do. He mumbles something but you couldn't hear. "Ganz seriously I told you that the next time you do that I'm forcing you to tell me..." you say a bit annoyed. "Sorry but I'll tell you later....maybe" Ganz says then starts laughing. You just glare at him. "Alright lets get you out of here." Ganz says as he summons a sharp pointed bone. He hits it against the chains breaking you free. You quickly hug him after he breaks you free. Then someone comes charging at the cell with...a light glowing blue spear? "NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!"
The cell bars break down leaving a huge opening. "Hey Ganz, hope you don't mind I brought some help." Undyne says as Gaster, and Frisk come out. Then Mel appears out of no where. "Sup fuckers" Mel says trying to act cool.
"Serously Mel." Ganz says a bit annoyed that they ruined the moment. "Well sorry to interrupt but we are in a hurry here since we had to fight 3 other dogs but Y/n do you remember how your soul is half monster and half human?" You nodded your head thinking back when you saw your soul in battle with the last encounter with papyrus. Also when you did the determination extractor. But you would rather think about the last encounter with Papyrus instead.
"Well, I've done some research on your soul and it seems like you can create a soul out of that determination that was extra of what I needed." Gaster says as he pulls out the gaint capsule. "Wait so your telling me we can finally be free...and still have frisk and Y/N alive..." undyne says with shock. Gaster smiles and nods his head.
"OH HELL YEAH HAHAHA!!!" Undyne says excited. You look at Gaster happily. "Wait are you sure it will work?" You ask. "Only if you are willing to." Gaster says and laughs a little. You look back at Ganz. "Don't look at me here, your the one to make this decision.But I'm fine with any choice you long as you don't die." Ganz says the last sternly making Undyne and the others laugh a little.
You look back at Gaster. Gaster opens the capsule and places it on the ground. Useing his magic he makes the determination come out from the bottle and float in the air. "Alright y/n, I want you to put your hands on or in the determination liquid. Then close your eyes and think of what the power determination is and what it can do. Ill tell you when to open your eyes. Everyone else stay quite so she can focus." Gaster says mostly towards Undyne.
You put your hands into the determination liquid power and close your eyes. Your filled with Determination. You want to get out of this place and show the monsters the surface. What they have been wanting to see for years. Determination is having BRAVERY to push through the hardest moments when your about to fail. Determination is having PATIENCE to think things through to figure out a way to get through. Determination is having KINDNESS in your heart and thinking about how others will feel about this and pushing on for them. Determination is bring JUSTICE to those who get in your way. Determination is having INTEGRITY to keep loyal to your path. Determination is PERSEVERANCE for what you love and whom you care about. DETERMINATION is to keep caring on no matter what for what you stand for, what you love, who you love, for what you do.
"Y/N HOLY CRAP YOU DID IT PUNK?!!" Undyne shouts. "Woah...." Ganz says in shock. You slowly open your eyes to see a glowing red heart in your cupped hands.
"I-...I did it." you say shocked. You could finally free monsters without Ganz being mad about your plan or upset over it. Frisk just stares at you in shock. "Well that's every drop of it y/n. You've done great. Now the biggest challenge is getting past Asgore.
Then something on Undyne goes off. "Hold on its Alphys." Undyne says as she takes a walkie talkie off her belt. "Un-Undyne did it w-work?"Alphys asks knowing the plan. "Yep she did it!" Undyne says happily. "T-thats A-AMAZING!! I have c-cameras set up in the castle. B-but be careful a-about the dogs. There's a
b-bunch of them gaurding the castle." Alphys staticy voice said. "Alright, we got it were gonna start heading towards the exit of the barrier!" Undyne says to Alphys. "R-rodger!" Alphys quickly says.
"Alright time to get out of here." Ganz says a little sad. "Yeah I guess so huh?" You ask looking up at Ganz. You smile softly trying to comfort him. He laughs a little than smiles. "Got ya." You say happy that has smiling. "Well I'm just thinking okay" he says then boops your nose. "NANI?!" You half shout making a joke. Undyne just Bursts into laughter. "...wut..." Ganz says completely confused. "Its an anime meme." Undyne says. "Hehe...yup..." you say trying not to make things anymore awkward. Its not working. "Hey you two should watch anime together sometime!!" Undyne says as you all start walking towards the throne room. "Yeah I guess it would be nice sometime!" you say not realizing Undyne's trap. "I'm sure Alphys has extra copys of kissy Mew Mew! What do you say Ganz?~" Undyne teases Ganz. He has a light blue hue on his face. "Uh...sure? Um..." Ganz was trying to hide his face from you. "You okay Ganz? You sure seem hot there?~" Mel says making fun of him also. Ganz mumbles something and heats up a bit more.
"Ganz what's wrong?" You ask tugging at his jacket. He turns around to see your face. He just looks into your eyes and gets more blue...if its possible. "...fuck..." He says under his breath loud enough for you to hear.
Gaster catches on to what's going on and says something he would regret for his entire life time and beyond. "Ganz, As my son I thought you would know how to pick up ladies. But seems me and you need to have a talk on how to." Gaster says with a serious face making it more funny. Mel, Undyne and Frisk are laughing there asses off. Ganz chucks a small rock exactly at Gasters head. "We also need to work on your temper. In sure your not gonna get a lady with that temper." Gaster says a bit pissed. "DAD SHUT UP!!" Ganz says flustered and puts his hoodie over his head.
You were making tomateos jealous. "Omg whhhhhhhhy..." You mumbled under your breath. You quickly faced forward so they couldn't see your face. But then Undyne was not done harassing Ganz. But then she saw your face. Priceless. "OoOoOoO heeey y/n watcha thinking about~" Undyne says harassing you. "Undyne go fuck Alphys." Ganz says trying to get her attention off of you.
"EXCUSE ME BITCH?!" Undyne snaps. "I DECIDE WHAT I DO OR WHAT I DONT DO!!" Undyne screeches. "So you aren't denying it? So you would, wouldn't you?" Ganz says making fun of Undyne. "SHUT THE FUCK UP SANS!!" Undyne yells.
You just looked down at the soul as Ganz and Undyne started arguing. Bright red and shining. Gaster comes up from behind you. "Intresting correct?" he asks. "Yeah...I just can't believe this is just what they needed to be free...and we have it right in our hands...or mine haha..." You said continuing to walk and stare at the glowing soul.
"WHY DONT YOU FUCK HER HUH?!" Undyne screams. "THATS NONE OF YOUR FREAKING BUSINESS!!" Ganz yells at Undyne. Frisk has nothing to say. Nether does Gaster. You face was a bit red. You could say it was almost as red as the soul you were holding.
Undyne then got a message from Alphys. "U-Undyne!! The wolf pack is coming!!!" Alphys shouts through the walkie talkie. "I woonnndeeer how?" Ganz says sarcastically at Undyne.
The wolves start to form a circle around you all. Then you spot Alpha. "H-hey Alpha we got something to talk about." You say trying not to be scarred.

"Boys hold back off
we need to talk. What's up?"

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