When the darkness comes (Sam...

By DerekHale_girl

4.9K 158 13

Skylar or Skye Temple is the popular girl at school. Who hates it when people call her shallow. She loves her... More

Main Character
A new car at the party
A new start
So...your from space?
Nice move Sam
The Autobots and Guardians

A ride home

705 22 0
By DerekHale_girl

(So this part is no ones POV just the view of the events)
Skye walked down the road at an angry pace. She couldn't believe how embarrassing that was but she wasn't about to let Trent beat sam up. Skye was fed up of protecting everyone else and no one non-related by blood protecting or sticking up for her bar Casie. Sure, Matt and her mum looked after her. She just wished she could have her dad or at least remember him. But her mother had told her she and Matt were too young to remember their father.
With another sigh, Skye ran a hand through her hair and listened to the rhythm of the sound of her white wedges as they clicked on the ground. She didn't care how long she would take to walk home -probably a couple hours- she just needed some alone time.
Hearing the sound of tires screeching just made her anger boil more. She didn't turn around but kept in walking straight. If this was Matt they were seriously going to be shouting at each other. But the voice that shouted and the car that appeared beside her was not what she had expected.
"Skye! Hey, Skye! It's sam" Skye glanced into the car window as it slowed down beside her. She was surprised to see sam witwicky, since he would never talk to her if she tried. "Witwicky" Sam added seeing as she was silent for a moment.
"I know who you are Sam" Skye said her voice a lot softer and kinder now that she knew it wasn't her brother or Trent that was going to bother her.
"Y-you do?" Sam stuttered, surprised.
"I've lived across the street from you for 6 years now" Skye said.
"Wow , really? That long?" Sam asked trying to play it cool again but he knew exactly how long Skye had loved across the road from them. He could even remember when their mums used to sit and talk to each other. But they didn't do it as much now.
"Yep, that long" Skye said as she continued walking with Sam driving his car slowly beside her.
"So I was wondering if I could ride you home?" Sam said. Skye instantly stopped walking and gave him a confused and the 'come again?' look. Sam mentally slapped himself before quickly correcting himself. "I mean give you a ride home, to your house"
Sam stopped his car beside Skye opened up the door as Skye looked at him for a second. Skye thought about by the time she got back Matt would already be there, but Sam was bring kind and offering to take her. Skye nodded once and stepped into the passenger seat of the car closing the door behind her.
As Sam drove down the road it was silent except for the hum of the engine and the tires on the dirt paths as they traveled down old fields, that looked a bit like a desert with trees dotted around and yellow/brown grass. Skye gazed out the window in her own little world.
I can't believe I'm here right now
"You can duck down if you want" Sam said. "I mean it won't hurt my feelings"
What? Skye thought, I just said that out loud! She panicked
"Oh no, no! I didn't mean here with you. I just meant here in the situation." Skye said quickly "it's the same situation I'm always in"
"What do you mean? How come?" Sam asked curiously.
"Cause,cI don't know, I guess I just have a weakness for hot guys, with tight abs and big arms" Skye said looking back out the window.
"Big arms?" Sam asked then suddenly came up with an idea. "Well, there's a couple new additions in the car"
Sam held up his arm to point behind him trying to make it as tight as possible to make it look muscular. "Like, I it's put in that light there. And the disco ball. And so the light reflects off the disco ball"
Skye couldn't help but smirk and laugh slightly. "You're cute" she smiled.
"I-I am?" Sam said he was completely surprised by what Skye had said that he nearly drove off the road
"Yeah, you know, trying to be one of the guys"
"What guys?" Sam asked.
"Trent, the prick I just dumped. Matt, with his muscles and coolness. Those kind of guys" Skye explained. "You aren't anything like them Sam, I know what your actually like. Promise me something Sam, don't change who you are" she said smiling at him.
Sam's car suddenly started stalling and then the radio turned on Sexual Healing. Skye looked at Sam as suddenly confused, shocked and slightly uncomfortable. The car seemed to have a mind of its own as it started heading to the make out point where most teenagers went. Since nobody came this way except a few cars.
"Sorry I'm just working out the kinks. You know, it's a new car. And the radio is like, you know...it's an old radio too...so" Sam tried to explain as he saw how uncomfortable Skye was. But he just couldn't get the car to work the way he wanted it to work, it seemed to be doing everything on its own.
"Look, this isn't something that I, you know...I can't get this radio to stop....Look, I wouldn't try this on you"
Skye sighed now really regretting stepping into the car. She did not expect this to happen and especially didn't expect Sam to pull up at the tree at the make out section. The car radio continued playing the very romantic song which was even worse.
"Cause this is a romantic thing that I'm not trying to do" A new song suddenly started playing making Skye roll her eyes as Sam just put his foot further into his mouth. "Not that your not worthy of trying something like this on. Like...I'm a friend of your-"
"Just pop the damn hood, Witwicky" Skye interrupted now fed up of hearing Sam go on. Skye stepped out of the car and heading over to the font of the car.
"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Sam cursed quietly as he kicked his car but not quiet enough as Skye could hear him.
Skye popped the hood open and looked around at the engine, she was impressed by the engine since it was an old car. "Damn Sam. This engine looks fantastic. I'm pretty sure those are double-barrels" Skye said.
"Double barrels?" Sam questioned as he stepped out his side of the car to see Skye inspecting the engine.
"It squirts the fuel in so you can go faster" Skye said as she leaned up to hold the hood open while she leaned over for a better look.
"Oh. I like to go faster" Sam said as he gazed at Skye's stomach that was showing a but as he top had slid up slightly. Skye didn't see him staring but as she checked the car again.
"It looks like your distributor tank is a little loose." Skye said as she wiggled it slightly and noticed for some reason it had a deep dent in it, which was a strange place to find a debt in the inside of a car.
"How'd you know all this stuff?" Sam asked.
"Oh my brother Matt and I used to work on race cars at the course and we used to repair then and stuff. We could take them apart and clean them then put it back together again" Skye said.
"Huh, I wouldn't really peg you for a mechanical" Sam said surprised that she was into cars in the first place.
"Well you know, I don't really broadcast it. Guys hate it when you know more about cars then they do, I mean Trent hated it so...yeah I don't show it off" Skye responded as she looked over the engine again but then realised she didn't have any tools and Sam probably didn't either.
"Yeah, no, I'm cool with, you know, females working on my engine. I prefer it actually" Sam responded trying to sound cool but then mentally punishing himself as he just ruined it. Again.
"Okay, well can you fire it up for me?" Skye asked Sam standing up straight.
"Oh yeah, yeah, no problem" Sam said and slid in the car and turning on the engine. "You know what, I was thinking. I never really see your dad when your at home, so where does he go?" Sam asked.
"You didn't hear my school presentation did you?" Skye asked quietly.
"Sorry no. What does he work all the time or something ?" Sam asked.
"No, he's dead. He died in Syria, during a terrorist attack" I said sadly.
"Did you know him well?" Sam asked now curious.
Skye now felt very uncomfortable being asked all these questions, "You know what? I'm just...I'm gonna walk" Skye said as she checked her phone was in her pocket before taking a step back. "Good luck with your car"
"Alright" Sam said stepping out his car "walking healthy right?" Sam called as Skye kept walking down the dirt road heading the direction of home.
Sam immediately got hid of the act and started to panic as he slammed shut the car hood and rushed into the drivers seat trying to get his car to start "oh god no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Muttering away to himself as he fiddles with his keys and slid them into the engine.
"Come on please. Please, you gotta work for me now. Don't let her walk away. Come on please, please."
The car suddenly started and Sam's radio began playing 'baby come back!' Sam slammed his foot on the pedal then the car spin a few times in the sand making Sam curse as he tried to get control of the car again.
Skye tried to ignore the music and the screeching of tires but couldn't help but smile as she continued walking. Skye stopped as the yellow comaro pulled up in front of her and Sam looked out the window and smiled. Skye smiled shaking her head and sighed before climbing back into the comaro with Sam.
It was almost midnight when Sam and Skye pulled up outside Sam's house where Skye could see her house across the street. All the lights were off bar the living room which meant her mother was home. She wouldn't get into trouble but Skye's mother Tina would be asking where her son was.
The car ride home was full of talking and laughing which surprised both Skye and Sam as they walked like had Ben best friends for years.
"There it is" Sam said as he looked at Skye's house.
"Thanks for the ride" Skye said kindly and smiled slightly at Sam.
"No problem" Sam responded and he actually didn't sound weird which made Sam mentally praise himself.
Skye was about to get out of the car but a question came to mind. "I gotta ask Sam, and I want you to be honest, do you think I'm shallow?"
Sam was shocked that she asked a question like that. "No, no,no! Of course not. I think there's a lot more than meets the eye with you, Skye"
"Thanks, I think" Skye said before stepping out of the car and heading across the rods to her house. She opened the front door and stepped inside gently closing the door behind her before catching a glance at Sam who was now standing beside his car and watching her. Skye smiled at him before closing the door and heading into the living room.
Skye stopped at the door seeing her mum was on the phone sitting on the couch. Skye and Matt had there mothers blue eyes but Tina had dar brown hair so they guessed there father had the light brown hair. Skye didn't want to interrupt so waited until her mothers conversation was over.
"Look I don't think it's a good idea"
"How would I tell them?"
Another Pause.
"Well If you want to meet them so badly then why don't you come here and tell them Will?" her mother said angrily.
Now Skye was interested. Will? That was her fathers nickname. And what did she and this 'Will' have to tell who? Skye now thought it was time to ask.
"Mum?" Skye said interrupting who ever was on the other end of the line. Skye's mother Tina jumped and almost drop the phone. Skye was certain she heard the male on the other end shout her name but it wasn't Skye he shouted, it was her full name which was Skylar but she preferred Skye. Tina remained silent staring wide eyed at her daughter. "Mum, who is that? And why does he know my full name?"
Tina quickly hung up the phone cutting off the voice shouting on her daughter at the other end. She set the phone down on the table. "Um...it was just an old friend, hunni, he helped pick your name when you were born. He just wanted to meet you and Matt" Tina lied but She was a very good liar so Skye bought it. Skye nodded then Tina noticed her son hadn't came home yet "where's Matt? I thought he was at the lake party with you, Trent and your friends?"
"Yeah he was, we had an argument and I broke up with Trent" Skye said sadly. Tina knew that Skye hated it when her and her twin brother fought. They wouldn't talk for a while but then would apologise to each other and move on.
"Aww sweetie" Tina said softly pulling her daughter to sit beside her and hugged her. Both woman had there legs tucked under them as they sat on the couch, cuddling close. They sat in silence for a bit before Tina asked what had happened with Trent.
"We were at the party and he was going to beat up Sam Witwicky from across the street. I realised I was sick of his fighting and decided to stop it. So Matt, Trent and I had an argument and I left after breaking up with Trent. So I planned walking home but Sam offered to drive me home, it was a kind of thank you I guess" Skye explained as she cuddled up to her mum, they did this quite a lot since they were that close. And Skye liked it her and her mother did a lot of things together and she wasn't embarrassed by that.
"Well boys are idiots and that can include your brother sometimes" Tina laughed and Skye joined in. "Well I'll wait for your brother, you go get some sleep. You didn't come in till late and I suppose you can be 'heart broken' " Tina started using air quotations at heart broken "and take a day off school tomorrow"
"Thanks mum, night" Skye smiled kissing her mothers cheek.
"Goodnight sweetie" Tina shouted before Skye disappeared heading upstairs to her room.
Tina sighed when her daughter was out of sighed and looked back at the phone that sat on the coffee table. Tina picked it up and headed to the number she had previously spoke to. Tina selected send message and typed in her text before sending.
I think it's best if you don't see Skye, we don't know what will happen if she knows ~ Tina

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