Ganz x Reader ||COMPLETED|| {...

Oleh 23whitecrystal

28.6K 1.4K 492

You fell into the underground to a talking flower and your stuck in the ruins running around until some event... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - A lot of realization
Chapter 3 The strange figure in the night.
Chapter 4 Morning dreams
Chapter 5. The plan.
Plans for a movie.
Chapter 7. Adventuring around
Chapter 8. The sounds of beyond the door.
Chapter 9 The picture
Chapter 10 *insert weird title here*
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 "The realization of a loss of hope"
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 ....licking attack....
Curious Kid
*insert another weird title here*
Whip Cream
The terrors that haunt us
You can ignore this lmao
"His past"
Understanding A Ganz
An exit
I guess were playing Tag
self-esteem is an enemy
The inn
Some laughs in sleep
Plans for events
Seeing the snowfall
*insert another weird title but title that's still cool*
A new discovery
"Sweetheart these are called echo flowers for a reason."
Something In The Bushes
Starting to have "terrible" dreams about someone
Talking about Dreams
Exposed A Little
A Walk With Mel
Leaving Undyne's house
Ganz's Mixed up Emotions
Its hard to control anger
Plans for the Revival
Determination Extracting is not the safest thing to do
Revival of What was Lost
"Can I just get some water please?"
Explaination of Flowey
The Fight

Regrets of the past

326 26 6
Oleh 23whitecrystal

Ganz sticks out his blue glowing tounge confused on what's going on. "Why your tounges glow?" you ask in put your tounge back in your mouth. Ganz just shrugs his boney shoulders. "MAGIC~" Mel says while doing jazz hands. "I should have seen that coming..." you say trying not to laugh. Then Gaster comes into the room. "Sorry to interrupt but who are y- ah is Mel here?" Gaster asks out of curiosity. "Did you tell him about Mel?" Ganz asks. You nod your head slowly up and down not sure if he would be mad.
    "Well I'm assuming that's a yes, but shouldn't he be in the void if he's just a ghost of some sort..." Gaster questions. "Well dad, I guess he just comes from my imagination? I don't know how to explain it. But after you did the 3rd experiment on me I met Mel and he just started  hanging out with me but only certain people can see him. Its weird."Ganz says trying to explain things.
     "Well I'm sure he'll disappear after some time. After all he is just from your imagination." Gaster says trying not to offend Ganz. But someone else did. "DID THIS MOTHER FUCKER JUST CALLED ME SOMETHING FROM YOUR FUCKING IMAGINATION?! THEN WHAT THE FUCK?! HOW THE FUCK CAN Y/N SEE ME THEN YOU ASSHOLE?! NOW YOU TRY TO FUCKING BE THERE FOR HIM WHEN HES FULL GROWN AND HE FUCKING STILL CARES FOR YOU BUT BACK THEN YOU STILL ABUSED HIM?! HE DIDNT EVEN GIVE A CLEAR FUCKING APOLOGY!" Mel was kinda pissed. Actaully no. He was pissed. He was beyond pissed.
     "Mel please calm down, he can't hear you so there's no point." you say trying to calm him down. "STILL GANZ SHOULD GET MY FUCKING POINT OF VEIW HERE AND JUST FUCKING LEAVE HIM TO DIE! BASICALLY WHAT GASTER DID TO HIM EXCEPT MADE HIM SUFFER THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!!" Mel continues to rant off.
    Ganz was trying not to let these thing get to him since it triggers memories. "Sans are you ok-" "Don't fucking call me that..." Ganz says coldly at Gaster. You remembered before in waterfall what Mel was telling you about there names. Maybe he didn't like to be called that because of his father.
     "Look . . . . 'Ganz' I'm trying to help you. I know what I did was wrong so that's why I'm trying to help you." Gaster says a bit annoyed with the phrase 'Ganz'.
     Ganz was thinking back to all he had done to people. All the people he has hurt. All the people he has made friends with...only to be met with him attacking them. He then starts to think about the time Gaster attacked him. Just to check his skills. Ganz slowly starts to loose himself in his mind.
    His mind starts to glow a bright blue. Among with his usually pitch black stripes. "Ganz?!" You question him. "Just...leave me ....alone...." Ganz says but he doesn't mean it towards you of course. "Hey Ganz." Mel says trying to snap him out of it. Gaster looks surprised by Ganz. "So now you want to finally train?" Gaster says not understanding what's going on.
     You step in front of Gaster. Blocking the way from Ganz. "He's going through a flash back Gaster. Because of what you did." You hiss the last part at him. Ganz moves slowly towards you. Almost dead like. He shows no emotion.
      "GANZ SNAP OUT OF IT!" Mel says with his eye starting to flare up a bit. "Ganz...its okay he's not going to hurt you...." you say in a soothing voice trying to snap him out of it. Ganz's right arm starts to change form. "What ....the..." Gaster mumbles under his breath. Ganz starts to sweat more than normal. But it looks like his skull is starting to melt?. His arm starts to have a bunch of twist of melted bone turned into a sharp point.
      It almost looks like something an amalgamate can do. "Ganz...its okay I'm not going to hurt you...." You say wondering if he also feels like the other amalgamates. "Pain...." that's all Ganz says. "stop....STOP...STOP!!" Ganz quickly clutches his skull and curls up on the ground.
     "Ganz!" You yell and quickly run over to him. "Please....stop..." Ganz whispers softly. Gaster looks at Ganz in fear. Fear of what he has done. Fear of creating the most dangerous monster in the underground. Seeing how his arm can transform. Seeing how he can attack the people he cares about without having any self control. With even knowing he's doing it. This makes Gaster really realize why Ganz can't forgive him. Why he can't just move on as if it was nothing. Shy he can't just be happy ignoring the fact he has killed so many people. But when he finally remembers what he is doing. He gets reminded of what happened. Every single thing in the fight. Gaster is so token back with what he has done to Ganz that he just starts crying. Crying in fear. Crying in gulit. Crying in his own demise.
      "Ganz.GANZ. GANZ!! Please answer me!" you say trying not to cry. He was starting to melt faster. "Ganz?!" you shout. "Please answer me!!" You yell at him. "GANZ SNAP OUT OF IT!!" Mel yells at him. Mel has seen him do this once before. Last time with the soul of integrity. Not here but in Gasters lab. Ganz was trying to attack Gaster but Alssya got in the way. She kept on trying to get him to stop but....nothing worked. He was stuck. But that was because Gaster had him under his demise. But when he finally killed her Gaster was gone.
     Even Mel could even get to Ganz at this point. Ganz was starting to get up but he still had his emotionless look. He just stared down at the ground. His eyes were pitch black but his stripes were a beaming light blue.   
      He started draping closer towards you. "GANZ SNAP OUT OF IT YOUR GOING TO HURT HER!!" Mel yelled at Ganz. No use. He wasn't responding. You stood there. You didn't care if you had to get hurt in order to bring him back into his senses. You open your arms wide. "Ganz...its okay..." His head jerks up towards you. His eyes are pitch black still. But you could feel his eyes piercing in your skin just by staring at you with an phsyco-type look.
    You felt a shiver down your spine. "Why did you kill them?" Ganz asks with his eyes starting to tear up. Frisk starts crying. "First you kill undyne, Papyrus then the other monsters in the underground. Most of them didn't even do anything. In fact some of them were trying to help you. Even
Y/n... she was protecting you. She protected you...but ...she..never was there....." Ganz starts to regain his mind.
    "Ganz I'm right here. Nobodys dead Ganz...I'm here for you.." You say trying to calm him down. Ganz's eyes regain color. But his stripes are still glowing blue. His arm starts to go back to normal. He looks at everyone in fear. Fear in case he hurt anyone. Luckily he didn't but he was close. Frisk was still crying against the wall. Mel was in total shock. Gaster was scarred of his own doings. It seems like you were the only who could get to him.
    "Ganz Im right here." You say slowly walking up to him cautiously. Ganz started crying more. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" He crys then runs into another direction away from you. "GANZ WAIT!!" You yell trying to make him turn around.
     You start to run after him but then Mel grabs your shoulder. "He needs sometime to himself. I'll go after him you stay here." Mel says and starts following him. You stop running. You go back to Gaster and Frisk in your room.
     Gasters sitting in a chair with hands intertwined against his mouth looking down at the ground thinking of what he has done. Frisk is still crying. Regreting something she has done also but you have no idea what Frisk did until Ganz yelled about it.
     You should probably go apologize to flowey. "Hey where's Flowey?" You ask in a soothing voice. Frisk just sobs more. "He's in the other room next door." Gaster says quitely. You walk to the room next door to see Flowey just looking down.
     You pull up a chair to Flowey. "Flowey I'm so-" "No its okay you didn't know anything because we didn't explain anything. I guess you figured it out huh?" You nod your head. "So what have you heard?" Flowey asks.
       "I think I've heard enough"

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