Catch Me ~ A One Direction/Ha...

By xoxotiffany

288 0 1

What happens when you and your best friend get to live the dream of your life: moving to England. What happen... More

Catch Me ~ A One Direction/Harry Styles Fan Fiction
Starbucks Invader
How Do You Do, Styles?
Hey there, One Direction. What's up?
Friendly Date
Friendly Date (la deuxième partie / part two)
"What's up with you two?"

Totally Available...Totally.

26 0 0
By xoxotiffany

   "Thanks." I said as I closed the car door. Harry poked his head out of the window and gave me a slight wave.

    "No problem. We should do this again," he said.

    It was probably around six in the evening, and I was pooped. After the lunch at Nando's, the boys insisted that Zoe and I could go around and shop with them. Never have I ever been this tired of shopping before. Zoe was probably getting the special treatment from Niall, because 70% of her stuff were right off Niall's credit card. At first, she declined and told him that he shouldn't pay, but after a while, I guess she gave up because he wouldn't take no for an answer. I, on the other hand, was getting the special treatment from all of the boys, but mostly Harry for some reason. And now Harry's dropping Zoe and me off at the hotel, both of us with at least 20 bags in our hands. I was a bit disappointed that our day came to an end so quickly, but the boys had to go to a quick meeting with their management to talk about their upcoming tour dates, and the boys weren't letting us take a cab so they made Harry take us to the hotel.

    "Yeah," I said, slowly nodding. "Sure." I pulled my phone out of my bag and handed it to him. "Put your number in it, and if you want, you can put the other boys' numbers in, too."

    Harry smiled and punched in the numbers while I waited patiently, holding about ten bags in each hand and looking around. Zoe already fled inside, no doubt crashing onto the bed. About a minute later, he gave me back my phone with five new numbers in it. I slipped it into my bag without looking at it for another second, knowing that once I get inside, I'd probably jump around and look at it anyways.

    Harry gave me a sly smile, and I suddenly wondered what he did to my phone. "Well, I'll see you later, okay? Call me if you need anything; I'm on your speed dial." he said with a wink before driving off.

    I rolled my eyes and waved at him. I saw him smile at me from the side mirrors before he disappeared around the corner. I turned around and dragged my stuff inside the hotel and got into the elevator. Many flights up later, I stepped onto my floor and walked down the hall towards my room. I pushed the key in it, waiting for the confirming beep, and slid it back out before walking inside. I just dropped my bags once I got inside; I'll get those later. I walked into my bedroom--passing Zoe's and seeing that she was sleeping with her feet hanging off the bed and her face deep into her pillow--and shook my wedges off. Surprisingly, my shoes didn't bother me today. In fact, they were quite comfortable. I am definitely wearing them again when I go out shopping. I dropped my bag onto the lamp table and fell onto the bed. I pulled the cool covers around my legs and snuggled into the comfort of the pillows. Once I was comfortable, I instantly fell asleep.

    "Ha, she looks like an armadillo." a voice said.

   "No way. She totally looks like those porcupines or something. Look at the way she's curled up!" another voice said.

   I felt my body slowly reacting to the noises, but I mentally felt too tired to respond, so I ignored them and dug my face deeper into the pillow.

    "She looks adorable, what are you guys talking about?" another voice replied. At first, my ears perked up at this. Were they talking about me? And who said I was adorable? There was a long silence before some one snickered and the second person scoffed.

    "That's because you like her, doofus."  the person who snickered said. What? Who liked me? Were they really talking about me though?

    I finally felt that I could get up now, so I slowly turned over so that I was on my back. I heard a few footsteps and the blankets crinkling under my weight. I rubbed my eyes before slowly opening one eye.

    "Be quiet, she's waking up." some one said. It was probably the guy who said that I was adorable. Or was it even me? Even so, that voice sounded familiar.

    My eyes weren't fully adjusting to the light just yet, so all I saw was a blur.

    There was more laughing. "Sure, Harry, because she's adorable!" one of them said. Harry?! He was the one that complimented me? Or maybe it was me, but it must be because once my eyes could readjust to the light, I only noticed one girl in my room, and that was me.

    Louis, Zayn, and Harry were all standing around my bed. Harry walked over to my side and smiled at me. "Morning, Tiff." he said.

    Holy crackers, just the sound of his angelic voice sent shivers down my spine. And the way he said my name...unf.

    Okay, Tiffany. Do not get carried away. Why do you even feel this way? It's not because you like him. It's just because he's a celebrity who's also a male. That's why you got the shivers. my brain said.

    I think I sort of smiled at him? Maybe it was more of a smirk, or a really small grin...but either way, I couldn't talk because nothing came out so I just smiled. Or, sort of smiled.

    Louis jumped onto my bed, landing on my legs. I groaned under the pressure and slid my legs out from under him. I noticed that I was still wearing yesterday's clothes.

    "Louis! You hurt her!" Harry scolded, giving a small push to Louis' arms. Zayn chuckled.

    "Calm down. I didn't break her." Louis replied. He turned to me and smiled widely. "Morning, bestie! Get up and out of bed because we're going somewhere today! Bestie day out!!!" he screamed when he got off of me and ran around the room. He continued to holler even when he ran outside, and most likely, into Zoe's room. Unless she's awake, too. Am I the only one still in bed? Come to think of it, where's Niall and Liam? They're probably in Zoe's room. Or maybe they're somewhere else? I need to get out of bed and figure this all out.

    All of a sudden, a loud ringing came from Zayn's pocket. He pulled it and and his face instantly lit up. "I got to take this." he said while walking out of the room. "Perrie! Hey, I missed you so..." his voice trailed off as he walked farther away. Then I noticed that it was only Harry and I left in the room. I looked at him.

    "Hey," I said when I regained my voice. I started to get out of bed but Harry pushed me back down and smiled.

    "Hey," he answered. He scratched the back of his neck for a while, and I couldn't help but think how incredibly hot it was. Definitely a major turn on for me when guy's scratch the back of their necks. Ugh.

    Snap out of it, Tiffany!

   "So, I was wondering if you were available tonight? Or tomorrow? Since you're hanging out with Louis today, and who knows how long that'll take." he joked, laughing at the Louis comment.

    I grinned. Harry wanted to take me somewhere! Or maybe it was everyone but he wanted to ask me specifically? Oh, who am I kidding--I'm still going some where with Harry! But what? Friends? We're totally friends, right? I mean, I think so. He probably just wanted to take me to something like an amusement park or something with the others as friends. But now I'm just thinking...Do I feel like friends with Harry? No! Yes! Wait, what? No! I can only be his friend, and for so many reasons, nothing more and nothing less than just friends. It's how it's supposed to be. Oh, man, make up your mind! Should I go or should I not? I haven't got all day, and Harry's still standing there waiting for my reply! Get your butt into gear, woman!

    "Sure!" I said.

    Harry's face probably lit up a thousand watts because then he was standing there smiling like a dork...which didn't bother me at all, unfortunately. I actually liked it. Oh my goodness, snap out of it!!! "Great! So...tonight? Or wait, how about tomorrow? Everyone else has something to do tomorrow, and Niall is probably going to hanging out with Zoe, so it'll just be you and I."

    Goodness gracious, just two of us? My God, Tiffany. You better stop feeling this way and start being a genuine friend before you blow up.

    "Uh huh." I mumbled, still smiling at him. I don't know what's wrong with me today. I probably bumped my head yesterday and I was too tired to notice. "Tomorrow."

    Harry gave me another smile and started to walk out of my room. He stopped at the threshold and smirked. "I'll let you know everything else later." and he left.

    Now I can hyperventilate, but only because we're going out as friends and it's just the both of us.

    But I can't stop thinking...When we come back, will we be just more than friends? Holy grapefruit.

   Hello, everyone! Sorry it isn't very long today. I just have a bit of a writer's block, and this is mostly just a filler until the next chapter. But I guarantee that the next chapter will be about the

"friendly date"!!! So please vote, comment, and fan because that'll help me post faster! xo.

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