Why do we Fight? - Volume II...

By ArcanePanzer

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The continuation of the story as it follows the lives of Argen Lorderius (The reader) and the inhabitants of... More

Chapter 1: Raiding the Raiders
Chapter 2: Warriors of their own Accord
Chapter 3: Still Alive and Kicking
Chapter 4: A Rouge's Life
Chapter 5: Viking Diplomacy
Chapter 6: Driving Force
Chapter 7: A Fallen's Final Request
Chapter 8: Reenlistment
Chapter 9 (Part I): Wood, Iron, and Steel
Chapter 9 (Part II): Wood, Iron, and Steel
Chapter 10: The Harsh Reality of Life
Chapter 11: The Truth Always Hurts
Chapter 12: Common Enemies
Chapter 13: Common Negotiations
Chapter 14: New World, New Possibilities
Chapter 15: Allies and Enemies
Chapter 16: Cycle of Allegiances
Chapter 18: Foreign Relations
Side Stories: The Strong, the Honorable
Chapter 19: Beginning of an Invasion
Chapter 20: Up the Beach
Chapter 21: Who are You?
Chapter 22: Reconnaissance
Side Stories: Our Life Then and Now
Chapter 23: Cross' Revelation
Chapter 24: The Great Raid
Final Chapter: The Real Beginning

Chapter 17: A Returned Fruit

361 13 42
By ArcanePanzer

This was supposed to be up 9 days ago, but my internet just had to be mean and shut itself down. The company who operates it just keeps giving us broken promises which sux. I managed to upload this through the Wi-Fi connection from a mall soooo... onto the read!

Clearance accepted. Operation: Disclaimer is a go.

I do not, in any way, own For Honor or any resources that might make an appearance here. If I did, then I wouldn't have to take a part-time job :v


"Making a promise means setting others to expect from you. Keeping and fulfilling a promise means earning yourself the trust that is one of the most precious things in the world."

- ArcanePanzer

- Six days later, General POV... -

It is a cloudy morning for the group of Knights, Vikings, and Samurai in the outpost that they have taken a week ago. Repairs for the damaged Samurai outpost have already taken place, in peace.

Thanks to Nevil Hardrada and his wisdom as an elder as well as Anaximander revealing his possession of the Dragon of the Great East (with the help of a few coins) managed to win the allegiance of an uninspired and demoralized contingent of Samurai who once garrisoned the outpost.

The Samurai contingent of the outpost coincidentally bear red markings, and is being led by a Kensei known as Aizu Yoshitade.

Today is a peaceful day in a place so close to the borders of Ashfeld from the south; something that is very rare nowadays considering the location. The Kensei, Yoshitade and the Warden, Nevil are walking alongside each other as they pass the stalls that the peasants set up prior to capturing. They are both talking to each other as if they have already known each other for a long time, as friends.

Yoshitade: "I see. To think that our people do have similarities after all. It makes the teachings of our scholars here obsolete, I must say." The Kensei in red says.

Hardrada: "The same goes for us, my friend. It makes one wonder how a world of all of us together; Knights, Samurai, and Vikings, without war. All in peace, coexisting with each other."

Yoshitade: "I once gave it a thought, but never dwelt on it. Now I hear from a foreigner like you makes rethink the possibilities."

Hardrada: "Indeed. And I must say that you have been more open to such ideas and thoughts."

Yoshitade: "Hai. You have such a way with words. I commend you for that."

Hardrada: "Thank you." They pause but remain in on walking pace.

They pass some Myrian peasants who gave Nevil an indifferent and even unfriendly looks. Yoshitade noticed this.

Yoshitade: "Do not worry about them. I'm sure with your friendly attitude, you will earn their hearts soon." The Kensei says to him.

Hardrada: "Ah, I expected this from the start. I am not too bothered by such because I know that they see me as their enemy. A rival people, perhaps."

Yoshitade: "I see. Perhaps if you prove you and your companions' to my people, they might change their opinions."

Hardrada: "Yes, I wouldn't expect less." He puts his gauntleted hand to his chin. "And I think I know what we can do..." He says, deep in thought.

Yoshitade: "And what would that be?" The Kensei asks, curious.

Hardrada smiles a bit. The two warriors kept walking and as they do, they see Yana helping out some of the Knights in repairing a part of the walls.

Hardrada: "We could prove to your people that the Shinobi exists." He says to the Kensei as he observed the young girl. The Kensei is dumbfounded.

Yoshitade: "What? I don't think that's a plausible plan, my friend. The Shinobi are just a myth; a product of the imagination of a man." He replies, unable to believe that the Warden will do such thing. Hardrada turns back to him.

Hardrada: "Well, I think it's about time that you all see the truth. I know for a fact that they do exist." He says to the Kensei. "Well, enough of that for now. Let us talk about something else. Cuisines of our people, perhaps?"

- Elsewhere in the outpost... -

Shouts and yells. Those are what is booming from inside a sake den, and can almost be heard from half a kilometer. Inside the sake den, Knights, Vikings and Samurai are the ones doing the shouting as well as the Myrian peasants who happen to be inside.

In the middle of the crowd, a Lawbringer and a Shugoki are arm wrestling. The two hulking men are having a competition of strength as their audience watch and shout in amusement. Neither one of them are willing to lose.

Eventually, the Shugoki starts to overpower his opponent. A minute later, the Lawbringer gives in and his arm gets slammed into the surface of the table that almost broke one of its legs, indicating his defeat. The Shugoki stands up and and lets out a victorious yell followed by the Samurai and the peasants. The Lawbringer stands up and rubs his sore arm and offers a handshake with the Shugoki who accepts it as they both laugh.

Anaximander: "He sure is having fun over there." Anaximander comments as he watches the entire ordeal, although the thick crowd makes it quite hard.

Gulisano: "He sure is. It is quite amusing to see him take on such a large man." Gulisano says as he removed his hood revealing his messy dirty blonde hair.

Anaximander: "Hah, couldn't have said it any better." He agrees.

Moments later, a Myrian lady who works in the sake den comes over and brought the two Knights drinks. She puts down the materials very carefully as if a wrong move could cost her her life. After she put down the materials, she bows to them but before she can even leave, Anaximander stops her.

Anaximander: "Wait. May I know the name of the lady before us?" Anaximander asks. The Myrian freezes but managed to utter her name.

Myrian Lady: "I-it's Kamui, milords." She says. The two Knights sensed the nervousness in her voice.

Anaximander: "Please. Do not call us lords, for we are neither such nor are we even your own people. And do not be fearful of us. We are not your enemies." He says to her as gently as he could behind his helmet.

Kamui: "I s-see. I-if I may ask, what is your purpose h-here in the Myre?" She asks, still nervous.

Anaximander figured that the Warden's helmet he is wearing is sending the woman on edge, and she probably sees the face of a soulless warrior. He removed his helmet, showing his dark brown hair. Then he answers her.

Anaximander?: "Its to fulfil promises." He says to her.

Kamui: "A noble cause, I-I must say." She comments.

Anaximander?: "Thank you. I don't get that often." He takes one of the cups served on their table and drinks the sake, visibly pleased with the taste. He noticed that Kamui hasn't left them yet, likely thinking that they still need her for something. "Lady Kamui, you don't have to look to us like masters. You can leave us as you wish." He assures her with a polite tone.

Kamui: "I-I see. Very well. I-if any of you need anything, just tell m-me."

Gulisano?: "Actually, I like the sake you serve here. We could use a little more." The blonde Knight says to her, which caused Anaximander? to look at him funny.

Kamui: "Very well. I-I'll be back with more. Please wait here." Kamui says timidly as she bows as again and leave to fetch more of the drink.

Anaximander?: "Was that really necessary?" Anaximander? asks Gulisano? with an amused smirk.

Gulisano?: "I can't help it. The drink is very good." He replies, causing Anaximander? to chuckle.

They both enjoy the drinks and the crowd cheering for another round of arm wrestling; this time the same Shugoki against another Shugoki. The Lawbringer who arm wrestled with one of them comes over towards the table where the two are seated at, and sits down on one of the spare seats as he takes off the Lawbringer helmet.

Gulisano?: "So, how did it go?" The blonde asks, drinking the sake from his cup.

Krebs?: "Those 'Shugoki' are just as strong as they are large. They surely are worthy opponents." He replies, taking off the coif from his head.

The three just laughed as they all enjoy the rather peaceful atmosphere. The looks, the products that are served, and the people are different, but the feeling of being in an inn back in Ashfeld is almost the same.

To think that they are far away yet still have the nostalgic feeling of merry and even the smell of sweat follow them miles away from home.

Anaximander?: "Today, we wind down. Tomorrow, we return to our path." He says to them.

Krebs?: "Aye. Remember that we're with you all the way."

Gulisano?: "Just like old times."

Anaximander raises his drink.

Anaximander?: "Cheers, my friends."

Krebs? & Gulisano?: "Cheers."

- A day later... -

Gudmundr, Sigmund, Salavander, Kalec and the rest stayed behind to watch over the outpost while the Mogami Kensei Yoshitade, Hardrada, Anaximander, Arashicage, Krebs, and Gulisano followed Yana to the supposedly hidden whereabouts of her clan; the Hattori.

Thanks to Arashicage's pathfinding skills, the group managed to evade any roving patrols of Samurai or of bandits... or both. However, they are yet to find the location of this hidden clan as they make their way through the marshes.

Yana: "We are almost there." Yana, who is at the front of the group says to those behind her. They look around, but are unable to find anything other than a potentially dangerous part of the swamp.

Krebs: "I don't see anything." The Lawbringer says from inside his helmet. Yana turns towards the group before saying;

Yana: "That's the point of my clan." She says before continuing on. Krebs just shrugs at that.

Yoshitade: "I can already sense that this will fail miserably. This girl who claims to be one of 'them' might be lying and making up these things." The Kensei says to them with his arms crossed; his nodachi strapped on his back.

Anaximander: "I have known Yana long enough to see through her words. I don't think she is making this up." One of the Wardens comments.

Defeated, the Mogami Kensei just sighs and stays silent for the entire trip. He looks back behind him and sees both Knights and Samurai, his people, walking alongside each other without the intent of killing. Some who are well-versed in each other's language are even communicating, talking about whatever they found interesting. He wondered...

- Later, with the Hattori... -

Hattori Seieibushi 1: "With Lord Hanzo ill and you acting in his stead as daimyo of this clan, we are expecting you to maintain this legacy as well as directing the Shinobi into keeping us hidden from the world, Hideyoshi Hojo." A Seieibushi affiliated with the mysterious Hattori Clan says to the acting daimyo.

In a room inside the Hattori castle, the leaders of the clan are all kneeling in a square adjacent to the wooden walls with window frames and paper concealing them from the outside.

The current daimyo of the Hattori Clan, Hattori Hanzo has fallen ill which caused him to not able to do his duties for the people looking up to him. To make up for this horrible event, he personally appointed one of his best Shinobi to act in his stead until he can recover. That Shinobi is Hideyoshi Hojo.

Today, the leaders discuss the future of the clan and how can they keep it from falling apart.

Hattori Seieibushi 2: "Do not fret about dear Hojo here. He has proven himself to every one already. I am sure that he can do an excellent work in maintaining our clan." Another Seieibushi says to the first one.

Hattori Seieibushi 1: "That may be, but we all know that the Shinobi are not trained to be politicians or to master the system of economy, or trade for that matter." The first Seieibushi says. Before he can continue, another Seieibushi cuts him off.

Hattori Seieibushi 3: "You say that because you don't trust them, my friend. Yujita has a good point. Hojo is a very capable leader as he is an assassin. I have no doubts about him doing the tasks before him." The third Seieibushi says to the first one.

Hojo: "Do not worry, my fellow warriors. I will make sure that I can fulfil all the tasks that may come into our way. Let us deviate from the subject and talk about an issue that needs attention. Seieibushi Ikaruzo, are there any problems with our defenses. The identity of our clan staying a secret must remain a priority." Hojo asks one of the Seieibushi in the room.

Seieibushi Ikaruzo: "Of course, daimyo. The defenses are unchanged. They are working as well as they are expected to. The identity of our beloved clan will remain a mystery to everyone else. No further actions is required at this time." The Seieibushi asked answers him.

Hojo: "Excellent. What about the citizens? Have they heard about our lord becoming sick?"

Seieibushi Yujita: "The watchers are keeping a close eye on everyone. The citizens haven't heard about Daimyo Hanzo becoming of ill health, although that also goes with you being appointed to act as the daimyo for now." The Seieibushi responsible replies.

Hojo: "Well, let us keep it that way for now until we find a good opportunity to reveal either news."

Seieibushi Yujita: "I was thinking the same, daimyo. Very well." The Seieibushi turns towards the first Seieibushi. "I told you that he is wise." He says.

Hattori Seieibushi 1: "Perhaps." He mutters.

Hojo: "Moving on. About the-"

???: "Milords!" Hojo was cutoff by a Shinobi bursting into the room all of a sudden.

Seieibushi Yujita: "What is the meaning of this!?" One of the Seieibushi exclaims, furious about the sudden disturbance.

Hattori Shinobi: "I bring urgent news, milords! Our defenses in the western passes has been breached!" The Shinobi breathes out. This caused some of the people inside the room to stand up in shock.

Hattori Seieibushi 3: "Nani!?"

Seieibushi Ikaruzo: "That is impossible! The Shinobi there are experienced enough to deal with any threat! How did these invaders got through!?"

Hattori Seieibushi 1: "And we're supposed to trust them!? For all we know, they could be plotting against Daimyo Hanzo all along, paid by some outside contacts!" The first Seieibushi exclaims.

Hattori Seieibushi 4: "Now now, Seieibushi Modonara. There must be some other reason that allowed whoever these people through our nets. Daimyo Hojo, what is your judgement?" A fourth Seieibushi says calmly.

They all turn towards Hojo who is deep in his thoughts. He thought that with how exceptional the Shinobi are in dealing against outsiders whether they be Samurai or Knights or Vikings, they should be sure that no one will know of their clan's location. The only way that an outside source to discover one of their hidden paths is through another Shinobi.

Hojo: "Hm. No one outside can discover our hidden paths. If any one of them did, our Shinobi will apprehend them or eliminate them, or both as soon as they step foot. The only way that an outside faction to discover our whereabouts is another Shinobi revealing it to them." Hojo says.

Seieibushi Modonara: "See? Even a Shinobi doubts his own kin!" The first Seieibushi says.

Seieibushi Ikaruzo: "Hush, Modonara. The daimyo has an interesting point. If anyone outside is to discover us, it's because another Shinobi is with them; one of our own."

Seieibushi Modonara: "A traitor to the clan!"

Hattori Seieibushi 4: "Silence, Modonara! Let the Daimyo think!"

As the officers bicker, Hojo kept on thinking about the possibilities. He doesn't know any of his fellow Shinobi who could betray the clan this way, or anyone who strayed away from their territories. Another thought came to his head, which caused him to lose his senses from reality.

When he came back over, he turns towards the Shinobi by the entrance and asks him a question.

Hojo: "How did you know about this?"

Hattori Shinobi: "A Shinobi stationed in the western pass came back here and reported the news to us as soon as he arrived." The Shinobi replies.

Hojo: "Is this brother injured in any way?" He asks another question. By this time, the ruckus has already went down as they listen to the two Shinobi.

Hattori Shinobi: "No, Daimyo. He is not injured in any way, shape or form. He is heavily exhausted when he arrived, however." The Shinobi answers.

Hojo: "Hm... How close are they now?"

Hattori Shinobi: "The Shinobi who reported it said that they are just three hours away from here. Considering the distance our brother travelled, they are likely to arrive in just two hours from now."

Seieibushi Ikaruzo: "We must make haste then. They cannot discover this place."

Hattori Seieibushi 4: "What do you suggest?"

Seieibushi Ikaruzo: "Lead them towards the small storehouse in the west. We'll trap them there with our forces and keep them from the city, and from escaping."

Hojo: "Force may not be necessary, Seieibushi Ikaruzo. We'll go with your idea, but no force is to be used unless required."

Hattori Seieibushi 3: "But why? What makes you think that we don't need to bring force?"

Hojo: "Because even if we do, the group that managed to bypass our Shinobi are small enough to not be noticed by the other sections. Only one came here to inform us of the news. That, or there are excellent trackers and pathfinders in their ranks. Now, if any of you have any other concerns regarding this matter, please do tell me now."

A moment pass by in silence. The Seieibushi look at each other, waiting for one to voice their concerns. After a time of waiting, Hojo decided that the matter is concluded and must take place now.

Hojo: "Seieibushi Kanemoto. Prepare two hundred men. We shall meet these intruders ourselves."

Hattori Seieibushi 3, Kanemoto: "Hai."

- In the storehouse west of the Hattori Clan's city... -

The two hundred Samurai of the Hattori Clan march through the slums of the small village that contains the storehouse within their territory. With Hideyoshi Hojo on the lead, they did not stop. A Shinobi sent to scout the village returns to Hojo to report.

Hattori Shinobi: "We managed to lure the trespassers entirely in here. The rest of our brothers are watching them from all sides, however, something is bothering me."

Hojo: "What is it, brother?"

Hattori Shinobi: "When we lured them into here, it was so easy. As if... they know of our intentions, and are willing to put themselves in danger. It's as if they have their own trap to spring."

Hojo: "I see. We still outnumber them, no?"

Hattori Shinobi: "Hai. As far as we know, they are in the middle of nowhere, and they are right where we want them."

Hojo: "Very well. Return to overwatch. Tell our brothers that they are allowed to intervene when things go wrong."

Hattori Shinobi: "Hai."

With that, the Shinobi leaves to return back to his task as their Samurai continue to march. Moments later, Hojo signals to his soldiers to stop when he spotted something gleaming under the afternoon sun ahead of them. The gleaming object isn't alone as more appeared at the end of the road ahead of them, seemingly expecting he and his troops. Upon observing thoroughly, he recognized them.

Hojo: "Knights." He thinks out loud.

Seieibushi Kanemoto: "Knights? They should rotting where they came from! What are they doing here!?" The Seieibushi that he brought with him hisses.

Hojo: "I don't know." He replies. He continues to observe the possible threat ahead of them. Then he noticed something. "Hm. We already should be in range of their archers if they have any." He comments.

Seieibushi Kanemoto: "I also don't see them doing any battle positions that I remember. This could be the trap that-" He cuts himself off when he saw something else; a tall warrior of sorts wearing Samurai armor with scarlet markings with a large sword on his shoulder. "Is that... a Samurai?" He asks in disbelief, unable to see the possibilities of a Samurai working with Knights.

Hojo: "A Kensei as well. It looks like he's from the Mogami."

They see the Kensei gestured towards the largest building in sight; the village's hall. The Kensei makes some more gestures that Hojo recognized and understood what this means: they want to talk to him.

Hojo: "Seieibushi, stay here with the men. I'll see for myself what they want." Hojo says to the Seieibushi before walking towards the Knights and the Kensei.

Seieibushi Kanemoto: "Hai. Be careful, Daimyo."

He calmly walks through the street towards the supposed trespassers. He looks towards the houses and the stores and sees people inside hiding from whatever might happen next. On his peripherals, he saw some figures jumping from shadow to shadow both on the roofs and in the houses. Hojo is still secured by his fellow Shinobi, and are ready to pounce the moment something goes awry.

Eventually, he reaches the Knights, and just then he noticed ashigaru bearing scarlet markings similar to the Kensei with them. The Knights and the Samurai lets him through and he comes face to face with the Kensei. For a moment, there was silence, until the Kensei breaks it.

Mogami Kensei: "I cannot believe I'm doing this. Just another 'Shinobi' poser." The Kensei comments.

Hojo realized that this Kensei doesn't believe that his kind exists among them. A small amount of relief washes over him, realizing that their secret is still a secret. He remains silent.

Mogami Kensei: "Right. I assume you are curious to why we are here." The Kensei says, in which Hojo just nods at. "Follow me. There are some people who wants to talk to you." He says as he leads the Shinobi towards the town hall.

Once inside, he is led towards where the officials would come to discuss. On the way, He noticed more shadows inside the hall with them. His Shinobi have already infiltrated the hall, which gave him a sense of security. They arrive to the small but neatly designed interior of a room where a Knight is waiting. The Knight stands up to acknowledge Hojo's arrival.

Hojo observed him; the Knight seems familiar to him. Crimson markings. He knew that he saw these before, but can't remember exactly what.

Crimson Knight: "Familiar, am I not?" The Knight asks Hojo. He hesitates to answer, but answers nonetheless.

Hojo: "I admit, your armor do seem familiar to me." He answers.

Crimson Knight: "Then let me reveal myself now." The Knight says as he removed his helmet. Hojo's eyes widen when he saw the face of the man before him. "It's been a long time, Hideyoshi Hojo." The man greets with a smile.

Hojo: "Nevil Hardrada." Hojo removes his mask for he knows who the man in front of him very well. "It has been a long time indeed. What brings you here, though?" He asks.

Hardrada: "That, I can explain to you soon. For now, we talk with my companions."

Hojo: "I see. You and your companions seems to expect us to arrive here."

Hardrada: "We did. Someone you know told us about you." He says as he gestures for them to sit down.

Hojo: "Someone I know?"

???: "Someone close to you." Someone else says, who turns out to be a Knight without any discernible markings. "The name is Saidan Anaximander, and I'm the one who would like to talk to you." He says as he mimics their sitting stance.

Hojo: "I see. You have my full attention."

Anaximander: "Excellent. First of all, could you tell your men to stand down? We could all use some time to breath and so no one breaks and suddenly attacks the other." Anaximander asks.

Instead of replying, Hojo does a gesture, which caused a hidden Shinobi emerge from their hiding spot and towards Hojo's side.

Hojo: (In Japanese) "Tell the men to stand down."

Hattori Shinobi: "Hai."

The Shinobi leaves the room and disappears from sight. They all turn back towards each other except the Mogami Kensei who is staring at the path that the Shinobi took to leave the building they are in, dumbfounded at what just transpired.

Hojo: "Before you ask, I want to know what happened to this village's officials." Hojo requests to them.

Hardrada: "They are fine and are unharmed. They are with our other companions on the floor above us." Hardrada answers.

Hojo: "Alright, I believe you. Now, what do you want to talk about?" He asks them.

Anaximander: "I have heard of what you and your people can do. The 'Shinobi' are certainly skilled assassins, spies. Those few who knew of the Shinobi weren't lying that they are deadly. You are one of them, no?"

Hojo: "*sigh* I am. It seems that our secret isn't so hidden now, but I suppose it's only a matter time before someone finds out."

Anaximander: "Those who only heard did not believe it."

Hojo: "I see. What are you trying to say? I want to know now." Hojo asks, almost demandingly.

Hardrada: "We need allies, Hojo. You know of the threat of Apollyon and of the Blackstone Legion pose. We need allies, to assist us in defeating Apollyon."

Hojo: "Master Hardrada, I don't know if I can assist. We rarely ever dealt with anything outside of the Myre."

Hardrada: "Please, Hojo. You will be an invaluable asset in our campaign. And for that, I am calling in the favor that you owe me."

Hojo was speechless. While he wants to help out an old friend and to fulfil a favor, he couldn't bring himself to decide whether to or not to. He is weighing his options, but none seems to come up that appeals to him.

Anaximander: "Perhaps, this will help you decide." Anaximander says, regaining Hojo's attention. "Bring the tea in." He says towards his back.

The sliding door opens and reveals a young girl dressed similarly to him, but without the mask. Hojo at the girl in disbelief as the girl puts the down tea set on the table. After putting down the tea set, she sits down with the four men with a bright smile on her face. She turns to Hojo with her eyes tearing up gradually.

Hideyoshi Yana: "O-ohayou, Hojo." She says to him, her voice cracking in the process.

Hideyoshi Hojo: "Yana..." He mutters as he slowly stands up as Yana does the same.

They then embrace each other tightly in their arms. The two long lost siblings have finally reunited.

Hideyoshi Hojo: "I love you, sister."

Hideyoshi Yana: "I-I love you too, brother."


Finally, the two Hideyoshi siblings have reunited and a promise from a foreigner fulfilled! This is the longest chapter that I have written for this volume because I just can't wait to reunite them so much! XD Hope y'all enjoyed and have a great day/night!

Arcani out!

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