Crescent Moon (Teen Wolf/Liam...

By hogwartsorwonderland

1.1M 22.7K 9.4K

Let's be real, here. If Scarlett Martin wasn't around, Scott and their friends would already be dead. Scarlet... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Very Important. Please Read
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Bonus Chapter 1
Chapter 12
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty - Nine
Chapter Thirty/Epilouge
Uber Important. Please Read
Please Read
Another Important Notice
Sequel (Season 5)

Chapter Twenty-Three

21.7K 541 77
By hogwartsorwonderland

Scarlett was sitting in the boys locker room in the school when Kira called her. As soon as she had changed and made sure no one was around, Scarlett had come back. No one would expect her to be hiding at the school, let alone the boys locker room. She was sitting on the bench next to Liam’s locker, trying to block out the other disgusting smells and focus on his. He smelt like the woods and his cologne; it was absolutely intoxicating. It was helping distract her from what she had just done. She had killed someone and liked it. The look on her friend’s faces made her want to scream but she knew she couldn’t do that. So she just sat here, her knives by her side and stared ahead at the locker.

 Until Kira called. Scarlett had been ignoring everyone’s calls. She didn’t want to talk to anyone so she let the phone go to voice mail. That was, until she rang again, and again, and again and she was forced to pick up the phone.


 Kira sighed in relief. “Oh thank god! Scarlett, I need your help.”

 With what?” she asked suspiciously when she heard how nervous Kira was.

 “There are assassins chasing Brett and another kid from his pack at the school. I need to you to meet me there and help me protect them.”

 Scarlett held back a laugh. “You want me, to help you help Brett? The doucebag Devonford Prep player who’s friend I may or may not have punched in the face? That one?”

 “What? Why did you punch him in the face?”

 “He called me princess.” Scarlett said curtly.

 She heard a little exasperated “oh my god” through the phone and she smiled, remembering how satisfying it was to punch that idiot in the face. “Brett had a little girl with him, Scar. At least help her. Meet me at the school in ten.”

 And with that, Kira hung up the phone. She really couldn’t give two shits about Brett but if there was a little girl with him, she had to help. Scarlett sighed and tuned her hearing into every little noise in the school. Footsteps coming from behind the buses and another set approaching them. She could hear an arrow get loaded into the crossbow and then released. That’s when Scarlett started running down the halls to the exit closest to buses.

 As soon as Scarlett stepped outside, she was completely drenched. The rain was pouring so hard that it was weighing her eyelids down. She ran down the steps towards the sound of the grunting. She rounded a corner to see a large man holding a crossbow knock Brett to the ground. Brett looked up, eyes a golden yellow, ready to pounce but before he could, Scarlett used the hand that wasn’t holding her knives to slam his head against the side of the bus so hard he was out cold.

 Scarlett turned around to look at Brett whose eyes were flickering from her face to the deadly weapon in her hand. She remembered that the knives had been dipped in wolfsbane; he could probably smell it. “You?” he asked. “Aren’t you an assassin? Why did you save me?”

 Scarlett twirled the knives haphazardly and said, “Whatever gave you that idea Barry? And if you hadn’t noticed, there a two more circling in on us, so we should probably run.” Scarlett ran ahead of him in the direction of the little girl. Brett was only a few steps behind her. Scarlett rounded the corner to the Lacrosse field to see the little girl run straight onto the middle of the open area. “Lori wait!”

 Brett ran straight after her onto the field. Scarlett had her mouth open in shock. What an idiot. You don’t go running straight onto an open field where the group of deadly assassins had the perfect position to shoot you down. It was suicide. But Scarlett had promised Kira to help so she reluctantly ran after the two werewolves.

 The little girl, Lori, clung to Brett as soon as he reached her. Scarlett reached them, but before she could say anything something happened. The blinding lights on the field started turning on one by one. The three of them turned around, watching as they illuminated the almost bare grass.

 The last time that had happened was when Peter required a dramatic entrance to maul Lydia. Reason #57 as to why she didn’t like Peter. Scarlett watched in her mind’s eye as Lydia stared at her and Stiles in confusion as they told her to run, but wasn’t fast enough. Peter had bitten and scratched Lydia all over, ruining the pastel pink dress that had been her favourite. That had been the first time Scarlett ever been truly scared of losing someone. Before then, it hadn’t seemed possible. But as she had sat holding Lydia’s hand in the hospital room later on, she had realised how much danger they were in. So, yeah, floodlights on lacrosse field = bad.

 Lori stood in between Brett and Scarlett, both of them protecting her with their bodies. Scarlett watched as red lasers made their way up to the middle of Brett’s chest as the assassin’s took aim.

 “Brett, what’s happening?” Lori asked desperately.

 It was obviously he had lost hope when he told her to close her eyes. Lori followed his orders and they both shut their eyes. Scarlett scoffed. She wasn’t giving up that easily. An arrow was released, aimed straight for them and she got ready to knock it away. This time, it was her who got interrupted. Scarlett had been so focused that she didn’t hear Kira approaching. Kira jumped forward and sliced the arrow in half with her Katana, sending the two halves in different directions.

 Brett opened his eyes in shock, not expecting to be saved. Kira just looked at Scarlett, who was smiling proudly. Kira was older but Scarlett had watched her become so strong and badass as opposed to the way she was when she met her; scared and timid. Scarlett had no doubt she could take care of herself now.

 “Go! Run!” Kira yelled to her, “Take them to Deaton’s”

 “What about you?”

 “I’ll meet you there. Run!”

 So she did.


 Brett, Lori, Scarlett and Kira had made it to Deaton’s clinic with no hiccups. Kira had caught up half way there. The only thing the kitsune hadn’t told her, was that Brett’s entire pack was there. Including their alpha, Satomi.

 Scarlett was sitting on the floor on the opposite side of the room, trying to shrink so that she was basically unnoticeable. The entire pack, with an exemption of Lori and especially Satomi, was glaring at her. Apparently, it doesn’t matter if you save two of their pack members, people still treat you as if you have herpes or something. Scarlett understood she looked a little intimidating. She had removed the knives covered in wolfsbane from the ends of her Lacrosse stick and was playing with them; flipping and twirling them in the air absentmindedly. But there was no need to be rude.

 Kira was talking to Satomi who was standing on the metal operating table with Brett and Lori when Scarlett caught her staring at her again. Honestly, Scarlett was having a very bad night and she snapped.

 “What? What’s your problem?” Scarlett asked harshly.

 Satomi’s facial expression didn’t change as she explained. “You carry the weapon of an assassin who murdered many of our pack. We don’t associate with killers.”

 Scarlett understand what she meant. Satomi thought she was an assassin too, and that she was a killer. And she was, but that didn’t stop her from feeling slightly defensive. “I’m not a killer. I’m not an assassin either.”

 Satomi tilted her head to the side disbelievingly. “Then what are you?”

 Scarlett’s only answer was close her eyes, and when she opened them they were a glowing blue and orange.

 Satomi was shocked. “You are a siren. Of Banshee ancestry, turned by the scratch of a werewolf, dipped into ice cold water then suffered from a broken heart. ” Scarlett gulped. She had never thought about how she had been turned, but she knew now. “So tell me, young siren, who broke your heart?”

 During a fight with the Alpha pack, one of the twins (she didn’t know which one) had accidently scratched her. It was small. Not deep, it had healed in a few days and she didn’t turn into a werewolf. But before it had healed, Scott, Allison and Stiles had been held own in an ice bath until they had essentially died. She had held Scott down, been his anchor, and she remembered the cut stinging and the cold water washed over it. Then, a few months after, Allison had died which had left her heart broken beyond repair.

 When Scarlett didn’t answer, Satomi kept talking, “Well, child, you should know that the stronger the heart break, the stronger the powers and the stronger the bloodlust. And from what I’ve heard, you’re very strong. Make sure you find your anchor.”

 Satomi turned away before she could see a single tear fall from Scarlett’s downcast eyes. But Lori, who was watching her saviour curiously, did. Lori wandered over to Scarlett and sat next to her, not saying a word. Scarlett didn’t say anything but it was comforting that not everybody was so scared of her they didn’t want to look at her.

 The two of them sat together, waiting for Scott to come and save them.


 They didn’t have to wait for long before Scarlett heard Scott walk into the clinic. Scarlett smiled when Kira rushed out to meet him. They hadn’t seen each other in a few days and with what was happening lately, a few days felt like years. Lori got up to go stand near Brett and Scarlett tried not to listen to the lovebirds talking. She was suddenly nervous that Scott was going to look at her with revulsion. Satomi seemed to hear Scarlett heartbeat getting faster and louder as she watched Scarlett stare towards the empty doorway.

 “Have you seen Scarlett? And did you find him? Did you find Brett?” she heard Scott ask. A few of the lost werewolves looked at her with confusion. Satomi seemed to have guessed that Scarlett had done something to make Scott worried.

 "Actually, I think I found all of them.” Kira said, pulling Scott into the room. Scott was at awe as he took in the room of hunted werewolves, looking all alone and frightened. He didn’t seem to register Scarlett yet who was shrinking in on herself again. “Satomi, this is who I was telling you about.”

 Satomi turned around, her hood still lifted onto her head, the moment she saw Scott he face mirrored his, a look of pure awe on her face. “I know who Scott McCall is.” She answered, watching him momentarily before averting her gaze suddenly to Scarlet.

 Scarlett’s fears were instantly obliterated. Scott looked shocked and then so incredibly relieved. She hadn’t noticed but his face had been pinched with worry over her. They locked eyes and immediately Scarlett stood up, meeting Scott halfway and leapt into his arms.

 “Oh thank god. Thank god you’re okay. I was so worried, Scar.” Scott kept saying it over and over again as they hugged. Neither of them was even thinking about releasing the other, both of their eyes watering.

 “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Scotty.” Scarlett said quietly, genuinely guilty that she had worried him so badly.

 “It’s not your fault. I love you, Scar. I was just so worried.” Scott said quietly.

 “I know.” Scar said in the same tone, “I love you too.”

Their hug reminded Scarlett of the old days. Whenever Scarlett used to stay behind and Scott when to go fight the newest baddie, she was always so worried. Whenever he came back, the first thing he would do would to sweep her into one of these hugs. She never realised how much she had missed them .Scarlett didn't know why they stopped doing it. Maybe because she was getting older. But Scarlett knew it was because life threatening fights and dangerous situations happened so much to both of them now that it was hard to keep track.

 The rest of the rooms occupants were watching on with varying degrees of empathy and fear. “Are we safe here?” Lori asked in that timid voice of hers.

 Scarlett and Scott finally released each other from their comforting hug, but Scott kept one arm around her shoulder as Kira walked over to stand next to them. Scott’s eyes wandered face to face, instantly feeling responsible for each and every one of them. Scott turned to his sister and girlfriend. “We’re going to need help.” He said, instantly accepting the responsibilities before him. “A lot of help.”

A/N I know, another late update. but my laptop erased the past three chapters i had written so i had to rewrite. Also, I'm sorry this is short but hopefully i'll update tomorrow as well.

I hope you liked finding out how Scarlett became a siren and I hope you liked the scarlemin the last chapter.

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