Wonder Dust | A BTS Jin Fanfi...

By TempralSinz

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What were to happen if you got your hands on some funky magic 'dust' and accidently dropped some into your ne... More

First Day Jitters
First Weeks
Mr. Kim
Awkward Revelations
Missed Days
Dr. Park
Impure Thoughts
Lust Meets Need
Little Lies
The Mysterious DR. Park
Of Magic And Faeries
The Insatiable Mr. Kim
Lesson Learned
Problem Solver
Home Sweet Home
Wake Up Call
Car Ride
Problem Solver
Back To Normal
The Iron Way
Stress Relief
Torture's End

Happy Accidents

514 35 1
By TempralSinz


3 Weeks have passed since Y/N's incident with Mr. Kim. Lexi kept her eye on her of course to make sure she wasn't too shaken, but Y/N seemed fine and managed to focus on her work. Both teams managed to get the VT and YG promotions out without too much difficulty. Monday morning meant another meeting so the two teams could get their next assignments, this time they'd be joined with the other planning team. All three would have to work together as they would have a larger work load most likely.

Eve and Y/N awoke and changed into their newly purchased work outfits. Since they got paid they decided to treat themselves to one new work outfit each. That Saturday they spent the day searching the city for their ideal outfit. Eve had settled on a very bright and red flowing knee length skirt a black turtleneck and a bright red blazer with black lining on the inside. She had a pair of black pumps she wore with it. Y/N on the other hand decided on a more tight fitting black knee length skirt with pink hearts around the bottom hem line, a pink turtleneck and a black blazer with the same pink hearts around the hem line and cuffs of the blazer. She admired her outfit in the mirror and tied her hair back with a pink scrunchie. The two set off for work after Y/N slipped on her new pink pumps.

As the two entered their building they went to the cafe to get their usual morning coffee.


Eve and I stood in line to get our morning coffee. I searched my bag for my ID, when my fingers brushed against something hard and round. I reached in and pulled it out, I looked at the strange container of silver curiously. Tapping Eve's shoulder I showed her.

"ah, you brought the 'magic glitter' huh?" She giggled.

"Ooohh that's what this stuff is. I forgot about that. I didn't mean to bring it I guess I put it in my bag at some point." I responded and searched for my ID tag again. I found it and looked at the silver container again. I don't know why but I decided to twist off the cap and play with it a bit. Eve stepped forward with the girl in front of us. There were three spots open so I went beside the girl and started to make my coffee. Eve finished hers and I watched the girl next to us using some sort of measuring cup she pulled from her bag. Eve scoffed as I played with the silver particles.

"Can you believe it, Mr. Kim even has to have certain amount of cream and sugar in his coffee. What a tight ass." I could see her roll her eyes and it made me giggle. She turned to me quickly and went to reach for my shoulders, she shocked me to say the least with her quick movements and I jolted forward, some of the silver glitter looking particles took to the air and flew past Eve' shoulders and landed on the girls hands next to her. Eve hadn't noticed but my eyes couldn't stop staring, the girl was stirring the glitter into the coffee and it seemingly dissolved. I was freaking out on the inside. What the hell did I just do, was this stuff toxic? Oh my god did I just inadvertently poison Mr. Kim!? What!?

I tried to slap myself out of it, Eve was laughing and then she looked at me strangely.

"Y/N? You okay? You're zoning out girl." She said as she pulled me away from the coffee area, I put the silver powder away and took my coffee, watching behind me as the girl with Mr. Kim's coffee strutted off toward the elevator. I took a sip of my coffee, I was worried and I think it showed as we slowly made our way to the elevator. I was a bit relieved when we saw the girl with Mr. Kim' coffee had taken the elevator already so we had to wait for another one. Once the elevator dinged I pulled Eve closer to me and whispered to her.

"I think I'm in a lot of trouble Eve." I bit my bottom lip and looked at her with a worried expression on my face. She just looked at me confused and whispered back.


"I... You.. How do I explain this. I think I might have accidentally poisoned..." I looked around to make sure we were far enough back in the elevator from a few others. I got extra close to her ear and whispered the rest.

"Mr. Kim." I pulled back from her and she still looked at me confused.

When the doors to the elevator opened to the floor we were needed on I pulled Eve out and to the side. We were on the 18th floor, known as the meeting room floor. I tried to whisper explain what I was talking about to Eve. Her eyes went wide and she giggled, clapping her hand over her mouth to stop herself from being too loud with her laughing.

"It's not funny Eve, I could be in serious trouble. I don't know what's in that glitter stuff." I whined slightly as I was in a minor panic mode. I could lose my job, everything. Eve pulled her hand of her mouth and stifled a few chuckles before looking at me with a smile and warmth in her eyes.

"You're going to be fine Y/N. It dissolved right? It's just some powder stuff, who knows it could be silver colored chocolate powder for all we know. You might have made his coffee better, maybe it will pry that stick out of his ass." She giggled again and wrapped her arm around my shoulder, walking with me towards the meeting room.

"Everything will be fine. I'm sure it's non toxic. And if it is slightly toxic, I'm sure not that much got into his coffee. You said that girl's hand was mostly in the way right?" she said. I nodded at her question.

"Yeah, but what if he gets a little sick and blames her?" I asked worried still. Eve patted my back and sighed.

"You'll be fine, she'll be fine. I am most certain he'll be fine. I mean that weird lady looked off her rocker but not like... THAT off her rocker." Eve said with a bright smile as we made our way to the door of the meeting room. We entered and I of course still didn't feel good about everything. I sat between Eve and Lexi, and when Mr. Kim entered drinking his coffee I felt my heart sink into my stomach. Great Y/N you're about to become a murderer. Sure he was an ass to me but he didn't deserve to be poisoned. I couldn't help but stare at him as he sat down at the head of the table in the chair closest to the meeting room door.

 He had a large folder and a pen stuck in his very nice deep blue suit with white button up shirt. The other Mr. Kim entered and took the chair at the far end of the table. I still kept my eyes on Mr. Kim SeokJin, wondering when he'd fall over dead in his chair. As I was staring at him my eyes kept shifting over his face. He was so beautiful, my eyes stopped on his full plum lips and I felt my heart skip a beat. It honestly scared me and I looked away from him for a moment. But once again my eyes fell on his lips, I couldn't stop the random thoughts that just flowed through my head. When my eyes scanned back up to meet his eyes I noticed he was looking at me, I didn't know what to do so I looked away as fast as possible.

The meeting rattled on and I found myself looking at him from time to time, you know just to make sure he wasn't falling out of his chair with foam around his mouth. Once in a while he would look at me and I'd turn away. However I did manage to pay attention enough to the meeting to know that all three teams were working on another VT project, a Lotte project and some adverts for the rail system thanks to the city counsel. Eve was taking notes beside me and I knew I could look over what she had written later if I missed anything.

After 45 more minutes of talking and me studying the face of Mr. Kim SeokJin, the meeting came to a close and we all stood up from our chairs. We gathered our things and I did my best not to look at Mr. Kim again, unfortunately for me he went to move from his chair as I walked behind him with my folder and paperwork. He jolted upright and I felt his hand suddenly on my shoulder as he had bumped his chair into my midsection.

"Oh I'm so sorry Miss L/N was it?" He said with a soft velvety tone. My eyes widened in shock, he seemed to be in a good mood. I stood and shook my head.

"It's okay Mr. Kim I'm so sorry, it's my fault. I should have been more careful." I bowed and apologized, surely he was trying to test me right. Since last time he thought I was blaming him. The look on his face was unexpected though, he looked shocked by my words and he shook his head at me.

"Nonsense Miss L/Y, I was the one who was paying no mind to anyone being behind me. I wasn't thinking and pushed my chair back to far. Are you sure you're alright?" he rubbed my upper shoulder with his hand and he seemed genuine with his words. What the hell was happening here?

"You look rather nice in pink by the way." His words made me do a double take. I stood there frozen like a deer in headlights. What? He winked and smiled at me. I... what.. the... effin.. fff? My brain stopped.

"Take care Miss Y/N L/N" He said as he exited the room. Eve stood by the door waiting on me, almost everyone else had left. The other Mr. Kim stopped near me and looked me over and smiled a rather cute boxy smile. I snapped out of my thoughts and back into reality. I bowed to him and spoke.

"Good morning Mr. Kim." he laughed and waved his hand gently at me.

"No no, Y/N call me Mr. K. It gets confusing if everyone calls both of us Mr. Kim. I'm glad he was nicer to you. Everything going well?" he asked.

"Yes Sir." I smiled at him and nodded my head. He looked pleased and gave me a wave goodbye before giving a nod to Eve and exiting the meeting room. Eve just stared at him and I nudged her as I moved out the door. She followed me to the elevator while giggling to herself.

"what's so funny?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, but the look on your face when Mr. Kim spoke to you was priceless." She laughed a bit more loosely now.

"Oh hush... he was, different wasn't he?" I turned to her as we stepped into the elevator and made our way down to our floor. She looked back at me and nodded.

"Yeah he did seem more calm." She shrugged.

"Maybe he had a good night's rest." I said as I looked forward at the doors.

"Or he got laid." Eve nudged me in my side and giggled. I rolled my eyes at her and when the doors opened we stepped out into the long hallway. We were debating about the sexual release status of Mr. Kim, which honestly wasn't something I wanted to talk about, when Eve and I rejoined our teams. Lexi was sitting closest to us and heard our conversation as Eve was not being quiet.

"All I'm saying is the only explanation for him or any man to not be an asshole is if he's getting his dick wet. I'm telling you, he got laid last night." Lexi looked at us puzzled and Eve laughed and stood in front of Lexi.

"Mr. Kim got laid last night. He was actually nice to Y/N." Eve smiled and Lexi busted out in a loud hearty laugh. I looked at her slightly concerned. She waved her hand at us and seemed to be having trouble breathing.

"I'm sorry... sorry. HA! There's no way that dolt got laid. He doesn't have a girlfriend, hasn't had one in like 3 years." Lexi was still laughing. Eve shrugged.

"Well then he rubbed one out this morning cause he was nice. He complimented Y/N." Lexi turned to me after hearing Eve's words. She smiled at me and looked me up and down. She rested her chin between her index finger and her thumb and smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well.. He does like pink, and you look super cute today." She said as she winked at me. I smiled and blushed a bit. Compliments were never my thing, when Eve was complimenting me it was different. I knew she was full of it and just being nice. We were family after all. Eve looked at Lexi with a smirk.

"And how would you know so much hm? You have a bit of a fling with Mr. uptight boss man?" Eve crossed her arms over her chest and Lexi laughed again.

"Oh my, that's hilarious... GROSS, but hilarious." She slapped her own knee as she sat on the corner of the table and she looked at Eve.

"I'm married." She said as she held up her hand, sporting a very pretty gold band on her ring finger.

"To a woman." She added with a smirk. Eve's eyes widened and she made an 'Oh' face as she looked over at me, I shrugged. I honestly didn't know Lexi super well. I just knew she was nice and very friendly toward me.

"Okay so how DO you know these things then?" I asked since I was curious myself. Lexi Sighed and waved her hand from side to side, speaking rather breathy.

"Mr. Kim may or may not be related to me..." Eve and I looked at Lexi with wide eyes, then we turned to look at each other.

"He's my cousin." She sighed and got up from the corner of the table, walking her way back to the others who were huddled and going over some things. I couldn't move for a few moments. Eve looked at me and sighed as she grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the table with her.

"Come on... we have work to do."

We worked on VT first. Around 5pm I was put in charge of bringing the VT rough drafts to Mr. K. I was so glad it would be him and not Mr. Kim.

As I made my way down the dimly lit hall to Mr. K's office, I noticed Mr. Kim coming out of his office with his brief case. I guess he was heading home for the evening, since he was so nice to me today I decided to be pleasant to him as he was rapidly approaching me.

"Have a good evening Mr. Kim." I said with a bright smile and a slow wave. He didn't even look at me, he just scoffed and continued to pass by me. What the heck? He was super nice earlier. I sighed and came to a stop outside Mr. K's door. I knocked gently against the glass and he stood from his desk and motioned for me to enter.

"Ah good evening Miss Y/N. What do you have for me." He said softly with a cute little grin. I smiled and bowed to him then set the papers on his desk.

"These are the rough drafts from our teams." I said and took a step back. He leaned down over his desk and slid the papers in front of him, he looked over the top page and then looked back up at me with that boxy smile of his.

"Work going good so far Miss Y/N?" He asked. I nodded.

"I really like working here Sir." I said softly. Even though he was much nicer than Mr. Kim, he was still intimidating in his own right. He walked over to a mini fridge on the far side of his room and pulled out two waters. He walked back over to me and handed me one.

"It's a good place to work, but you have to have the heart and the talent." He smiled, I nodded in agreement.

"I hope I can prove my talent Sir, and the heart." I bowed to him again and he chuckled a bit, twisting off the cap from his bottle of water and pouring a bit into his mouth. How the hell could a man look pretty while drinking water? What kind of sorcery is this? I continued to watch as he swallowed.

"I have no doubt you have heart and talent. I just want to make sure our beloved CEO doesn't scare you off." He chuckled again and I nodded.

"No worried Sir. Mr. Kim is a busy and surely stressed man. His words won't affect my work." I said sure of myself, which wasn't a rare thing. However, being here and in this city, I wasn't feeling as confident in myself like I use to. It's so different from my small hometown. I was up for the challenge though, after all I had Eve with me. I'd be fine.

6pm rolled around and we packed up and left for the evening. Eve and I took a cab home since we were both tired and hungry. We cooked and cleaned up. I laid in bed thinking about the day. Mr. Kim was nice, but by evening he was like the same old grouch. He's a weird and complicated man, I think. Within moments of my thoughts leaving me to rest, I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

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