♥Camping Trip Gone Wrong(Nalu...

By RoseBonneyBelle

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Going camping somewhere nice and peacful? Not with Team Natsu and the rest of the Fairy tail gang you're not... More

♥Camping Trip Gone Wrong(Nalu,Jerza,Gruvia,Gale)♥
♥CTGW CHAPTER 3:It's Just A House Right?!♥
♥CTGW CHAPTER 4:Oh,it's just Erza♥
♥CTGW CHAPTER 5:Campfire♥
♥CTGW CHAPTER 7:Feels like we're in the game of slenderman♥
♥CTGW CHAPTER 8:Finding our way back♥
♥CTGW CHAPTER 9:We're almost there!♥
♥CTGW Chapter 10:Freedom♥
♥CTGW CHAPTER 11:Who needs a cake when I've got you♥
♥CTGW Chapter 12:This is our story♥
♥Christmas Special♥


2K 52 11
By RoseBonneyBelle


※Gray's P.O.V※

Its been two weeks since we came back from that 'camping trip'.As of now,Jellal and Erza are dating along with Natsu and Lucy,Gajeel and Levy.Everybody's acting so lovey-dovey;It really sickens me.I could see Juvia approaching me.

"Um,Gray-sama,would you like-"But,before Juvia could continue,I walked away,as If she wasn't even there infront of me.I'm not in the mood to talk to talk right now.This Lovey-Dovey thing ain't for me.I'd rather go Solo.

"Sorry,I don't feel like talking to anyone right now."I said,not even taking a glance at her,but I could hear her aura change all of  a sudden.I don't really want to see her like this.

"Fine,I'll take you out later.I'll pick you up at 11."I said,patting her head and walking away,with a small smile on my face.

Ψ Juvia's P.O.V Ψ

"Gray-sama?"I  asked myself as he left the guild.Did Gray-sama really ask Juvia out?Please let not this be dream.

"Someone,Pinch me!"I yelled out accidentally.As soon as I realized my mistake,I quickly covered my mouth.My face was red as a tomato!

"Juvia,are you alright?"Mira-san asked as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Juvia is perfectly fine.Juvia just needs to buy some-"I cut myself off,thinking  of a good excuse."Nutella,yes,Juvia needs some more."I yelled out quickly as I ran out of the guild.

◈Mira's P.O.V◈

My ※Gruvia※ senses are tingl!I can feel it in the atmosphere."I MUST FIND THEM AT ONCE!"I yelled out all of a sudden,while slamming my hands on the table.Shocking the guild members.

"Mira-nee,daijoubu desu ka?"My little white-haired sibling asked as she came to me."NO TIME TO TALK,GO GET MY BUSH HAT!"I ordered her.

"But-"Before she could continue,I cut her off."NOW,THE GRUVIA COUPLE IS IN NEED OF OUR ASSISTANCE!"I yelled out.

"Aye!"Lisanna said as she ran to get the bush hats.

ΨJuvia's P.O.VΨ

Juvia's ready.This has is dream come true! Gray-sama finally asked me out.ME and not love rival.Juvia cannot wait for the date!


One hour left.Juvia's already prepared.Now,Juvia's sitting  in her living room while tying her hair in a high ponytail.

She wore a plain light-blue shirt and a light-blue denim skirt with a pair of light-blue doll shoes.Overall,she looked FANTABULOUS XD!

'This will surely make Gray-sama fall in love with Juvia for sure!'Juvia thought as she fantasized about her and Gray being together.Juvia was to busy daydreaming to notice Gray.

"Um,Juvia."Gray said,as he poked the water mage's shoulder,which snapped her back to reality."Oh,Gray-sama.Juvia didn't know you were here."Juvia said,her cheeks colored with a tint of red due to the embarrassment.

"Are you ready?"Gray asked.Juvia,on the other hand,nodded her head and got up."Ne,Gray-sama.I thought  males' weren't  allowed in the dorms?"Juvia asked and Gray just gave out a nervous laugh.

"You could say,I had to knockout 'somebody'"Gray said,scratching the back of his while laughing nervously."GRAY GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SON OF A BITCH!"A voice yelled out from the hallways.

"Ok,that's our queue."Gray said,carry Juvia bridal-style and carrying her out of her room,through the window.As always -___________- Gray's starting to become Natsu two and that's not gonna be good.

"Gray-sama!"Juvia yelled out,shocked at what the Ice-mage was doing.Gray ran as fast as he could towards the town square trying to hide in the crowd of people.

"I think,we'll be safe here."Gray muttered as he stopped somewhere at a cafe."Ok,so let's just-"But as he entered the cafe his jaw-dropped right away.

"Mother-WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?"He yelled out as he saw almost all of the Fairy tail members in butler and maid outfits."Hi Gray,Welcome to FT cafe,how may we be of service."Mira greeted,as Gray approached the cash register.

"Just what the hell are you guys doing?"Gray asked once again and Mira just giggled."Oh,this.Well since the guild had some excess money,we decided to use that money to make a cafe for all of the couples in town!"Mira replied,her eyes truning into hearts.

"So,go and have fun with your girl."Mira said as she pointed at Juvia,who sat near the window.As Gray looked at her,his cheeks were tint with red.'She looks like an Angel'He thought as he walked over to her.

"Hey,so Mira's gonna bring us something,so we just gotta wait."Gray said as he held Juvia hand for the first time.Juvia blushed,because of his actions.

"To much Gruvia."Lisanna said as she saw Gray and Juvia holding hands and staring lovingly into each others eyes.Then,Lisanna suddenly fainted.This is true fangirlism,people!

"Lisanna! I knew we shouldn't have invited her to do this!"Levy said,trying to lift up Lisanna's body."To much OTP moments  may lead to fainting."Levy said,sighing.

"BITCH YOU GONNA DIE!"Erza yelled as she came crashing through the window with her sword near Gray's neck.This is how you great people nowadays,Erza-style XD!

"Erza!"Gray yelled out.Shocked to find out that the Scarlet-haired woman was able to find him.'Damn, Erza's like a bloodhound!"Gray thought.

"Gray-sama!"Juvia yelled as Erza was in her Heavens Wheel Armor."Oi,Erza,Don't fight here!"Mira yelled out from the Register.

"Fight?Let's do this,Gajeel!"Natsu said,as he threw away the tray of food that were on his hands."Gihee!"Gajeel replied as both dragon slayer fought.

"This is gonna be a huge disaster."Lucy sighed heavily as she massaged her temples.

So,In the end.Everything turned into a huge disaster,Fairy Tail was once again charged due to all the damage they caused.Let's see,they destroyed a total of 14 buildings and 2 establishments.

This was the best date ever,don't you think?



Fea:I can't believe this is the last chappy ●︿●

Angel:Awe,But can you at least make a epilogue for us?

Kathy:Yeah,Just 2 Epilogues?

Rose:Hell no,only 1.Plus I'm busy working on the Shipping wars epilogue.

Angel:3 epilogues.


Fea:25 000 000

Rose:Sheesh.I'll make two epilogues for this,happy now.Fea?

Fea:Yes.Yes I am and where are the FT members?

Rose:Oh yeah.They're playing  the game 'eyes' in the basement and Natsu,Sting and the other Dragon slayers are playing Slenderman:Arrival in the woods behind the studio.

Kathy:I'm gonna join them.I wanna see who the proxy's gonna be!*Runs out to join them*


FT members in the basement:HE'S THERE!!!

Rose:I'm gonna join them kids!*leaves*

Angel:Dance Central?

Fea:Hell yeah!


(Sting,Natsu and the others)

Natsu:*Shines flashlight on bush*Damn,where the hell is that Proxy?

Kathy:This is Freaking scary!

Rogue:Hey isn't that-

Everybody:The Proxy!

Laxus:*Takes the flashlight from Natsu*Bitch,you can't-*Suddenly the flashlight runs outta battery*Bitch,Run for your lives!



Thanks for all the votes and comments minna,I really appreciate it.I'll see you all in my next book!!!This last chappy is dedicated  to all of my readers who read this book.

Love ya!







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