♥CTGW CHAPTER 3:It's Just A House Right?!♥

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 ♥CTGW CHAPTER 3:It's Just A House Right?!♥

★Lucy's P.O.V★

 Words do describe these people behind me.Hmm,Oh,I know!The're Idiotic,Stupid Assholes.

Yeah,that's what they are.There are no other words that can't describe them.Unless,If I find better words to use to insult them.Please,just put them in the comment box.So,when I write a letter to either one of them,I can use those words to insult them.

"Lucy~"I heard Natsu said as he carried Sting on his back.Wonder why?I knocked out Sting really hard.Until now,he hasn't woken up.Maybe we should try dumping him in a pond or something,maybe that'll wake him up.

♥With Levy,Lisanna and......Gajeel♥

"Lisanna,you sure this is the right way?"Levy asked as she clung onto Lisanna,who was was smiling brightly,as If everything was alright and nothing bad could ruin her day."Of course Levy,I mean,who would doubt my womanly intuitions?"

"I would."Gajeel replied as the three slowly started sinking in the quick sand."Oh."Was all Lisanna said as she saw that they were already sinking."Let's make sand castles!"Lisanna yelled as she started grabbing a fistful of sand and throwing it at Gajeel.

"Oi,what the heck woman!"Gajeel yelled as he removed the sand from his face."I thought you said you were gonna make sand castles?!"

Lisanna just shrugged and kept on throwing them at Gajeel non-stop."Oi,Lisanna.Stop it!If you don't think of a plan right now,were all gonna die in this quick sand,so please stop messing around and think of a plan to get us outta here."Levy said as she glared at Lisanna who just eyed at her.

As for Lisanna,she just eyed the blue haired girl and threw her a sandball."I have no Idea what you said,but your face was funny!"Lisanna yelled as she pointed at Levy's face.Lisanna laughed for an hour,until she finally stopped.

"Ok,Gajeel,pull us out."Lisanna said as she turned back only to see Gajeel gone."You traitor!"Lisanna yelled as she tried to remove herself from the quicksand,but in the end she failed.I wonder how they're gonna get out?

★Lucy's P.O.V★

Ok,this has to be the third worst day of my life!First,Natsu and Sting started fighting and all of a sudden,they 'accidentally' pushed me off the hill.They both came running after me,but then Sting tripped on something.Which made him fall on Natsu and they both ended up rolling down with me.

Now look,Where we are!This place is scarier than Erza and Mira combined!

"Oi,Sting,did you see that?"I heard Natsu asked as he pointed at something somewhere.

"See,what?"Sting asked as he tried to look at whatever Natsu was pointing at."I don't see it."I stated as I went closer to the boys.I saw nothing,but just dead tress and a mist that covered the whole area,that's all.It's not like he saw a ghost,right?

"Oi,Natsu.This isn't funny!"I yelled,after I heard some sticks breaking."What?"Natsu asked as he eyed me and I noticed that I was really close to him,so I backed away a little bit.I heard the sound again.Ok,I'm freaking out!

"Oi,Luce.Calm down,nothings gonna happen."He said as he brought me closer to his chest,I blushed at this sudden action,I quickly pulled away;The blush was still visible on my face.

After,I pulled away,I heard the same sound I heard before."Natsu,Sting,Lucy."A voice said and all of a sudden,we saw a hint of white,somewhere in the mist.Ok,I think this the perfect time to run for our lives.

"Ghost!"Sting yelled as He and Natsu took my hand and they both dragged me away from the so called ghost.


♥Camping Trip Gone Wrong(Nalu,Jerza,Gruvia,Gale)♥Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora