The School For Good And Evil...

By SpiritIgloo329

4.9K 56 83

Because owo >> Contains: • Random BL ships of SGE characters that I think looks cute. • AUs!! • Spoilers... More

HI! Before we start..
Tedros x Chaddick #1
Filip x Aedgar [RQ][GB]
Tedros x Hort #2 [AU]

Tedros x Hort #1

1.3K 22 30
By SpiritIgloo329

If the setting's wrong then I apologize. Let's just pretend they're... there XD


Hort rushed to the canteen with excitement. He finally gets to see Sophie again after one long day of boring classes.

He swiftly ran through a crowd of students and straight towards the cafeteria doors.

He scanned the place to find Sophie and there she was, sitting on a table next to Agatha.

Hort rejoiced. He didn't even bother to get his food he went immediately to Sophie's side. "Hey Sophie-" before he finished his sentence, a blonde young teen bumps into him. "Dude! Watch your way!" Hort fought before looking into some deep blues eyes and realized. It was Tedros, the future king of Camelot. This info didn't back him down however. He wanted to prove Sophie that he's better than this typical looking blonde.

Tedros stared back at the weasel's dark eyes, "Sorry." He simply said and went off to the rest of the everboys.

What?! That was boring! That wasn't enough for Sophie! Hort thought, disappointed on Tedros's choice of words.

He turn to the green eyed nevergirl to realize she wasn't even looking at him, she was looking at the boy from Camelot.

Hort got pissed. Instead of going to Sophie, he ran off on his own instead.

Heading off to the field, he kicked off sand from the ground, the stones flying everywhere.

"Stupid princey with his stupid beautiful face." He mumbles under his breath, insulting and at the same time complimenting the crown prince.

"Why thanks." A voice says from behind a tree. Hort jumped and looked around to see where the voice came from. It was blondie.

Hort looked in confusion, "What the hell are you doing here princey?!" He asked in despise. Tedros looked busted but smiled anyway. "This is the field, both Evers and Nevers can be here." He bluntly answers to the weasel. Hort pouted. "Psshh! Yeah right!" He mocks, "It's in the middle of lunch! Why are you suddenly here?!"

Tedros looks at Hort with a cheeky smile. "Why are you here?"  He asked back at Hort. Hort looked pissed. "I'm here because of you Princey! You think you can interfere with me and get all the pretty girls in the school. Well guess what!? I disagree! Because I'll end up with Sophie no matter what it takes!" Hort spat at him with determination before walking back towards Evil's towers. But before he enters, Hort saw Tedros staring at him. He looked so... speechless.

Hort didn't get to eat much that night, he just kept thinking of ways to get to Sophie, but on each idea he knew, it wouldn't work. He kept thinking, laying back on his bed with his frog pajamas on until his eyes got tired and fell asleep.


In the middle of the night, Hort woke up and decided to suddenly write a simple love letter, incase he ran out of plans and decided to go cheesy.

He wrote..


I like you! Okay?! I really do, I would literally do anything for you! I love you.

Hort stopped, this wasn't a love letter, this was a begging letter. He crumpled it and threw it out somewhere he didn't even bother to look where it went.

He started to write again,

Hi Sophie!

"What?! No! This is supposed to look romantic Hort!" He argued to himself and threw the paper away.

He wrote once more, but each time he hated the way he started it.

He finally stood up noticing the sun was about to come and went outside his room to see a fellow Never. He did and it was Ravan. "Hey! Do you have a dictionary?" Hort asks desperately. "Why in the world would you think I have a dictionary, huh?" He retorted, Hort tilted his head "I don't know, just asking..." he shrugs. But Ravan just gave Hort a judging stare and slowly gave him a dictionary from under his coat.

"Oh thanks!" He says receiving the book. Before going inside he stopped "Wait! Ravan! This isn't magical or anything, is it?"
Ravan grimaced, "Everything here is magical Hort." He answered before going down the halls.

Hort went back inside and opened the book and before he could, it started talking, with the pages as it's tounge and the cover as it's lips, it said "What word do you wish to look for?" Which sounded like a young woman.

Hort poker faced at it before answering, "Uhh I guess.. synoyms for 'like'?"
The pages started flipping and showed the synonyms to Hort. He got giddy and grabbed a paper and a pen, but was still mind-blocked even after all thsoe synonyms. "Ughh! Why don't you help me with a love letter instead?!" He asks, and the book immediately reacts, "Very well."
It started spewing words out to Hort that might help him create a romantic letter. Until he ended up with..

Dear Sophie,

I know you hear this alot but, I have interests in you that you could never understand, feelings that make my head go crazy to the point where I believe, that I love you. Your blonde hair, your beautiful face. I will do anything for you. I'll devote my entire life to you. Please, accept this confession. My dearest Princess.

Hort smiled at his work, it was short but worth it, he turned to the book who was already asleep on the ground.

He picked up the dictionary and kept the letter in his drawer.

Hort went on to boring classes and some classes good because Sophie was there.

But the only other time he can get to hang out with Sophie was on lunch time. So on his last class he just couldn't wait and jump of his seat.

The bell rang and Hort was the first out the door.

Heading to the cafeteria, he looked around for Tedros incase he was near Sophie to interfere again. He wasn't. Good.

Hort ran to Sophie with a huge "Hey Sophie!"

Sophie and Agatha looked it him, "Uhh hi? Who's this?" Agatha greeted back while asking Sophie who the weasel was. Sophie shook her head and shrugged.

Hort's big smile died right away. How could Sophie just shake away the fact that she knew Hort.

Hort held his frustration. And looked back at Sophie, and she was looking right back... at the Camelot Prince.

Hort started stomping away and back to the field with so much more anger this time.

"I HATE YOU PRINCE!" He yelled.

"Sorry" someone replied. Hort this time had no doubt it was Tedros. "Why the hell are you here again?!"

Tedros stepped out the shadows, "I saw you ran away frustrated earlier." He said. "SO?! Since when was this you problem?! Especially to a NEVERBOY!" He yells.

Tedros walked closer. "I just wanted to let you know that I have no interest in Sophie, in fact, on any girls right now." He spoke, getting Hort' attention. "So you have her all to you now."

Hort's eyes glistened. "I could even offer help if you want?"
Hort laughed, "Hah! Why would I need help from you?!"
Tedros smiled, "Because from what I suspect, Sophie has interests in me, so I could probably give you advices on how to be more prince-like." He answered to Hort.

Hort pouted, "Whatever prince!" And ran back inside.


The next day's lunch break, Hort this time simply grabbed his food and went straight back to his room, Until he encountered Castor and Pollux "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING NEVERBOY?!" Castor yelled as usual, "Im heading back to my room sir." Hort said after being spat at. "Very well then." Pollux said calmly.

Hort went on until he passed a window to see a blonde walking around the clearing. At first he thought it was Sophie, but then he realized, it's more likely to be Tedros.

He held his meal tightly as he stared down on the prince while thinking about Sophie.

After eating his lunch he ran straight to the clearing and met with Tedros who was still sitting by the tunnel of trees. "Hey! Princey!" He called getting Tedros' attention.

"Oh hey Weasel-"
"Shut up. Only Sophie can call me that." He immediately cuts.
"So what is it I have to do to make Sophie like me?!"
Tedros smiled.


"Be charming. Look very gentle towards her and keep your cool, words and smiles are a translation for attractive to a woman's heart." Tedros spoke leaving Hort tilting his head. "I've done that. It doesn't work." Hort said in confusion.
"Maybe you're doing it wrong."
"Excuse me?"

Tedros walked closer to the Neverboy and fixed his hair a bit. Hort looked up to the prince seeing his blue glistening eyes as he fixed his hair. No one can really deny the beauty of the prince, not even the raven haired boy.

Tedros looks back at Hort's staring eyes and smirked. "I know, I'm handsome." He says to Hort whose lovestruck face turn to a frown pushing Tedros away.

Tedros chuckled and poked the weasel's forehead. While Hort pouts and heats up. He doesn't know if he's blushing of frustration or because of the prince.

Either way, Hort demanded for Tedros to stop laughing and start with it already.

Tedros thought Hort all sorts of stuff that Sophie would like in a boy.

As much as Hort wanted to, Tedros refused to let Hort change himself entirely. While Hort excused "This is what Sophie wants!! So I'll be it!"

Day one wasn't bad, Tedros let Hort borrow some of his uniforms.
Hort walked around the school with it leaving girls staring and love struck at the Neverboy's appearance.

Day two was communication. Tedros taught Hort some Number one, pick up lines. In which Hort used to some Evergirls. Some chuckled, some blushed, some were even wantiing him.

Whenever they meet up Tedros seem to get happier. Seeing Hort come for him every lunch break. Everytime he teaches him, he enjoys the time.

"Hmm.. try this." Tedros said proceeding to push Hort's hair back.
Tedros' smile turn to a shock. Hort looked like he was ready to be coronated or something. Tedros and Hort stared to each other until Tedros broke the awkwardness and shook his head.. "Uhh yeah. Keep it like that" he says as his hands fell back to his lap. "Your hair looks good pushed back.


A few days of changing later. Tedros did not like the person he made. He was too confident, too douchy, too...... Tedros.

This wasn't the Neverboy he met, and liked from the very start.

Because a yesterday proved to him.

"Hi Sophie!" Hort greeted as he gave the blonde Nevergirl a Rose, Sophie cringed but once she saw the boy, her eyes sparkled. Hort looked like a dark prince with his clothing looking formal unlike their normal uniform. Sophie took the flower. Then Hort proceeded to sit next to her and smile. Sophie has never seen a Neverboy so charming before. She started getting flirty as well.

Hort and Sophie went on but at the distance was Tedros. Tedros who should be proud, was furious at the sight.

Tedros sat alone beside the tunnel of trees. Tossing rocks that he found around him. He heard faint footsteps from the distance. From.. the Evil school. He looked up to see Hort running towards him. "Yo Princey! I did it! Sophie and I are dating!" He cheered but Tedros just smiled. "Look, I just wanted to... to-" Hort starts refusing to say the word. "Y'know what I mean!"

Tedros looked up at the weasel and frowned, "I don't like this Hort." He starts. Hort being the pup that he is tilts his head. "What?"
"I don't like what you've become!" Tedros yelled at the weasel.

Hort stepped back. "Oh? Well I like what I've become! And you can't change that because I choose to stay like this! Remember Tedros," He paused. "You made me." Hort finished as he starts to stomp back inside.

"Hort!" Tedros yelled. "Hort! Wait! Listen to me!"

Hort didn't look back continued walking.

For the past few days Hort held hands with Sophie, which wasn't a suprise to Nevers, but obviously pissed some Evergirls off.

Why does she always get the good ones?

They whispered.

Hort literally felt like a Tedros, holding hands with the one he wants. But he felt incomplete, like he wasn't satisified.

Hort and Sophie parted for the night. The blonde leaving Hort with a flying kiss. Hort blushed and turned before thinking of it.. maybe because they haven't kissed. Maybe that's why he felt incomplete.

Hort turned back and grabbed on Sophie's wrist, she turned to see Hort's face closing into hers. Sophie stepped back in hesitation, giving her time to look at her boyfriend. He really has changed. Changed to the point it's so ideal to her for some reason.

She let the kiss happen. Hort felt it, he was finally happier than before.

But for the rest of the night. He still felt like something was missing. He glanced down his window where he saw a view of the clearing and Good's tunnel of trees. A vision of Tedros sitting on the field flashed before his eyes.

Hort felt tingly. Like somehow, Tedros was the missing piece.


The next day, Hort woke up tired. The sleep didn't help at all. Yet the moment his feet touched the ground he remembered. He's with Sophie! What else is he looking for? He quickly fixed himself removing his frog pajamas and into his princey uniform.

Him and Sophie walked down the halls with intertwined hands again. Getting disgusted looks from the Nevers.

Fast forward to lunch time. Sophie headed first to the cafeteria with Agatha and Hort just following a little bit behind.

It was all going so well, until Hester bumped into Sophie. Hester's demon reacted with a hiss before attacking at the blonde. "AHH! Hester! Your demon!!!"

Hester was surprised on the fact that the demon managed to get out of her neck on it's own but at the same time entertained.

The demon started scratching on Sophie's arms and thats when Hester decided to stop the red creature. But before she can command it, Hort jumped in and tried to pull the demon himself. The demon then started attacking Hort making him fall to his butt and cover his face with his arms.

Hort tried to cover his cries by the sheer pain the demon is causing. Until he heard someone unsheath a sword.

"NO!" Hester screamed, grabbing her demon away and commanding it back into her skin.

Hort looked up seeing Tedros stand behind him with a sword on his hand.

Hort quickly stood beside Sophie. "Tedros! What the hell?! You could've killed her!" Hort yelled at the prince.
"What?" Tedros blurts.
"The demon is connected to me, blondie!" Hester explained before walking away, shaking a little, after she and her demon almost died. Who wouldn't be shaken?

Tedros looked back at Hort. Hort looking back madly. Tedros sighed, "I just wanted to help you." Tedros said, specifying that he intended to save Hort and maybe Hort only.

Before Hort could say anything, Sophie replied instead "Aww Teddy, it's okay! We know your intentions." She said with the weird girly voice.

Sophie continued walking with Agatha to the cafeteria, calling Hort along with them.

Hort walked pass Tedros and Tedros immediately grabbed on the weasel's wrist. Hort turned "What?!"
Tedros stayed to look on the opposite direction. Refusing to make aye contact. "Hort please." He starts, pleading for some reason. "Meet me later at the clearing."

"Why should I?!" Hort asks. That's when Tedros' blue eyes looked into dark ones. "It'll be the last, I swear." He spoke before letting go and walking away.

Hort stood there, thinking if he should go or not. He obviously didn't want to since he wanted to hang with his girlfriend more. But his gut told him he should atleast give the prince a chance. Once he thought of it, it didn't felt like a fifty-fifty choice. It's like he wanted to do the other more than what he thought he would prefer.

Hort later excused himself leaving Sophie with Agatha.

He quickly ran down the steps to the prince. For the first time in a while. He felt... actually relieved to see Tedros sitting by the tunnel of trees again.

"Uhh, hey Princey!" He calls to the boy sitting on the grass.
"What is it huh?" He asks as he sat down beside the blonde. Tedros looked at him right in the eye. "Hort, I like you."

Hort froze, his face blushing "Wha-"
"You're a good friend, I mean.. I considered you one." Tedros stammered feeling his ears heat up. Why does this sound like a love confession?

Tedros looked away, "I enjoyed my time with you Hort. Even if-" Tedros stopped. Leaving Hort curious on what was the cut out word.

Tedros shook his head, "I.. I'm sorry Hort of Bloodbrook." He starts.

Hort was now confused , what is he apologizing for?
"I'm sorry I've turn you like this." Tedros finished as he silently stood up and walked away.

Hort didn't know if he should be guilty or furious. Tedros basically said that he regretted helping him.

But the guilt filled him so much. Tedros really felt that apology. And now Hort might never see the prince's face again. After all the help Tedros gave. Hort will just leave him with a disappointed face.

Hort looked down on the grass.
Was Sophie really worth it?

He runs back to Sophie after contemplating for a while.
"Hort?! Where have you been?! I needed help on sooo much of my homework." She said shoving all the papers to Hort's chest. By that she means leaving all the work to him.

Hort frowned at all the papers on his arms. How did he fall for this girl again? Because she's pretty? No.. it's because he can see himself in her. A girl who was misunderstood. Yet Hort forgot a difference. Sophie gets what she wants, Hort doesn't. Sophie is often ungrateful, and Hort settles with anything he gets.

Hort looked at Sophie. All his thoughts from the clearing made him sure.
Sophie turns to him with an angelic smile like always. But Hort could see through it. Sure she loved him, because he looked ideal and was a perfect servant for her.

"I...." He starts clenching the papers. "I'm not doing your homework Sophie." He said and shoved it all back to her. "Ah?! Hort, you're my boyfriend! You'd help me riight?!" Sophie said pleadingly with her innocent eyes. Hort glared at the blonde. "No... you'll just make me do all of it like you always do. Like I'm your slave." He spoke before he walked away to his dorm room.

Sophie stood there with the papers on her arms. Her jaw dropped wide open.

Hort shut the doors with a loud bang. He sighed heavily, "I... can't believe
.. I. Did. That." He breathed as he slowly crouched down.

He starts to quietly tear up.. before standing back up to his table while the obvious stains from his tears remained on his cheeks. He sat down and decided to do his own homework. He opens the drawer and sees, the letter he and the dictionary worked on a few days ago. He sighed sadly knowing how much he put work into this only to discard of it.

Looking back at the love letter, he felt strange as he read the words, a feeling he never felt when thinking of Sophie. He thought of some other blonde.

He shook his head. It was ridiculous of him to think Tedros would ever make him feel such a way. But it's the truth. He felt so incomplete without seeing Tedros every lunch. He should probably try seeing him again. Wait.. no. After the talk earlier. He could not see him right away.

Hort waited a few days, days of isolation. Sophie took what Hort said as a break up and Hort was honestly glad he was free. He thought all he needed was Sophie, but he was so wrong.

On lunch, Hort looked down the clearing from the halls. Checking if any blonde prince was sitting around. He couldn't see him. Either he isn't at the right angle or Tedros really isn't there at all.

Hort looked down to hus feet and just assumed it was the first theory. He hurried down to the clearing and ran to Good's tunnel of trees. Turns out the second theory was a bingo. Tedro's wasn't sitting there.. or anywhere.

That's because the young prince was standing behind the trees' shadows. He looked at the neverboy, why is he here?

Tedros felt delighted to see Hort, but confused as well. Did things didn't go right for Hort and Sophie? Questions filled his mind, and he seeks answers.

Hort turned to the prince, his eyes glistening in relief, he felt....... happy, after all those days. "Tedros.."

The two walked closer to each other. Almost too close until Hort stepped back a little. "Hort.. what- did.. something happen-"
"No.. nothing, I.." Hort paused, a little ashamed. "I broke up with Sophie." He said, a bit shaken. Tedros looked at the now blushing Hort. Probably because he felt defeated and embarrassed, but Tedros couldn't be happier. "Hort.. I..." he blurts trying to be sympathetic.

Hort looked up at Tedros , "Uhh.. when you apologized to me.. y-you didn't have to... I-" he played with his fingers. A little flustered. "I'm.. sorry."

Hort looked away. Tedros didn't know if he should feel bad or..

He messied Hort's hair.

..or to be inlove.

Tedros knew he did when he bumped into the neverboy weeks ago. He felt the electricity between them. Hort may not notice it since he's a Never, but Tedros felt it all over his body when he looked into those dark eyes.

That day Tedros couldn't help but follow the raven haired to the clearing. Thats when this all happened.

Hort blushed and he couldnt stop. Tedros didnt even try to hide it. "Hort,  you didn't have to." Tedros says as he pats on the boy's shoulder. "Also... You broke up with her?" Tedros asks his face filled with suprise and confusion. Hort nodded with a crooked smile. "Jeez Hort, I thought you wanted her." Tedros mocked chuckling a bit.

Hort looked down. "Yeah.. I thought so too." He mentions before looking back again. Every eye contact was so electrifying that it made Hort wanna step closer to the prince.

"Hey.. Princey..." the weasel started... his entire face turning into a shade of red. "I.." Tedros' face lit up, his eyes shined, waiting to whatever Hort was going to say. "I'm just.. so glad that I bumped into you." He said smiling at Tedros. Tedros' light glooming down.
"You're a great friend too Tedros."
Tedros hand fell from Hort's shoulder to hitting his lap.

"That's all?" Tedros asked with a smirk.

Hort looked up, confused. "Wh-- What else do you want Princey?!?!" He asked back feeling annoyed.

Tedros looked down on the blushing manwolf. And smiled geniunely. Like he couldn't hold it back anymore.

He laughs. "Hort..." he says putting his hands on Hort's cheeks, inching their faces closer. "Pri- Ted..ros?" Hort whispers.

Tedros' eyelids slowly closed, whole Hort's eyes are wide open. As the prince closed the space between them, and kissed the neverboy.

Hort's wide eyes remained open. Until he eventually kissed back and closed his eyes. Placing his hand on top of Tedros'

The Neverboy... finally... felt... complete.. satisfied. This kiss. Something he never thought he needed. Made him more alive than before.

Tedros pulled away. Breathing heavily from their long kiss. His eyes flicker open, seeing his beloved Hort. Faced down, ears blushing. "I love you." He states. Not caring anymore. Because that kiss back already told him.

Hort's head quickly looked up to the Camelot Prince. Their hands still on top of each other. Tedros smiles. "When I told you.. a few days ago that I liked you, that was a lie. Because.." Tedros plays with Hort's spikey hair. "Becausd I feel more than just like.. Hort."

Hort's eyes glistened. "Tedros you-" he starts.. cutting himself of. Thinking of what he's about to say.. "you.. make me feel... complete."

Tedros, surprised by his confidence to say it.. felt nothing but happiness inside. He laughs and smiles, his face has never looked more inlove. He hugs his new boyfriend. Hort saying "I love you too."

Both boys hung out for while under the trees. The sun's light glowing through the leaves. Both had genuine smiles on their faces. As Hort's head lay on the shoulder of his prince.

"Will we tell anyone?" The wolf boy asked. Tedros frowned. "I'm not sure, but soon.." He hugged Hort closer. "We're gonna have to.."

Hort held the prince's hand on his shoulder. "I'm.. scared, Tedros." He said quietly. "I know. But I'm with you okay? No matter what."

Hort smiled. For the first time he was reassured by someone who actually loves him.


Weeks passed and eventually Tedros started sneaking in Hort's bedroom with morphing. It's also when he found the letter. The letter to Sophie. Only he noticed something.

The Sophie on the letter was scratched out by a pen. And faintly he can see his name.. on top of it. With princess down below turned into prince.

"Hort... when did you write this?" He asked handing the letter to his boyfriend with a little blush on his ears. Hort who was sitting on his bed suddenly flushed red. "I.. wrote this way before we started meeting each other at lunch."

He stared at the letter, and sighed. "I scratched it  when we started going out... and I was too... shy.. to give it."

Tedros smiled at his flustered boyfriend. "Well, now that I saw it." He sat next to Hort and kissed his cheek. "Thanks."

Hort smiled. Placing the letter away.

Suddenly.. Hort pulled Tedros for kiss falling to his back on the bed. Tedros laughed and they continued making out. They couldn't be more happier.

No one knows when people will find out. When they'll confess to people they love. And most importantly, if Tedros' people will accept two kings ruling over them.

But to the two young boys. It doesn't matter for now. They want and love each other and that's what matters for them.

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