Tedros x Chaddick #1

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Takes place at early Book 4


Tedros went back in the Camelot castle with Chaddick beside him. After finishing his quest in Avalon Tedros begged for Chaddick to visit him. It was only a few days ago when Agatha and him broke up.

Agatha felt as if she wasn't loved anymore and that Tedros didn't need her as his Queen in Camelot. She walked into Tedros' room with no hesitation. "Tedros." She starts. Tedros turned to her. "Agatha. Why are you here?"

Agatha walked towards the half-king. "I'm leaving tomorrow." She stated. Leaving Tedros wide-eyed. "Wh..what?"

Agatha gave a cold glare. "I'm going back to the School. I'm going back to Sophie." She followed. Tedros walked closer to whom he thought was going to be his queen. "Agatha... wh-"
"Why?! Tedros, we haven't been in touch for six months! Do you even remember me??"

Tedros kept quiet. Staring down on his..... Agatha.

"Do you even love me?!"

The day after she left. Tedros felt alone. He felt as if being king isn't even worth it. He didn't know who to love or even how to. He still has Guinevere, Lancelot, and Merlin. Even if the wizard hasn't shown himself to the young king ever since the coronation. He considered him his loved ones. But now he's missing somebody. Somebody to accompany him while the three were gone, somebody he could love to let out his stress. Agatha leaving was the worst. He didn't know who else he could hung around with.

There is Lady Gremlaine. But she'd just tell Tedros what he has to do. She's not somebody who would lend a shoulder to cry on.

Until he heard that his best friend since first year has finished his quest. Tedros couldn't be more excited to see Chaddick. He immediately called Chaddick to come over. And he made it.

"Chaddick, how did the quest go?" Tedros asks, excited to hang out with the friend he knew to already be his knight.

"It was obviously isolating, but it worked out." Chaddick answered.

Tedros smiled. He obviously still felt down after what happened. But he couldn't be more happier to see someone who'd stay by his side no matter what.

"Are you okay Tedros?" His knight asked. He didn't realize but his mind was on another world and almost ran into a pillar. "Ah! Y-yeah.. Just stressed you know.." he excused. Yet the truth is he's about to fall into depression until Chaddick came home.

"I'm glad you're here Chaddick."
Chaddick's head jolt to his highness. He couldn'te resist his smile. To have his bestfriend by his side without his stupid girlfriend getting in the way of their bonding time.

However something bothered him. Tedros deep eyebags, his pale skin, his dull eyes. He hated seeing him like this. His smile died quick and was just full of worry.

"Tedros.. you should rest."
"What?! But you just came! I cant-" Tedros trailed off. Stopped dead in his tracks and started squinting his eyes like a sudden headache hit him "I cant.. leave..-" Tedros fell hard on the floor.

"Tedros!!" Chaddick yelled. Acting quickly and carried Tedros himself to his room.

After minutes of walking around the huge castle. He found Tedros' room. Finally.

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